The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

“Stop talking nonsense.”


Even though Kyra was angry, she couldn‘t maintain her usual composure. She kept avoiding Britia’s gaze, which was fixed on her.


“Why should I?”


When Britia suggested going to their house, for a moment, Kyra almost retorted, “Is that really okay?”


“Since we don’t have any supplies at our house, we need to gather everything we need.”


Kyra brushed off Britia’s hand, and she was surprised by how roughly she pushed her away.


“What are you talking about?”


Britia couldn‘t even meet Kyra’s eyes, and as she watched Kyra raise her voice, she was reminded of the rebellious days of her younger brother, Leon.


He used to be afraid after getting angry and worried that he might have hurt his sister. Yet, he would still get angrier without having the courage to apologize.


“Do you want to show off how well your family gets along with me? Do you think I‘d envy that? No way. Because I’ve lived my whole life like this, seeing people like you gives me chills!”


Just like that, she spat out words that would deliberately cause more pain.


“I don‘t care what you think of our house. You’re the one who said you can‘t paint here. So, let’s paint at our house.”


Kyra hesitated for a moment. If Britia‘s suggestion didn’t seem tempting, it would be a lie.


“When Rutherford wakes up, he’ll immediately try to call Father and have me brought back. He’ll claim that I attacked him.”


But even if she escaped from this place for a while, what would change? Kyra knew that she would eventually be dragged back and subjected to even harsher treatment.


“If Duke Scandars asks me to release you, I‘ll answer that I won’t send you until the painting is completed.”


Kyra couldn’t understand what she was saying.


“By being out of Robley’s favor, your position has become difficult. But you still want to clash with the Scandars?”


At the mention of Robley‘s name, Britia’s shoulders twitched for a moment.


“…That’s our situation, not your concern. Since when have you cared about Lockhart?”


Britia let out a mocking laugh.


“Let’s forget about that. So, are you just going to give up and stand here idly until your brother wakes up? Is that what you really want?”


Kyra chuckled in response to the provoking question.


“Does it look like Lockhart here?”


She said that because she didn’t know how strict, biased, and indifferent Duke Scandars could be to his children. If Britia found out, she would tremble in fear.


“Do we look as eerily harmonious as your family? Maybe I can‘t understand because my head isn’t a flower garden, but that’s how it is here.”


Kyra was startled by the words that came out without her realizing it. She couldn’t take back the words she had uttered and could only bite her trembling lips.


Compared to the venomous remarks she usually spewed, this was nothing. However, she felt a sense of guilt for saying such terrible things.


“So, what I mean is, sparks will fly between you and me, whether you like it or not.”


Kyra took a step back and glanced at the unconscious Rutherford sprawled on the floor.


“No matter how much of a trash he may be, he is the eldest son of this house, my father‘s heir and representative. Whatever happens, it’s me who rebelled against him, the representative.”


So, no matter how much Britia had helped her, she could end up being the one in the wrong.


“I‘ll handle the situation, so you need to leave this place quickly. Forget that you saw anything today and pretend you didn’t come here.”


She felt the opportunity, which had seemed within reach just a few hours ago, slipping away forever. But Kyra had to send Britia away.


Despite hating coming here, thanks to her daily visits, Kyra had worked the hardest on her paintings in her entire life for a week. It had been frustrating when the paintings didn’t come out as she wanted them to.


But now, looking back, what a valuable experience it had been.


“I was harsh earlier. I didn‘t want to see you, who helped me, get hurt. I’m grateful to you.”


The only way to repay Britia, who had given her such an experience, was to say that she had hit Rutherford to prevent any sparks from flying between them.


“If it‘s a proper farewell, I’ll do it later.”


“Weren’t I here because you wanted to paint?”


However, Britia looked straight at her and asked.


Kyra should have immediately answered, saying that she had completely given up.


“If you give up like this, then all the effort I put into coming here for a week would be in vain!”




“If the Duke Scandars gets angry, beg him to think that I thought he was a thief. Well, because I really thought he was a thief.”


Kyra was dumbfounded by the lack of a plan in Britia’s words.


‘Does she truly believe that Father will let it slide with that kind of answer? What on earth is this woman believing in to say such things?’


“Even if Duke Scandars is terrifying, do you think he would kill me just because I took you away for a few days?”


She had to say no. But those words wouldn‘t come out, and Kyra felt as if she were about to die. She couldn’t turn away the hand that was extended to her.


How many times in her ignorant childhood had she dreamed of someone taking her hand and running away from this house?


“I’ll go.”


Britia firmly grabbed Kyra’s hesitant hand.


In the end, with one hand holding a bag and the other hand holding Britia’s hand, Kyra left her small house behind. The bag was filled only with drawing materials like pencils, paints, and brushes, without any clothes or precious items like jewelry.


“When I heard that people from the southern region have warm hands, I thought it was nonsense. Why are your hands so warm?”


Kyra spoke without thinking, knowing that her own hands were too cold. Then Britia, who had been running through the garden, turned back to look at Kyra.


‘Is it because she rarely goes outside the house?’


When Kyra‘s eyes met Britia’s, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the dazzling sunlight behind her. It was clear that it was not Britia Lockhart, but a woman named Britia, who held her hand, not a goddess.


