The Maid No Longer Desires her Master

MNLDHM I Chapter 02

As the festival approached, guests began flocking to the inn. Some long-term guests traveled from small towns to those staying for just a or two. The inn saw a constant stream of visitors, unlike any other time.

Thanks to this influx, Lynn’s days became even busier. She started by moving early in the morning and working until late at night. The festival period was inevitably hectic.

The festival can only happen once a year, making it the busiest time for the inn. With the absence of Bestie and Paul, Lynn had to handle most of the inn’s work alone, feeling like she needed ten bodies to keep up.

Lynn headed out of the inn while carrying a large basket. She had already raided the supplies earlier that morning to cook meals. With the guests more likely to stay for a few more days, she needed to stock up more than usual to prepare evening meals.

She realized she might have to make several trips between the inn and the market.

“Mrs. Josephine, how’s the meat today?”

As the festival approached, guests began flocking to the inn. Some long-term guests traveled from small towns to those staying for just a or two. The inn saw a constant stream of visitors, unlike any other time.

“We got some good meat in yesterday. It looks like the inn’s got guests again. Buying meat for the festival, I suppose?”

“Yes, the festival starts tomorrow.”

“We better hope nothing goes wrong this time. Last year, that fruit shop from Luigi’s caused a mess.”

“Yeah, you had a hard time then.”

“That bastard knocked over the counter, and the market was a mess. Alcohol is a curse, isn’t it?”

“I hope nothing like that happens this year. Please give me some pork loin.”

Josephine’s brows furrowed at her request. It’s not like the inn wasn’t doing very well. However, Paul has the habit of saving money on food every time, which annoys her.

“Again today? Damn, Paul. He earns money, but he has no idea where it goes. He’s doing well in business, but he doesn’t spend generously. I shouldn’t say this to a young girl like you, but if people don’t use their blessings wisely, they’ll pay for it later. Why is he begging like this to a motherless child like you? Is he still hitting you these days?”

“…He’s been doing it less these days.”

“He still hits you, doesn’t he? Even though I have a child, it’s hard to believe someone could be so heartless. Ah! Every time I see him smiling so kindly, I just want to slap him!”

“He’s hitting you less these days.”

Lynn awkwardly smiled in response, and Josephine’s displeasure resurfaced on her face. When her mother was still alive, her cheeks used to be fuller. But now they were as hollow as a dried-up fruit.

“Ah, with you being so skinny, there’s hardly anywhere to hit. Is that bitchy wife of Bestie’s still as hot-headed?”


“That woman is still as nasty as ever. How nice it would be if you two could get along. People aren’t like that, though. Here, I’ve packed it generously, so make sure Paul enjoys the meat when he’s not busy smiling. With you being this thin… Tsk, tsk.”

Josephine wrapped the prepared meat in paper and handed it over. Lynn carefully placed the meat in her basket, bowing her head.

“Thank you, ma’am.”

As she left the shop, Josephine’s eyes filled with a deep sadness as she watched Lynn’s retreating figure. When her mother was alive, Lynn used to smile brightly, but lately, it was rare to see her smile. She seemed to be fading more each day. Josephine clicked her tongue softly and muttered under her breath.


Someone called out to her. Stopping in her tracks, she turned around and scanned the area, but she didn’t see anyone who seemed to be calling her.

Just as she was about to resume walking, someone tapped her shoulder. Startled, she widened her eyes and saw a familiar face smiling at her.


“Are you out shopping?”

The person looking at her was her childhood friend, Minos.

Even though she didn’t have many opportunities to play with her peers when she was younger because of work, going to the market was an exception. When her mother was alive, she could come to the market and play a little while shopping.

Minos was often her playmate during those times.

Although he was a boy, his way of playing wasn’t rough, and most importantly, he always shared his food as well. Thanks to him, she could taste all the street foods that were trending in the capital city these days.

Lynn’s face lit up with joy as she looked at Minos.

“Yeah, I ran out of ingredients. What are you doing at the market?”

“Just came out for fun. It’s festival time now.”

Minos shrugged lightly in response.

While ordinary children looked forward to festivals like Minos, it was unrelated to Lynn, who had to work at the inn from dawn to late at night, dealing with Paul, Bestie, and the guests.

“Oh, I see.”

