The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

   As soon as Britia recognized him, she ran over and embraced Sig, so he felt relieved that it wasn’t too late.


   But Harty? Seriously?


   Could it be that she really accepted his proposal? Is that why he’s now called Harty?


   Sig’s mind was in chaos and filled with jealousy.


   Britia was unaware that she referred to Harty as ‘Harty,’ so Sig found her reaction strange. She was simply mentioning the name of the tea blend Harty had made.


   Could it mean that it smells bad?


   “It means it smells good.”


   Her words, trying to reassure him that she didn’t dislike it, provoked his emotions even more. ‘Harty’s scent is pleasant. In other words, Harty is pleasant!’ That leap of thought occurred in his mind.




   If she’s going to marry Harty, Sig wanted her to reconsider. Sig, who was about to make that request, stopped speaking when Harty interrupted with a calm expression.




   Harty lightly covered his mouth with his fist and cleared his throat.


  “Duke Turas.”


   He made an effort to produce the softest and most elegant voice of the day. If he didn’t, he felt like he would involuntarily roll his feet in place and burst into laughter, like a child receiving a birthday present.


  Although he had sent Sig several polite invitations before, he had never succeeded in inviting him. He hadn’t even received a proper response.


   But now, Duke Turas is at my house!


   Harty decided not to worry about the fact that Sig unexpectedly appeared from inside the teacup. It was just too unbelievable, and it was difficult to hide his excitement.


   “If you’re okay with it, I’ll prepare some clothes for you to change into.”


   On top of that, it seems like he needs my help right now!


   Harty silently screamed in his mind, thinking he should have expected a day like this.


  “Of course, they may not fit you perfectly, but I happen to have some clothes that might suit you, Duke-nim.”


  It wasn’t like he coincidentally had a set of large clothes for Sig to wear. Harty had several outfits tailored to fit Sig’s physique.


   “Why on earth would you need those?”


  Kyra made a genuinely displeased expression, but Harty was satisfied when he saw the completed clothes.


  You never know. What if Sig visits my house and needs clothes?


  “Do you really think you’ll receive a response from the Duke?”


   Kyra scoffed, but Harty remained determined. And now, at this moment, he mentally shouted at his conniving cousin.


   See! I told you so!


   “Before that, let me arrange for you to wash up.”


   Before hearing Sig’s response, Harty ordered the attendants who had rushed in to prepare the bathwater.


   “Wait here and have some tea. Don’t go anywhere.”


   Harty gestured towards the maidservant as she spoke to Britia.


   “Duke-nim, please come this way.”


   Then, with a cheerful smile, he personally led Sig and the chamberlain out of the reception room. His mind was preoccupied with which of the prepared clothes would suit him best.


   He never even considered that Sig might be burning with jealousy towards him.



   Watching the maids clear away the broken teacups and tea, Britia eagerly awaited Sig’s return. She had so much to say to him.


   First, she had to tell him how much she missed him all this time. And she had to ask him what he meant in the letters. What kind of love did they contain?


   Seeing Sig after such a long time, Britia couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy. Her heart was in turmoil.


   “I did mention that he would come soon, didn’t I?”


   Robert said to Britia, who seemed visibly delighted. Britia was generally kind to him. However, whenever she thought about the fact that Sig hadn’t contacted her at all, she would silently glare at him with resentful eyes.


   Even though the Duke said he would come soon, it was clear that he could sense something.


   Robert finally felt his heart ease. Of course, he didn’t anticipate the teacup mishap. And it was truly unexpected that the chamberlain came along too.


   “Lady, um… By the way…”


    Robert cautiously called out to Britia.


    “What do you think about the proposal Lord Count made?”


   Proposal? Britia blinked her eyes quickly, not understanding what he was talking about. Then she sighed as if she remembered something and put on a serious expression.


   “Do you really think that’s possible?”


   Britia chuckled inwardly.


   When Harty first mentioned the idea of marriage, she was so surprised that she wondered if he actually liked her. But it turned out to be a ridiculous reason.


   I can’t love you, but I’m lonely, so stay by my side!


   Harty seemed satisfied with that, but Britia was different. She wanted to receive her husband’s love as his wife. Of course, it was the love of Sig Turas, not Harty Slanford.


   Isn’t it ridiculous to think that he would do anything if I just touch his tail?


   Of course, the idea of always being allowed to touch his beautiful tail sounded enticing. But it couldn’t compare to Sig’s tail.


   Even if I can only touch it once a year, I would prefer Sig.


   I brought you here out of pity because you begged, but I won’t listen to such requests again.


Whether you take the carriage or not, since Kyra is not here, I won’t even pretend to listen to your request to stay by your side. Britia made up her mind.


   “The tea…”


   The maid who had cleaned Harty’s bedroom neatly tried to offer Britia some tea.


   “If you’re done cleaning, go back and do your other tasks.”


   Then, a knight of Slanford intervened. He happened to be nearby and was the first to rush over when he heard Harty and Britia scream.


   “But the master asked me to serve tea to the young lady.”


   The knight didn’t seem particularly friendly.


   The maid explained to the knight, with a frightened expression, that she would only serve the tea and nothing more. But even so, he didn’t seem shaken.


   “Are you planning to keep the young lady here indefinitely?”