Yet, at this moment, why did Kyra feel it so profoundly dignified and confused?


“I’ve always been told that I have a high body temperature as if I was born in a furnace.”


Britia burst into laughter at Kyra, who seemed lost in thought.


Well, maybe that’s true.


Kyra, seizing the opportunity, muttered under her breath.


It was when the two of them, walking a little faster, were heading towards the stable where Britia‘s horse was waiting, passing by the front of the mansion. Kyra grabbed Britia’s hand as she walked ahead.


“It‘s Father’s carriage.”


Seeing the carriage that had just arrived, Kyra pursed her lips, commenting on the terrible timing.


“Indeed, it seems like escaping from this house is an inevitable fate.”


“…It might actually be for the better.”


Britia seemed to have a good idea and turned to the side of the building, finding an open window. After briefly checking the corridor to see if anyone was passing by, she entered the mansion through the window.


“You were here all this time, waiting for permission to go to Lockhart today.”




“Not just me, but even you, you’ve never met your intoxicated brother today.”


When Kyra gave her a look that conveyed understanding, she closed her previously parted lips and nodded her head. Essentially, it meant manipulating an alibi.


“To exit through the front entrance, which way should we go?”


Britia, who had never entered the mansion before, looked around hesitantly, so Kyra took the lead.


“Young lady.”


The butler, who had been waiting to receive the Duke, was astonished to see Kyra and Britia coming from inside.


“When did you… continuously come to this side?”


“I had something to discuss with Father, so I’ve been here since morning.”


Kyra raised her chin slightly and looked down at the surprised butler.


“I asked the maid to find out when Father would come and told her to call me, but he never returned. It seems like my orders are not even worth mentioning, don’t you think?”


Kyra’s anger, accompanied by a smug tone, was perfect. She seemed like someone who had been waiting all day and was now infuriated.


The steam of her boiling anger radiated even in front of Duke Scandars.




As the Duke entered the house and handed his coat to the butler, his eyes flickered at the sound of his daughter calling him. Kyra felt his gaze directed towards the bag she was holding.


“I wish you had allowed me to leave the house for a few days.”


The Duke’s face openly displayed annoyance.


“That… Normally, I would seek permission from Rutherford, but isn’t he currently in the fiefdom for his successor training?”


But how can I seek permission from him? Kyra tilted her head questioningly.


“So, I sincerely apologize and have been waiting for you since morning.”


Upon hearing that, the Duke sighed as if he found it truly bothersome and waved his hand dismissively at his daughter.


“I cannot allow it.”




Considering his usual temperament, she thought he would find it bothersome and tell her to do as she pleased. Kyra was quite taken aback.


“You‘re probably planning to engage in some strange antics with Harty again. If you’re a member of this family, instead of engaging in disgraceful behavior that brings shame to the family, just behave yourself.”


“It has nothing to do with Harty!”


“You‘re being noisy. I won’t say it twice.”


The Duke coldly tried to pass by his daughter. However, he stopped when he noticed a pink-haired woman hiding behind her.


“Who are you?”


Britia, whose eyes met with the Duke’s, was startled. For a moment, she thought the man she had just knocked unconscious was standing in front of her. The Duke and Rutherford were similar in terms of their large build and appearance.


“This is Britia Lockhart, the twin sister of Earl Lockhart.”


The Duke, who was about to pass by with a slight displeasure at Britia’s introduction by Kyra, stopped in his tracks.


“I only came to visit the Lockhart estate for a few days.”


“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Grace. I am Britia Lockhart.”


As Britia put on a natural smile with all her might, the Duke’s eyes narrowed.


“Kyra said she would come to paint.”


“Paint? Since when did she start painting?”


The Duke reacted as if he were hearing about his daughter’s painting for the first time.


“I‘ve tried painting a few times when I was bored. Don’t worry, I’ll just quietly paint while staying at the Lockhart estate.”


Although it had been over ten years since she started painting, his indifference was familiar enough. As she spoke, the Duke seemed to ponder for a moment, rolling his eyes, and then nodded.


“If that‘s the case, there’s no reason I can’t allow it.”


The Duke turned to Britia, showing a smile to his daughter for the first time.




The man who appeared cold suddenly spoke in a gentle voice, causing Britia’s eyes to widen. When he extended his hand, she lightly shook it, making a small sound.


“Take care of my daughter.”


Contrary to the word “request,” Britia felt his gaze to be harsh. His smile didn’t feel warm at all.


After finishing his business, the Duke went up the stairs without saying a word about taking care of or having a good trip with his daughter.


Britia, who snapped out of her daze, grabbed Kyra’s arm. The two of them hurriedly left the mansion and got on a carriage.


“I understand why you were worried. He’s really a terrifying person!”


Britia exclaimed, thinking they had almost been caught.


“Hu, huk, sniff.”


Kyra, holding onto Britia’s waist as they rode together, made a sound that was indistinguishable between crying and laughing.


“You’re… really, ha, really, a shameless liar.”


“You’re the one who did all the acting!”


“But it was your idea.”


How could this woman have such an innocent face and yet be capable of deceiving and tricking those people? And to think she found him terrifying.


Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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