The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 6


“Is this the place?”

The man looked up at the two-story red brick building.

He probably couldn’t believe it—the fact that there was a cocktail bar in this forest.

‘Of course not. Even I still can’t fully grasp it.’

I smiled wryly to myself before opening the door.

“Ah, there’s a signboard. The name is…..”

“Um, please come in.”

I grabbed the man’s arm and led him inside.

I hadn’t noticed until now, but the interior was a bit untidy after a week of just living here carelessly.


<Notice> Quest Complete!

With a customer’s visit, this world has regained its existence. Power supply will be restored.

Reward: Carbonated Drinks x100, Restore Power Supply


Fortunately, perhaps because I brought in a customer, the system tactfully restored the power supply.

‘I almost had to serve cocktails in a bar without lights.’

I can’t even imagine how suspicious that would have looked.


The man rolled his eyes, surveying the interior of the bar, as if assessing potential threats.

“Please have a seat wherever is comfortable.”


As expected, the man sat at the bar counter, an ideal spot to observe me easily.

He first cast a suspicious glance at the fully stocked liquor display, then looked intently at the second floor and back door.

Yet whenever I moved, his gaze shifted back to me.

‘He’s still watching me with suspicion.’

While I found his attitude unpleasant, I forced a business-like smile. For now, since he had entered and taken a seat, he was a customer.

“Excuse me sir, could you please set your weapons aside? They’re a bit intimidating and scary.”


The man calmly replied as he untied the heavy double-edged sword on his back and placed it on the floor.

Only then did the tension that had risen to my throat seem to dissipate.



But the weapons just kept coming out.

In total, five daggers. One knuckleduster. Even an awl.

‘He really did come prepared for war.’

No wonder they shot arrows at me right away.

I was lucky the arrow just grazed me. If it had hit…

‘I would have died.’

Even if I had given up and decided to live recklessly, I didn’t want to die in such a way.

Did my thoughts show on my face? The man who had been watching me spoke up.

“When a dungeon appears, surrounding villages are laid to waste.”


“The demonic forces that expand their dominion centered on the dungeon eventually burst out, devouring people indiscriminately, be it children or adults.”

The man lowered his gaze and smiled bitterly. It was a smile conveying much.

“To prevent such occurrences and protect the northern lands is my role. Please forgive my rudeness.”

I couldn’t muster any retort.

I clearly wronged him, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything.

He was just being faithful to his role.

It would be a lie if I said I didn’t have any lingering resentment, but I could understand it a little…..

“A mere apology won’t suffice. Please accept this modest compensation.”

The man reached into his pocket and took out a coin, placing it on the bar counter.

The coin shining brilliantly with a golden glow seemed extraordinary.


<Notice> You acquired 10,000 coins!



I opened my mouth in surprise. Amazingly, the lingering resentment in my heart instantly dissipated.

‘Financial therapy is the best.’

I can’t believe I was this materialistic.


<Notice> Basic payment completed.
9,800 coins have been deducted.


The system drained my funds without even asking for consent.

‘This feels unfair.’

I earned this money by getting hit with a poisoned arrow, after all.

Thinking of the system watching me from somewhere, I glared into the empty space.

I don’t really have a use for the money, but the thought of that money going to the system made my blood boil.

However, I couldn’t keep a customer who paid a fortune waiting.

I suppressed my feelings and spoke to the man.

“Would you like to order?”

“You mentioned making a drink earlier. I’m not sure how to order such a thing.”

Well, it would be difficult for someone who doesn’t know what a cocktail is to order directly.

It might be good to prepare a simple menu, but I preferred finding the menu through conversation.

“What kind of drinks do you normally enjoy, sir?”

It’s a question I always ask, but my voice came out smoother than usual. It wasn’t intentional, but it seemed to be the effect of the financial therapy.

“Beer and whiskey, mostly.”

“I see. Do you prefer your whiskey straight or on the rocks?”

“Straight. In fact, the idea of mixing it is a bit hard to imagine.”

I nodded, organizing the information in my head.

‘Since he drinks whiskey straight, he must have a taste for strong drinks. And he seems a bit averse to mixing drinks, so I should serve a clean-tasting cocktail.’

Moreover, since I’m working, a drink that’s not too heavy would be good.

“I’ll make you the best cocktail using beer.”

“That sounds intriguing.”

There was a hint of anticipation in the man’s relaxed, smiling voice. It kindled my motivation to deliver.

The cocktail I’ll be making today, the ‘Black Velvet’, requires champagne and stout beer.

I just need to pour equal parts of each into a glass, but to get them to blend naturally, I have to pour them simultaneously.

‘But they’re both carbonated, so the foam might overflow.’

If I’m not careful, the overflowing foam could make a mess. And that would disappoint the customer, killing the mood.

‘Still, I’m confident about the Black Velvet.’

One of my regulars was a hardcore Black Velvet devotee.

Whenever he walked in, I’d start making a Black Velvet right away.

Even my fellow bartenders would whisper, ‘The Black Velvet guy is here,’ when he arrived.

Holding a champagne bottle in one hand and a stout beer bottle in the other, I slowly poured them into a chilled glass.

The key is pouring a tiny amount at a time to let them blend naturally.

“Pouring both at the same time?”

The man’s eyes widened. With cocktails, performance is just as important as taste.

Glug glug. I showed off my skills a bit, precisely pouring them at a 1:1 ratio, filling it just right without letting the foam overflow.

“Here is the ‘Black Velvet’ for you, sir.”


I set down the glass respectfully.

The tall champagne flute contained the night sky. Pure black, with a distinct white foam head separating the two layers.

The man surveyed the Black Velvet, then raised the glass with an elegant gesture.

As he drank, I watched his throat move.

After downing it in one go, he set down the glass and looked at me.

No matter how experienced, I still get that fluttery feeling awaiting a first customer’s evaluation.

“Was it to your liking?”

“…Yes. The sweetness of the champagne fills the mouth, followed by the bittersweet aftertaste of the stout, but the finish is incredibly smooth, leaving a mellow feel.”

“Indeed. I combined the lightness of champagne with the richness of stout. You could say their strengths harmonize.”

I explained calmly.

“I’m amazed you achieved such a deep flavor with just a regular stout. The foam was filled with a creamy texture. How should I put it… it was a blissful experience. It’s been a long time since I felt like this.”

Listening to his thorough review, I couldn’t help but smile.

‘He’s incredibly detailed.’

As expected of the noble lord, he had a gracious demeanor.

His words made this one glass feel truly special.

“It seems you’ve finally relaxed. You look much prettier when smiling.”

“Huh? Ah, thank you…”

The unexpected compliment took me aback, and he chuckled softly. There was a sense of restraint in his smile. As if he exercised thorough self-control.

‘But he was different while drinking the Black Velvet.’

A glass of an enjoyable drink helps shed tension and reveal one’s true self.

I felt a sense of accomplishment for briefly bringing out that side of him.

“I should get going soon.”

“Already? Without having another drink…”

“My men will be waiting.”

The man swiftly readied his weapons and stood up.


<Notice> Hidden Quest Complete!

You have served your first protagonist from another dimension.

Reward: ‘Character Information’ Viewing Unlocked


I was startled as I casually glanced at the notification.

‘A protagonist?’


⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Translator Note ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The Black Velvet cocktail is a classic drink made by mixing stout beer with champagne or sparkling wine. The combination of the dark beer and the light, bubbly champagne creates a visually striking drink with a unique flavor profile. Due to its elegant appearance and rich taste, it’s often served on special occasions or as a celebratory drink.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading ♡


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