The Male Lead's Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me


Chapter 41


The heat that had been sealed by his lips was now transferred to me.


Suppressing a sharp gasp from the unfamiliar sensation pressing against my sensitive spot, I swallowed the gasp along with the scream that almost escaped my lips.


“Oh, here you are. Found the key.”


I barely managed to hold onto my sanity, feeling like I could fly away at any moment.


I grabbed Yugyeom’s collar instead of his throat, tightly clenching my fist.


Although his lips, which had descended upon my neck, fell away, his breath, still close, brushed against me.


In the darkness, the rapid heartbeat reverberated, and I couldn’t distinguish whose it was.


“If you found what you were looking for, come out quickly.”


“Ugh, alright, alright. What a mess this is in the middle of the night.”


As the footsteps gradually faded and became inaudible, I forcefully pushed Yugyeom away.


His body, which had been pressed against mine, thudded against the wardrobe wall. Without looking back, I dashed out of the closet.




Yugyeom let out an unconvincing groan.


As I glared at him, still wrapping my hand around his hot neck, Yugyeom slowly raised the corners of his mouth.


“It seems like you were very surprised.”


Brushing off his messy hair and standing up, he chuckled with his eyes half-closed.


I couldn’t speak. I was too dumbfounded.


Is this the right time to slap him?


While pondering seriously, he approached with slow steps.


His gaze landed on my hand wrapped around his neck.


“The hiccups stopped.”


“….Get out right now.”


I grabbed Yugyeom’s wrist and headed towards the terrace.


“Try saying you don’t remember the way again.”


“What happens if I do?”


I couldn’t even laugh out loud because I was too shocked.


After taking a deep breath, I grabbed his collar as I had promised inside the closet.


Dragging Yugyeom with a firm grip on his collar, I pushed him into the terrace.


“Do you think you turn into a dog just by drinking? I’m someone who can become a dog without drinking.”


With eyes filled with burning determination, I looked up at him and smiled with my mouth.


Yugyeom shook his head and let out a groan, then murmured as he wrapped his hand around his mouth.


“I think I remembered.”


His smile deepened as he leaned against the terrace railing precariously. His white, glistening hair fluttered in the wind.


Although his mouth was clearly smiling, his eyes were sharp enough to be visible even in the darkness.




I shut my eyes tightly at the faint voice that sounded like a hallucination.


But eventually, I opened my eyes again. Yugyeom hadn’t disappeared and was still standing in front of me.


It’s not a dream after all.


“Don’t come like this again.”


It was reckless courage born out of the hope that he wouldn’t remember because of the alcohol.


I felt a cold laugh spreading over my face. I didn’t avoid his gaze, which gradually became clearer as the mist cleared.


“I don’t intend to die for you.”


Because I had promised not to run away anymore.


From the moment the bullet pierced my chest until now, I had been thinking constantly and eventually made that decision.


At the end of that road, either I would be a villainess who dies or…


Even if I were the heroine of a BL novel.


* * *


“Hey! You bastard…!”


Half-closed eyes, Lee Chan crawled on all fours and pounced on Yugyeom.


Whether to react or not, Yugyeom slowly approached with calm steps and sat down on the sofa, ignoring Lee Chan’s intense desire to tear him apart.


Oh my, this is not my head… Lee Chan blamed his mental state for not being brave enough to rush forward and ended up lying on the floor.


“You… you bad kid… because of you, I came all the way here…”


Swearing profusely from Lee Chan’s alcohol-fueled mouth, Yugyeom, who had been listening quietly, suddenly burst into laughter.


The moment Lee Chan saw his smile, he became quiet faster than the speed of light.


Warning bells began to ring in Lee Chan’s head as he realized Yugyeom had come here with a purpose. His lost mind seemed to have returned to him in an instant.


“Phew. I’m completely sober now.”


It was amazing how he could instantly turn into a human being when he should be sober in such a situation after walking on all fours.


Lee Chan, staggering, sat on the opposite sofa to Yugyeom. His hands clasped on his knees were serious.


“So… where did you go?”


In the quiet early morning hours, the atmosphere was as tumultuous as a beehive that had been disturbed.


Lee Chan couldn’t shake off the ominous feeling.


Somehow, he felt like the idiot who had stirred up that beehive might be the guy standing in front of him.


“I got lost because I was drunk.”


Yugyeom picked up a half-empty bottle among the empty wine bottles rolling on the table.


The wine bottle, wedged between his lips, emptied in an instant. The sweet scent surrounding him intensified.


