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MLFRBOE Chapter 129

MLFRBOE Chapter 129

Chapter 129


Ruth returned to the mansion after hearing the news that his younger sibling had been born. As soon as Ruth returned, he washed his hands, changed into clean clothes, and headed to Evelia.



When Evelia whispered, Ruth covered his mouth with both hands. Then he walked slowly toward her.

In Evelia’s arms, a newborn baby was fast asleep. Ruth opened his eyes wide when he saw the small child.

“Are you my younger sister?”

“Yes. It’s your sister. Her name is Sylvia.”


Ruth stared at Sylvia in admiration. To the child, everything about Sylvia seemed amazing.

It was amazing that the small face had eyes, nose, and mouth, and that small hands had all five fingers.

“Hoam.” It was also interesting to see him yawning loudly.

Ruth, who was looking at Sylvia like that, soon began to shed tears. Evelia was so surprised that she couldn’t say anything and just asked.

“Ruth, why are you crying?”

“Hic, Sylvia is so, so pretty.”

Evelia looked at Cassis, who was standing next to her, and smiled.

In fact, Evelia had been worried a lot since she had Sylvia. This is because I once heard that if you have a second child, your first child will be very jealous.

Moreover, Ruth was not Cassis and Evelia’s biological son. I wondered what would happen if Ruth felt envious or jealous of their biological child.

So, to prevent Ruth from having such thoughts, I tried to love him more and spend time with him.

But instead of being jealous, the angelic Ruth was crying, saying that his sister was so pretty. Evelia handed Silvia over to Cassis and opened her arms.

“Ruth, come to mommy.”


Ruth fell into Evelia’s arms.

“Even though Sylvia was born, you know that Mom and Dad love Ruth a lot, too, right?”


Ruth exclaimed, smiling brightly.

“And I love Mom, Dad, and Sylvia so much!”

As if responding, Sylvia yawned.





Sylvia, fully fed, fell asleep. Cassis carefully laid Sylvia down in the cradle and approached Evelia.


Cassis gently touched Evelia as if she were a doll that would break if touched even slightly.

“Do you have any pain anywhere?”

Evelia smiled as she felt his hand caressing her forehead and cheek.


“You have a fever or something….”

“There really isn’t any. You can see that I’m fine.”


She patted the empty seat next to her.

“Stop worrying and come lie down.”

However, despite those words, Cassis did not move easily. He left the room saying, “Wait a moment.” Then he came back about ten minutes later.

As he walked to Evelia’s side, he held a box in his hand that was larger than the size of his two palms combined.

“What is that?”


Cassis opened the box with a slightly embarrassed expression. Inside the box was a large diamond necklace.

Evelia’s eyes widened and then became curved like half moons.

“Is this my gift?”

“… That’s right.”

She stood up and flipped her hair to one side.

“I’ll put it.”

Cassis, who put the box down on the table, picked up the necklace and hung it around Evelia’s neck.

“What do you think, is it pretty?”

“Yes, it’s pretty.”

“Thank you.”

Cassis buried his face in Evelia’s neck.

“I am truly grateful. For giving birth to Sylvia safely.”

Evelia smiled and rubbed Cassis’ back. Although he didn’t say anything, this man’s insides must have been burning black while she was in labor. Thinking about the terrible past.

“I’m really fine, so you can rest assured now. Come here and lie down.”

Cassis did as she said and lay down on the bed. Evelia used his arm as a pillow and closed her eyes.

A happy night went by like that.




“Sylvia, your brother is here!”

Ruth got off the carriage and came running into the mansion. Ruth, now ten years old, had just returned to the Empire after spending the previous winter with Lionel in the Kingdom of Cesia.


Sylvia, who had been toddling down the stairs holding Evelia’s hand, started running as soon as she came down the stairs. Her pink hair, braided in two pigtails, swayed back and forth.

Ruth knelt down on the floor and spread his arms out. Two-year-old Sylvia ran to Ruth with her mouth closed and was immediately held in Ruth’s arms.

“Brother! I’m so excited to see you!” she said.

“I missed you so much, too! Our Sylvia, you’ve grown up so much!”

Ruth placed his lips on Sylvia’s plump cheek and gave her a kiss. Sylvia wriggled her body, saying it was ticklish.

Evelia suddenly approached and smiled brightly at Ruth.

“Ruth, did you have a good time?”

“Mom! How are you doing?”

Ruth, who had let go of Sylvia, this time hugged Evelia’s slightly bulging stomach.

“How was our second younger sibling?”

Sylvia answered instead.




Ruth laughed and lifted Sylvia up into the sky. At ten years old, Ruth was much larger than his peers, and carrying two-year-old Sylvia was no small task.

“Aww. Who does our Sylvia look like so she’s so pretty?”

“… Brother?”

“Aww, so cute!”

The three headed to Sylvia’s playroom.

“So, Crown Prince, how is he doing?”

“Yes! He’s doing well! His face looks better than before!”

“I see, that’s a relief.”

While I was asking how everyone was doing, Cassis joined us late.



