The Mischievous Baby Is Throwing A Tantrum

One week.

It’s been a week since I possessed this body.


I sighed deeply as I looked down at my small hands, now able to move properly after successfully combining my soul and body.

I, the strongest dragon known as a disaster, ended up possessing the body of a child!

I couldn’t figure out what had happened, no matter how much I racked my brain.

“I should see a sage.”

I recalled the great sage who fearlessly barged into my lair over fifty years ago and got kicked out. Meeting him might provide some answers.

“But I can’t go in this body.”

I could barely walk as it is.

“I need to grow a little more.”

With that thought, I turned towards the mirror.

In the mirror, there was a child with golden hair cascading down to her waist and sparkling emerald eyes.

That was me.

“I look just like that heroic brat. Ugh.”

Even from three hundred meters away, my face resembled that of the hero’s daughter. It made me angry every time I looked in the mirror until I got used to it.


There was one fortunate aspect. No one could possibly imagine that my soul had switched bodies with such a strikingly similar face.

“The hero didn’t know either.”

No, it wasn’t that he didn’t know….

“He just didn’t care about this body.”

On the day I came back to life,

―You’re not dead.

He left the funeral home with just one calm remark and never sought me out afterwards. Was he not worried about the body that had died and come back to life? It was truly strange.

“After all, humans are supposed to care about their family, right?”

The concept of “human family” that I knew was very different from the hero’s behavior. He treated his own daughter as if she were nothing more than a stranger.

“Well, that’s not important.”

What’s most important to me now is to seek revenge against the hero.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if it were simple….”

I hesitated, but time was running out.

I am the calamity of the world, the mighty Black Dragon, and now the strongest Swordmaster, the hero’s youngest daughter.

There is nothing that can stand in my way.


“I will destroy this family and take over their lineage!”

That’s what I’ll say when I take the family’s place. In reality, I am the Black Dragon that you sealed away!

How will the hero react? Will even that composed hero be shocked and fall to his knees?


Just thinking about it makes me feel ecstatic!

Die, hero!

I will defeat you, hero!

‘First, let’s explore this body.’

During my time as a dragon, I engraved magic into my soul. That way, I could use magic comfortably even after polymorphing.

So, I wasn’t worried after entering this body. After all, all the magic is engraved in my soul.

However, strangely, I haven’t been able to use proper magic for a week now.

It feels like my magical power is blocked by a huge dam.

If I explore, I might find some answers.

Thinking so, I closed my eyes slowly after taking my seat.


[Daphne Akion]

It seems that the name of this body is Daphne.

I read the contents that unfolded next.

[Daphne Akion]
Stamina: 10    Charm: 300
Strength: 1      Magic: 0
Disposition: [Contrary][Rogue][Imp][Bold]


Is this the temperament of a mere 5-year-old child? It seems like all the bad things are piled up.

No, no. What about stamina and strength? What’s this? Am I even alive?

And on top of that,

‘……Magic is 0?’


‘They said I was the youngest daughter of the noble warrior family.’

But if it’s this messed up.

It can’t be like this, can it?

‘No way……’

Suddenly, I recalled that the moment I woke up in this body was at a funeral parlor.

And the maids’ constant words of ‘how pitiful’ came to mind. At the same time…..


My chest tickled, and I started coughing like retching.

“Cough! Cough!”

As I did, dark red blood began to drip.

Blood? Blood?

I opened my mouth in disbelief, looking at the messed-up clothes. Meanwhile, the coughing continued.


“My Lady!”

Just then, the attendants who entered the room shouted and rushed in.

“Get the doctor! Call the doctor!”

One of them, among those moving frantically, tightly embraced me.

“My Lady, no. You mustn’t cough. It will strain your lungs even more.”

I don’t want to, human.

But how can I stop the coughing?

“Cough! Cough!”


I don’t want to either!

I have no idea why this body has become like this.

Amidst the hazy state of mind, I barely held onto the conversation of the humans.

“Even so… It’s clear that my ladu, no matter how much she’s revived, won’t recover from that illness.”

That illness?

“Poor Lady… What should we do about her, she’s so pitiful……”

Ah, this is strange.

“Such a lovely princess…”


“She’s a terminally ill patient…”


Oh, man.

What did you just say?

Terminally ill?!


I am the great calamity that conquered the continent, the Black Dragon. Furthermore, the body I possessed is that of the daughter of the strongest Sword Master, the hero. I thought that by combining my centuries-honed magic and the lineage within this body, I could become a transcendent being even more powerful than a calamity, perhaps even reaching the heavens. I vowed to become a transcendent being, crush the damned hero family, and trample all those damned bastards who criticized me! But…

“Terminally ill. What kind of nonsense is this!”

