The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 7


Right. With that handsome looks, the lord is certainly fit to be a protagonist.

“Check character information.”


<Character Information>

Name : Johannes

Age : 25

Dimension : A dimension yet to be entered.

Role : Protagonist  

Affinity : ❤︎♡♡♡♡


‘So he’s not just the male lead, but the protagonist. Not an otome game setting, but some fantasy world?’

His flirting seemed so natural that I assumed he was an otome game male lead, but now I’m a bit confused.



<Notice> The reputation of the cocktail bar ‘I don’t know. Stuff like that bar’ has increased by 500. (Total: 800)


The fame increase was much higher than Captain Hook’s. Perhaps because he’s the protagonist?

As he strode out, the man paused at the door and looked back at me.

“If I get the chance, I’ll visit again.”

Even if it was just words, I was happy he promised to come again.

One visit makes a customer, two visits still a customer, but three visits makes a regular.

Regulars play a crucial role in setting the atmosphere of an establishment.

‘With this man around, even a shabby bar would feel sophisticated.’

Plus, having more regulars means I don’t need to explain things from scratch, which is efficient.

“I as well…”

I paused briefly to avoid seeming overeager.

“I’ll be thinking about what cocktail to serve you next time.”

“I look forward to it. Well then.”

The man bid farewell politely and left as the door closed behind him. Having properly served a customer for the first time in a while, I felt alive.

“…I guess I’m more cut out for bartending than I thought.”

Even when I’m tired and want to give it all up, my motivation slowly builds back up.

“Maybe I’ll keep at it a little longer.”

It’s probably too early to give up just yet.

Instead of drifting from place to place after clashing with the bar manager, I could run my own bar now.

‘Didn’t I used to dream of such a future when I first became a bartender?’

Back then, it felt like an unrealistic pipe dream, but now it’s a reality.

“Since things have turned out this way, let’s conquer all dimensions with cocktails!”

Just as I passionately declared that.

“‘I don’t know. Stuff like that  bar’? Is that really the bar’s name?”

I heard the man mutter from outside.

That single line deflated all my motivation again.

“System, can I change the bar’s name…”

I want to give up on everything. I slumped onto the bar counter and mumbled dejectedly.


Once my motivation drained, it didn’t return easily.

I lay in bed until high noon, when a good idea suddenly struck me.

‘Wait, I don’t necessarily have to work.’

As long as I can secure subscription fees somehow, right? The system didn’t specify ‘coins earned from selling cocktails.’

Conveniently, there was quality liquor on the display shelves.

‘Maybe I’ll try selling a few bottles.’

I gathered up some liquor bottles and crossed dimensions.

There were always people who could appreciate good liquor in any dimension. Drunkards exist everywhere.

“Well-aged whiskey! Nice. I’ll buy as much as I can.”

The price negotiations went smoothly as well.



<Notice> Basic material ‘alcohol’ cannot be sold.


The whiskey bottle wouldn’t leave my hand.

“Um…sorry, could you please take this whiskey from my hand?”

“Are you kidding me right now?”

The carrot-and-stick approach failed miserably.

Next, I tried buying a lottery ticket in another dimension. Of course, it was a bust.

What I didn’t expect was for the very next person to hit the jackpot.

“Sadly, you can only earn money through honest hard work.”

Oh woe is me. In the end, I decided to make reasonable compromises with reality.

‘The system’s conditions don’t seem too bad.’

After putting out the urgent fire, I pondered it calmly and came to that conclusion.

I can practically make cocktails blindfolded by now anyway.

As long as I secure the subscription fees, I can slack off a bit, right?

A few days later in the morning, having resolved to get into business properly, I decided to search for fruits.

‘I need fruits for garnishes.’

A garnish is a decorative element that finishes off a cocktail.

It involves sticking lemon or pineapple slices onto the rim of the glass, or spearing olives, cherries etc. onto a cocktail pick shaped like a toothpick.

The ‘Black Velvet’ I served the wealthy lord didn’t require a garnish, but most cocktails do.

‘There should be a place that sells fruits.’

Or at the very least, a place where I can forage for them.

Earning just 2 coins per cocktail like now won’t cut it for the subscription fees.

“The strategy is to go upscale with fancy cocktails.”

The goal is to work less, earn more!

The first dimension I arrived at to find fruit was….

“Ack, brrr. What the…why is it so cold?”

I shivered violently upon landing in the unfamiliar city.

