The Minor Villainess Hopes for Revenge

TMVHR | Episode 32

Episode 32

“Here are the translated documents and the decryption key.”

I silently took the paper and quickly slipped it into my bag.

There was no need to worry about the prying eyes around us.

“Oh my, Lady Aria! This looks lovely on you too!”


“Of course. How about this pink dress? It matches your hair perfectly.”

“Oh! Let’s wear this to the next tea party! It’s so pretty!”

Everyone was busy trying different outfits on Aria.

Lady Ellie and I were sitting side by side in the resting area of a large boutique. The Grand Duke had accepted my suggestion to choose clothes according to the Grand Duke’s taste.

The Grand Duke had also brought Aria along.

‘He must be planning to dress Aria in clothes that match the Crown Prince’s taste as well.’

Though Aria only seemed interested in the dresses I was to wear.

‘So His Grace likes this kind of thing…’

The dresses that I was supposed to try on were now going to Aria one after another.

Marie, who was standing behind the other maids, seemed bothered by this, but I didn’t mind.

‘I don’t know what Chris likes either.’

Anyway, if Aria decides to seduce him, Chris will like her no matter what she wears.

Even if she wore a rag.

‘There was a scene in the original work where the Crown Prince recognized Aria even when she was wearing a rag.’

I couldn’t remember which episode it was. I tried to nonchalantly watch Aria twirl around.

Her pink hair floated beautifully in the air, and the maids naturally let out sounds of admiration.


Aria turned to look at Lady Ellie. Lady Ellie responded with a smile, a smile that had changed a bit from before.

Ever since I found out, Lady Ellie must have been reminded of the late Grand Duchess whenever she saw Aria. The corners of her mouth twitched oddly.

“Lady Aria, this dress really suits you.”

“Does it?”

“You look like you were born to wear it!”

I just smiled gently at the maids’ words.

They were probably trying to provoke me, but it was a perfect opportunity for me.

“Yes, Aria. That dress suits you better.”

“Really? Thank you, Mindia.”

“There’s a matching accessory in the next room. Why don’t you check it out too?”

I casually suggested Aria go to the next room. She seemed intrigued.

“Really? Should I get accessories too?”

The maids chimed in with admiration.

“Of course! Adding pearls would be perfect!”

“Come to think of it, Miss, there are many clothes in the other room as well. Shall we go?”

“Alright! I’ll be right back, Nanny!”

“I’ll stay here. My legs hurt.”

Lady Ellie replied. Soon, everyone moved to the next room in a large group.

Left alone in the now quiet room, I whispered to Lady Ellie.

“Calm down.”

Lady Ellie’s body was trembling. She reached for the glass of water on the table.

Thinking of the Oracle’s documents she handed me, I spoke again.

“No matter how familiar you are with your native language, the decryption was fast.”

This was something I had wondered about even in my previous life. After organizing my thoughts, I spoke calmly.

“You must have worked in that field before? Maybe as a spy?”


Lady Ellie’s silence was an affirmation.

‘I didn’t expect the original work to be filled with such outrageous settings.’

There were many stories the author didn’t reveal.

“Well, the faster, the better for me.”

“Is the work here done?”

“For now. There might be more work to assign later on…”

“Frequent demands are difficult.”

“I have no intention of doing that either.”

I deliberately added playfully.

“Isn’t it bad to bother a nanny who is like a mother?”

“Such a title…”

“Indeed, a nanny who sent away the legitimate wife is a bad nanny, isn’t she? And the Grand Duke didn’t even take you as a concubine. The Grand Duke is quite something, isn’t he?”

Lady Ellie’s mouth twitched again. I casually waved something behind her.

“And this.”

“…What is it?”

“I looked into it through the new butler who arrived this weekend, and it turns out that several villas and estates were given to me as gifts when I was first adopted.”

It was when I was still considered a potential replacement for Aria.

It was a time when the people of the Grand Duchy still intended to treat me well and wanted to show that they were generous to adoptees.

Not long after I entered the Grand Duchy, these properties were completely forgotten. They didn’t even bother to take back the villas or estates they had given me.

‘Even if they weren’t given to me specifically, there are plenty of buildings left in the Grand Duchy.’

Or maybe they even forgot they had given them to me.

Anyway, fortunately, the documents for those villas and estates were still in my name.