Oh, the injustice!

I writhed on the bed, feeling aggrieved.

[Daphne Akion]
Endurance: 10    Charisma: 300
Strength: 1           Magic: 0
Disposition: [Contrary][Rogue][Petty Demon][Arrogant]

It seems that this body is labeled as terminally ill in the exploration. A body with trash endurance, even trashier strength and magic, and only maximum charisma! And the disposition is filthy too!

I felt a tug at the back of my neck and leaned back. Then I saw them, still looking at me with worried expressions.

The twins, Anne and Anna. My personal maids.

With their reddish-brown hair and brown eyes, egg-shaped faces, and unremarkable features, they have an ordinary appearance that can be seen anywhere. The only notable thing is that they look exactly alike.

Anne has smooth skin.

Anna has a mole under her lip.

It was somewhat difficult to distinguish them by just one mole, but since they always stuck together to take care of me, there was no need to bother distinguishing them.

After looking around, they were the only humans by my side in this mansion, so they seemed trustworthy.


So I spoke to Anne and Anna.

“Am I seriously afflicted with a terminal illness?”

I still don’t know my illness. I’ve just regained consciousness after collapsing and vomiting blood.

So I asked, and Anne and Anna looked flustered.

“Why aren’t you speaking?”

“Um, that’s…”

“Speak quickly! Is it a terminal illness!”

At my repeated shouting, they hesitated, then cautiously spoke while glancing around.

“Um, Princess… You didn’t like mentioning your illness…”

“That’s right. If we say it, you’ll throw a fit again, won’t you? We won’t fall for it twice.”

Anne shrugged tensely, and Anna turned her head, snorting. Their distinct personalities were clearly visible.

Anyway, the original Daphne seemed to have tormented them quite a bit. So they were worried that I would get angry as soon as they were asked.

I nodded my head slowly.

“It’s alright now. And there’s nothing to throw at my side. So tell me. What is my illness after all?”


Anna hesitated and spoke slowly.

“It’s the Black Butterfly disease.”

“Black Butterfly?”

Hearing the name of the disease, I crossed my arms, sighed, and closed my eyes.

And brought to mind the book I had taken from the western mausoleum and the sorcerers, the <World Diseases Encyclopedia>.

Black Butterfly disease.

The cause of the disease is ambiguous. The theory that it is a curse of black magic is the most likely. Patients with this disease develop black butterfly-shaped spots on their bodies, and when all four wings turn black, they die. There is currently no cure.

“Damn it.”

A disease with no cure. I wiped away a tear and touched my forehead.

“Do I have spots on my body?”

At my question, Anna glanced at Anne and then pointed to the center of her chest.

I raised my clothes and looked down at my sternum. There, a black butterfly-shaped half wing was visible.


I frowned.

“I know that when all four wings turn black, it’s fatal. Why did I die early?”

“D-die… early…”

Ann’s face turned pale. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Tell me. Why did I die?”

Anna and Anne both shook their heads. They rolled their eyes as if recalling the past.

“It seems like something definitely happened at that time….”

“I can’t remember well. I just know that the princess’s condition suddenly worsened.”

Can’t remember? And suddenly got sick?

Something was strange.

‘Who killed this body.’

When this body was taken over, it was definitely dead.

If someone killed this body and erased the memories of those around it…

‘Black sorcerers.’

There is a high possibility that those bastards were behind this.

‚It seems like this body was a target of the black sorcerers.’

From curse to assassination.

It’s like a gift set.

“Has my resurrection been revealed to the outside?”

“Ah, no. Probably no one else knows.”

“Was it intentionally not revealed?”

Anne held her breath and looked around cautiously. Instead, Anna, who had been wearing a casual expression, answered.

“Since you might return, he ordered not to disclose it for now.”


“His Highness.”

“Damn it.”

I clenched my fists with resignation.

Of course, it’s fortunate that the hero didn’t reveal my life and death, so I don’t have to worry about assassination for the time being.

But isn’t the hero’s motive impure? Not revealing that I might die at any time? I feel like giving that bastard a good punch in the mouth.

I have to become strong.

Strong enough to take them all down.

I took a deep breath.

“Anyway, it’s done. Now that I know everything, I need to find a solution.”

And I clenched my fist.

“I will survive.”

To seek revenge on the hero,
To find the name of the great Black Dragon Celus!

“I will survive no matter what!”

This isn’t an empty shout.

Because I know how to break the curse of the Black Butterfly disease.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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