The Little Sister in the Devastating Novel Wants to Live

TLSDNWL | Episode 9


Episode 9

Igon has returned.

Not the fortnight the Viscount had mentioned, but after ten days.

The imperial citizens cheered towards those who had returned, bringing victory.

The enthusiasm was so fervent that even the duke’s residence could feel the heat.

To welcome back the owner who returned after a year, everyone from the duke’s residence came out, bowing their heads.

I did the same.

Quietly standing, I saw Igon, mounted on a horse, entering through the opened gates of the duke’s residence.

With a strange tremor, I repeatedly clenched and released my hands, straightening and smoothing the hem of my dress.

Compared to the time we lived without knowing each other, it’s just a year.

Not a very long time.

I didn’t think I missed him during that time, but was it a misconception?

Or is the current emotion a misconception?

Igon, who leaped down from the horse, walked briskly.

The lines on his face seemed sharper than last year, as if he had lost weight.

Sweeping back his snowy white hair, his gaze, rolling like languid pupils, was inadvertently provocative.

Visuals sometimes evoke emotions beyond what I can handle.

Heat was felt near my neck.

To maintain composure, I lowered my gaze and bit my lip.

“I am delighted to see Your Grace return unharmed.”

Igon wore a relaxed smile, nodded to the Viscount’s greeting.

Then, he noticed me standing behind the Viscount and slyly lifted the corners of his lips.

“Evelyn Rodore.”

His voice, lower and deeper, drew my eyes back to Igon.

“You should welcome me. It’s been a year since I met my sister.”

He laughed playfully, arms outstretched.

Confused, I glanced around, attempting to turn my head, but he firmly grabbed my arm.

There was no room to pull away with force.

I lost my balance, and my face collided with his firm chest.

Before I could ask what he was doing, I lifted my head, meeting his beast-like eyes head-on.

His eyes, observing me, had a strange gleam.

Did he always look at me like this?

Thinking so, I silently leaned into his embrace.

Then, the eyes, devoid of humanity, disappeared, replaced by a soft smile and a faint pink hue on his cheeks.

The emotionless youth who seemed to feel nothing until a moment ago now returned home, wearing a blissful, innocent smile like a happy boy.

“Thank you for welcoming me. I’m grateful.”

Bowing deeply, he pressed his face against my hair, muttering softly like a beast.

The returned Igon behaved differently.

Firstly, he didn’t come at night.

If asked what I expected, there was nothing to say.

However, it was surprising that after embracing me like that in front of people, he didn’t come to my bedroom alone.

Of course, Igon was extremely busy.

Since the day I went out to meet him, we hadn’t faced each other.

I felt that Igon had subtly changed.

But exactly what had changed, I couldn’t discern.

Invitations to a banquet from the palace arrived.

The dresses I had ordered also arrived one by one.

It was the first time attending a ball hosted by the palace.

Trying on nearly twenty dresses and finding a suitable hairstyle, I tied my hair.

In the midst of such activities, someone knocked on the door and entered.

“Miss, His Grace wishes to convey this to you.”


In response to my question, the maid opened a jewelry box with a thoughtful expression.

Even before seeing the contents of the box, I thought it looked unusual.

Upon seeing what was inside, I was at a loss for words.

The jewels sparkled to the point of hurting the eyes.

My taste in jewelry was inferior compared to the empire’s noblewomen, but even in my poor judgment, I could tell that the necklace and earrings in front of me would boast an exorbitant value.

It was pitifully inadequate, but I could still tell that the necklace, featuring a single sapphire in the center, was shining among the smaller gems.

It was incredibly large.

It resembled lace more than a necklace.

The gem embedded in the earrings, not small by any means, strangely felt simple when placed next to such a necklace.

Anyway, the earrings and the necklace complemented each other exceptionally well.

“…Is there a dress among these that would go well with this?”

“You should wear the white dress on the first day!”

A white dress…

As I quietly contemplated it, I shook my head.

Others would know better about clothes and jewelry than I do in terms of adorning myself. Postponing my decision to their judgment, I stood still like a doll again.

I observed the ever-changing image of the expressionless woman in the mirror.

The silvery-white dress was incredibly beautiful. Smooth fabric, embroidered with lace and decorated with a subtle sheen like pearls.

The necklace was more splendid than the dress.

But surrounded by those things, I felt just mediocre.

The only non-shining thing surrounded by shining things.

A living doll made to look decent by borrowing beauty.