Sylvia and Ruth rushed at Cassis at the same time. Cassis held Sylvia in his arms with one hand and stroked Ruth’s head with the other.

“So, did you have a good trip?”


“I see, good job.”

“Hehe. How about you, father?”

“I’m good.”

“Brother, brother!”

Sylvia extended her hand to Ruth.

“Play with Sylvia!”

“Shall we?”

It was when Ruth was about to go out to the garden carrying Sylvia.


A familiar voice was heard and Aria came running. Aria, standing in front of the door, had tears in her eyes.

“Sister Aria!”


As soon as Ruth put Sylvia down on the floor, Aria ran over and hugged Ruth tightly. Ruth waved his hands with a puzzled look on his face.

“Aria? How did you know I was here?”

“Sister Eve told me. But does it matter now? Why didn’t you send me a letter all this time, you idiot!”

“That’s because it takes a long time to write a letter… Are you crying?”

“I don’t know, you idiot!”


“Sylvia, would you like to go out with mom for a moment?”

Evelia held Sylvia and went outside with Cassis. After the three people left, Aria and Ruth were left alone and were even more embarrassed.

Aria was now crying out loud. Ruth didn’t know what to do, but patted Aria on the back.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“No, I mean…”

“I missed you!”

Ruth’s face instantly turned red.

“Did you miss me a lot?”

Aria got out of Ruth’s arms and wiped her face.

“I don’t know, I didn’t want to see you.”

“Did you really miss me?”

“I said I didn’t want to see you!”

Ruth hurriedly took Aria’s hand.

“I missed you a lot.”

Aria looked back at Ruth with a blank expression.


Ruth mumbled, his ears turning red.

“I missed you a lot.”

Aria looked at him with wide eyes and then burst into laughter.

“Actually, I missed you too, you idiot,” she said.




“What are you so happy about?”

Cassis asked, looking at Evelia who was laughing. Evelia answered as she held Sylvia’s hand and came out to the garden.

“It’s just. Aren’t Ruth and Aria cute?”


“You don’t know?”

“I don’t know.”



“You don’t know. Wow, it’s frustrating.”

“It’s frustrating!”

Sylvia laughed, copying Evelia’s words.

How long had I been looking at the garden? Ruth and Aria walked out into the garden holding hands.


“Sylvia, your sister is here!”

“Sister! brother!”

Before I knew it, two people came running and grabbed both of Sylvia’s hands.

“Come on, Sylvia. Would you like to go play with your sister and brother?”


The three children headed to the garden to look at flowers. Celsion followed behind the three children.

Evelia smiled happily, wrapping her arms around Cassis.

“Looking at them like that, the kids have grown up a lot.”

“That’s right.”

Cassis responded lightly and looked at Evelia’s stomach, which had become quite bulging.

“Isn’t it difficult?”

Evelia smiled as if it was no big deal.

“It’s not the first time, either.”

Evelia kissed Cassis on the mouth while listening to the children’s laughter.

It was a story of a sunny spring day.


-End of the Main Story-


  1. carolpassosd says:

    Muito obrigada pela tradução!

  2. lemmeread says:

    So sweeet 🥰

  3. helloworld15 says:

    Thank you for the translation! Such a cute story and sweet ending.

  4. Usurpadora says:

    QUE LINDO CARA😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

    Que final maravilhoso,apesar da história ser curta é muito linda,com certeza uma das minha favoritas.💗

    Quero agradecer ao tradutor, muito obrigada por nos trazer essa história maravilhosa💖

  5. eli says:

    Thank you for translating this beautiful novel. 😍😍😍

  6. Lady Godiva says:

    Thank you for a very good and complete translation of this sweet and heartwarming novel. I was afraid to read it at first thinking it would be dropped and I won’t get to finish reading it. I liked it’s straightforwardness especially the development between Eve and Cassis’ love affair. The author did not drag events and scenes for more chapters which gave me quick satisfaction while reading. Will look forward to more of your translations.

  7. diana says:

    thank you x2000 for the translator for the amazing work and for bringing this wholesome story and author to us.

    it was such an enjoyable and beautiful ride. i read this with pms and cried like a baby after lionel and ruth met. wish they can all meet as a family again in their next life, and that lionel and julia can love each other to their heart’s content. i’m tearing up damn

  8. hanabing says:

    Thank you so mush for the translation

  9. Kitt says:

    THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HARD WORK!! It was a beautiful story through and through, thank you translator-nim!!

  10. Eternity4Ever says:


  11. Ezs23 says:

    Thanks for everything’s❤❤..!!

  12. Pitidri says:

    Obrigada pela tradução!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Meu coração está quentinho, que história aconchegante, emocionante e deliciosa de se ler!!!

    Um casal tão fofo, uma família linda!!! E Cassis não perde tempo kkk ele levou um ano pra abraçar a Evee como marido de verdade, mas assim que fez, ele já marcou 2 gols kkkk

    Só senti falta de uma comemoração do aniversário do Cassis…. mostrou comemorando da Evee e do Ruth, mas não mostrou comemorando do Cassis….

    Eu queria mais dessa história maravilhosa!!!


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