The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

In a tense and perilous fantasy, vivid images kept resurfacing in Britia’s mind. Though reluctant to dwell on the thought, she considered the unexpected reason her twins, Sig and his friends could have become companions – perhaps Crave sought solace from loneliness, Britia mused.

Of course, Crave hadn’t approached the Duke with such intentions, but Harty Slanford was different!

In haste, Britia sought Sig’s figure at the café. Fortunately, his large stature made him easy to spot even while seated.

“Duke Turas-nim!” Britia exclaimed, rushing towards him, catching Sig off guard.

He was having tea with Evry and Hailey, but luckily Harty wasn’t at their table. Yet, Harty sat at the adjacent table, casting heated glances at Sig, making it hard to believe Kyra’s words were completely false.

Was he smiling or…? With a finger to his lips, Harty’s face was obscured, yet his eyes were solely fixed on Sig. Inadvertently, he glanced at Britia, who had rushed onto the terrace, with a gaze that could hardly be interpreted as anything but filled with desires beyond imagination.

“You’ve come.”

Evry smiled warmly at Britia while discreetly monitoring the situation. Sig’s gaze was on Britia, hers on Harty Slanford, creating a triangular sensation. That explained why Harty had been so blatantly staring at Sig.

Harty must have feelings for Britia, and that’s why he’s been targeting Sig for a duel, an absurd misconception!

Misunderstanding wildly, Evry clenched his fist beneath the table.

“Britia, are you alright? I’ve been worried since I couldn’t see you for a while.”

Hearing Harty’s concerned voice, Evry’s misunderstanding deepened. Despite not being part of the group, he had kept watch out of concern. Evry’s mind raced.

Harty Slanford, popular in social circles, wealthy, articulate, and handsome. Could Sig stand a chance against him?

He might be wealthy, but lacked significant social connections, eloquence, and looks. Even if he tried to charm as a cute, younger man with money, wasn’t it too one-sided after the duel?

Knights might be impressed, but Britia would never find him cute.

Looking at Britia, focused solely on Harty, Evry silently wished for her attention to shift towards this side and for Duke Turas to take notice.

“Britia, what’s wrong?”

Countess Lockhart pulled Britia’s arm, whispering softly. She had noticed Britia’s guarded gaze on Harty.

It was the same gaze seen when the three Lockhart siblings would silently challenge each other over the last cookie. Could there have been an unfortunate incident during the tea party hosted by Marquis Slanford?

Nevertheless, Hailey was well aware that, unlike Sig or Evry, Britia harbored no positive feelings towards Harty.


Though Sig called out, there was no response from Britia. She had abruptly turned her attention to Harty. Why was she staring at him so intently now? Was there something captivating about him that could divert her attention?

As Sig glanced at Harty, their eyes met, and Harty offered a sly smile. There was nothing particularly remarkable about him. Just that he was handsome and charismatic.

Was that why Britia was looking at him like that?

As the thought crossed Sig’s mind, his brow twitched imperceptibly. Surely, he couldn’t be the object of her gaze at someone she didn’t want to see?

As Hailey asserted that Britia wouldn’t be mad, Sig’s tail, which had slightly perked up, sadly drooped beneath his chair.


Britia witnessed Harty’s tail lash out with a menacing sound, responding to a cheerful topic. Fortunately, the distance was enough. Had it been closer, she might have been hit by that tail.

“I apologize, Duke-nim. I suddenly left my seat.”

Britia’s voice trembled as she turned to Sig, causing his tail to sway upwards. The movement of his tail seemed surprisingly gentle and fluid, unlike the threatening gesture it made towards someone else.

“It’s alright.”

His reassuring response made her lips twitch unconsciously, although no sound escaped. She was relieved that no sound came out as she took a seat in the remaining chair.

However, Evry, skilled in reading lips, noticed.

Britia’s lips had formed the word “cute.” And she did so while looking at none other than Sig Turas.

What exactly had happened? What made her find him cute? Evry held his breath and meticulously examined Sig’s appearance from head to toe.

“It took quite a while. I apologize for making you wait.”

As Britia gestured towards Sig’s empty teacup, Evry, who had been scrutinizing Sig for any hint of cuteness, suddenly looked up.

“I suppose dueling made you thirsty. You seemed so parched that I was about to order another cup for you.”

Though Evry didn’t know what had prompted her to find Britia cute, if that was the case, then parting ways like this couldn’t be an option.

“Isn’t that right, Duke-nim?”

Even without the excuse of getting tea from Hailey, it wouldn’t align with Evry’s plan of portraying Sig as a cute, wealthy younger man.

“What kind of tea would you like?”

Though Hailey offered to fetch a cup, they couldn’t have two cups. Deciding she’d order the tea herself, Evry glanced at Sig, signaling his intention.

“I apologize once more.”

