The Male Lead's Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me

MLBOWM Chapter 56

Chapter 56


“It seems unlikely to last more than a year,” they said.


If there’s less than a year left, it’ll be over soon.


I pondered over my memories. In the original story, when did he die again?


If my memory serves me right, it seems like Yuwha eventually killed my father.


More precisely, she used the hands of someone she despised.


It started with admiration, then turned into resentment, and finally hatred. The end was death.


No organization would just leave the one who killed their boss alone, so it was a matter of sitting quietly, clearing any obstacles, taking the boss’s place, and killing two birds with one stone.


Since the story changed, maybe that death would change too.


“Even a toothless tiger deserves some treatment. It’s best to live according to your lifespan.”


Baek Hawon said with a mocking tone.


“If Yugyeom continues to approach, Miss might be in danger. Should we increase the security personnel?”




Suddenly mentioned, my situation made me clench and unclench my fists unconsciously. What am I so nervous about?


Baek Hawon smirked at my nervousness.


“Would you die like this if I leave you alone?”


It was a succinct response. Whether I live or die doesn’t matter to him.


I muttered silently with pursed lips.


It felt awkward to hear gossip firsthand despite knowing it better than anyone else.


“What do you think?”


The door suddenly swung open outward without any chance for me to step back. I almost stumbled forward, but strong hands grabbed me.


“Does Yugyeom seem like he’ll kill you?”


Our eyes met directly. His nonchalant face seemed as if he had known I was eavesdropping all along.


The arms supporting my lost balance were firm. I couldn’t avoid his unwavering gaze.


“Well, since I don’t think he’ll kill me….”


An obvious mockery spread across his face.


“You meet him so fearlessly.”


A chill ran down my spine.


As soon as Baek Hawon stood me up stiffly, he let go of my shoulders.


As soon as Baek Hawon stepped back, the elevator door opened with a ding.


I hesitated to take a step back, but then rushed into the elevator as if fleeing.


Would Yugyeom really try to kill me?


He already shot at me before, so what’s the point of discussing that?


“We don’t need more security.”


I said, pointing to my wet hair. My voice echoed loudly in the enclosed space.


“Instead, please stick close to Angel while I’m in Hong Kong.”


Baek Hawon stared at me as if trying to gauge my intention. I extended my still untreated right hand towards him as if to demonstrate.


“I’m too lazy to call you every time. Plus, you seem like you might shoot someone.”


I didn’t forget to smile sweetly to appear harmless. Baek Hawon was looking at me with a strange expression.


“It might not be a useful skill.”


Jiwoon, standing beside Baek Hawon, said firmly.


Unexpected words made me think of Angel’s right hand again. Full of calluses but no skill. The poignancy of Angel increased.


“But he’s smart. He learned Korean in just a month to get extra points for coming here.”


As the elevator door opened with a ding while I was earnestly highlighting Angel’s strengths, just before getting off the elevator, Baek Hawon instructed Jiwoon.


“Call him. Right away.”


“Yes, Boss.”


The steps crossing the glamorous lobby felt noticeably lighter.


The car parked in front of the hotel was unmistakable at a glance. Seeing the shining car surrounded by black bodyguards and bathed in the sunlight pouring from the clear sky, I squinted my eyes.


I hadn’t noticed it yesterday, but it was a type of car I hadn’t seen Baek Hawon ride before.


“They say Yugyeom is the most likely suspect who called right before Miss was about to go.”


The tire burst right after.


But did Yugyeom really cause it to burst?


Yesterday, Yugyeom seemed too busy to personally burst the tire and come all the way to the department store where I was.


I don’t know how Yugyeom managed to get so close to Baek Hawon, but rather, Yuwha or Kang Taejun might be… 


But they seemed to be at the department store, so I don’t know if there’s another accomplice.


Lost in thought, Jiwoon opened the back door. About to get into the car, I suddenly remembered the forgotten question.


“Where are we going?”


I lifted my head, blinking my eyes rapidly against the blinding sunlight. The sunlight was excessively bright.


At that moment, the clearly outlined face tilted slightly.


“Since you’re alone, I thought you might end up somewhere strange.”


Under the shattering sunlight, his black hair fluttered. His presence, bathed in backlight, felt thicker than usual.


Baek Hawon lightly tapped the open door with his fingertips.


“Get in.”