“I can’t transfer ownership, but if needed, you can use them as a refuge.”

Lady Ellie’s eyes trembled slightly. I looked straight at her and continued.

“For when the young lord becomes the Grand Duke. Consider this as insurance.”


“You look like you didn’t expect me to keep my promise.”


Lady Ellie’s eyes still held fear.

“Why are you giving me a choice?”

“So that you will do your job properly.”

I spoke firmly and whispered.

“Let’s see. Did you get caught by someone? Maybe the Grand Duke found out you were a foreign spy?”

“…I was just doing what my family told me to do. They only told me to seduce a noble. I didn’t manage to extract any information.”

Lady Ellie spoke in a hushed voice.

“The Grand Duke doesn’t seek me out often now because he thinks I’m old.”

“I understand, so really calm down. I told you I wouldn’t report you.”

I looked straight at her. She suddenly twisted her mouth into a smile.

“…I once went to beg for forgiveness after the Grand Duchess fell ill.”

Is she planning to reveal everything now that I know? I nodded quietly, indicating for her to continue.

“While begging for forgiveness, I asked to be dismissed. I pleaded to be cast out as the legitimate wife and to let me leave this place.”

A crackling sound was heard again.

“The Grand Duchess…”

Lady Ellie’s eyes darkened momentarily.

“She just smiled like an angel.”


“She thanked me for making her husband happy instead of her.”

I made Lady Ellie release the fan she was clutching. It looked like it was about to break.

“As if pleasing the Grand Duke was the only reason for her existence…”

Lady Ellie’s eyes were blurred.

“She clearly lost her mind because of me.”

Eventually, Lady Ellie concluded.

“…And soon after, the Grand Duchess passed away. I couldn’t escape even more.”

She stopped speaking and covered her mouth. She looked as if she was holding back vomit.

“Every time I see Lady Aria, it feels like the Grand Duchess is punishing me…”

I gently patted Lady Ellie’s back.

“Nanny, your guilt doesn’t matter.”


“Whether you were sent from abroad to seduce an imperial noble or not.”

I leaned towards her.

“The world only sees the result.”

“…The result.”

“You are the vile woman who caused the Grand Duchess’s death, and I am the foolish woman busy slandering Aria.”

And I drove the point home.

“We are allies, Nanny. No matter how much you deny it.”

As I smiled broadly, Nanny met my eyes.

“Think carefully about whose side you should be on. For the future.”

I stood up and headed to the other room. I still needed to buy clothes. Seeing this, Marie called out.

“Here! Someone bring an extra staff member here right away!”

I didn’t look back at Lady Ellie. After all, she didn’t have many options.

* * *


“Let’s take a break.”

“Yes, my lady.”

I sat down on a bench in the shopping district, heavily burdened with packages. Marie, equally laden with bags, sighed.

“…No matter what, just walking, my lady?”

“It’s not that far to the next store, is it?”

Marie and I couldn’t ride in the carriage. It was already full with all the clothes Aria had bought.

‘You’ll be back soon, right, Mindia?’


Lady Ellie was the only one who turned to look at Marie and me. She seemed to be contemplating whether to get off and make room for us, but I declined.

‘Of course. I’ll be right there.’

The carriage departed without us. After walking for a few minutes, I called out.



“Could you help me?”

I gently called Marie and entered a nearby store. It was a general store with no customers.

The eyes of the old shopkeeper, who had been dozing, widened in surprise.

“My lady, this isn’t a place for someone like you…”

I placed a gold coin in the shopkeeper’s hand. I had just secretly sold one of the villas in my name, so I had enough money.

“Could you step aside for a bit?”

The shopkeeper glanced at me, then hurriedly left the store. Soon, he hung a sign saying the store was closed and drew the curtains. It was fortunate that he was quick-witted.

“My lady?”

I placed one of the dresses I had just bought at the boutique into Marie’s hands.

“Lend me your maid’s outfit. I’ll give you this dress.”


While Marie was flustered, I entered the fitting room at the back of the store and opened my bag. Inside was the Oracle’s document that Lady Ellie had deciphered.

“My lady, what’s going on…?”

In case Chris falls for Aria, I had to do something on my own.

“I’m thinking of going somewhere a bit dangerous.”

I stared intently at the location specified in the decoded document.



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