Looking around, the buildings were submerged in water. Carriages were floating away and statues had toppled over.

It was straight out of a disaster movie scene.

“System, view dimension details.”

Since I paid the fees, I should make full use of the benefits.


<Notice> Loading…


“Ah, hurry hurry!”

As I impatiently tapped my foot, a large notification window popped up before my eyes.


<Dimension Information>

Title: Rescue Operation in the Submerged City (12 episodes)  

Genre: Drama/Period Piece/Disaster

Synopsis: A devastating flood strikes a peaceful city! Evelyn seems like an ordinary housewife, but is actually a former secret agent. She struggles to rescue her scattered family members.

Would you like to view more?

[Y]                                   [N]


So that’s how it works.

While I was curious about the exploits of the housewife hiding her true strength, I chose N for now. There’s no way I’d be able to find fruits here anyway.

“I should head back now… Huh?”

As I turned to leave without hesitation, something floating in the water caught my eye—a cat.

“Oh no! Here kitty!”

I hastily fished it out, and the cat shook itself dry, splattering water all over me.

“I’ll view it! What’s the protagonist up to right now? Where is she?”


<Notice> Loading…


This time, the wait wasn’t boring at all.

A cat was nestled snugly in my arms.

“But, why is it squirming around so much? Is that normal for cats?”

The sensation of it slithering out like a slime was unfamiliar.

When I petted my friend’s dog once, it felt very solid.


“That doesn’t even sound like a ‘meow’?”

Then why do people call cats ‘meows’?


<Notice> Replaying ‘Rescue Operation in the Submerged City’ Episode 12 (Final)


A small video popped up before my eyes. The steeple I saw earlier was in the video too.

Meaning this must be nearby.

“The video quality sucks though…”


<Notice> Upgrade to ‘Standard’ membership for HD viewing.


Yeah right.

I scoffed and set the playback to 2x speed to pinpoint the protagonist’s location.

‘Ah, there’s the boat!’

I spotted the protagonist boarding the rescue ship with her family after the climactic battle.

Since it’s the final episode, nothing major should happen on that boat.

“Stay safe. I might as well follow that person.”

As the rescue ship drew near, I flung the cat away nonchalantly. In case anyone claimed it wasn’t a cat, the feline landed gracefully.

After waving goodbye to the cat, I turned to leave as the ship sailed away.


The next dimension I arrived in was a quaint countryside village. An idyllic scene of various fruit trees lining the landscape.

“What’s this? An orchard?”

Thankfully there were no people around. I scanned my surroundings and started filling a basket with apples, oranges and more.

“Wow, even lemons and grapefruits? All so fresh. Well-maintained too.”

The vibrant freshness was so palpable that I couldn’t help exclaiming in admiration.

When the basket was about half full, I noticed an elegant manor in the distance. Seems I had ventured quite far in.

“That building… Is this possibly an otome game world?”

I muttered to myself without thinking.

“My lady!”

I instinctively hid behind a tree at someone’s frantic cry.

“You’re finally awake? Oh goodness, my lord! The lady has regained consciousness!”

Peeking out, I saw a dazed young woman in a damp dress cradled by a maid, blinking slowly.

“Where is…”

“Melbury Estate, my lady! You came down here to recuperate. I truly thought… I feared the worst had happened.”

The maid choked up with emotion as she explained.

‘I get the gist. She came to the countryside to recuperate, but this lady fell into water or something.’

Judging by their wet state, the maid must have rescued her.

They all seemed to have rushed over from work, carrying brooms, pruning shears and gardening tools.

But something about their atmosphere felt a bit off.

“Are you doing this on purpose again?”

“Shh. The young master is here.”

A few nearby servants whispered among themselves.


As I tilted my head in confusion, a tall man stepped forward. He was undoubtedly the ‘young master’ the maid referred to.

“I clearly warned you not to cause any more disturbances.”

The man snapped irritably, brushing his bangs back with one hand. Though they seemed to be siblings, he regarded her with a chilling gaze, as if looking at a bug.

“How long has it been since the crown prince abandoned you after chasing him around? Do you think pulling a suicide stunt will make him look at you again?”

The woman’s eyes were fixed on the man. Looking utterly dazed, she touched her face, hair and dress before abruptly standing up.

“…Brother? You’re alive?”

“Do I look like I’m joking around right now!”

The man barked furiously. Despite his fierce reaction, the woman merely welled up with tears.

‘Oh. She seems to have regressed.’


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading ♡


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