The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 50


“It gets cold.”

“But it’s a desert?”

The couple tilted their heads, as if questioning what I meant.

“Yes, I didn’t know either since it’s my first time in a desert, but apparently it gets really hot during the day but then rapidly cools down at night.”

“Then we should enjoy the desert scenery and drink before it gets cold. Let’s go, honey.”

The couple took their Blue Hawaiis and went outside.

One change from becoming a desert oasis bar was that during business hours, there was now a large hole next to the door, similar in size to a door, allowing easy access to the desert.

Fortunately, only people could pass through, not the desert winds carrying sand.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

“Oh? Has it become a desert?”

As I served the trickling customers, darkness fell. The leisurely sightseeing customers came rushing back into the bar in a hurried panic.

‘It’s that time.’

I handed out blankets one-by-one to the shivering customers.

One feature of the desert is the extreme temperature difference between day and night.

Once night falls and it suddenly gets cold, I prohibit going outside and only operate indoors.

‘If only we had a part-timer to manage outside, maybe even light a fire.’

But without a part-timer, what can you do? In the evenings, even indoors gets chilly, so customers who visit then order a lot of warm cocktails.

The hot toddy generously spiced with cinnamon, the velvety hot buttered rum with milk and butter, and mulled wine that was pre-simmered in preparation.

“Whew, just one hot toddy and my frozen body warm up in an instant.”

“And this rich buttery taste, mmm? Urp. I can make it through another day with this.”

The faces of the customers draped in blanket cloaks flushed red from the booze.

You can’t see the desert at this hour, but the atmosphere of the exotic stone building was fitting.

‘If there are a lot of kid customers in the early afternoon, their parents come in the evenings.’

I guess I was paying attention while they were playing in the sand with their child.

As the evening business was in full swing, I noticed a man in the corner shivering violently.

“Excuse me, you look cold. Would you like me to bring you a thicker blanket?”

As I approached and asked, the man nodded vigorously as if he had been waiting for me to offer. When I handed him a plush blanket, he instantly buried himself in it.

Then he looked at me with intense, heated eyes as if deeply moved.

“You’re the first woman who’s been so thoughtful to me. Kind, too.”


I laughed without much emotion. How could I just ignore someone shaking so violently their table was rattling?

An oddly strong force seemed to emanate from him, so I quietly retreated from his table.

However… before long, I came to regret handing this man a blanket.


“I got this thinking of you.”

“It’s okay.”

The man who introduced himself as Cedric had been coming back and forth to the Milky Way Lounge since that day, always bringing expensive gifts.

Surprisingly, the very first gift he brought was a ring. Honestly, a ring as a first-meeting gift was way over the line.

‘The moment I accept it, he’s probably envisioning marriage in his head.’

I flatly rejected the ring.

To leave no room for him to misinterpret the wrong signal.

Yet Cedric kept forcibly pushing jewelry like bracelets and earrings as “gifts” every single day.

Not accepting even once, but he doesn’t give up!

‘I haven’t even gotten rid of the previous nuisance, and a new one shows up.’

How many nuisances exist in this world?

It was awkward dealing with this type who teeters right on the line of what’s inappropriate to call out.

If they crossed the line, I could chase them out, but they were still wearing the guise of a “customer.”

After rejecting his fifth gift, Cedric pouted his lips.

“Oh, this is a big problem. They won’t even accept a refund for this…”

“Well, that’s a problem. So please don’t bring any more gifts next time.”

Even though he tried to give me a hint, I brazenly brushed it off.

Honestly, after being rejected like that, he should have taken the hint and given up. Am I some tree that falls after being pushed 10 times?

“You’re not satisfied with just these gifts? You’re quite greedy. Alright. I’ll prepare a special gift for you.”


Did he even hear what I said? Feeling like I was talking to a wall, a sigh naturally escaped me.

It seems I need to draw a clearer line here.