“Don’t bullshit me. You don’t even drink.”


Yugyeom still didn’t remove the wine bottle from his lips and smirked lightly. His red-stained lips twisted upwards.


Seeing him, Lee Chan furrowed his brows.


Every time he made that expression, something bad happened, and every time he made it, nothing good ever came out of it.


Lee Chan shivered and brushed his arms to wipe off the goosebumps.


“I get chills every time you pretend to be drunk…”


“I’m drunk too. Just not enough to turn into a dog like you.”


His nonchalant remark made his light-colored pupils shine brightly.


The heat that had clouded his focus had disappeared without a trace a long time ago.


“What’s strange is that no matter how much I drink, I’m still sober! I’m normal!”


Lee Chan’s face turned red as he shouted, then suddenly stood up, grabbed the wine bottle in Yugyeom’s hand.


With a flushed face, he snatched the wine bottle from Yugyeom’s hand.


His face, as he emptied the bottle, looked pathetic.


Idiot. You downed it in one shot.


Lee Chan dropped the bottle as if throwing it away.


Then, he crawled on all fours again and brought the luggage he hadn’t unpacked for ten days to Yugyeom.


“Where’s Sena?”




“She said she’d be back soon.”


Lee Chan’s face relaxed slightly at Yugyeom’s question.


He opened the bag and took out lemon-flavored candies. While sucking on the candy with a slurping sound, he took out a laptop.


Placing the laptop on his crossed legs, he typed on the keyboard with such dexterity that it was hard to believe he had just been drunk.


“He’s more famous than he thought.”


“Yeah. If even our Lee Chan is fooled, he must be something big, right?”


“Hey… what’s that supposed to mean! I didn’t get caught!”


Lee Chan exclaimed angrily as he pounded the keyboard loudly.


“I didn’t fall for it three times.”


Lines of code, intertwined like spider webs, appeared on the black screen, and a small dot twinkled on those lines.


The hacker who attempted to access Lee Chan’s server left traces after falling into the trap twice, but on the third attempt, they were caught, leaving behind evidence.


Tracing those traces and extracting information in reverse was as easy for him as wiggling his toes.


Well, it used to be.


As it turned out, the guy he was looking for was already quite famous.


The name alone was very famous, but no matter how hard he searched, the only thing that came up was that ominous name.


“Just by looking at the name, I can tell. This guy’s really tangled up.”


Age, gender, nationality—there wasn’t a single accurate piece of information available. With attacks happening randomly, it was even hard to guess which side he belonged to.


“Sena just contacted me. The coordinate range is quite wide, so it might take a while.”


So for now, the best option was to search the area where the only coordinates they managed to capture were marked.


And when it came to this kind of work, which was location-based, it was a reward for Sena, who was equal to Lee Chan.


Lee Chan had actually sensed something in Sena’s eyes but had chosen to ignore it. He agreed with her judgment that something would go wrong because of that woman, whether it was work-related or Yugyeom-related.


But to think she would go so far as to unleash a hunting dog.


He had crossed a line far beyond. If it were anyone else, they would have died in that forest.


Yugyeom’s clear anger was something Lee Chan hadn’t seen in a long time.


“I should go check it out.”




“Well, I can’t just sit around doing nothing here, can I? The timing seems right, too.”


Yugyeom’s voice grew even deeper for some reason, but Lee Chan pushed away unnecessary thoughts.


“Well, yeah. That crazy guy seems to have messed with Baekcheon too, right? They say Baekcheon’s guys are everywhere Sena is.”


“Well, that’s convenient.”


“They should at least catch 44. That would give us at least a little faith in them.”


Since coming to Baekcheon, they had been left to their own devices. After postponing their meeting due to fatigue, Baek Ha-won hadn’t sent another message.


It was a matter of “do whatever you want.”


This relaxed attitude only fueled Lee Chan’s determination.


“Can you… stop drinking so much?”


Lee Chan sighed as he looked at Yugyeom, who had emptied a glass full of cocktails. His expression was one of annoyance.


“Are you going to make fun of someone else again this time?”


Leaning back on the sofa, Yugyeom ran his long fingers through his hair.


Thinking of the smooth texture that filled his lips, Lee Chan’s reason wavered slightly.


As he recalled the heartbeat that was transmitted through their bodies touching, Yugyeom’s lips twisted slowly.


“You said you’d make me fall in love.”






Translator Note:

Hello there! This is Sid. I hope you liked it<3

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