The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 17


Despite my outcry, Doctor Unnie just whistled nonchalantly.

“By the way, is this a bar?”

“That’s not important right now! Do you really not have a medical license?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Princess, a whisky for me!”

“I can’t allow drinking while providing medical treatment.”

“Not for me. For this prince here.”

“For the patient?”

Is that really okay for a patient?

“I’m about to cut this area, but I don’t have any anesthetic.”

“Oh my….”

She really was unlicensed. I swore never to call her if I got hurt and pulled out a strong whiskey.

“Excuse me.”

I placed the man’s head on my lap and poured whiskey into his open mouth.

“Alright. Here we go!”


If this final boss wakes up, won’t he try to kill me for leaving him in the hands of a crazy doctor?

“Found it. The bullet!”

“This man was shot?”


Doctor Unnie cut into the man’s wound and extracted the bullet. Unable to watch, I turned my head away.

“I’ll stitch you up nicely. Hehehe, can’t leave a scar on such a beauty.”

“Those needles, they’re sterile right?”

“Who knows? But it’s better than leaving it open. The abdomen needs suturing after all.”

Doctor Unnie’s careless response made me break out in a cold sweat.

“I can trust you…right?”

“Well, what choice do I have? I’m from the apocalypse world. Supplies are always scarce.”


Now I understood why she was unlicensed and so reckless.

This must be normal for her.

‘But then why did the system send an unlicensed doctor after taking 3,000 coins from me?’

I glared in the direction where the notice windows usually appear. This was daylight robbery, wasn’t it?

“By the way, do you have vodka here?”


“The guy I have a crush on likes vodka. I’ll take a bottle when I leave. Hmm, vodka should be colorless, odorless, and tasteless, right?”

There it is. The inevitable question about vodka!

“Well, not exactly.”

“Huh? Really?”

“It is colorless. You’re right about that. And it’s relatively odorless too. While the alcohol smell isn’t overpowering, each vodka does have its own subtle aroma. But it definitely has a distinct flavor.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Doctor Unnie nodded as she stitched the wound.

“Vodka aims for a clean taste, so it might seem tasteless, but if you try it, you’ll notice the flavor.”


“After the surgery.”


Even with her playful demeanor, Doctor Unnie seemed rather focused, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as proof.

How much time had passed? Doctor Unnie stretched her arms wide like she was doing a stretch.

“Phew, all done. No need to worry about dying now. Though he’ll probably be unconscious for a few days?”

“That’s a relief…”

“Do you have a bed? Let’s move him.”

“Ah, there’s one upstairs.”

I helped Doctor Unnie move the man to the bed.

“Can we do the tasting now?”


I took Doctor Unnie to the bar counter.

“Vodka is a spirit made from fermented and distilled grains. This one is made from corn.”

“Oh. The atmosphere changed suddenly?”

“I take my liquor seriously.”

I playfully poured the first vodka into a glass.

“Try it. It has a light, sweet taste.”

“Oh, you’re right. Subtly sweet.”

After emptying the glass, I poured the second vodka.

“This one’s made from wheat. It has a citrusy aroma. The taste is light with a slightly dry finish.”

“Ah! It has a similar aroma to white wine.”

Doctor Unnie sniffed alternately between the first and second glasses.

“Exactly. And this one is made from potatoes. It has a smooth, velvety texture. They focused on the mouthfeel. Close your eyes and focus on your tongue.”


Doctor Unnie closed her eyes and took a sip of the potato vodka, letting out a sound of admiration.

“How is it?”

“It definitely has flavor. Not flavorless at all. Tasting them in sequence really highlights the differences.”

Doctor Unnie chuckled in amusement.

I returned the vodka bottles to their places.

‘Flavorless is just a common misconception about vodka.’

To be honest, if it was truly flavorless, why would anyone drink vodka? How would it differ from water?

Grape-based vodkas even emerged to challenge that misconception.

“Which vodka did you like the most?”

“Mm, the last one with the smooth texture.”

“Then I’ll pack that one for you. Just a moment…”

“Wait, you’re a bartender, right? So, you mix drinks. Right?”

As I was packing the vodka, Doctor Unnie spoke up.

“Yes. Why?”

“Then it would be a shame to just leave. Make something with this vodka. What kind of flavor would it create when mixed? It would probably transform into something completely different?”

I pondered for a moment. What should I make? There are plenty of vodka-based cocktails, but I wanted to create something special just for Doctor Unnie.

‘That would be nice.’

A suitable cocktail idea suddenly popped into my mind.

I shook vodka and dry vermouth together, then strained it into a glass. Adding a squeeze of lemon peel and garnishing with an olive on a cocktail pick.

“This is a Vodka Martini.”