For some reason, I felt like crying and shook my head.

I tried to expel negative thoughts and focus only on positive ones.

‘But still, today should be presentable enough for others to see.’

Yes, wasn’t that what the daughter of Viscount Bolton did?

Couldn’t take her eyes off her.

Believing the words of the still inexperienced girl, I continued to reassure myself, saying, ‘It looks fine, it will look that way to others too.’

It wasn’t the worst.

No, it was quite suitable.

I had expected that the design revealing the shoulders and clavicle would make me look unattractive due to my thin shoulders, but once I put it on, the lace and the flowing curls covered them nicely.

Although there was some exposure, it didn’t feel vulgar.

It didn’t plunge deeply to the chest, and when I put on the necklace, it felt unexpectedly demure.

I thought white dresses wouldn’t suit me because I’m not tall, but it wasn’t bad.

Yet, it felt like I would be pierced by everyone’s gaze.

Everyone seemed to mock me for wearing inappropriate clothes, even the inanimate objects like the walls.

I took a deep breath.

I just had to act as usual.

Now that I’m used to it, I can do it.

And today, I’m quite beautiful.

I should be fine standing next to Igon.

This would be enough.

I comforted myself.

The beautiful clothes and jewelry gave me solace.

My heart felt better than before.

Walking through the corridor and descending the stairs to the second floor, I saw Igon below.

He was leaning against the railing of the stairs, absently adjusting his cuffs.

His well-arranged hair sparkled like silver under the light.

Even though we hadn’t left yet, he seemed bored, rubbing his forehead with a hand.


An exclamation of admiration burst out.

Igon in formal attire looked exquisitely handsome.


Without going down, I stood still as if stuck, and the maid behind me called my name.

“Ah… Yes.”

Perhaps hearing the buzzing sound, Igon slowly lifted his head.

Until I felt the long, light lashes, I couldn’t stop looking at Igon, waiting for those sharp eyes under the pale, long eyelashes to pierce me.

The hesitant steps, forcibly moved, were still standing there.


A voice as smooth as if it would melt echoed in my ears.

His steps, climbing the stairs to call me, showed no difficulty.

In an instant, Igon, standing right below the stairs where I was, slowly lowered his head to meet my eyes.

A profound gaze reached from the top to the bottom of my body.

One corner of Igon’s mouth twisted upward.

As his gloved hand moved up towards my chest, I involuntarily shrugged my shoulders.

Igon, oblivious to my reaction, moved his fingers slowly and gracefully.

He swept away the necklace as if teasingly.

A satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

A strange tension, as if my lower abdomen was twisting, made me swallow hard.

In Igon’s every movement, there was a distinctive ease that comes from someone who had lived that way their entire life.

“It suits you well.”

I grabbed the railing and pulled myself up, pressing his lips against my hand.

Unexpectedly, it felt warm, as if Igon’s warmth had seeped through.

Trying to withdraw my held hand, I added more force to prevent it.

A playful, raised corner of his mouth looked at me pitifully, like a predator looking at its prey.

“Where to.”

His low voice scolded me for the slight rebellion.

My throat tightened, as if I had swallowed wet cotton.

Overwhelmed by an unknown fear, I couldn’t produce a sound.

Gathering my breath, I managed to throw out a single word.


The barely audible voice sounded so tender that it seemed like a petulant complaint.

“Oh no, you shouldn’t be in pain.”

Relieved at letting go of my hand, I tried to sigh, but a strong arm wrapped around my waist.


I was so surprised that I almost dared to call his name in this situation.

I bit my lip to prevent the words that were about to come out with great difficulty.

There were many eyes watching.

The small laughter from above made my confused eyes turn toward the source of the sound.

In the light blue eyes watching my distress, there was a gleam of joy.

Igon kissed the ornament on my head.

“Today is truly exquisite. To the point where I don’t want to let you go.”

Such words were more fitting for lovers than for siblings.


He hadn’t even visited throughout.

He pulled me up from the floor and shook me as we walked.

My shaken heart was dizzy with his strong touch.

I climbed into the carriage, feeling relieved as I managed to break free from his embrace.

As I sat down, I barely escaped from his embrace.

Perhaps disheveled within his arms, Igon cupped my chin and stared at me.

The term “stare” was an appropriate description.

I felt that even the slightest movement wouldn’t escape those eyes.

With my head somewhat organized, I sighed like a breath.


  1. Hope says:

    Thank you for your hard work!!
    I’m really enjoying this novel!

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