The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

   ‘Will you marry me?’


   Those were the words Britia had longed to hear most recently, but not from Harty Slanford, rather from Sig Turas.


  “Why are you suddenly saying that?”


  No matter how shocking the incident had been, Britia couldn’t believe that Harty would propose to her. To her, if marrying Harty meant saving her life, she would rather choose an easy and quick death.


  “I told you. Upon careful consideration, it doesn’t seem so bad.”


  Harty’s tail moved smoothly on her knee, as if showcasing its beauty.


  ‘Could it be that he actually likes me? Why is he doing this?’


   Britia was confused. If he really liked her, he would have never made a promise not to fall for her earlier. Was that all an act?


   ‘But it seemed genuine. Then what about the proposal? Why is he proposing?’


  “I don’t have any intention to love Count-nim.”


  Britia spoke with a trembling voice. Harty remained unfazed and nodded his head.


   “Yeah. I don’t have any intention to love you either.”


   Britia blinked her eyes quickly at Harty’s confident response.


   “Then why are you suggesting marriage?”


   “Because if I marry you, you won’t confine me or become possessive.”


   For Britia, who believed that love was necessary for marriage, Harty’s way of thinking was completely incomprehensible.


   “It can be a good marriage for you too. You’ll never starve to death, for starters.”


   Harty added that she had a fortune of 50,000 gold. Although Britia denied it, Harty didn’t believe her.


   “And you really like this, don’t you? As a wife, I can always give it to you when you want.”


  Harty’s tail slid enticingly on his knee.


  Though his tail wasn’t visible, Robert glared at Harty with wide-open eyes. Not satisfied with his mischief, now he’s proposing to the prospective mistress?


   ‘No matter how great of a Count you are, she’s already engaged to Lord Duke.’


   Robert, who believed that Sig had proposed to her, kept a close eye on Harty without any suspicion.


   “Count-nim, I’m sorry, but I like Duke Turas.”


   As Britia spoke, a relieved smile appeared on Robert’s rigid face.


   “What difference does it make if you like Duke-nim? There’s no chance.”


   Harty shrugged his shoulders and blurted out.


    “No chance, huh!”


   ‘He has no intention of marrying you.’


   Robert internally chuckled, thinking that Harty was talking nonsense. But the atmosphere was peculiar. Britia didn’t immediately deny Harty’s words; instead, she bit her lip, as if implying that they might be true.


  Could it be that Lord Duke didn’t propose?


   Confused, Robert silently rolled his eyes.


   “Still, still, he said he likes me.”


  “He likes you, but it’s not marriage?”


  Harty gently held his chin and tilted his head.




   I like you, but I can’t marry you. That was a line Harty had said to countless people in the past.


   “No matter what happens, even if the heaven collapses, I won’t marry you. I made myself clear.”


   Harty looked at Britia with genuine pity.


   “…Duke Turas is different from Count-nim.”


   Britia denied it, but inwardly, her heart raced with uneasiness. Could it be that even if the heaven collapses, Sig didn’t want to marry her also?


But he said he loves me and sent a letter expressing his love. Was it just a polite greeting?


  Or maybe he just loves me as a dog?


  I wanted to ask Sig what he meant by that, but how could I ask him when he’s not here right now?


   Even if I ask, I’m worried that I’ll receive a disappointing answer. I’ve already heard enough bewildering and despairing stories about wanting to become a dog. I didn’t want to hear such things again.


   “Oh, but if you were to marry me, would you become Britia Slanford? Hmmm, Lady Slanford…”


   Britia Slanford! Lady Slanford!


   As Harty casually uttered that combination that had come out as a joke from Crave’s mouth, Britia instantly swallowed her breath. Goosebumps rose on her arms, and a chill ran through her entire body.


   “That sounds a little unpleasant. Did you think it was a good idea?”


   Britia was dumbfounded by Harty’s muttering.


   “Count-nim, I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love, so I’ll decline your offer.”


   Pretending not to hear, Britia gritted her teeth. It was when she reached for a teaspoon to compose herself and poured some warm tea. The purple powder in the tea began to float and spread.




    In confusion, as Britia tilted her head, a large arm suddenly popped out of the teacup.




   Startled, Britia threw the teaspoon she was holding towards the wriggling arm as if trying to grab something.


   “Why are you screaming all of a sudden… Aaah!”


   Surprised by Britia’s scream, Harty was taken aback. Then, seeing the arm popping out of the tea belatedly, he also let out a scream.


   “Lady! Step back!”


   Realizing that Sig had no intention of marrying Britia, Robert, who had been confused by the situation with conflicting information, regained his senses and shouted with a raised sword. The two of them moved behind Robert.


   “What did you put in the Harty Special?”


   “I didn’t put anything! I don’t put human arms or anything like that!”


   “Then why did it suddenly pop out of the tea! Moreover, it keeps, m-moving!”


   “Could it be a living arm?” Britia stammered, unable to believe what she was seeing.


   “Wait, is that an arm coming out of the tea you got from Count-nim? Do something about it!” she pleaded.


   “What do you expect me to do? Use my superpowers or something? You figure it out!”


