The Male Lead's Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me


Chapter 40


His cheeks bore deep red marks, akin to the flushed cheeks of someone heavily intoxicated.


Something felt off.


“Are you seriously drunk?” 




It was evident that he was severely intoxicated.


Otherwise, he wouldn’t smile at me like that when he saw me.


No wonder the scent of wine was vibrating in my head so intensely it felt like I might shatter a bottle just by thinking about it.


“How did you get in here?”


Placing the vase I was holding on the table, I crouched in front of him.


When our eyes met, Yugyeom smiled again. His smile made me let my guard down without realizing it.


It wasn’t a scornful look in his eyes.


It was different.


It was like the feeling you get when you want to pat someone’s head, and they wag their tail in response. It was a far cry from the image that haunted me.


“During the shift change, through the stairwell window.”




“I had to switch people, but don’t switch. If you do, I won’t be able to come.”


Was such brazen honesty a habit of his? Despite rubbing my cheek with my hand, Yugyeom continued to chuckle.


Despite his drunken state, his characteristic languid and precarious atmosphere was even more pronounced.


However, I couldn’t help but watch him, captivated by his actions and the way he looked at me.


Was I dreaming right now? Even such absurd thoughts crossed my mind.


“Did you come to see me?”




Yugyeom replied without hesitation. Feeling an unknown heat rising to my chin, I tried to suppress it.


“Miss, I came to see you.”


His deep voice grabbed me. Something was definitely off.


The strong scent surrounding him seemed to intoxicate me as well. As I stood up abruptly, Yugyeom stood up too.


With a frown, he swayed, placing his hand on the wall and running his fingers through his hair. His silhouette against the moonlight reminded me of the day he first came to Baekcheon.


“You look pretty.”


His large hand reached out, barely touching the earring hanging from my ear.


The hand that lingered on the earring moved to my earlobe, and the cold touch made my senses more acute.




If Yugyeom’s habit was honesty, perhaps it was better not to ask. However, I couldn’t help but ask.


“Why did you come to see me?”


I kept getting confused.


The unfamiliar aspects of him that I didn’t notice when he was just a figment of words in a fantasy confused me.


Unlike before when I was in a rush to change Yeonbyeol’s fate destined for death, now that I had time, questions arose in my mind.


What are my feelings for Yugyeom right now?






“Did you come to kill me?”


The image of Yugyeom aiming a gun at me was still vivid in my mind. The penetrating gaze, the feeling of bullets piercing through, and the temperature of the floor as I collapsed against it.


It was an experience I never wanted to go through again, yet I couldn’t be sure.


If I were to witness your life being ruined again because of me, would I be able to refrain from throwing the gun aimed at you?


As I stared at my trembling hand, which had almost voiced the question, I raised my head. Leaning against the wall with my head tilted, I met Yugyeom’s gaze with half-open eyes.




Once again, the answer came out without hesitation. Unknown emotions seemed to surge and ripple as if they could overflow at any moment.


I had a premonition that once they overflowed, they would be irreversible.


“In that case…”


Yet I couldn’t stop.


“In that case, do you want to kill me?”


My trembling fingertips faltered at the question that slipped out of my mouth. My dry lips were chewed into by the gap.


The rapid heartbeat filled my ears.


The thick shadow leaned toward me. Above the face obscured by darkness, chilly eyes gleamed.


“…I might.”


Yugyeom’s lips formed a line, but soon twisted sharply.


In an instant, everything blurred.


It was a word I had spit out with the intention of breaking it off. I knew how Yugyeom would take it. I knew it would turn out like this.


But despite expecting all of that, I didn’t know myself.


The shock swallowed even the emotions that surged suddenly.


I let out a bitter laugh and stumbled backward. Then, with a misstep, I grabbed onto the table.




The vase I had placed on the table fell to the floor, shattering into pieces with a loud noise.


Almost simultaneously, the locked door began to rattle.


“Miss! Is something wrong?”


It seemed that the organization members guarding the door had returned.


Fortunately, the door was locked, but it wouldn’t take long for them to get the key. Or maybe they already had it.


I cursed under my breath and rushed to the door.


“I just dropped it. I’ll clean it up myself.”


“Miss! Please open the door!”


There was no way they would listen. I shouted louder, refusing to yield.


“I said I dropped it!”


“Please open it right now!!”


My words fell on deaf ears. The door, rattling roughly, seemed about to open at any moment.


I gave up trying to explain and turned back to Yugyeom.


