The Maid No Longer Desires her Master

MNLDHM I Chapter 04

He was supposed to attend for the Young Lady. However, I hadn’t seen her for a week after I arrived at the Duke’s.

The days at the inn were much more relaxing than the days at the duke’s house. As if the fear he had felt before coming to the duke’s house hadn’t been worth it.

He was curious about her but he was also afraid. Because he never knew what exactly he was supposed to do.

Right now, Rin’s job at the Duchess was to follow Aunt Julie around and do odd jobs. It was a simple job, nothing compared to what she’d been doing at the inn.

“At least you’ve been well-fed for a few days and looking good.”

Julie was chopping onions, looked up at Lin, and smiled with satisfaction. She smiled back at me with warmth in her eyes.

A pale face and sunken cheeks. The sight of Lin a few days ago was enough to make even the most ungrateful person feel salty.

But now was different; after a few days of feeding her, she was quite forgivable.

“Oh, yes. A kid should be smiling and eating so well, not skinny like he’s never had soup.”

“It wasn’t that bad.”

Lynn smiled shyly. It had only been a week, but she was starting to gain weight, thanks to Aunt Julie’s good care. The best part was sleeping soundly in a comfortable bed.

Before, I had to get up early to fetch water every morning. Even if I slept, I had to get up when guests came to the inn.

So I didn’t get enough sleep. But at the Duke’s, no one disturbs my sleep.

“I don’t know what she was thinking when she sent for you. I don’t know what she was thinking, taking a small child like you to do her work.”

“I’m good at my job, ma’am.”

“At best, you’ll be a horse’s companion. Don’t you think?”


“Well, there’s nothing a child can’t say. I don’t care what it is, but I’m sure it won’t be hard work.”

Julie’s eyes narrowed at her answer. It bothered her that the tiny child responded like an old who’s steeped in life.

“Lynn, the butler wants to see you.”

Lynn turned at the call. Mrs. Julie stopped chopping onions and glanced at the door.

“Hurry up and go.”


Rising to her feet, Lin wiped her hands on her apron a couple of times, then swiftly undid the straps around her waist. She felt dizzy from the sudden rise but quickly regained her balance.

The man who had called out to her was walking two or three steps ahead. Lin was nervous and cautiously followed her at a steady pace.

His heart began to pound in his chest at the thought of finally meeting the lady.

After ascending to the second floor, Lin stopped, knocked on the door, and waited for a moment. Only when he heard a voice inside did he open the door.

“Miss Elizabeth, I’m here with a child. What are you doing? I didn’t say hello.”

The man bowed, poked Lin in the waist from a distance, and whispered in a low voice.

Embarrassed, she followed his lead and bowed.

She was curious to see what the young woman looked like. But with her back bent, she could only see the pattern on the floor.

“Take off your hat.”

Rin had been wearing her hat out of habit ever since she entered the ducal household. When she didn’t move at Elizabeth’s words, the man roughly removed her hat who was standing next to her.


“Raise your head.”

I slowly lifted my head, after I bowed at the lady’s words.

The first thing that came into her eyes was black-haired Elizabeth, looking at me curiously. Her hair, so jet-black it was almost blue, hung down to her waist.

For a moment, I remembered my hair, which fell to my shoulders, and I ran my hand through my hair. The young woman, who was staring at her, slowly opened her mouth.

“It’s the same color as Empress Regina’s.”


“Your hair. Is it real?”

“Yes. Princess.”


Elizabeth clapped her hands in delight at Rin’s answer, and she could only stare in bewilderment at the maid standing beside her, the young woman’s delight at the fact that it was indeed the same.

“I hope you don’t leave my side in the future.”

“What are you doing? Without answering.”

When she didn’t answer, Yongin poked her in the side again. Embarrassed, she hurriedly opened her mouth.

“Yes, ma’am. Miss.”

“That’s very good. After all, Marvin is a good butler.”

She giggled and stared at the delighted young woman.

