The Minor Villainess Hopes for Revenge

TMVHR | Episode 9

Episode 9

The air around us buzzed with whispers.

“Did she just…?”

“Did you hear that?”

People were either shocked or fascinated, their eyes fixed on us. Everyone knew the hostile relationship between the two families.

“The daughter of Reinhardt with the Grand Duke of Elzerian?”

“What is she up to this time…”

Of course, some were probably curious about what kind of trouble I was stirring up this time.

I smiled calmly and asked again.

“By your side, for this banquet. Is that alright?”


“I’ve heard a lot about the hero of the North. There are even rumors that you’re looking for a bride.”

A few people gasped, and the whispers surged like a wave.

‘Yes, let the rumors spread.’

For now, I decided to act as if I were interested in the best suitor, the Grand Duke.

‘Using my existing image will prevent future troubles.’

If I approached the Grand Duke, no one would be suspicious. Even if I sought a private space with him, it would seem plausible.

Disclosures and confidential conversations are always conducted in secret.

‘And once the Grand Duke accuses the Duke’s house, I’ll have to leave the country.’

I wasn’t about to be entangled with the Duke’s house and meet a disastrous end again. I couldn’t let Chris be dragged into it either.

As long as I was a member of the Duke’s family, I couldn’t completely escape suspicion of treason. If I stayed by Chris’s side until then, even as the accuser, he might get implicated.

Unlike Aria, the beloved protagonist of the world, staying close to me could bring trouble to him.

So, once it was over, I had to disappear without a trace. I felt a bit guilty for the discomfort he would endure in the process.

‘But you’ll understand.’

“Will you grant me your permission?”

When I asked again, Chris slowly opened his mouth.

“…Very well.”

The whispers surged again, like waves crashing. No one had expected Chris to agree. Truthfully, I was a bit surprised too.

‘I thought he’d reject me outright.’

“Thank you.”

I expressed my gratitude, maintaining a composed smile.

Now, I had secured a crucial opportunity. Being near Chris allowed me to set the stage for my plans. The immediate hurdle was navigating the banquet without arousing too much suspicion or causing a scene.

As Chris’s eyes remained on me, I felt the gravity of the situation. His acceptance was not just a simple agreement but a calculated decision on his part. We both had roles to play in this intricate dance of power and survival.

I stepped closer to him, closing the small distance that the thin gold-plated rope symbolically maintained between us.

“Shall we proceed inside, Your Grace?”

I suggested, gesturing towards the entrance of the banquet hall.

Chris nodded slightly, his expression still guarded but showing a hint of curiosity.

Together, we entered the grand hall, drawing the attention and speculation of everyone present. The murmur of voices followed us like a shadow, but I remained focused on my goal.

This was just the beginning. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but with Chris by my side, even if temporarily, I felt a sense of resolve and determination.

Inside the hall, the opulence and grandeur of the event were on full display. The finest decorations, exquisite music, and the most influential figures of the empire gathered in one place. It was a battlefield of politics and intrigue, and I was ready to navigate it.

As we walked further into the hall, I noticed familiar faces, some looking at us with thinly veiled curiosity, others with open disdain. But none of that mattered. I was here for a purpose, and I would see it through.

Chris led us to a prominent table, one reserved for distinguished guests. His presence commanded respect, and those around us instinctively made way.

I took a seat beside him, feeling the weight of countless eyes on us. The whispers had not ceased, but they no longer mattered. I was exactly where I needed to be.

The banquet was just beginning, and the real game was about to start.

I opened my mouth with a sincere smile.

“I read about your exploits in the newsletter, Your Grace. You are quite the formidable figure.”

“…You are rather bold, my lady.”

His expression remained difficult to read, but his voice, with its calm undertone, was the same as I remembered.

“The daughter of Reinhardt’s house.”

“…What’s her game?”

I could see the Grand Duke’s bodyguards whispering among themselves. They didn’t look pleased either.

‘The daughter of an enemy house flirting with their lord.’

I felt a twinge of guilt towards the knights. Then, I heard a familiar voice behind me.


I turned to see Seth, his face dark with anger. Seeing me showing interest in someone he considered an enemy must have pushed him over the edge.

