The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 15


The lord drank the Pink Lady in one continuous gulp until the glass was drained.

I swallowed nervously. Despite my intention of a small revenge, I had put considerable effort into making the cocktail.

“Now that I look at it, this color. It matches your hair perfectly.”

Clank. The lord set down the empty glass on the table. I nodded.

“Do not be deceived by its gentle hue—it packs quite a potent punch.”

His azure eyes stared straight at me.

“Amusing. I like it.”

“Thank you.”

Seeing his satisfied expression, I instinctively straightened up.

Should I offer him another drink right away? Maybe suggest a cocktail that resembles him for the second round…

“Not just this cocktail, but you as well.”

I hesitated. What did he mean by that?

His expression was quite serious, suggesting it wasn’t just casual flirting. Ah, could it be that…

“It’s sudden, but would you consider becoming the bartender at my estate?”

As expected, a recruitment offer.

This wasn’t the first time I’d received such an offer. Instead of feeling flustered, I found it intriguing.

If I accepted straight away, it would undervalue my worth. I should play a bit of hard-to-get.

“I don’t want to be a bartender for just one person.”

I responded quite convincingly. If he were serious, he would make a better offer. If not, he wasn’t worth my time.

“I will make sure the conditions are favorable.”

So how much?

Specifically, lay out the annual salary, working hours and holidays.

“If you put it that way, I’m willing to hear your offer out of respect.”

“Then how about ■■■■ on the condition of residing at my estate?”


What was that just now? Did some artificial noise interfere when he stated the amount?


<Notice> Inappropriate words have been filtered.


Wow, really, system? That’s crossing a line, isn’t it?

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t quite catch that properly…”

“Yes, I was thinking around ■■■■.”


<Notice> Inappropriate words have been filtered.


Damn system. It’s not even allowing a job change.

Come to think of it, as the lord’s personal bartender, I probably couldn’t waste time like I do now. I was genuinely tempted, but my motivation fizzled out just as quickly.

Perhaps sensing my cooled expression, the lord stared intently before speaking again.

“If it’s inadequate, we can negotiate…”

“Let me think it over.”

“Very well. Take your time.”

He left room for further negotiations, just in case.

“Then we shall get to know each other gradually. To start, my name is Johannes. You may call me Johan for short.”

“Lord Johan…Yes, it’s a wonderful name.”

“And yours?”

Johan smiled gently at me as he asked for my name.

“I’m Sena Lee. Please call me Sena.”

“I’ll remember that, Miss Sena.”

Johan ordered a couple more cocktails after that.


<Notice> The reputation of the cocktail bar ‘I don’t know. Stuff like that bar’ has increased by 300. (Total 2,050)

It is currently at the level of ‘A hidden gem that might disappear if only I knew about it.’


<Notice> You have gained 500 coins!


Indeed, the numbers were on a different level compared to other customers. The enormous amount of coins made me feel euphoric. Were my eyes turning into dollar signs?

‘Speaking of being a hidden gem that may disappear…’

Still, being described as a ‘hidden gem’ counts as praise, right?

As Johan turned to leave, I mustered all my remaining energy to vigorously wave goodbye.

“I hope you become a regular.”

Just as I beamed with my now well-lined pockets, the door opened again.

Could it be another customer? Setting a new daily record with six groups in one day?

“Ha! Didn’t I tell you this was the place? You never listen to me.”

I turned towards that familiar voice to see a large crane enter my view.

‘Ah, the crane customer!’

But he wasn’t alone this time.

“Everywhere you recommend is the same old nonsense.”

A fox who followed in snapped back gruffly.

‘Huh? This combination…’

‘The Fox and the Crane’?

The classic fable where one invites the other for a meal, but serves the food in vessels only convenient for themselves, leading to bickering.

“What are you doing? In a place like this, you should sit at the bar!”

“Why bother? The table seats are the best, aren’t they?”

As expected, they had already started quarreling.

‘It hasn’t even been that long since they arrived.’

If they get into a drunken scuffle, it’ll be a major incident.

Perhaps sensing my troubled expression, the crane cleared his throat pointedly at the fox.

“Since our opinions differ, there’s only one way to settle this.”

“Fine. Heads, we sit at the table. Tails, we sit at the bar. Here goes…”

The fox flipped a coin. Their eyes followed the coin as it landed on the floor, showing tails.

“Damn it! What trick did you pull on my coin?”

“Ah, that’s your specialty.”

