The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

  Before getting on the carriage to go to the party, Britia found herself in a dilemma.


  Due to trauma, Harty couldn’t even open his eyes on the carriage. Every time that happened, it was burdensome and annoying for Britia to have him hanging on her arm, but she had to hold his hand because she received two drawings, that was the promise.


  However, she couldn’t show such a sight to Sig, so Britia’s dilemma deepened even more… But once they actually got on the carriage, that dilemma was instantly resolved.


  “Lord Count? Why are you like this?”


  Clearly, Harty, who was perfectly fine just a moment ago, had fainted while standing, and now the vice commander was holding onto him, sobbing.


  “It seems like Count-nim is very sleepy. Hahaha.”


  Could it be that he fainted suddenly? Britia was suspicious, but took this opportunity to quickly get on the carriage.


  Although they managed to get through the carriage ride, they had to wake Harty up once they arrived at the party.


  “That woman just looked at me with a strange gaze. Could it be that she has strange intentions…?”


  Harty grabbed Britia and nervously trembled with a pale face as he looked at the guests who had come to the party before meeting Brian. The party was undoubtedly supposed to be like his own world, but now it seemed like a place full of people aiming for his life.


  “If you keep acting weird like this, anyone will look at us.”


  Even though Britia told him to calm down, Harty, still anxious, continued to scan his surroundings like a meerkat.


  “Britia, I was disappointed when you said you couldn’t come, but I’m glad you came.”


  Brian, who was welcoming guests, spotted Britia and softly smiled at her.


  Could it be that the reason they welcome him is because he rolled into the trap on his own feet? 


  Britia swallowed hard.


  “Duke Turas, I didn’t know you would accept my invitation.”


  Brian looked at Sig, who was standing with his arms crossed, and was momentarily taken aback but quickly regained his composure.


  Upon hearing that Sig had already received an invitation, Britia looked at Sig with a puzzled expression.


  “Now that I think about it, you weren’t able to send a reply.”


  The vice commander spoke to Sig loudly so that Brian could hear him. Sig blinked his eyes with a face that seemed like he was seeing this for the first time.


  “He’s a busy man, so I understand. It’s a great honor just for you to come.”


  Brian nodded with a smile.


  “My Lord never opens letters unless they’re from the palace or a lady.”


  The vice commander whispered in Britia’s ear, looking puzzled.


  “He finds them too bothersome. But he never finds letters from My Lady bothersome.”


  So, it wasn’t intentionally that there was no contact at that time. The vice commander winked slightly and looked away, but then met eyes with Sig.


  Why are you making excuses for someone? 


  “And Slanford.”


  While a small mental battle was going on, Brian noticed Harty, who was hiding behind Sig. Brian glanced at Harty, as if trying to make a teasing remark, then raised an eyebrow.


  “You’re wearing black clothes today, which is unusual. It’s a fine outfit, but seeing you in it…”


  Brian chuckled instead of speaking.


  “It’s like a mourning dress.”


  At that moment, Harty, who had been at a loss for words, held his breath and exhaled an angry snort. He would have smiled apologetically, saying that the black was a bit too much for his usual style.


  But now he had decided to become a fearful Harty, not a kind one. His heart was trembling, but Britia and Sig were by his side. He mustered up the courage and glared at Brian.


  “Yeah, that’s right. This is a mourning dress for you!”


  As Harty spoke venomously, Brian’s lips parted in surprise. Harty continued to growl, satisfied with his reaction.


  “If you mess with me and Britia today, it might really be your last day.”


  Caught off guard, Brian stared at Harty with his mouth agape. People around them also widened their eyes, surprised by the change in Harty. Even Sig seemed a little taken aback.


  Harty fiercely hit Brian’s side with his tail several times. The sound of the impact was tremendous, and Britia was startled. Of course, Brian didn’t feel any pain as he didn’t realize he had been hit.


  “I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.”


  Harty gave a final warning to Brian and walked into the party venue.


  When Harty, a party celebrity, and Sig, who had returned from Altheim, rumors began to spread here and there.


  “Did Slanford make friends with the fortress-like Turas?”


  “I think he might introduce us to Duke Turas. Should we go and greet him naturally?”


  “I’m scared. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”


  Harty, who had been showing off in front of Brian, whispered softly to Britia as soon as he entered the venue.


  “If anything happens, Robert will intervene and escort you, so don’t worry.”


  The vice commander, who had been quietly following behind, stepped between Harty and Britia, creating distance and smiling. He understood that he was anxious because she felt his life was threatened, but if he got too close to her, Sig would get jealous, which would be troublesome.


  Fortunately, he didn’t seem visibly upset yet, at least.


  “I thought Lockhart was abandoned, but it seems not. Is he really planning to get married?”


  “No, we should wait and see a little longer. Who knows if the Duke is just playing around?”


  Among the murmurs, there was one statement that particularly bothered Sig’s ears. He glanced at the couple chatting loudly.


  “Sig, is the party uncomfortable for you too? I’m sorry for asking you to come with me.”


  Not knowing what he reacted to, Britia looked at Sig’s uncomfortable face and asked with concern.


  “No, it’s not.”


  Sig relaxed his face a little and replied.


  Is that it? Even though the party may be uncomfortable, it’s good to be with you. I should say more frustrating things to this Duke.


  The vice commander moved his mouth towards Britia, hinting that she should say more.


  Seeing this, Sig understood that he should kiss Britia and leaned towards her, their lips colliding with a soft sound.


  It wasn’t meant to go that far, but the vice commander couldn’t help but think it would be nice to see Britia’s cheek flushed.


  “Is it because of my mood? Brian seems to keep glancing over here.”