   “Count-nim!” Robert, the knight, rushed into the room in response to the screams. He surveyed the situation and approached Harty but froze when a loud crash echoed as the teacup shattered.


   An arm continued to emerge from the spilled tea on the table. It wriggled as if trying to grab onto something, and it was remarkably similar in size to Sig’s hand.


   “Huh? Sig’s hand?”


   As Britia blinked in surprise, a man with a large wound on his face and an eye patch emerged from the tea, revealing his upper body.


   “DUKE-NIM…!” Britia was too shocked to say anything more.


   Sig’s enraged eyes locked onto Britia. He exerted force in his arm and pulled out one of his legs, followed by another man who had been holding onto his leg.


   “This COUNT really wants to kill me!” Sig exclaimed, his anger consuming him.


   The captain, infuriated, stood on the broken teacup. He had forcibly warped himself through an unprepared spell, leaving him feeling as if he had been pummeled all over.


   “Can’t you wait for a moment? Are you incapable of patience?” the captain shouted, disregarding the pain. However, Sig seemed unfazed and slowly shifted his weight towards Britia. The vice commander was taken aback by the dark aura emanating from Sig’s colossal back.


   “Evry!” The vice commander desperately called out, as if he were trying to twist Harty’s neck. But he was the only one who had been warped alongside Sig, leaving him alone.


  Vice commander muttered curses under his breath and tried to prevent Sig from advancing, but he was only dragged along. Even with the combined strength of Evry and himself, they couldn’t stand a chance, let alone facing Sig alone.


   “Would you marry me?”


   As Sig prepared for the magic, Harty’s voice echoed in his mind, reminding him of the words he had heard beyond the commotion. The man had spoken the words that Sig himself hadn’t had the chance to say to Britia.


  Unable to delay any longer, Sig reached into the tea, ignoring Harty’s screams to wait. Though he felt a searing pain as if his arm was being torn apart, he endured it.


   Compared to the gripping sensation when Britia tightly held his tail, it was nothing. With newfound determination thanks to her, Sig pressed forward into the tea.


   What he encountered as he emerged was Britia tightly gripping Harty’s hand, staring at him as if he were a monster. Despite his limbs being intact, Sig felt a crushing pain in his chest.


   The thought that it was already too late dominated his mind. Yet, his feet still moved towards her.


   If he were to ask her not to marry him, would she listen? Would she reconsider if I begged?


   Sig resented Harty for speaking first, before him.


  “Lord Duke! Even the vice commander!”


  Robert shouted as he suddenly appeared alongside the others from within the teacup.


  “Did you fly here using magic?”


  “Robert! Yes, you too, come closer! Stop Our Lord!”


  Following the vice commander’s command, Robert drew his sword, while Britia swiftly rushed towards them.




   As Britia clung to Sig’s chest, dragging the vice commander along, Sig abruptly halted. His eyes, which had been in darkness, glanced downwards.


   “Apologies. I threw a spoon. I didn’t know you were Duke-nim.”


  Their eyes met, and Britia offered a bright smile. The vice commander immediately realized that this young lady was Britia Lockhart.


   She seems much gentler than I had thought. She doesn’t seem to suit this eccentric Lord Duke at all.


   The vice commander secretly pondered while briefly examining Sig. Suddenly, he felt a chill. The face that had shown a clear intent to kill in an instant had now transformed into that of a mild-mannered dog.




  Furthermore, was it a trembling voice or a slight sob? The vice commander was taken aback by Sig’s unfamiliar and repulsive appearance.


  “I didn’t expect you to come so quickly. It feels like only an hour has passed since I received the letter!”


   As Britia complained about how quickly he had come, Sig embraced her shoulders. He smelled a pleasant fragrance that he had never experienced before.


   “Did you come to see me? Please tell me the truth because I don’t want any misunderstandings.”




   “Why? Is it because you missed me?”




   Without hesitation, Britia raised her head and looked at Sig.


   When will I be able to resist her enchanting smile? Sig once again felt time passing by at an excruciatingly slow pace. Despite feeling great anger towards Harty, he somehow felt a good mood. Harty was nowhere to be seen. There was only Britia in his world.


   As the once icy and cold head began to thaw, tears seemed to well up.


   “Duke-nim, although it’s not something the person who embraced you first should say, I’m feeling like crying too.”


  As Britia pushed him away, Sig’s mouth hung open in disappointment. His tail, which had been soaked and swayed vigorously, drooped dejectedly.


   “Because of you, Duke-nim, I smell like Harty’s special scent.”


   Britia said playfully, and oddly enough, it felt good to have the same scent as that tail.


   Unlike cheerful Britia, Sig’s face grew increasingly rigid.


   Calling me the Duke-nim every time, now referring to Slanford as Harty.


   The dying embers of jealousy reignited.

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. HeathBar says:

    Sig, come here. Sig, sit. Sig, speak! C’mon boy, speak. Speak, d@mmit, USE WORDS. 🐕‍🦺💕

    1. niki1da1 says:


  2. Eve says:

    Jelly jelly boi

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