Ignoring her question, Sig abruptly apologised. Evry stared at him in bewilderment. She had been subtly signallingm him to read the conversation’s flow by blinking her eyes continuously, yet Sig hadn’t caught on.

“I caused you trouble for no reason.”

“What do you mean, no reason?”

Britia was also taken aback by Sig’s sudden apology.

“It’s because of Duke-nim’s assistance that I survived. My hair was nearly yanked out, you see.”

Britia had been considering a jest to lighten the mood when Sig’s tail, which had been swaying slightly, abruptly stopped.

“Was that man really trying to pull out your hair?”

“It’s a joke, Duke-nim. He didn’t actually try to do that. Oh, and I’m not fond of that man either. I don’t pay him any attention anymore.”

As his tone grew a bit harsh, Britia clapped her hands in haste. As his indifference puzzled her, she laughed and closed her eyes at his slightly narrowed gaze, not quite comprehending her ‘not paying attention’ statement.

“You got your revenge, Duke-nim.”

Without even receiving a direct apology, he managed to knock out Marcus. Despite that, in Britia’s generous heart that didn’t chastise his mistake, Sig found it hard to say anything.

“I’m truly grateful, Duke-nim.”

With that single sentence, the heavy clouds that had been hanging over Sig’s heart, brimming with continued unease, cleared. The sun broke through the clouds, and a fresh breeze swept in.

As they locked eyes, a gentle atmosphere enveloped them. Sig’s gaze towards her seemed alright, and even Britia’s gaze towards Sig didn’t appear unfavorable.

Could it be because of what she thought was cute earlier? If that’s the case, does that mean Duke-nim might stand a chance?

Evry’s heart raced, and she even took care with his breaths. He was careful not to interrupt the two now, as even the sound of his heartbeat could disturb them.

“But, Duke-nim, may I ask you something?”

Britia cautiously broached the topic.

“Why did you step in so far as to duel on my behalf? I’m curious about the reason.”

“I wanted to be of assistance.”


At her ‘why’ question, Sig blinked slowly.

“It’s not that I disliked it! I survived thanks to your help. But I’m curious as to why you extended such a favor.”

He almost expressed the desire to protect what she protected, but refrained. Britia observed Sig closely, who appeared lost in thought and hesitant to answer. His lips moved slightly before closing again.

“Is it that you can’t stand seeing someone in trouble and always have to offer kindness?”

“As I mentioned before, I’m not particularly kind.”

Finally having organized his thoughts, Sig spoke up.

“It wasn’t because I wanted to be kind to someone in a difficult situation, but because I wanted to be of help to you.”

As Britia absentmindedly nibbled on her lower lip, a faint, unskilled whistling sound seemed to emerge from somewhere. In an instant, everyone’s gaze, excluding Sig’s, turned towards the entrance of the terrace.

It was Kyra. She sat beside Harty, whistling innocently, with no inkling of the situation.

“What’s this? The coffee’s gone cold.”

“Kyra, you’re back late.”

“Who cares about cold coffee? Coffee should be hot. Waiter, prepare the coffee again. But I don’t want it too hot, so add two ice cubes.”

Kyra lifted her chin slightly, giving an authoritative order to the waiter who had been observing them.

“What are you looking at?”

Kyra turned her sharp gaze towards Britia, who was staring at her in disbelief. Her expression was entirely different from the slightly deflated face she had moments ago.


Sig’s voice called out softly.

Britia turned to Sig and a sudden thought crossed her mind. Compared to Harty or Kyra, could he be an easier person to handle?

“Yes, Duke-nim.”

Compared to those crooked individuals, he was like a field of pure whiteness, overwhelmingly innocent and even cute.

“I hope you enjoy watching the play.”

Of course, he had his quirks, but Britia couldn’t help but let slip her thoughts.

Sig looked puzzled as he saw her quizzical expression. Anxious and rushing, his words tumbled out in a jumble.

“My words came out wrong. Do you have any interest in theater, perhaps?”

Sig thought he had concealed his true intentions and spoke again more carefully, but his genuine desire for her to be interested was evident in Britia’s eyes.

“In a few days, I’ll be watching a play. If you’re interested, would you like to join me?”

She knew it would be better to decline him now, right here. Yet, faced with Sig’s gaze that seemed to silently inquire, “Why not?” Britia found it hard to voice her refusal.

As she pondered her dilemma, Britia suddenly felt an ominous presence. Harty Slanford was staring at her with a rigid smile, his eyes filled with a gaze that seemed to say, “I’ll kill you.”

‘Just try saying you’ll go. I won’t let it go. I’ll crush you.’

It sounded as if he were saying those words aloud.


Meeting Harty’s gaze, Britia hesitated in her response. Seeing her uncertainty, Sig gently prodded, “It’s alright if you decline.”

He said the words, but his tail betrayed a strong sense of disappointment.

“That sounds wonderful. Let’s go watch the play together.”

Britia beamed brightly at Harty as if to show him.

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Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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