The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

“Being cute is a must.”


After parting ways with the Britia group at the cafe, Evry returned and spoke in a serious tone. On the other hand, despite the subordinate speaking with enthusiasm, Sig was completely ignoring him, glaring at the space with a serious expression.


“My Lord, are you listening?”


Evry knocked on the table to get his attention. Sig leaned back against the soft chair backrest and moved only his eyes, looking at his subordinate with an indifferent gaze.


“You weren’t listening, were you?”


Evry frowned, feeling displeased, but Sig just turned his gaze away from him and let out a small sigh.




Britia had accepted the invitation to the play. That made Sig very happy. He couldn’t wait for the day of the performance to come.


However, he wasn’t entirely happy at the moment.


“Harty Slanford is handsome.”


When he saved Harty from falling into the river, he didn’t think much of him. He was just someone pretending to know him. But after seeing Britia’s intense gaze directed at him, he suddenly realized that Harty was handsome.


Whether he was handsome or not didn’t matter, but for some reason, he felt uncomfortable. He wanted to relieve this feeling, but he couldn’t figure out why it was uncomfortable, so he couldn’t do anything about it.


“My Lord, for you to say such things…”


Evry nodded in surprise. Sig’s interests had always been focused on strong individuals. Harty, who seemed like someone who wouldn’t break even if someone bumped into him with their shoulder, was far from Sig’s usual interests.


But now he was making such a complicated expression and calling him handsome.


“He always looks dazzling. Although he looked paler under the sunlight than at the party.”


If such a handsome man had feelings for Britia, it was only natural for Sig to be concerned.


Evry nodded, thinking that he understood Sig’s feelings. Moreover, Evry felt the same way.


Naturally, he thought there would be other men who liked Britia. However, he didn’t expect it to be Harty, who was known for being quick in social circles.


Afraid of making a mistake and losing Britia to him, Sig was extremely anxious.



“My Lord, as I mentioned before, to capture Ms. Britia’s heart, you must become a cute and wealthy younger man.”


Marquis Slanford not only had a large port city as his territory but also had vast farmland, so he was wealthy. Evry thought that Sig would have slightly more wealth, but it was difficult to judge if the difference was significant.


“I found out that he is the same age as you. Unlike you, who will turn 24 in November, he was born in December.”


Evry, with a rather frustrated expression, struck his thigh with his fist, saying that he was a month younger.


“Even if you win in wealth, I didn’t expect to be at a disadvantage because of being younger. So all that’s left is cuteness. My Lord, you must be cuter than him.”


“I have to be cuter than Harty Slanford?”


“Because you can’t win based on looks.”


Sig glanced at Evry, who spoke firmly.


“I told you that Miss Britia said you were cute when she saw you at the cafe. I’ve been thinking so hard about what aspect of you she found cute… but…”


Evry touched his chin with a serious expression, but no matter how much he thought, he couldn’t figure it out, so he shook his head in frustration.


If only he could run to Britia and ask her to tell him what she found cute about him. If she told him, he would do whatever it took to improve himself.


“Well, first, it was a situation where My Lord was sitting, and Miss Britia was standing like this.”


Evry stood up from his seat, trying to recreate the situation and looked at Sig. When he met Sig’s stern gaze, he only had doubts about Britia’s taste.


“My Lord, try to act like you think of me as Miss Britia.”


He guessed that Sig must have done something different, something that he didn’t notice, to have looked at him like that.


“Don’t put on a serious face. You weren’t doing that back then, were you?”


When Evry asked him to recall the situation, Sig didn’t comply, but he tried to remember. Maybe at that time, even though he called Britia, he didn’t turn around to look at her.


“It just looked like a big man feeling down… that’s all I saw…”


Thinking back to that time, Sig looked gloomy, and Evry murmured.


“If she finds this cute, then there must be something wrong with Miss Britia’s perception…”


Sig gave Every a stern look as he unintentionally revealed his true feelings.



But honestly, isn’t it the opposite? How can someone who looks like they could kill a person with their gaze be considered cute? Where exactly are you looking? I wanted to ask.


“Please practice a bit more. That’s not it. It’s me; even if you look at me like that, I’ll endure. What will happen if Miss Britia gets scared and runs away?”


When Evry told him to relax his gaze if he didn’t like it, Sig made a groaning sound and half-closed his eyes in response.


“Is this cute?”


“Why do you think opening your eyes wider would make you cuter?”


“That’s how Britia did it. Folding her eyes halfway playfully… well, she had to be funny too.”


As Sig forcibly raised the corners of his mouth, Evry was taken aback. How could such a scary face exist? He worried that she might really run away when she saw him.


“What do you think?”


“If you ask what I think… umm… practising something that would make Miss Britia find adorable doesn’t seem suitable for an inexperienced duke like yourself.”