She has pure white skin, jet-black her, and graceful movements. A nobility he had never seen before. She is beautiful and he couldn’t help but stare. Somehow, she felt that life as a duchess wouldn’t be so bad.

* * *

There was a brief respite.

I had history and liberal arts classes all morning, which gave me some time away from her. But even that was short-lived, as I had to be at Lady Elizabeth’s side for the afternoon’s horseback riding and dance lessons.

“It hurts.”

Lynn squatted at the end of the hallway, off the beaten path, and rubbed her swollen hands and calves. It was better than when Mr. Paul had beaten her, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

“Why are you so grumpy today.”

She grumbled in a small voice.

It was her job to be the lady’s companion, yet she was beaten instead. They needed a child to take her place since they couldn’t punish the noble lady.

I don’t know what it had to do with the color of her hair, but instead of feeling sad when being hit, Lady Elizabeth clapped her hands and said.

“You should be in a good mood later.”

Hugging her knees and resting her chin, she buried her face in them and closed her eyes. She wanted to forget the throbbing pain in her palms and calves, but it wasn’t easy.

“Who are you?”

An unfamiliar voice jolted her out of her slumber. She lifted her head to see who it was, but the sunlight streaming in from the window made it impossible to make out a face.

Only after raising her hand to shade herself could she see who had called her.

“Here’s my seat.”

The stranger laughed softly as he stared at her, dumbfounded. Oh, my God! This was a boy. So pretty and beautiful that Tainos, the god of beauty, would be jealous.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t you know who I am?”

At that moment, the boy’s jet-black hair caught Rin’s eye; the only people in the Duchy with jet-black hair were those of the House of Irufus.

“I apologize. Master.”

“So what is your name? Are you some kind of cousin of Empress Regina?”


“Your hair is silver.”


The master gestured to her head. Sure enough, her hat had slipped off. Embarrassed, she hurriedly tucked her hair back into her hat.

“I didn’t hear any royalty coming.”

“I’m Lin, Lady Elizabeth’s attendant.”

“Lin? That’s strange. Why isn’t she imperial?”

The Master scratched his head.

Unsure of what to make of it, Rin grew nervous; it was a fact she knew well, even as a newcomer to the ducal household, that nothing good could come of going against the mood of her superiors.

“I apologize.”

“Huh? What are you sorry for?”

He laughed softly. She couldn’t look away from that dazzling pretty man who could laugh.

“Is that what Elizabeth did?”


“Your face is bleeding.”


Embarrassed by his point, she rubbed at her cheeks with the back of her hand.

After class, we served refreshments, but something didn’t sit right with her, and she threw her teacup away, a shard of broken glass hitting her.

“That would hurt.”

The young master clicked his tongue. Lin felt her cheeks burning under the beautiful woman’s gaze.

“It’s okay. Master.”

“Here, take this.”

He pulled something out of his pocket and held out his hand. She stared at his hand unable to look him in the face. He waved his hand up and down, urging her to stay still.

“Come on.”


“Take this. I often use it when I practice swordsmanship.”

“Why do you…?”

“You don’t want to get ugly on your pretty face.”

“…Thank you.”

She carefully reached out and took the vial from his hand. Her heart seemed to thud when her fingertips touched his firm palm.

Rin cautiously lifted her head and looked up into his face. Pretty eyes with ashen pupils curved gently.

“I’ll give you another one next time.”


Master Lin sighed slightly at being called and greeted her, gently stroking her hair.


She could only stare after him, still bewildered, as he walked away, and then the sound of the users’ oohs and ahhs echoed in her head.

“Master Martin, you’re so clear-headed. You’ll be ringing up ladies in society in a few years.”

“You have such a warm disposition, unlike the ill-tempered Lady Elizabeth. I dropped something the other day. He picked it up for me.”

“Ah, if only Lady Elizabeth were half as good as you, I wouldn’t mind her, but I don’t know who she gets her temper from.”

“Indeed. How different you two are in temperament.”

That was my first meeting with Martin, the beautiful boy of the Duke of Irufus.


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