“Do you have a moment? Let’s grab something to eat together.”
“Oh, I have to go. If Mr. Paul finds out, I’ll be in trouble.”

“It’ll only take a moment. Let’s just grab one skewer and go. I’m starving.”

As Minos persisted, a look of embarrassment spread across Lynn’s face.

Whenever Minos saw her, he always wanted to feed her something. While she didn’t mind, Lynn didn’t have any money. So whenever they bought food, Minos always had to pay.

Even though she could eat more if she ate alone, Minos always wanted to eat with her. So Lynn felt incredibly guilty.

If she ever came into money, her first wish would be to buy something delicious for Minos. He was such a good friend to her.

“I have plenty of money. Don’t worry.”

“I-I’m fine.”

“Let’s go quickly.”

Minos, stooping down, swiftly took the basket from her hands. Lynn couldn’t shake off her sudden sense of emptiness.

Due to Minos’s persistence, both had no choice but to head to the nearby skewer shop, in the end.
As they approached the shop, the savory smell stimulated her appetite. It occurred to her that she hadn’t properly eaten anything today.

“Thank you.”

Minos handed her the skewer, and Lynn, hesitating, cautiously opened her mouth to eat. With the food in front of her, an insatiable hunger suddenly overwhelmed her.

Lost in the moment, the meat on the skewer disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Watching her devour the food, Minos once again handed her another skewer. As she thought about how she ate so greedily despite saying she was all right, Lynn’s face flushed red with embarrassment.

“Let’s have one more.”

“No, it’s okay… Thank you.”

Despite her refusal, Minos offered her the skewer again. She eventually had to accept it after staring at it for a while. She was just too hungry.

As she hurriedly ate, choking on the food, Minos handed her some water.

Her stomach felt satisfied, having eaten two large skewers. Feeling embarrassed, she couldn’t bring herself to look Minos in the eye. She carefully opened her mouth while looking at the ground.

“I’ll buy next time.”

“It’s okay. I got my allowance this time.”
“Lynn, do you get an allowance?”

“Yeah. If I save up a bit, I can become a squire. My mom gave me plenty of pocket money, saying I don’t have many days left at home to enjoy delicious things.”

Lynn’s eyes widened at Minos’s words. Minos’s father was a knight of common birth, so it wasn’t strange for him to become a squire.

Feeling disappointed at the thought of not being able to see Minos often in the future, a sense of dismay crept onto her face.

“A squire? So you’ll hardly be seen anymore?”

“I won’t be home often. Dad says knights are always busy. But when I come home occasionally, you must entertain me, okay?”

Minos asked teasingly with a grin. She nodded vigorously in response.

With Minos helping her carry the bags while shopping, she found it easier than usual. Plus, he offered to carry the goods to the inn.

She knew she should refuse, but the words didn’t come out easily. She wanted to spend a little more time with Minos. Being with him, so lively and cheerful, made the mundane daily life a bit less tiresome.

Thanks to Minos carrying all the bags with both hands, she only had to carry one small package.

“Lynn, don’t come to the market for a while.”

“Strange people have been wandering around lately. It’s dangerous, so please be careful,” Minos earnestly advised her, causing her to smile silently. It was rare for someone to worry about her. Lynn smiled at Minos.

“Strange people? Are you talking about those who check people’s hair?”

“You knew about it?”

“Yeah. Bestie told me.”

Minos looked surprised at Lynn’s response. It was unexpected that the selfish and ill-tempered Bestie would do something that he appreciated.

“What’s up with her? Anyway, be careful. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious.”

“I will.”

“It’s lucky no one knows the color of your hair.”

“Yeah. I always keep it covered, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Lynn smiled brightly as if to reassure Minos not to worry. Seeing her smile, Minos’s face gradually relaxed, despite his earlier expression of concern.

They parted ways near the inn. It was because Minos and Bestie didn’t get along well.

As Lynn approached the inn with her hands full of bags, she heard Bestie’s sharp voice.

“Why are you coming now?”

Lynn bent down to put the bags on the ground and looked up to answer Bestie.

Suddenly, Paul approached and swiftly snatched her hat off. Startled, she reached out to grab her hat, but it was already too late.

“This is the one.”


  1. says:

    I’m looking forward to see what happens and unfold in this story Between Lynn and Martin

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