He was leaning against the wall, blinking slowly with unfocused eyes. When I nudged his arm, his focus slowly returned, then wavered and repeated the process.


As if he could still live on after drinking a few more bottles.


“Get out before other people come in.”


Yugyeom’s eyes, flickering with unfocused gaze, rolled towards me.


As I pulled at the sleeve, Yugyeom staggered and fell from the wall.


His body, unable to find balance, swayed as if it could collapse at any moment, leaning towards me.


“Get out quickly! Can’t you leave through the way you came?”


I whispered urgently, and Yugyeom smiled sweetly, his eyes wandering.


“The way… I don’t remember.”


“You said you came through the stair window…!”


“I don’t remember.”


Yugyeom chuckled shamelessly, and I was about to turn away.


Bang! Bang! The sound of banging on the door grew louder.


If that door broke and anyone saw Yugyeom in this state in my room… I didn’t even want to imagine it.


Frantically, I scanned the room. What caught my eye was a large wardrobe.


Grabbing Yugyeom’s clothes tightly, I dragged him like a deflating balloon to the wardrobe.


As I pushed Yugyeom into the empty wardrobe and opened it wide, he obediently went inside.


“Don’t make a sound until I open it.”


As Yugyeom entered, the large wardrobe seemed cramped. He looked at me with blurred eyes.


Looking down at him, disheveled in my room, I felt strange.


At that moment, his pale lips rose softly. Without knowing why, I grew anxious and tried to quickly close the wardrobe door.




An unexpectedly pale hand suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me forcefully.


My defenseless body was pulled into Yugyeom’s arms as if it were falling.


I belatedly tried to pull away in surprise at the exposed chest, but a firm arm wrapped around my waist.






Yugyeom chuckled lazily and gently pressed his finger against his lips.


“Don’t even make a sound.”


The tongue that slipped into the closed lips was chewed softly. A bitter taste spread in my mouth.


With the wardrobe door slightly ajar, darkness filled the narrow space.




Shortly after, a loud noise as if the door had broken echoed. The sound of several footsteps entered the room.


“She’s not in here!”


“Damn it. Search quickly before the boss finds out!”


The sound of footsteps roaming around the room made my mouth go dry.


But as much as those footsteps, the tightly pressed chest bothered me. Through the touching skin, I could feel the heartbeat and breath.


Each time a hot breath was exhaled, my ears tingled under my hair.


Trying to shrink my shoulders and pull away, I felt the arms around my waist tighten.


Tap. Yugyeom’s head fell onto my shoulder.


“You go to the first floor and contact the others. You, come with me.”


The footsteps gradually faded away one by one. Only then did I try to release the breath I had been holding, but hiccup! The quietness was broken by a loud hiccup.


It seems like I’m going crazy.


Startled, I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, but the hiccup continued to escape through my fingers.


Why won’t it stop…!


“Oh my. Get a grip.”


“I told you to stop being so clumsy.”


At that moment, a voice came from beyond the quiet wardrobe door. The sound of footsteps approached closer and closer.


With my eyes tightly shut, desperately hoping for a miracle to make the hiccups stop, I felt a very soft whisper tickle my neck.


“…Shall I make it stop?”


Although it was a barely audible whisper, this time it definitely reached my ears. I heard it, but I didn’t understand.


But with the footsteps approaching closer, I desperately nodded my head. Yugyeom, with half-closed eyes, stared at me.


He was too close. The inevitable distance felt precarious. Trapped in his arms, I couldn’t even breathe properly.


“Shall I make the hiccups stop?”


It was a quiet whisper, almost inaudible. But before I could understand its meaning, a hand touched the back of my head.


Then Yugyeom’s face twisted towards me.


The fingers entwined in my hair were firm. As my head was pulled back, my body leaned forward.


Even the narrow gap that had existed disappeared as if it had never been there. I instinctively grabbed Yugyeom’s clothing.


It felt like my heart was beating slowly.


Too slowly and too loudly. Thump. Thump.


His voice, deeply muffled, sounded in my frozen ears.


“Don’t make a sound, even if you’re surprised.”


Before I could understand that casual whisper…


Hot lips descended onto my exposed neck.





Translator Note:

Hello there! This is Sid. I hope you liked it<3

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  1. Phuong116 says:

    I’m very curious about what happens next. Please, unblock new chapter!!!

  2. Villainess No.121 says:

    Are we getting hot scenes rn? 🔥

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