The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 9


Why can’t she be honest with her own family when she needs to be?

I’m not the one she should be opening up to, it’s her family.

“I know, I know. My attitude must seem frustrating. But Father and Brother are going through such a difficult time. How can I, of all people, add to their burden…”

“My lady!”

As the dense heroine started her antics again, the maid wiped away tears of exasperation.

No wonder it took 250 episodes for a single conversation.

At this rate, it might be better to spill her guts when drunk instead.

“I’ll make you a special courage-giving cocktail.”

I believe in the saying ‘a drunken mind speaks a sober heart’.

When decently intoxicated, one’s true feelings tend to come out—for better or worse.

“Go meet your father.”

“Drinking this ‘cocktail’ gives you courage?”

“That’s right.”

Just look at how boldly drunk people behave.


After brief contemplation, Eve released the binding winds around me. Regaining mobility, I summoned my ‘Cocktail Crafting Kit’.

‘This comes in handier than expected.’

I rummaged through the cool box and bag filled with assorted liquors and glasses.

“Wh-What was that just now?”

“In my opinion, it seems she…is a mage!”

Eve and the maid gawked as I made the cocktail.

‘A mage, huh.’

That’s an amusing notion.

I filled a round glass with ice, then added dry gin, Campari and sweet vermouth in order, giving it a light stir.

Garnishing with an orange peel to finish.

“A special ‘potion’ for you—the Negroni.”

Richly aromatic, the Negroni smelled good enough to be made into a perfume.

“May this fragrant aroma embolden your courage.”

“Such a fragrant blessing indeed.”

Eve’s face brightened as she took in the scent of the Negroni.

Intoxicated by the aroma, she’d be drunker than expected from the high proof before realizing it.

The perfect drink for Eve, who desperately needed courage right now.

Before long, Eve’s face flushed red like a ripened fruit.

Hick! My lady, are you alright?”

“Wow, I feel like…I could punch the emperor right now if I saw him.”

As Eve staggered, the flustered maid tried to support her.

“I’m fine, really.”

“But you’re drunk!”

“What nonsense. I’m perfectly sober.”

Eve dismissively gulped down the rest of the Negroni and exhaled deeply.

“Alright, let’s go!”

“Go where…?”

“Our destination is Father’s study! We’re barging in!”

“Ah, my lady! Let me come too!”

Though bewildered, the maid hurried after Eve.

“Dismiss summon.”

Letting them handle the rest, I sent back the Cocktail Crafting Kit and picked up the fruit basket instead.

“Hey you! You need to come too. Where do you think you’re going?”

The maid forcefully grabbed my arm with her strong grip.

“What a hassle…”

Before I knew it, I had become an unwitting accomplice to their drunken escapades.



The tipsy Eve, who had been yelling to open the door immediately, finally barged through by shoving aside the guards.

‘This lady really goes wild when drunk.’

It’s a good thing this is her own home. If she caused a ruckus elsewhere, I shudder to think what could’ve happened.

“Our sweet lady…”

Even the maid kept covering her face, unable to watch the scene unfold.


“What on earth are you doing! As a noble lady, do you have no shame? Coming here with a red face since morning…”

The Marquis glared disapprovingly as he looked Eve up and down. Usually Eve would have retreated in tears, but fortified by alcohol, she was like an unstoppable bulldozer.

“It wasn’t my fault Mother died. You know that too, Father!”

“To speak of the late Marchioness is taboo…!”

The servants watching grew deathly pale.

That’s where it went wrong from the start. When a traumatic incident occurs, forcibly digging it up only lets it fester instead of healing.

‘There’s a reason customers who get drunk and vent their tales end up looking relieved when they leave.’

What’s done cannot be undone, after all.

Rather than bottle it up and swallow it alone, letting it out dilutes the pain.

With Eve having dropped her bombshell that left everyone shellshocked and oblivious to my presence, I simply continued munching on oranges while watching the situation unfold.

“I’m the fruit of your and Mother’s love! Otherwise, why did you give birth to me!”

“Wh-What are you saying…”

“Mother’s passing was a tragic accident! Did she leave a will telling you to torment me? To treat me like an outcast in this family? To give me food I couldn’t even eat?”

The Marquis, who was gaping in astonishment, suddenly slammed his desk and stood up.

“What nonsense is this? Giving you inedible food. Who dares!”

“Until the maid changed…”

“Summon the head maid at once!”

“What’s the point of summoning her? You’re the one who created that environment, Father!”

With all her might, Eve shouted, expressing her frustration.

For a fleeting moment, a deep shock crossed his face.

“Calm yourself. No matter how upset, you can’t act this way towards Father. The servants are watching. The family’s honor…”

Eve’s gaze shifted to her brother who had been assisting the Marquis.

Unlike the shaken marquis, his face was completely unfazed, as if it wasn’t his problem.


Eve smirked softly and stomped her foot towards her brother.

“And you’re no different, Brother! Do you think you’re the only one who lost Mother at a young age? I never even saw her face!”

“You, you!”

Eve proceeded to sweep aside and scatter the documents on the desk as she shouted.

“From now on, I won’t live like a dead mouse over something that wasn’t even my fault, you hear me?”

Then, Eve turned around abruptly and fled from the chaotic study.

The maid hurriedly bowed and apologized, and I, seeing the frozen Marquis, handed over an orange peel to the bewildered servant’s hands and exited together.

“I, I’ve done it…”

Even though she was confident until leaving the office, Eve rushed into the terrace as if fleeing.

“My lady!”

“Good job. You spoke well?”

I entered the terrace where Eve was with the maid.

“You, are you really not a swindler? Oh, I’m going crazy. How can I face my family from now on!”

“But don’t you feel relieved to have said everything? You have that exact expression.”

“My face is still burning hot…”

“Shall I pour you another drink?”

I suggested to Eve, who was making a sullen expression. If the previous one was for encouragement, this one was for consolation.

“Pour me anything. I need to get more drunk to forget this.”

Eve leaned against the railing and waved her hand at me. As if telling me to hurry up and give her a glass.

“But before that.”

I leisurely summoned the cocktail making kit and glanced at Eve.

“Could you sign a contract that allows me to take the fruit?”

“You really are a swindler.”

“I’m just doing what I need to make a living.”

I joked and put the contract and pen in Eve’s hand. I must have prepared it quickly when the commotion happened earlier.

She glanced over it and simply signed it, as if telling me to hurry up and pour the next drink.

‘Okay. Quality fruit supply secured.’

I put the contract in my pocket and made Eve the second glass.

“Here you go?”

“This is… iced tea?”

“A ‘Long Island Iced Tea’. No actual tea, but still.”

I continued speaking nonchalantly as Eve sipped the Long Island iced tea.

“It’s a cocktail that mixes eight different ingredients to replicate iced tea.”

“I’m getting drunk…”

Although the smell of alcohol wafted heavily, it seemed the conversation was going well enough.



<Notice> Hidden Quest Complete!

You’ve changed the genre of ‘The Regressor Lady Protects Her Family’!

Genre: Sweet Potato → Cider 

Reward: 1,000 coins, 500 Reputation, Fresh Fruit (Unlimited)


“Soda over sweet potatoes, huh?”

That’s the trend these days, isn’t it?

Eve called me a swindler a few more times, but whatever. You can’t always hear only the good things in life.

Even if I got cursed at, I got free fruit, so it was a happy ending for me.


⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Translator Note ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The Negroni is known for its bittersweet taste, with the herbal notes from the gin, the bitterness from the Campari, and the sweetness from the vermouth blending together harmoniously. It’s often enjoyed as an aperitif before meals to stimulate the appetite.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading ♡


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