I hardened my expression coldly and spoke up.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but I have no intention of accepting any gift you bring. If you’re visiting not for the cocktails, but with other intentions towards me, then please don’t come here anymore.”

“What? I’ve increased your sales so much, and you don’t even appreciate it!”

Cedric yelled as he abruptly stood up from his seat, slamming the bar counter.

“Fine, I won’t drink then. Don’t need it!”

Not even sparing Cedric, who was fuming, a glance, I reached for the untouched cocktail glass in front of him.

Staring at the lukewarm cocktail with the melted ice, I suppressed a sigh.

‘Right, there’s no way a guy like this would back off obediently. I expected him to throw a tantrum ranting about sales numbers.’

But after yelling loudly, he probably won’t come back again next time. It’d be best if he just left quickly…

The moment I thought that, Cedric suddenly grabbed my wrist.

“Hey, did I ever say I wanted to date you? After spending all that money on gifts, just accept them obediently. Why are you being so picky?”

“Please leave now.”

“Don’t act so high and mighty!”

Talking is pointless. So, does not wanting it count as acting high and mighty?

I tried to pull my wrist free from Cedric’s grip, but he was too strong for me to do as I wanted. The more I struggled, the more he snickered daring me to try.

“You look even prettier up close. Just try this ring on once. See? It suits you perfectly, right?”

“Stop it! Please leave now.”

“Let me put it on for you. Hey, think about it carefully. Do you even know how important I am? If you knew who I was, you’d regret acting like this, you know? If you come with me… Agh!”

Cedric couldn’t finish his sentence.

“What’s going on here?”

At the familiar voice, someone grabbed Cedric’s shoulder and spun him around.

“Hey, who are you to interfere?”


My eyes widened at the sight of him after so long.

Then the expressionless Johan suddenly flung Cedric away with seemingly little effort.

Ughh! My back!”

Cedric groaned as he tumbled onto the floor.


Caught off guard by the unexpected situation, I alternated glances between Johan and the fallen Cedric in bewilderment.

“My apologies for causing a ruckus in your store.”

“No, it’s alright.”

“Even though Sena can handle this alone, please let me help since it’s a rare occasion.”

“Ah, yes!”

With my permission granted, Johan smirked and tossed his glove at Cedric. The glove lightly struck Cedric’s face before dropping to the floor.

“I challenge you to a duel. If you have any honor, you won’t refuse a duel.”


Even though fighting wasn’t my thing, it was clear that there was a significant difference in strength. It must be even more apparent to Cedric, feeling Johan’s killing intent directed at him.

“Wh-What? Who do you think you are! Are you this bartender’s boyfriend or something?”

“Still haven’t come to your senses, I see.”

Johan’s piercing blue eyes flashed sharply as he coldly watched Cedric.

“I-I just tripped! Consider yourself lucky, you bastard!”

Cedric staggered as he stood up, thrashing about in a way that contradicted his excuse about hurting his leg.

“Where to?”

Johan blocked Cedric’s attempted escape, his eyes flashing as deep as the ocean.

“You don’t think running away will solve anything, do you?”


Overwhelmed by Johan’s force, Cedric cowered and trembled where he stood. Johan then casually scooped up the frozen Cedric with one hand like baggage and walked out.

“H-Hey, put me down! Hey, is anyone there? Save me!”

As the two left, the previously chaotic atmosphere calmed down.

“But, Johan… where did he go?”

Surely not to fight outside? It seemed too quiet around for that.

‘It could get dangerous if it escalates…’

I had agreed in the spur of the moment before, but friction between customers was risky.

Just as I was thinking I should intervene, Johan returned.

“Don’t worry. That guy won’t be able to bother Sena anymore.”

“Ah, thank you. Um, by any chance…”

As I awkwardly smiled, trailing off, Johan seemed to understand and gave a reassuring smile.

“I simply sent him on his way obediently, so you don’t need to worry.”


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


  1. AyraRedwood says:

    Aww I really liked this chapter 💕 I’ve missed Johan

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