The Mischievous Baby Is Throwing A Tantrum

“Goodness, just look at the lady.”

“To see her sitting there so pitifully…”

The servants spoke towards my back, sitting dully.

Though they were whispering amongst themselves, there was no way my great dragon ears wouldn’t hear it.

“It just breaks my heart to see the lady like this.”

“I know, I really want to treat the lady kindly somehow…”

Shut up.

I don’t need it.

“She must have such a foul temper.”

“Even just getting close, she screams at us, goodness.”

That’s right, I have a foul temper… no, that sounds like an insult.

I quickly turned my head to look at the chattering servants.

“You there.”

And I covered my eyes with two fingers, then pointed at them.

“It would be best if you kept quiet. I can hear everything.”


The gossiping servants clamped their mouths shut, shrugging their shoulders.

But they still murmured things like “How did she hear us?”, “Her hearing must be so sharp.”

Humans, don’t underestimate a dragon’s ears.

I am the mighty Black Dragon! As if I would fail to hear the whispers of insignificant humans!

‘…is what I’d like to say.’

But right now, I am not a dragon, but a 5-year-old child.

Since saying anything wouldn’t solve anything, I just snorted and turned my head back. And I stared intently out the window. It should be about time for ‘that person’ to arrive.

“Oh my!”

“My lady! The master has arrived!”

Before I could even think about it, they all told me that ‘that person’ had come. I jumped up and hurried to the window.

From afar, I could see the dazzling golden hair, the chiseled handsome features, and the sturdy build of the man as he entered the manor, leaning slightly on a cane.

His limp is subtle enough that only someone with an exceptionally keen eye would notice.

I watched him closely, not wanting to miss a single one of his movements.

“Lady… to see you already so fond of the master.”

I’m not fond of him. I hate him terribly.

“How pitiful…”

Don’t pity me.

I’m at maximum rage right now.

Why i am so angry?

Of course…!

“My Lady, the hero has arrived!”

He’s the hero who sealed me away!

Is that all?

“Shall we go greet him? Since your father has arrived.”

Damn it, the hero is my father.

“I won’t go! I won’t go even if I die! Raaagh!”

I’m angry, I’m furious!


I am a dragon.

Surprising, right? There are only five dragons in the world.

But that’s not the end of the surprise.

I am not one of the five dragons, but an irregular dragon.

The dragons, considered to be fragments of the gods, protect each empire.

But I am not a fragment, and I don’t know how I was born. Therefore, I wasn’t a guardian deity.

I was a calamity.

An unstoppable calamity.

The great calamity, Cellus.

That is my name.

Where I passed, not a single blade of grass remained, and there was nothing to stop me.

Neither humans, nor non-humans, nor even the five dragons could hinder me. As the name suggests, I was a calamity.

I thought I would live like that forever.

Until the hero, Heros Acion, appeared.

―Die, calamity.

What nonsense is this weak human spouting?

I thought if I just casually confronted him as I always had, he would give up and disappear on his own. But,


The hero was stronger than I had thought.

—Hey, wait, wait a moment, warrior!


The warrior stabbed my left eye.

My left eye is where my only weakness, the core, is located.

How did the warrior know to aim for it? No one knows about it…!

I tried to block it, but my crumbling body couldn’t resist. Slowly, my knees buckled, and my mouth closed. Holes were pierced in my wings, and I could no longer fly.

—…It was a tough fight.

The warrior said, pointing the sword at me.

—It’s over now.

I can’t die here.

I can’t die like this!


I struggled with all my might.

Perhaps due to our long battle, the warrior seemed exhausted and didn’t kill me. Instead, he chose an alternative method.

—You will not wake for a thousand years.

He sealed me away like that.

—When you open your eyes, my descendants will cut off your breath.

—I will kill you, warrior! I will kill you! I will definitely kill you!

But my cries never reached him. I remained sealed.


What did I do wrong?

Because I am a calamity?

Because of the prophecy of the god bringing about the world’s destruction?

I was just born as such an existence, what more should I have done here?

Unfair, unfair! It’s unfair…!

My cries echoed, and in the end, I closed my eyes.

I thought I would be sealed for a thousand years without a single movement.




When I opened my eyes, it was a funeral parlor.

I was a young child lying in a coffin.

“P-Princess has come back to life!”

“Get a doctor right away!”

It was the body of a dead child.

“Warrior! The princess has come back to life!”

And it was the youngest daughter of the warrior who had sealed me.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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