The Maid No Longer Desires her Master

MNLDHM I Chapter 06

**Chapter 6**

Mrs. Luther’s expression as she looked at Elizabeth was not good. Standing next to her, Lin naturally had a darkened face as well. After glancing back and forth between Lin and Elizabeth several times, Mrs. Luther slowly opened her mouth.

“Did you really do this, Miss?”

“Yes, I did.”

“I’ll let it go this time, but you must do it yourself next time.”

“Are you doubting me right now?”

“To be honest, yes, I am. It’s not something you could have done.”

With a sigh, Mrs. Luther’s demeanor made Elizabeth’s voice rise.


“It’s too obvious that you received help from someone. It includes content that I did not teach you. I’m curious how you knew without learning it.”

“No matter how much I might not focus in class, as a princess of the Troyna Empire, I know the basics. Don’t you dare to belittle me like this; it’s really too much.”

Seeing tears welling in Elizabeth’s eyes, Mrs. Luther let out a small sigh. It seemed that today was enough. If it continued, the girl standing next to her would surely become the target of her anger. From past experiences, it had always been that way.

“We’ll stop here for today. Next time, please only research the material we’ve covered.”

“I’ll tell my father, Mrs. Luther.”

“I’ve only done what I am supposed to do as a teacher, Miss.”

Despite Elizabeth’s intimidation, Mrs. Luther’s face remained calm. This only annoyed Elizabeth even more, and she suddenly stood up from her seat. She needed to vent her feelings somehow. Without hesitation, Elizabeth approached Lin and slapped her hard across the face.

*Smack.* With a sharp sound, Lin’s head quickly turned. She struck her so hard that a few strands of her neatly arranged hair under her hat fell out. Elizabeth glared at Lin and slowly spoke.

“I made a mistake, so I should be punished, right? Mrs. Luther? That’s only fair.”

Elizabeth smiled sweetly at Mrs. Luther. It looked like a pretty smile, but no one in the room felt happy seeing it. They all remembered exactly what had happened every time Elizabeth smiled like that.


This time, Lin’s head turned in the opposite direction. It had only been two slaps, but clear handprints were visible on both cheeks. Unable to bear it any longer, Mrs. Luther cautiously spoke up.

“Miss, that’s enough…”

“You said so yourself. You thought I didn’t do my homework properly. So naturally, I should be punished, right?”

With an innocent smile on her face, Elizabeth looked as if she had done nothing wrong, causing the employees in the room to sigh inwardly. It seemed that today’s situation wouldn’t be resolved easily.

*Smack. Smack.*

With each slap, Mrs. Luther and the employees tightly closed their eyes. Even though Lin was brought in to be punished, Mrs. Luther had only struck Elizabeth a few times on the palm or calf to set an example. Elizabeth was always the one to hit Lin. There was no need for a reason. It was simply because she was in a bad mood or feeling annoyed. For a long while after that, Elizabeth continued to vent her anger.

“Ouch, that hurts.”

After hitting her a dozen times, Elizabeth finally stopped slapping. She looked at Lin, whose cheeks were red and swollen, and smiled silently.

“I’ve given you the punishment that the soft-hearted Mrs. Luther couldn’t. Is that okay? Oh, I should apologize. After all, it is my fault. I’ll be more careful next time.”

With an elegant motion, Elizabeth bowed.

Mrs. Luther, with a stiff expression, couldn’t say a word. She wasn’t sure if she should be thankful that things had ended here. Turning her head, she saw Lin with her head down, her cheeks still bright red.

“That should be enough punishment.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Then I’ll take my leave.”

Elizabeth held the ends of her skirt with both hands and bent her knees. Her graceful movement had no unnecessary gestures.

After finishing her greeting, Elizabeth turned to look at Lin. Unlike when she looked at Mrs. Luther, there was only coldness on Elizabeth’s face as she gazed at Lin.

“Just make sure you don’t catch my eye today. Got it?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Lin found it hard to speak because her cheeks were stinging from the slaps, but she quickly responded. If her reply was delayed, Elizabeth might get angry.

“Are you okay?”

As Elizabeth left the room, Mrs. Luther approached. Meeting her worried gaze made Lin’s eyes well up with tears, but she clenched her fists and held them back. After all, her role was to take the punishment.