Even with the outcome decided, their ruckus showed no signs of subsiding. I tactfully set a fruit platter before the crane. Grumbling, the fox took a seat beside the crane.

“May I take your order?”

I swiftly tried to get their orders while the brief lull lasted, knowing another argument could erupt anytime.

“Please provide me with an elegant cocktail that suits me.”

“For me, something strong and intense! Seriously, an ‘elegant’ drink? Ha! Alcohol is meant to get you drunk.”

“Are you done talking?”

“No! I haven’t even started. Why?”

…It was wise to take their order first.

I slipped away from the chaos and began preparing their drinks.

I freshly squeezed an orange and filled the glass with champagne to complete the cocktail.

“Excuse me. I’ll prepare a ‘Mimosa’ for you.”


The crane dipped its beak into the tall glass of Mimosa.

“Refreshing and delicious. A perfect 100 out of 100 points. Wonderfully zesty! And this color.”

The crane swirled the glass with its wing, making the bright yellow liquid inside shimmer like a spring day.

“It’s as if spring itself is captured within. I can envision a meadow blanketed in cheerful yellow blooms.”

“That’s why this cocktail is called a Mimosa. Just like the cute, yellow flower.”

I explained with a smile before swiftly moving to the next drink, as the fox had glared at me for serving the crane first.


I added ice, cognac, and mint liqueur to the shaker and shook it vigorously.

Once properly mixed, I strained it into a glass and garnished it with mint leaves.

“Here is the ‘Stinger’ for you.”

“Hmmm. This is supposed to be strong and intense?”

“Give it a try.”

I smiled brightly at the fox who was tapping the glass skeptically. Perhaps piqued by my confident demeanor, he downed the glass in one gulp.

‘Ah, if he chugs it like that…’

But before I could warn him, half the drink was already gone.


The fox broke into a coughing fit, clutching his throat. I quickly offered him some warm water.

Phew…I’ll live.”

After gulping down the water, the fox slumped over the bar counter.

“Crazy strong stuff.”

“How is it? Strong and intense, right?”

I shrugged.

“Like a burning sensation searing my throat?”

“That’s why it’s called a Stinger.”

It’s a cocktail with an alluringly sharp, invigorating kick.

“Well, serves you right. Making such a fuss over one measly drink.”

“Dammit…Wait? Ah, I see now. You and the bartender must be in cahoots!”

Hah! I didn’t expect you to be this dull-witted. That absurd order was your own doing.”

Watching them bicker relentlessly, not wanting to back down, drew unbidden chuckles from me.

“You two really are close friends, aren’t you?”

At those words, their eyes widened in unison.

It reminded me of the ‘Fox and Crane’ fable I read as a child. I read that book until it was worn out, finding it so amusing back then.

‘I wonder why. Was it amusing because they took turns being unable to eat?’

I didn’t know. I couldn’t even remember if they ended up amicably sharing a meal or not in the end.

At the time, I simply thought them an amusing odd couple. But seeing them up close now, they’re just bickering friends.

“Listen here, bartender. This idiot and I have been sworn enemies for hundreds of years.”

“That’s right! Ever since this moron invited me over for dinner but served the food on a flat plate.”

The fox and crane raised their voices, as if to emphasize their point.

‘If you were truly enemies for hundreds of years, you would have gone for each other’s throats long ago instead of bickering.’

Saying that would just trigger another round of bickering.

Instead, I decided to speak as a bartender through my cocktails.

“I just thought of the perfect cocktail for the two of you.”


⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Translator Note ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The Mimosa cocktail is a refreshing and popular drink typically enjoyed during brunch. It is made by combining equal parts of champagne (or other sparkling wine) and chilled citrus juice, usually orange juice. This cocktail is known for its light, bubbly texture and fruity flavor, making it a delightful and celebratory beverage.
The Mimosa is simple to prepare and often garnished with a slice of orange or a twist of citrus peel. Its easy preparation and elegant presentation have made it a staple at celebrations, brunches, and special occasions.

The Stinger cocktail is a classic drink known for its simplicity and bold flavor. It typically consists of just two ingredients: brandy and white crème de menthe.
The Stinger is also known for its strong, minty flavor from the crème de menthe, balanced by the warmth of the brandy. It’s a timeless cocktail that has been enjoyed for decades and remains a favorite among those who appreciate its straightforward yet satisfying taste.


Thank you for reading! ♡


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Thank you for reading ♡


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