The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

 Having made the decision to set out, Sig strode quickly through the palace corridors. With a strangely twisted smile on his face and a fierce demeanor, he looked every bit like a mad dog, fitting the name perfectly.

  “Please slow down, My lord!”

  The vice-captain hurriedly called out from behind him.

  “I need to inform Britia that we’re leaving.”

  “It’s impressive that you’re thinking of that even without being told. But let’s take a moment to calm down.”

  The vice-captain stepped in front of Sig to block his path.

  “Right now, it seems like you’re off to kill your beloved rather than to tell her the good news.”

  Sig stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide in surprise at the deputy’s words.

  “Don’t say such things…!”

  “It’s just how it sounds. You look incredibly intimidating right now.”

  The vice-captain lightly slapped his own cheek to relax his face. Sig opened his mouth, then closed it again, trying to loosen his facial muscles. The vice-captain nodded, as if praising a well-behaved puppy.

  “Is there really a need to rush when you’re not leaving immediately?”

  He shrugged, pointing out that gathering soldiers would take a few days anyway.

  “Last time you left without a word, and Britia almost became Lady Slanford, remember? But you’re rushing again…”

  The vice-captain’s smirk faded as he sensed Sig’s cold gaze on him. Sig was finally relaxing his facial muscles but now looked ready to kill.

  The vice-captain instinctively realized it was time to stop teasing, but he couldn’t help himself.

  He, too, was excited to deal with Duke Camelon, who had been hiding behind the Emperor like a coward.

  “Perhaps you misjudged the urgency of having the wedding right away.”

  He wanted to avoid Sig’s wrath, so he glanced at the Duke’s clenched fist, backing away slightly.

  “After the war, who knows if Britia will still be a Lockhart or not. Ugh…!”

  While guarding against Sig’s fist, the vice-captain was unfortunately kicked in the shin. He knelt down, groaning in pain.

  “If you say something like that again, I’ll make you kneel on both legs.”

  Sig’s threat made the vice-captain break out in a cold sweat, but he still managed a grin.

  “Seeing such a strong reaction makes me think you might actually do it, which is worrisome…!”

  He abruptly stopped talking when he noticed another kick coming his way. This time he blocked it with his arm, but he couldn’t withstand Sig’s force and ended up on the ground.

  “I should just hold the wedding tomorrow.”

  Sig declared in a low voice, as if making up his mind. The fallen vice-captain groaned and slowly got back up.

  “Well, it’s not entirely impossible if we push hard, but what about the dress?”

  The dress Sig had been lovingly crafting was still unfinished.

  “Are you going to ask her to wear a half-made dress? Or…?”

  “I know it’s impossible to do it by tomorrow!”

  Sig raised his voice, frustration bubbling up. Seeing him turn red with anger made the vice-captain reflect on how much he had teased him.

  “Let’s do this instead. While you’re away, we’ll make sure she doesn’t feel lonely.”

  Though they might not be able to completely eliminate her loneliness, they could certainly distract her enough to lessen those feelings.

  “How about we assign the disaster twins to guard her?”

  If there was anyone who would keep things lively and chaotic, it was Bifi and Peri, who always caused trouble.

  “Those two make the days fly by without me even noticing.”

  Given that Esther had mentioned the same, Britia would likely have a busy time ahead.

  “Disaster twins?”

  Sig furrowed his brow, clearly unsure of who that referred to.

  “I mean Bippy and Perry.”

  “Are you talking about the two apprentice knights that Esther has?”

  The vice-captain nodded vigorously.

  “They might naturally pick up the social rules while guarding the lady.”

  Since they couldn’t behave as they did up north, it was hoped they would calm down.

  “Above all, their determination is remarkable. Oh, but thinking about it….”

  The vice-captain suddenly appeared to have a realization. The fact that they would be close to Britia meant they would likely catch the Emperor or Empress’s attention.

  “That could seriously irritate His Majesty. With those two, it’s predictable. If we’re going to assign them to guard her, Esther has to be around.”

  Though it might cause a headache for Esther, as stress could lead to holes appearing in his stomach. While the vice-captain pondered this, Britia stepped out of the Empress’s bedroom and into the hallway.


  Sig was the first to spot her and quickly approached. However, he halted when he saw the bow she was holding.

  “Britia, what’s that?”

  “Oh, this? Don’t mind it.”

  Britia hid the bow behind her back. Even though it was a command, it felt embarrassing to tell Sig that she was now guarding the Empress despite not being a knight.

  “The Duke has something important to tell you, my lady.”

  The vice-captain spoke loudly to snap Sig out of his daze. Sig shook himself back to focus and called out to Britia again.

  With a deeply sad expression, he shared the news of his departure.

  “I’ve never felt this much anguish about going to fight. I don’t want to be apart from you.”

  Britia wasn’t particularly surprised; he had mentioned before that he might have to face the Duke of Camelon at any time. Still, the sadness mirrored his own.

  “Will you be able to come back unhurt?”

  When Sig nodded, assuring her he would, Britia narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

  “I don’t want to be a widow.”

  “I will definitely return. In one piece.”

  The vice-captain chuckled internally. Anyone overhearing their conversation would think they were already married.

  “Don’t worry, my lady. The Duke isn’t someone who can be easily killed.”