  Britia shifted the focus, embarrassed by the situation. Brian had somehow come into the party venue and was looking in their direction.


  “That man has always been like that. Always trying to find fault with me. Get used to it. He’s known for picking senseless fights.”


  Harty spoke with a trembling voice, referring to the beautiful silver suit as a silver caterpillar, mocking Brian’s past behavior.


  “Why don’t you try it again? I’m not the sweet Harty of the past anymore.”


  Even though it was clear to everyone that Harty was afraid of Brian, he still boasted and chuckled.


  “I didn’t do anything. I’m just naturally attracted to beautiful things…!”


  Harty complained, his voice filled with bitterness.


  “Lord Slanford, it’s been a while. I heard rumors that you were unwell from Lady Eryon, and I was worried.”


  At that moment, a young woman approached Harty and started a conversation. Harty’s complexion noticeably paled when someone spoke to him.


  ‘Tsk. There’s a woman who hits on guys while pretending not to. Look at her tail wagging. She really thinks Duke Turas would pay attention?’


  ‘Maybe it’s her tail wagging for Slanford.’


  “They say she’s spreading rumors about Slanford and Duke, but who knows if they’re true?”


  People around them murmured loudly, as if urging them to listen, but the young woman remained unfazed. It was just a late reaction from those who were jealous, and it seemed petty.


  “Since you haven’t been seen at any parties for a while, Lady Eryon has been gossiping about Lord Slanford. Of course, I didn’t believe those stories.”


  “What kind of stories did she spread?”


  Harty asked with a trembling voice, and the young woman smiled awkwardly.


  “She said there were unpleasant incidents where Lord Slanford was being rude. But in my opinion, the one spreading such stories is the one being rude.”


  The young woman spoke to Harty while sending a subtle glance at Sig.


  Although Britia was by her side, she didn’t care. She knew she was prettier than Britia, so she could easily take that place for herself.


  Britia read that glance and widened her eyes. Moreover, when the young woman’s tail brushed against Sig’s leg, it made her feel even worse.


  ‘I knew it! There had to be a woman interested in him!’


  Jealousy slowly crept into Britia’s heart.


  I’ll keep an eye on her, whether she’s just looking or trying to make a move.


  Britia glared at Sig with a firm determination.


   “Are you okay? Is your leg hurting?”


  Sig asked Britia, raising an eyebrow.


  Sig was too focused on Britia to notice if the young lady was showing off her beautiful neckline. He didn’t know why that young lady approached or cared about his intentions.


  When the young lady realized that Sig didn’t even glance at her, her pride was hurt, and she clenched her fists.


  “ Lady Eryan was right. I’m not a kind person anymore, so I don’t feel like exchanging pleasantries.”


  Harty snapped, flicking the young lady’s palm with his tail.


  “If you could step back, I’d appreciate it.”


  The young lady was taken aback by the harsh tone. Feeling uneasy, she walked away as if fleeing, and Harty turned to Britia.


  “Make your hand like this. Show the ring clearly.”


  Harty demonstrated by overlapping his hands over his crossed arms and showed off the ring.


  “Didn’t they call him a playboy?”


  The vice commander who had been watching them whispered in Robert’s ear.


  “But it seems like he’s trying to protect those two, doesn’t it?”


  Robert shrugged, unsure himself. The vice commander looked suspiciously at Harty. He seemed very friendly towards Sig and even looked at the two of them with pride.


  Perplexed by the vice commander’s observation, Sig glanced around and felt someone approaching. He rolled his eyes when he saw Brian coming.


  Britia turned her head when she felt a piercing gaze on her and was startled when she made eye contact with Brian.


  “Britia, I have something to discuss. Can you spare a moment?”


  When Brian spoke, Harty glanced at him.


  “What nonsense are you up to now?”


  “I don’t understand what you’ve been saying since earlier.”


  Brian growled, looking annoyed, and ignored him.


  “If you have something to say to me, say it to me. Don’t bring unnecessary people into this and try to make a deal with me!”


  Harty grabbed Brian by the collar with trembling hands. Brian stared down at Harty and snorted.


  But strangely, despite his condescending attitude, his tail wagged as if he was in a good mood.


  “I don’t know what misunderstanding you have, but it’s not your turn yet, so wait quietly.”


  As Harty and Brian engaged in a silent battle, Brian’s tail also seemed to be enjoying it.




  “Is it okay if we join in? The lady had an unfortunate incident recently.”


  The officer intervened and asked.


  “Of course, it’s fine. Since you’re a gentleman. But not you.”


  Brian tried to separate himself, surprising Harty and widening his eyes.


  “He’ll kill me if I’m left alone.”


  Then, in a hurry, he grabbed Britia’s arm and whispered.


  “I’ll leave Robert behind. If anything happens, he can come to the rescue.”


  The vice commander received Robert’s promise and reassured Harty.


  “I will guide you to a quiet place.”


  Brian smiled softly and led the way. However, even as Britia followed, she couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling.


  Seeing the room Brian led them to, which resembled the foyer of the Slanford Manor, Britia suddenly realized the true nature of the sensation she felt from his tail.


  An emperor pretending not to love the empress he loves!


  It looked very similar to that small tail. As she thought about it, Brian’s gaze towards Harty felt slimy. Doubt turned into certainty. His goal wasn’t Harty’s collection.


  He’s just like those stalkers. If he can’t kidnap the Count, he’ll kill them.


  Looking at Brian’s tail, which seemed pleased as everything went according to his plan, Britia felt a chill run down her spine.


  Count Harty, who was left alone, is in danger!


Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. Eve says:

    He likes Harty??? Oh dear… that’s unexpected! Thank you for the new chapter 🤍

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