The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World

Chapter 14


It was smooth and tangy, with a rich flavor, like drinking cream.

The unique color of that one drink and the lingering aroma at the tip of his nose kept coming back to him.

“Are you going straight home?”

“What’s there to do at home? I’d rather have a cold beer.”

“Good idea. Want to grab one together?”

“No, thanks. Fighting back-to-back with you is enough for me.”

“Cold as ever. I guess I’ll stop by my regular bar.”

Johannes overheard his subordinates’ chatter.

“A drink sounds nice.”

Johannes muttered to himself.


“If I get the chance, I’ll visit again.”


It was a polite, offhand remark. He hadn’t expected to ever return.

Yet with every monster he slew, every sleepless night, that unique drink kept surfacing in his thoughts.

After a brief hesitation, Johannes made his decision and reined in his horse.

“My lord?”

“Vice-Commander. I leave the return in your hands. There’s somewhere I need to stop by.”

“Out here in the middle of this barren nowhere?”

His subordinates gaped at him in bewilderment.

But Johannes had never been an approachable superior who readily divulged his inner thoughts.

“Then enjoy your vacation.”


Johannes spurred his horse forward. Watching him ride away, his subordinates exchanged puzzled glances.


There’s good news and bad news.

The good news is that four different groups of customers came today.

The bad news is….

“Oh, you’re a pretty little thing. Drinking with you would make the booze taste even better. I’ll buy you a drink. Let’s drink until we drop.”

The number of pests increased.

This pest looked like he’d already had quite a bit to drink before he even walked in, his face flushed red.

The pungent stench of alcohol made me instinctively wrinkle my nose.

‘I lured them in with a half-price discount hoping to do some decent business for once, and trash like this also tagged along.’

I wonder what dimension this scumbag crawled out from.

I considered outright asking but decided against it, not wanting to develop preconceptions about that dimension.

“Can I sit here? Hey, why the sour look? I said I’d buy you a drink!”

“There are seats over there.”

I flatly dissuaded the pest trying to sit at the bar counter.

“Huh? You kidding me? Those seats are empty!”

The man shouted and snapped at me. He swayed unsteadily from his drunkenness.

“In any case, those are reserved seats.”

“Then what about this one…”

“Funnily enough, that one’s also reserved.”

“Don’t be so uppity! You can’t treat customers like this if you want to stay in business. Need to be more accommodating.”

Too much alcohol turns people into animals. This man seemed like an animal even before getting drunk, though.

I easily ignored his ranting and smiled.

“Unfortunately it’s a full house right now. Since you’re already quite intoxicated, why don’t you just go home, take off your shoes and get some sleep?”

“What kind of attitude is that toward a customer…!”

The man yelled and grabbed an empty glass from the table, wielding it like a weapon.

Sure, that would make a formidable weapon if broken.

But did he think he was the only one with a weapon?

I watched him calmly and then dipped my finger in high-proof alcohol, flicking it onto the bar counter.

“What are you doing now…”

When I set it alight, flames flickered up.

“This, this woman is insane!”

“Oh my gosh! Fire!”

Not only was the man startled, but it drew the attention of all the other customers.

I then brought my fingers right up to the fire.

“You’ll get burned!”

“Oh my! That’s dangerous!”

Despite everyone’s concerned shouts, I paid no mind. Blue flames danced from my index and middle fingers.

‘Breathe in the alcohol.’

I exhaled a firm “Hoo” towards the flames licking my fingers, causing them to flare up intensely. Towards where? Straight at the ranting man.


“You’re a mage?”

Caught off-guard by the impromptu fire show, the customers rose from their seats applauding.


The man who had fallen backwards in shock was now drenched in cold sweat at the flames that had burst out.

‘Asserting dominance is key in situations like this.’

With another “Hoo” I skillfully extinguished the remaining flames—the bartender’s premium ‘Fire Show’ skill.

I may not look it, but I was once the head bartender at a prestigious cocktail bar.

“Now, the exit is that way over there. Have a good night!”


When I smiled and gestured towards the door, the man finally gave up and stormed out, unable to retaliate.


<Notice> Troublemaker Eliminated!

The reputation of the cocktail bar ‘I don’t know. Stuff like that bar’ has increased by 50. (Total 1,750)


I stared blankly at the notification window before serving a customer their cocktail.