  He added that he was a man who knew no defeat.

  “I know Sig is strong. But I can’t help worrying.”

  Britia sighed softly, her shoulders slumping.

  He’ll be fine. The vice-captain says so, too. It’s going to be okay. As she tried to soothe her anxious heart, Britia’s gaze fell on Sig’s eye patch. The shabby imitation of an eye patch was something she had made herself.

  Now that she thought about it, although the attempt on the Empress’s life had been brushed aside, that issue remained unresolved.

  “Sig, you’re still wearing the eye patch I gave you?”

  Her voice was laced with anger, and Sig jumped slightly in surprise.

  “Wasn’t that conversation over…?”

  “No, it wasn’t. Give it to me right now. Don’t be stubborn!”

  “No way.”

  Sig shook his head repeatedly.

  “I’ll wear the eye patch from the temple, as you suggested. So please don’t take this one from me.”

  He tried to look as pitiful as possible while pleading. He really didn’t want to lose it. Seeing Sig’s desperation, Britia’s resolve began to waver.

  “Britia said to wear the heart inside to hide it well. But trying to take it back is unfair.”

  He was right; Sig had worn it inside out as Britia had instructed, after she had warned him that she would take it if he kept wearing it backwards to show off the heart.

  But why was he bringing that up now?

  Feeling her resolve weaken, Britia scowled.

  “Then you really need to give it back. Sig, you’ve been showing it off to everyone you meet!”

  Britia realized that he had been bragging to all sorts of people, even Duke Scandars!


  Feeling cornered, Sig slowly began to back away.

  “I’ll wear the eye patch, I promise.”

  “You’ll only avoid wearing it in front of me, and I know you’ll find a way to wear it again!”

  Her words hit home, and Sig let out a pained sound.

  “It seems words won’t cut it.”

  Britia pulled out the bow she had hidden behind her back.

  “Be reasonable, Sig. I don’t want to have to show you my skills.”

  “Are you going to shoot me?”

  Sig looked shocked, his eyes wide. Seeing his reaction made Britia’s heart ache, but she steeled herself.

  This was for Sig’s own good. If she didn’t get it back, he would definitely be wearing her eye patch again. While she was happy about that, she didn’t want him to be in danger.

  “I can really shoot. I’ve been given permission to shoot anyone with this bow, even His Majesty.”

  Though she didn’t even have an arrow nocked, Britia maintained a serious expression.

  Would such a threat work on the Duke? The vice-captain wondered but quickly saw that it did. Sig looked furious and betrayed, but he ultimately removed the eye patch and handed it to Britia.

  For the vice-captain, this was a good turn of events. He had been hearing for a while that Sig should be wearing the eye patch given by the temple.

  The problem had always been Sig’s stubbornness.

  With one less headache, the vice-captain felt relieved.

  That relief didn’t last long.

  “My lord, are you listening?”

  During the strategy meeting, Sig was entirely unfocused. He sat there, blank-faced and forlorn.

  “Why are you acting like this just because you lost an eye patch?”

  No matter how much he shouted, Sig couldn’t seem to snap out of it.

  “At this rate, not only will you lose to Duke Camelon, but you’ll also lose to the neighborhood kids.”

  After two days of this, the vice-captain couldn’t take it anymore. He decided to find Britia and coax her to help.

  “Please, my lady, take pity. He’s been like this all day. He’s not a little kid who’s lost his favorite toy.”

  The vice-captain sighed as he pointed to Sig, who was sulking with a pout on his face.

  “Please give the eye patch back. If the Duke is like this, the soldiers will lose morale too.”

  At that moment, Sig, who had been avoiding eye contact, glanced at Britia with hopeful eyes.

  Britia glared at him with all her strength. With words like that, she couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

  “I have no choice. Please give me the eye patch you’re wearing.”

  She expected him to return it, but his reaction showed he was deeply disappointed.

  “You told me to wear it, and now you want to take it away?”

  “I just want to borrow it for a moment. And if you have a needle and thread, I’d like to borrow those too.”

  As Sig shot her a resentful look, Britia carefully embroidered a small heart on the eye patch.

  “Is this okay now?”

  “…It’s gotten smaller.”

  Sig said with a lonely expression, prompting Britia to clear her throat.

  “Don’t worry about the size. It’s just a little something I pressed my feelings into.”

  Still, something seemed off, and Sig’s expression darkened.

  “If you come back safe, I’ll give you another heart. Right here.”

  Britia pointed to the spot next to the small heart.

  “And after that, I’ll check on it regularly. Each time, I’ll add another heart next to it. Eventually, this eye patch will be filled.”

  Sig imagined an eye patch filled with small, cute hearts. It didn’t seem like a bad idea, considering it would be filled with Britia’s feelings.

  “So when all the hearts are collected, you’ll grant the Duke a wish. That’s a good idea.”

  A wish?

  Britia turned to the vice-captain, bewildered by his sudden comment.

  Let’s make that the plan. Please, my lady. Just grant him this once.

  The vice-captain made a pitiful face and kept winking, forcing Britia to nod in acceptance. Sig’s lips twitched in response.

  “You have to fulfill it.”

  Britia felt a strange intensity in Sig’s gaze and grew anxious. It seemed he might make an inappropriate wish.


Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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