“I’m fine, ma’am.”

“Your face is red. You should wash it with cold water.”

“I will.”

Even though it was difficult, Lin smiled forcibly to ease Mrs. Luther’s worries. Everyone in the room was looking at her, but she exited as if nothing was wrong.

Once she closed the door and stood in the hallway, Lin let out a small sigh. She bit her lower lip tightly, thinking she shouldn’t cry just yet.

She needed to move to a place where no one would come. Lin’s steps toward the secluded garden were quicker than ever. She felt she needed to cry freely in a place without anyone around to wash away her current sorrow.

The old garden was a space that the late duchess had loved. For some unknown reason, it was a place where few people ventured. So when she came here, she could spend time alone without interruption.

Lin liked this space, and there was also a small entrance next to the garden that is connected to the forest.

Though she didn’t have much time and needed to return quickly, Lin directed her steps to the woods. She didn’t want anyone to see her crying.

Elizabeth’s slaps were bearable compared to when she was at the inn. However, they constantly left scars on her heart. It was physically exhausting when Uncle Paul hit her, but the lady touched her heart.

“I feel so upset.”

At first, she tried hard to please Elizabeth. But over time, she realized that even if she died and came back, she could never be that way.

She could feel someone looking for someone in the gaze directed at her.

She didn’t know who that person was, but it was clear they were someone Elizabeth disliked. She would be taking that person’s place.


Lin sat on a rock a little distance from the entrance. She pressed her hands against her warm cheeks.

In fact, compared to being hit by her Uncle Paul, this was nothing. But why did it hurt more now than back then? No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t find a good reason.

“What does it matter? Who understands the lady’s heart?”

She stared blankly at the sparkling stream.

She thought she would leave soon. She wanted to stay longer, but she couldn’t. Elizabeth was always looking for her. If she wasn’t there at that moment, it was clear that the punishment wouldn’t end with just a few slaps.

Though she was told not to be seen, if she wasn’t there, it would surely provoke Elizabeth’s anger.

Lin had learned that Elizabeth would get extremely angry if she wasn’t present when needed, Elizabeth would get extremely angry. So it was better to quietly keep her place.

How long would she have to live like this?

When she first arrived at the duke’s household, she had a little hope that life would improve. But as time passed, that hope faded more and more. She thought she would feel better after a good cry,but no tears came.

“Ugh, I really hate this.”

“What do you hate?”

Startled by the sudden unfamiliar voice, Lin jumped. She looked around, but no one was there. Just as she began to feel scared, the voice came again.

“It’s up above.”

When she looked up, she saw someone sitting on the tree she was leaning against.

At first, she couldn’t see the person’s face because of the sunlight, but when she shaded her eyes with her hand, she could tell who was talking to her.

Martin Ilufus.

“…Hello, young master.”

Lin hurriedly got up and bowed to him. Martin approached her as she bent forward, having come down from the branch.

“Why does your face look like that?”


“Your cheeks are red. Who hit you?”

“Oh, no.”

She quickly shook her head. Elizabeth was Martin’s younger sister. Saying that the lady hit her was almost like speaking ill of his sister, so she did her best to deny it.

“Was it Elizabeth?”

“…Huh? No, it’s not like that.”

“Really? Should I just ask Elizabeth directly?”

“Oh, no, young master.”

“Then just whisper to me. Who did it?”


“If it’s hard to say, just nod. Was it Elizabeth?”

After a moment of silence at Martin’s question, she slowly nodded her head. As he confirmed her answer, the smile on Martin’s face gradually faded.

“Is that brat still not changing her ways?”

“I’m fine, young master. After all, it’s my job to take the punishment.”

“Well, there is nothing I can do if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do.”

At her response, Martin shrugged. Then he took something out of his pocket and held it out to her.


When Lin only just looked at his hand, Martin shook his arm up and down in frustration. Reluctantly, she reached out her hand, and something landed on her palm.

“Eat this.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you know what it means to say thank you for something I give you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

As Lin hurriedly apologized, Martin smiled beautifully and gently patted her head.

“I’m just joking. Enjoy it.”


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