Evry felt the urge not to say anything in front of her but struggled to speak cautiously because he feared losing Sig’s motivation.


“How should I do things on my level then?”


Since Sig had never thought about anyone other than her being cute before, he had no one else to refer to or take advice from.


“The best thing is for you to practice something that would make Miss Britia find adorable.”


“So basically asking what that is.”


“You should know at least one thing about her tastes! You two have been having tea parties and meeting each other alone!”


You should have noticed at least one thing and caught on to the point, Evry argued. Sig put on a thoughtful expression.


“It’s not easy because time flies too fast when I’m with her.”


“If you say such weak things, Marquis Slanfort will defeat you.”


When Evry let out a snort, Sig flinched. The words “I’ll win” were deeply ingrained in his mind and wouldn’t leave.




At that moment, a knight burst into the room with an excited face reminiscent of something important. He was a knight who had come together from the northern region, but for some reason, Sig hadn’t seen his face recently.


“Evry-nim, I finally found it!”


He held something wrapped in newspaper tightly in his arms and shouted with a delighted expression.



“I found it? No way! Did you succeed in finding it?”




The two of them kept laughing loudly, calling it “that thing,” and embraced each other tightly. They looked at each other and nodded their heads vigorously.


“I asked you for help, but I didn’t expect to actually find it!”


“It was really difficult to find. I didn’t even know such a thing existed, but there were no listings no matter how hard I tried to find it.”


“But how on earth did you manage to find it?”


In response to Evry’s question, he smiled complicatedly and avoided eye contact.


“The problem started with asking the wrong person for information.”


At first, they went to the back alley guild. He paid the appropriate fee there and bought information, but for some reason, the guild gave completely different information. When they arrived at the scene where the item supposedly existed, an illegal auction of living demons was taking place.


Realizing that they had come to the wrong place, they tried to run away but were almost caught by the human attendees who realized they weren’t customers. They rushed back to confront the guild that had given them false information and managed to uncover another piece of information: The item had a certain noblewoman.


“And then?”


Seeing him suddenly stop talking, Evry asked again after hesitating for a moment.


“She said she would sell me that item without needing money; instead she wanted something else in return.”


“Something else?”


“Don’t dig too deep into this. Just understand how much effort I put into this.”


Feeling from his faint smile just how much he had done his best-made tears well up in Evry’s eyes.


“According to that noblewoman’s words… no woman under heaven wouldn’t fall for it.”


“But she has quite unusual tastes. I can’t possibly follow along with that way of thinking.”



“The advice from that lady is that people with any kind of taste eventually reach the same conclusion.”


He carefully handed her the item he had carefully folded in a newspaper.


“I hope my efforts have been helpful.”


“Of course, they will be helpful. It must be so.”


Determined not to let his efforts go to waste, Evry confidently unfolded the thin newspaper and took out a slim book.


“Anyone can become an adorable person to her imagination!”


Evry quickly flipped through the pages and read the precious first line.


Having read up until here, Evry smirked slightly. There was no doubt that he was very proactive.


“While this aspect may be very attractive, if you’re not careful, you could end up looking like an uncontrolled foal charging forward blindly. What I want for you is to become a man who knows how to patiently wait when waiting is necessary.”


Waiting times usually include situations such as when she takes a long time getting ready before meeting you or when she engages in conversation with someone else while being with you or when she says goodbye and sets a date for your next meeting.


If during these times you succeed in not putting her in difficult situations and wait properly without rushing, then she will feel trust towards you and sometimes even find the charm.”


“You find charm in waiting?”


Come to think of it, when she called him cute earlier, he was waiting for her at the cafe after going to the bathroom. Even after returning, although she paid more attention towards Harty than himself at first glance, Sig did not rush and waited for her to turn back towards him.


“It was important that I quietly waited by her side. When it comes to waiting, you are like a duke who can wait for hours without flinching until the monster appears at the target point! ”


Evry began to gain confidence in the book that provided answers to his initial confusion starting from Chapter 1.


“Yeah. Of course. There’s no way she would think you’re cute just by looking at your face! There must have been another reason!”


Evry was glad that there wasn’t an issue with her perception abilities, but Sig felt complicated as it seemed like he was insulting himself.


“From today until the day when My Lord will watch a play with Miss Britia, you have to master everything mentioned in this book and become an adorable person. Prepare yourself to death!”


Whether Sig threatened him with a harsh gaze or not, Evry shouted excitedly.



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Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. Bee says:

    Sometimes I wonder who is smarter here about social ques, the Duke or Evry? I hope we get to see what their married life in the North is like.
    I don’t think that will happen for a long time though. Thank you for the translation.

  2. Eve says:

    Sig is trying so hard!!! Adorable. Girls never settle for less than that!

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