The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

   [This method will be more effective for someone taller than her.]


  Sig read in the ‘How to be cute’ book. It was clearly written like that.


  [Above all, the most important thing is to express your emotions honestly without embellishment.]


  And there was also this passage. When it came to expressing himself honestly without pretence, Sig had no problem at all.


  It’s because he had never pretended his true feelings to others in the first place.




  Taking a deep breath, he called out her name and descended a few steps. Just when he felt like he had become shorter than her, he stopped and looked up at her intently.


  Her large pupils gazed down at him with an odd depth as they caught the moonlight.


  “Do you have something to say to me?”


  ‘Why did he keep looking at me so intensely today?’


  There seemed to be some meaning in those eyes, making Britia‘s heart beat faster for no reason. Unlike her mischievous twin siblings who were always playful, Sig was always a serious man in everything he did. Moreover, now there was even determination that wasn’t usually present.




  Suddenly having to look down on the tall man she always looked up to gave her a strange feeling.


  “I am happy when I meet you.”


  He slowly spoke those words.


  “Even though it hasn’t been long since we parted, I hope to see you again and have the luck to run into each other by chance without making separate plans.”


  Britia’s pupils grew bigger. Her face flushed in an instant. She hesitated for a moment on what to say but finally managed to speak.


  “I also enjoy meeting Duke-nim.”


  As she smiled with her eyes half-closed, Sig couldn’t help but hold his breath. She looked so beautiful, and he kept noticing her white dress.


  “But today, I wasn’t as happy as usual.”




  A hint of confusion flickered in Britia’s big eyes.


  “If you weren’t happy, did I do something wrong that upset Duke-nim?”


  “It‘s not because of any mistake you made. It’s just that my clumsy self felt heavy-hearted seeing how happy you seemed with him.”


  The image of Britia with Harty came to mind, causing a lump in Sig’s throat.


  “Lord Slanford?”


  Britia tried to recall who Sig was referring to.


  He was the only person she had spoken with today besides the Crown Prince. Although they had briefly conversed alone, it hadn‘t been that enjoyable. Of course, he slightly resembled her twin brother and felt somewhat familiar in that sense, but it wasn’t at that level.


  “It is Lord Stanford speaking.”


  Upon hearing his name, Britia involuntarily composed herself. Absolutely not. She had never enjoyed a conversation with that man even once; when she was angry or upset about something—she stayed angry.


  ‘But for some reason…he guessed that I was enjoying talking to him?’


  She couldn’t understand why he would say such things and became confused.


  “If you‘re happy, then that’s a good thing. But I couldn’t think of you and him as a good thing when I saw both of you together.”


  Sig wanted to erase the images of the two people that came to his mind.


  “I don‘t care if he’s with another woman. Being with you, I couldn’t see it as something good.”


  Britia’s head instinctively lifted slightly and then lowered, watching him breathe heavily and sigh.


  “In fact, I felt this way at the cafe before. At that time, I didn’t understand why I was feeling like this, but now I realize.”


  Sig glanced briefly at her hand and gently touched her fingers. She seemed surprised for a moment but did not withdraw or refuse his touch.


  “What mattered to me was you.”


  When Sig held her much thinner fingers compared to his own, he could feel his heart pounding strongly. He often experienced these symptoms when he was with her.


  He had tried to find a solution thinking it was just an abnormal symptom before, but now he wanted to enjoy it because even his mood felt good.


  “What matters to me is you.”


  Britia bit down on her lower lip tightly.


  ‘If I were to reject him, I knew that I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. However, I ended up accepting his invitation. No matter how much Harty tried to interfere, he kept coming.’


  ‘I had no choice but to admit it. I wanted to meet him. I wanted to watch a play together. And naturally, I knew it would be enjoyable.’


  “I’ve never enjoyed being with Lord Harty.”


  Britia sensed the fact that she couldn‘t lie while looking into Sig’s eyes.


  “I‘m much happier when I’m with Duke-nim.”


  At that moment, confusion flickered in Sig’s eyes.


  “But you wore the dress he gave you.”


  ‘Ah, so this dress is indeed the problem!’


  Britia frowned for a moment.


  “Seeing your beautiful appearance and realizing that you wore a dress given by him made me feel even more miserable.”


  “This wasn’t given to me by Lord Harty. It was bought in his name but things got complicated and it ended up being mine…”


  Her words didn‘t come out clearly. Sig blinked as if he didn’t understand what she meant.


  “It’s true that Lord Slanford bought it. And he gave it to Kyla. But then Kyra gave it back to me.”