   The knight scolded the maid, telling her to properly serve in the reception room.


   “I’ll drink it here. Since Count-nim told me not to go anywhere and wait here, it should be fine.”


   It would be troublesome to carry the tea again and move to the reception room.


   Robert, by the way, handed the tea to Britia and stepped back, sensing the knight’s gaze.


   When Britia’s eyes met the knight’s, he gave her a slight smile, but his tail remained stiff and motionless.


   Britia felt uncomfortable under the knight’s scrutinizing gaze. She sipped her tea and discreetly glanced at him, but his eyes didn’t leave her. It seemed as if he was trying to make her feel uncomfortable and leave quickly.


   “When will Duke-nim arrive?”


   “He will be here soon.”


   The response to break the uncomfortable silence was chillingly cold. Britia pressed her lips together, feeling embarrassed.


   “Who was the person beside Duke-nim?”


   Having given up on conversing with the knight, Britia asked Robert.


   “That’s our Vice Commander. Despite his carefree appearance, he’s surprisingly strict and sensitive, which can be quite troublesome.”


   Robert happily replied when he realized that she was showing interest in their affairs.


    “He tends to complain and grumble, so talking to him can sometimes be unpleasant. But it’s because he’s always been like that, not because he wants to disrespect you, My Lady.”


   Robert added, as if explaining the Vice Commander’s personality.


   “He was someone who never set foot outside of the northern region, so his way of thinking is narrow and frustrating at times. If he didn’t have the skills, he would have never become the Vice Commander…”


   Robert vented his frustrations about the Vice Commander. Britia noticed that he was expressing his discontent while acknowledging the Vice Commander at the same time.


   As Robert was rambling on about the Vice Commander, the Slanford knight took out a pocket watch, checked the time, and quietly left the room.


   Britia felt somewhat relieved when the person who had been observing them left.


   “Lord Duke Turas is looking for you.”


    After about ten minutes, a maid entered and informed Robert. It was the same maid who had served the tea.


   Thinking that she was being sought after, Britia naturally stood up from her seat. The maid’s face displayed a troubled expression.


   “Since he is in the grand bath, you won’t be able to meet him, My Lady.”


   Upon hearing the request to wait a little longer here, Britia reluctantly sat back down.


   “I will inform you when you no longer need to wait, My Lady.”


   Robert said to Britia, who looked disappointed, and quickly left the room.


   “I’ll offer you another cup.”


   The maid handed Britia tea and cookies. Feeling a bit hungry, Britia thought it was a fortunate turn of events and took one cookie, breaking it in half. It was already her third cup of tea.


   He’s still in the grand bath. How long could it be taking? I want to see him soon.


   While chewing her thoughts, Britia suddenly noticed that the cookie she was looking at had a color she had already seen three times today: purple. The color of plums.


   Could something be coming out even here? Britia was startled, and the cookie got stuck in her throat, causing her to cough.


   “Are you alright?”


   The maid looked at Britia with a worried expression. She brought a teacup to Britia’s lips, saying that drinking tea would make her feel better, and her tail swayed gently.


   “Shall I pat your back?”


   Contrary to her concerned voice, the maid’s tail wagged and her fur stood up as if excited. Britia felt something was off and instinctively blocked her and pushed her away.


   “I’m fine.”


   “But you’re still coughing.”


   Despite Britia’s refusal and attempts to keep her distance, the maid approached even closer. Her behavior was burdensome and bewildering.


    “It would have been more comfortable for you if I had helped.”


   The maid, who had been looking at her with concern, smiled softly.


   “It would be better for all of us if we don’t cause a disturbance.”


  With a threatening smile, Britia quickly stood up from her seat and moved backward. She glanced around, trying to find an opportunity to slip away while keeping an eye on the door.




   Just as she was about to turn her body and escape, someone grabbed Britia and covered her mouth. Britia widened her eyes and looked at the person holding her. It was undoubtedly the knight who had left the bedroom and now returned.


   “Someone claimed to be acting on my orders and withdrew the guards.”


   The words of Harty, who had mentioned someone targeting her life, flashed through Britia’s mind. Perhaps these people were the ones Harty had warned her about.


   Then why are they doing this to me?


   Were they not only after Harty’s life but also mine? Britia’s heart sank with fear.


   “Your master is searching for you. Oh, of course, the master here is not Count Slanford.”


   The maid chuckled as she looked at Britia, who was held by the knight. Her tail swayed as if she had a toy in front of her.


   “If you come quietly with us, nothing bad will happen to you.”


   The maid pulled out a small knife hidden in her embrace.


   “You might get hurt a little, though!”

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. Logorea says:

    What the heck, why did Sig let himself be dragged out by Harty instead of expressing his feelings..? Wasn’t he so disturbed by the whole situation that he jumped into an unprepared portal? Why is he suddenly acting composed?
    Thank you for translations!!

    1. Zeltzin says:

      Yo también quiero saber ¿por qué?, también por qué Robert se fue aunque el comando era no dejar sola a Britia.

    2. Nosha says:

      ^^ <3

  2. Nile says:

    Thanks for the update

    1. Nosha says:


  3. Zeltzin says:

    Thanks for chapter

    1. Nosha says:


  4. Eve says:

    I can’t believe this, where are Sig six senses when we need them lol

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