The destination was a restaurant near the hotel. Honestly, I was a bit surprised at the ordinary place I hadn’t thought of at all.


Looking at it differently, other than eating, there wasn’t much else to do upon waking up.


The waiter led us to a table by the sunny window.


Despite being earlier than lunchtime, there were quite a few people. As I sat down, I praised my sense for choosing the lace dress I bought yesterday instead of the sweatpants I usually wear to bed in a hurry.


The food, already ordered in advance, arrived promptly.


The steak in front of me was sliced into bite-sized pieces, eliminating the need to hold the knife with injured hands.


Glancing at Baek Hawon’s steak, which wasn’t sliced like mine, I took a sip of mushroom soup.


This was the second time we sat down for a meal face to face.


Taking another sip of soup, I prayed that this meal would end differently from the first.


The golden blonde hair shone from afar. The face I had been waiting for approached from a distance.


“Hello, Boss.”


Angel bowed towards Baek Hawon with a stiff face.


Wearing jeans and casual clothes, he looked even younger today. It seemed he had been called out without even having time to change his clothes.


Baek Hawon received Angel’s greeting with an indifferent expression.


It wasn’t until Baek Hawon roughly nodded and enough time had passed that Angel straightened up.


‘Why does he seem so awkward?’


I reached out and grabbed Angel’s arm firmly.


“You came so quickly?”


Seated next to me unexpectedly, Angel spoke with his eyes instead of his mouth. I wasn’t sure if it was a question or a statement, but I roughly understood.


“Why did you call me?”


I filtered out all the unnecessary information from his eyes and only asked the question.


“Yeah. I got hurt.”


I smiled sweetly and handed my hand to Angel. With my right hand unusable, I was in a hurry. And it seemed more swollen than yesterday.


With a skeptical expression, Angel hesitated for a moment before starting to examine my hand.




Just a light touch on my wrist sent a wave of pain through me.


Lost my gun, lost my hand. Lucky I didn’t lose my life, I guess.


“How did this happen?”


Angel murmured quietly.


Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t catch it and asked again.


“What did you say?”


His gaze, which had been on my hand, lifted to meet mine. His eyes sparkled like jewels in the sunlight.


Angel bit his lip and repeated the action, then finally closed his mouth and shook his head.




For someone who seemed to be seriously contemplating something, it was a flippant response. I was about to ask again out of curiosity, but Angel spoke first.


“It doesn’t seem to require a cast, so as long as you’re careful not to overdo it, you should be fine.”


I forgot what I was about to say in the throbbing pain spreading across the back of my hand.


The bandage pressed tightly against my hand. With it, I couldn’t even hold a knife, let alone a gun.


“When you return to the hotel, contact me. I’ll take another look.”


“No need for that.”


The interjected voice was concise. However, from his monotone, Angel seemed to sense unease and stiffened his face.


“From now on, wait right by my side.”


Unease filled the youthful face.


“Given how often you get hurt, it’s better that way.”


Angel didn’t look better at all. I achieved what I intended, but…


“Yes, Boss.”


The bandage was tightly wrapped around. It felt like there was an excessive force applied, but perhaps it was just my imagination.


Standing up, Angel quickly disappeared from sight, saying he would wait in the car.


I moved my right hand, then finally gripped the fork with my left hand. Fortunately, the steak was already sliced, making it easier to eat.


The steak, cooked just right, melted in my mouth. I couldn’t say whose preference it was, but it wasn’t bad.


No, it was definitely good.


“…Feels like a movie.”


I observed the man sitting across from me as if to verify. As always, there was nothing to fault.


His movements slicing the steak with the knife were as natural as a nobleman’s. With classical music playing in the background, the atmosphere deepened even further.


“There’s a party tonight.”


Baek Hawon put down the knife and reached for a wine glass instead of touching the steak.


After taking a sip of the white wine, he looked at me. His eyes, meeting mine, were as dark as the black that even the sunlight couldn’t penetrate.


“If nothing comes up, come with me.”


Initially taken aback, but soon I agreed.


Since the person had changed, it was natural for the relationship to change as well. If the relationship between Cha Yeonbyeol and me had changed so drastically, then the way he treated me would have changed as well.


Well, it’s probably for the better.




I raised my glass and extended it forward. The awkwardness in our gazes made me curl my lips upward.


The wine glasses clinked together.





Editor: Red

Translator Note:

Hello there! This is Sid. I hope you liked it<3

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