“Sorry for the long wait. You mentioned it was a special occasion, so I prepared a special fire show.”

“W-Wow, that was amazing!”

The customers laughed jovially, entertained by the surprise event.

“It’s been a while since I came across such an amusing spectacle.”

That strangely familiar voice. Turning my head, I saw the lord who had enjoyed the ‘Black Velvet’ cocktail standing at the door. My eyes instantly lit up.

Ah right, his name was Johannes, wasn’t it?

“Welcome! My apologies, I didn’t notice your arrival with all the commotion.”

“No need. In fact, I debated whether to intervene and assist.”


“But you deftly handled it yourself. You don’t seem to need anyone’s help.”

“Not at all. I’m in desperate need of your help, my lord.”

“You are?”

The lord tilted his head quizzically.

“Yes. Please visit often.”

So I can make the 9,800 coins I need next month.

I’ve grasped the basic structure so far.

First, the reputation gain seems proportional to how significant an influence that person wields in their respective dimension.

But the coin rewards work a bit differently. It depends on that person’s financial situation—how affluent they are.

This lord only visited once, but gave far more resources than any other guest so far.

‘I need to win him over.’

Even with the inclusion of compensation, the amount was substantial. I desperately needed a regular like the lord, someone with a reliable conversion rate.

“Very well.”

The lord hung his coat on the wall and took a seat at the bar counter.

“I’ll bring you some water and a warm towel. Ah, and we now offer complimentary snacks.”

I neatly set it before him, and he wiped his hands before popping a frozen grape into his mouth. His eyes widened.

“Delicious. The fruit is incredibly fresh.”

“Yes, I took special care in managing them.”

Not me, but the servants from the “Regressor Lady Eve” dimension.

The basic side dishes had exploded in popularity regardless. Since they were provided as free unlimited refills, everyone ordered a few extra cocktails or sides, even if just out of courtesy.

All going according to plan.

“Today I’d like to try a different cocktail than last time.”

“Of course! Do you have anything specific in mind…?”

“Again, I’d like to follow your recommendation.”

The lord flashed his signature restrained smile. Seeing that dazzling smile, an idea sparked.

“Since you’ve placed your trust in me, I’ll make you a special cocktail.”

I shook the shaker after adding gin, egg white, cream, and grenadine syrup.

‘The egg white gives it a nice strong texture!’

If not properly mixed, it leaves an unappetizing fishy aftertaste—an amateur mistake that disqualifies one as a bartender.

“Eggs this time?”

The lord blinked, watching intently.

“Ufufu, just watch.”

I shrugged and continued my motions.


The ice collided against the shaker in a refreshing sound.

At this moment, the shaker felt like a musical instrument. I shook it rhythmically.

‘That should do it. Perfect.’

I opened the shaker and poured chilled champagne into a glass.

A vibrant pink liquid flowed out, topped by a pillowy white foam.

“For you my lord, the recommended cocktail is the ‘Pink Lady’.”

I handed the pinkish cocktail to the lord.

This was a small act of revenge.

Last time, he had played a cheeky trick on me.

Saying things like how pretty I looked when I smiled…

‘Made me feel so embarrassed.’

I hadn’t responded properly then, and it left a tiny grudge in my heart.

As the cute, dainty glass was placed in front of him, the lord seemed slightly taken aback.

“…I did not expect such a delicate, cutesy cocktail.”

“Why, doesn’t it suit Your Grace perfectly?”


The other customers playfully teased him.

The lord’s eyes widened further, as if this was an entirely new experience for him.

But he then adopted a faint smile, as if this was perfectly normal.

“Since you called it a special cocktail, I shall trust your word and give it a try.”


⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Translator Note ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The Pink Lady cocktail is a classic, elegant drink known for its beautiful pink hue and smooth, slightly tart flavor. The Pink Lady cocktail is beloved for its delightful color and sophisticated taste, making it a perfect choice for special occasions or an elegant evening drink.
It gained popularity during the early 20th century and has remained a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.


Thank you for reading! ♡


[ There Are No Bad Military Dogs ]
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[ I Became a Prison Officer of the First-Class Prisoners ]
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Thank you for reading ♡


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