Suppressing a laugh at his expression, I answered nonchalantly.

“Seth, when did you get here?”

Seth glared at Chris, barely containing his fury.

“…Grand Duke of Elzerian.”

“It’s been a while, Sethril Reinhardt.”

“I didn’t realize we were close enough for such friendly greetings.”

Seth gritted his teeth as he spoke. At that moment, someone approached and grabbed Seth’s shoulder.

“Mind your manners, Seth.”

It was Servi.

While outwardly maintaining a polite demeanor, his eyes held a coldness as he addressed the Grand Duke.

“It’s been a while, Your Grace. …We apologize for our lady’s rudeness.”

He must have been seething inside, having to apologize to the Grand Duke and address me as a lady when he despised both.

Servi also glanced around, likely wanting to resolve this situation before Aria arrived.

I made a pitiful expression and moved closer behind Chris as if seeking protection.

“I only wanted to have a conversation. The Grand Duke did not avoid me.”

Chris briefly turned his gaze before speaking calmly.

“That’s correct. No rudeness has been committed yet.”

Chris’s words seemed to imply he was still observing me closely. For me, it was a stroke of luck. Meanwhile, Seth spoke again.

“Come here immediately, Mindia.”

“But Seth, we haven’t had a proper conversation yet.”


Seth’s frustration was growing, unable to order me to shut up. It must have been infuriating.

“The Grand Duke is an admirable person, isn’t he, Seth? He’s not much older than you, yet he’s already the hero of the North. Surely, the two of you could be good friends…”

Feigning ignorance, I subtly compared the two, which only fueled Seth’s temper.

“…I said come here now!”

Seth particularly disliked Chris. Unlike Seth, who lived in his brother’s shadow, Chris was a proud leader, praised for his appearance and character.

Crucially, Chris received all the marriage proposals that Seth desperately wanted. Seth longed to outshine Servi and thought marrying well would achieve that.

Marie had once mentioned Chris’s delayed marriage as if it were a flaw, but it was actually his choice.

There’s a big difference between not marrying and being unable to marry. That’s why Seth’s jealousy flared so intensely.

“Wait a minute. Seth, hold on…”

As Seth’s anger started to spiral out of control, I tried to intervene.

“Your Grace.”

I turned back to Chris, ignoring Seth’s seething presence.

“I truly wish to remain by your side, even if it’s just for this banquet. Could you grant me that?”

Chris’s cold eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity and perhaps a touch of amusement at the situation.

“It seems your family doesn’t approve, Lady Mindia.”

Seth’s face flushed with rage as Chris addressed me directly. I could sense he was on the verge of an outburst.

“Very well.”

Chris finally said, his tone firm and final.

“You may stay by my side for this banquet.”

The whispers around us grew louder, filled with shock and disbelief. No one had expected Chris to agree.

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil around us.

Seth looked like he was about to explode, but Servi’s grip on his shoulder tightened, holding him back. The tension was palpable, but I knew I had secured a critical advantage.

Now, with Chris’s permission, I had the opportunity to set my plans in motion. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but standing beside Chris, I felt a newfound resolve.

Before Servi could grab him, Seth stormed towards me.

“If you’re a member of the Duke’s house, obey my command!”

Then, he twisted my wrist with a forceful grip.


I let out a sharp scream. It genuinely hurt.

Seth’s expression immediately shifted to confusion. My reaction was far more dramatic than the force he had applied.

I allowed my fur shawl to slip off naturally, as if the sudden grip had caused it to fall.


Silence enveloped our surroundings.

‘Thank you, Seth.’

Your consistent cruelty plays right into my hands.

Suppressing a smile, I glanced down at my now-exposed wrist.

The bruises were a result of being repeatedly beaten by Seth in my previous life. The bruises had never healed properly due to the frequent and harsh beatings in the same spot over several days.

If someone were to closely inspect my arm, they might even notice burn marks or needle scars.

I had deliberately not used any medication to treat them.

‘Not that anyone wants to see this.’

An uncomfortable silence settled.

Suppressing the urge to smile, I put on a blank expression. I needed to appear as though this was an unexpected incident.

Feigning shock would allow these wounds to be visible to others for longer.