This is the cocktail favored by Bond in the 007 movie series. The famous “shaken, not stirred” line refers to how it’s made by shaking instead of stirring. At the cocktail bar I used to work at, when someone ordered a Martini, the vodka version was served by default.

‘It’s that popular.’

Despite swapping gin for vodka and stirring for shaking, completely changing the ingredients and preparation method, it remained a Martini.

If asked which is better, I would personally vouch for the classic gin Martini. But I wanted to serve Doctor Unnie this vodka version.

“Oh, it’s stronger than it looks? Is this the taste of adulthood? But unlike earlier, it has quite a nice aroma.”

“The dry vermouth lent its aroma instead of the subtler vodka.”

“Alright, alright. The more I drink, the more it tastes tangy and savory? It must be the olive. I like this aftertaste.”

Doctor Unnie’s speech gradually sped up as her face flushed with intoxication.

“This cocktail became famous for being the drink of choice for a movie protagonist.”


“That protagonist was so perfect, he would breeze through even the toughest missions. A bit more refined and dashing than you, Unnie, but…”

“Heh. Let’s leave out the last part.”

“I hope you live splendidly in that apocalyptic world.”

Doctor Unnie, who had been noisy the whole time, closed her mouth and looked at me. Her gaze was strangely uncomfortable, so I quickly grabbed the vodka.

“Anyway, take this vodka. Have it with that person you mentioned, set the mood.”

“Ah, that won’t work.”

Doctor Unnie laughed lightly and waved her hand.

“You’re not on drinking buddy terms anymore?”

“Not anymore. He died about 10 years ago. That guy said vodka tasted sweet while drinking it.”

Doctor Unnie continued as she ate the olive from the cocktail pick.

“Back then, I didn’t understand. But now I get it, with the olive added. Well, that’s life for you.”

This time, I was truly stunned. Despite being an experienced bartender, this was the first time something like this had happened.

“Why the look? It’s okay, it’s okay. His death wasn’t that bad. He died before the world went completely mad, so happy ending, right?”

“…Does he have a grave?”

“Haha. That would be a luxury.”

“Then let me make one more drink.”

I took out the olive and continued.

“I’ll let you place it where he passed. I should let you know his favorite vodka.”


Doctor Unnie froze as if struck by those words. Then she suddenly reached out and patted my head.

“I thought you were just a pretty princess, but you’re quite the bartender.”

“Don’t touch my head.”

I bluntly retorted, making Doctor Unnie chuckle.

“I should get going now. Oh, here’s for the drinks.”

Doctor Unnie stuffed a crinkled piece of paper into my pocket and stood up.

“This is…”


The same magic circle from her arrival reappeared, and Doctor Unnie vanished without a trace.

“Ah, she’s gone.”

Left alone, I unfolded the paper she had given me.

<Doctor Unnie Unlimited Use Coupon>

It was a flamboyantly designed flyer.

“It cost a whopping 3,000 coins just to call her once.”

Now I can summon her as many times as I want. Being treated by an unlicensed doctor is scary, but it feels like having insurance.

With that thought, I laid out a futon in the living room.

Since my bed was taken, I’ll have to sleep on the floor. Oh well, what can you do.


My lower back was aching, probably from sleeping on the floor.


I massaged my back and peeked into the bedroom. The man was still asleep.

‘It was fortunate I called Doctor Unnie in time.’

I raised the curtains to let in some sunlight, and the rays poured over his tightly closed eyes.

‘He’s handsome.’

With his chiseled features, this man had a delicately sculpted face that stood out even on second glance.

“Rest well then.”

I straightened out the disheveled blanket and went downstairs.

I had scrambled eggs for breakfast and then laid on the porch to bask in the sunlight.

‘After sleeping through the night, it’s time for a nap.’

The days of skimping on sleep while working felt like a previous life now.

It felt like I was making up for all that lost slumber.

‘I used to come in 30 minutes early to prepare the snacks.’

Why did I even do that? No one appreciated it, and soon it became an expected duty.

Once, I came in right on time and the bar manager berated me for being lazy.

“What a sucker.”

I let out a chuckle and took out a book I had brought from another dimension. I had it ready for days when I couldn’t sleep, like today.

《Why Did the Duchess Give Meat to the Gardener》

The handsome gardener on the cover caught my eye.

I was so curious about why the duchess would give meat to him. Hmm.


⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Translator Note ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

A Vodka Martini is a classic cocktail celebrated for its simplicity and elegance. As a variation of the traditional Martini, which is typically made with gin, the Vodka Martini uses vodka instead, resulting in a cleaner and more neutral flavor.
This drink is straightforward yet sophisticated. The blend of vodka and dry vermouth creates a crisp, clean, and slightly dry cocktail. The choice of garnish—whether a lemon twist for a hint of citrus or olives for a briny touch—adds a personalized element to this classic beverage.


Thank you for reading! ♡


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Thank you for reading ♡


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