  As payment for lying. Britia swallowed that part down her throat.


  “So, I didn’t receive a gift from Lord Slanford; I received it from Kyra instead because it was already hers.”


  “Kyra? Is she Count-nim’s cousin?”


  Britia nodded quickly.


  “It’s definitely not because I have any significance to Lord Harty that I received a gift from him.”


  “I see.”


  It wasn’t something she received from him. When Kyra drew the line, Sig rolled his eyes and fell into thought for a moment.


  Although it was less burdensome than before since it wasn’t given by Harty, his heart still boiled with anger. Anyway, Harty must have thought Britia looked beautiful. He would have felt proud seeing her in that dress.


  “It seems your jealousy towards him doesn’t subside easily.”


  ‘I never realized what a pathetic man I am.’


  Sig was disappointed at how narrow-minded he could be.




  Britia gently held onto Sig’s hand as she caressed his finger.


  “You said those words out of jealousy towards Count Slanford? Because you wanted to give me the dress?”


  “That’s correct.”


  Seeing Sig obediently nod his head, Britia took a long breath. Her gaze met his directly and intensified their heat even more.


  “I was unhappy when I saw you wearing the dress he likes.”


  “That, I also think that way, so I suddenly dislike my appearance.”


  ‘If I had known that fact beforehand, I would have never worn this.’


  As Britia stood in front of the mirror wearing it, she wanted to tear apart her previous self from a few hours ago who said that the dress was pretty and liked it.


  “I don‘t like how you enjoy being with him more than when you’re with me.”


  Sig said to Britia, whose expression became complicated with regret. He felt a little uneasy, thinking that she was disappointed because of his clumsy jealousy.


  “Even if any other man comes along, no, if only you were happy when you‘re with me…I’m sorry for saying something selfish.”


  Sig stopped himself before he could say anything else and apologized.


  “No, no…um….”


  Britia hesitated about what to say to Sig after confessing his jealousy.


  She didn‘t think wasting energy on jealousy was worth it when it came to Harty. But honestly speaking, Britia didn’t feel bad. Maybe or rather definitely deep down inside her heart there was a sense of satisfaction knowing that Sig felt jealous.


  “So basically, your words are hoping that I should be happiest when I am Duke-nim?”




  Britia took a deep breath and exhaled.


  ‘You’re so cute. How can I not find it adorable when you plead with such desperate eyes?’


  Conveniently, there were no people around. The air was gentle and cool, and the night sky was beautiful. Britia stood on the line of emotions that seemed irreversible once crossed, trying to endure somehow.


  “I said I wanted to help you, but now I can‘t even hear you calling me ‘cute’.”


  Britia was startled when he heard the mention of cuteness.


  “Actually, today I wanted to hear directly from you that I’m cute. But I was wrong. Despite pouring all my practice and studying into it, I fell short.”


  Seeing Sig’s bitter expression, Britia quickly blinked her eyes. 


  ‘Practice or studying? It seemed like I had heard those words before. Moreover…’


  “So you wanted me to say that you’re cute today?”


  Suspecting her ears a bit, Britia asked, and Sig readily admitted.


  “That’s why for several days, I trained things that could make me feel cute.”


  “Training? Where did you learn about it and how did you do it?”


  “I learned it from a book. The reason why I looked at you like this is also a top-secret technique mentioned in there.”


  Sig confessed without any hint of embarrassment about practising such things. And then suddenly Britia’s slightly blushing cheeks rose sharply.


  “The reason why lately…you’ve been looking at me with those kinds of eyes…is it because…you wanted to hear that…you’re cute?”




  “Oh, Duke-nim!”


  Britia suddenly exclaimed loudly causing Sig to widen his eyes in surprise as he looked at her.


  “Why are you answering without even hesitating like this!”


  Britia, who tried not to be swayed by cuteness, was taken aback by Sig’s unabashed appearance.




  Suddenly seeing Britia with her face buried in her hands, Sig stopped breathing. 

‘Is she crying?’


   Indeed, he had revealed his clumsy feelings too straightforwardly. Thinking that he had made her angry and sad, he couldn’t help but feel restless.


  “Duke Turas.”


  She called him as she glanced at Sig through her fingers. Seeing him slightly startled from the surprise and Britia removing her hands from her face as it is, she looked straight into his eyes instead of focusing on his tail.


  “You really put me in a difficult situation.”


  “Did I make things difficult for you?”


  “Yes. If you act like this, I have no choice but to say that you’re cute.”


  Complaining sincerely that it was really troublesome, Britia expressed genuine dissatisfaction.


  “You’re cute.”

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Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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