‘In my past life, I never thought of showing this to others.’

Back then, I had some semblance of pride. I didn’t want to expose the fact that I, a duchess, had been enduring such humiliation in the Duke’s house.

I feared that exposing the abuse would worsen my treatment or cause further disgrace to the Duke’s house, leading to more resentment towards me.

‘But not anymore.’

It’s not I who should be cowering; it’s the ones who inflicted these wounds. I would have to deal with some repercussions later, but they would be minor compared to the impact of this revelation.

Someone whispered quietly.

“Could the rumors be true…?”

The uncomfortable air that had been directed at me began to shift towards Seth.

“…Is that why Lady Mindia behaved that way?”

“Oh my, no matter what, this is…”

The murmurs continued to spread. I intentionally began to tremble slightly.

I then spoke in a quivering, fearful voice to emphasize that I was frightened of Seth’s violence.

“…I was just going to leave after having a conversation.”


“I’m sorry. I couldn’t apply the medicine because It ran out.”

Seth’s face flushed with anger and embarrassment. He clearly hadn’t anticipated this turn of events. The crowd’s whispers grew louder and more accusatory.

Servi, still trying to maintain control, stepped forward with a forced calm.

“This behavior is inexcusable, Seth.”

But the damage was done. The visible bruises on my wrist had already shifted the public’s perception. The whispers of shock and disapproval were now directed squarely at Seth.

Chris, observing the situation, remained silent but his gaze grew colder as he watched Seth.


Chris finally spoke, his voice cutting through the tension.

“Lady Mindia, come with me.”

He extended his hand, a gesture of protection and authority. I took his hand, allowing him to lead me away from the scene.

As we walked away, the murmurs continued, but I felt a sense of triumph. This public display of Seth’s violence would not be easily forgotten.

Chris led me to a quieter area, away from prying eyes.

“Are you alright?”

He asked, his tone surprisingly gentle.

“Yes, thank you, Your Grace.”

I replied, my voice still trembling slightly.

Chris’s expression softened, just a fraction, as he looked at my bruised wrist.

“We need to get that treated.”

I nodded, appreciating his concern. This moment had granted me a valuable ally, and I intended to make the most of it.

“Thank you for your kindness, Your Grace.”

He gave a small nod, still watching me closely. This was just the beginning, and with Chris’s support, I was more determined than ever to see my plans through.

As the banquet continued, I knew I had to stay vigilant. There were still many challenges ahead, but for now, I had gained a crucial advantage.

I whispered softly, feigning a defeated demeanor. Seth hesitated, about to shout at me, then paled.

Even in his state, I noticed his eyes darting around the hall, observing the noble ladies who were watching us intently. I almost laughed out loud.


Behind me, I heard Servi let out a long sigh.

“…Fine, just come here.”

Snapped back to reality by Servi’s sigh, Seth extended his hand towards me, albeit more cautiously this time. His fingertips were trembling, his knuckles turning red from suppressing his anger.

“…Hurry, come on.”

When I didn’t move, Seth gritted his teeth and reached for me again. Just then, Chris stepped between us.

“Lord Reinhardt.”

“This is none of Your Grace’s concern.”

Seth said, his voice strained with repressed fury.

Chris probably didn’t intend it, but Seth hated being addressed as “Lord Reinhardt.” People usually associated that title with Servi.

‘Just like when people think of “Lady Reinhardt,” they think only of Aria.’

As Seth trembled with anger, Chris continued speaking.

“Lady Mindia is correct. We were merely having a light conversation.”

Chris surprisingly took my side. I glanced at him, closing and then reopening my eyes slowly.

‘…You’re still a good person.’

He had been the man who spoke to and comforted me, despite considering me an enemy, while we were in prison.

So his words indicated that he had noticed my bruises clearly and had no intention of overlooking them.

This painted a picture of the Grand Duke of Elzerian protecting me from Seth’s violence. For Seth, it was maddening.

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Then, a voice, surprisingly young, cut through the hall.

“Well, why interfere with such a lovely pair?”

“…Your Majesty, the Mother Empress!”

Tl/N: My my our Chris is a green flag. Also I wasnt sure about Empress title Since I had followed royal palace setting



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