The Little Sister in the Devastating Novel Wants to Live

TLSDNWL | Episode 49

Episode 49

Lowering her voice, Camilla seemed worried that someone might overhear.

Given that the princess was sitting at our table, it was understandable that she was extra cautious.

“I heard something.”

She spoke quietly, sipping her tea as if it was nothing special.

“I heard that the finances of the Marquis Listrick family aren’t good. They’ve suffered major losses in an investment since the end of last year.”

The others looked surprised, but Andrea nodded as if she already knew.

“Impossible. Stella showed no signs of that.”

“You never know. She’s always been good at hiding her feelings.”

“It’s worrying. What if we, as a group, invest in Stella’s business?”

Christina suggested, but Andrea shook her head firmly.

“That won’t do. Don’t you know Stella’s personality? She would feel burdened and dislike it.”

I agreed with Andrea. Asking about her business quietly and investing privately was one thing, but doing it as a group would make her feel pitied.

Everyone fell silent, looking troubled.

“Stella will do well. Didn’t she explain her business wonderfully just now? Don’t worry too much.”

Liliana encouraged the group, trying to lift the gloomy mood.

Everyone nodded.

Yes, Stella, of all people, would surely succeed.

After all, it was presumptuous to pity someone without reason.

“If anything happens and Stella asks for help, then we can assist. Nothing has happened yet, so cheer up.”

The princess said brightly.

Shortly after, a servant approached and announced that dinner was ready.

I couldn’t pity Stella because we were fundamentally different people. However, as someone who had been pitied or scorned for years, I couldn’t help but feel concerned for her.

That night, Stella came to see me.

During the hunting festival, only the families of participants could stay in the imperial villa.

Since Igon was participating, I was given a room too.

Although it was smaller compared to my room in the Duke’s mansion, it was fittingly grand and luxurious for an imperial villa, and most importantly, it was warm.

Perhaps because the sleeping environment had changed, I couldn’t sleep.

I sat on a chair, reading and deciphering Rosalind’s book as usual.

‘Knock, knock.’

It was late, and there was no reason for the maids or guards to knock, so I thought I might have heard wrong.

I turned my head back to the book, but the sound came again, clearer and more certain this time.

‘Knock, knock.’

I hadn’t expected anyone to seek me out at this hour.


The maid outside called me.

Was something wrong?

I closed the book and approached the door.

“What’s the matter?”

“The… Lady of the Marquis Listrick… is here to see you.”

The maid’s voice was small, perhaps out of guilt for disturbing me so late.

Not hearing her well, I stepped closer and asked again.


“It’s me, my lady.”

The voice was familiar.

Opening the door, I saw the face I had expected.

“My goodness, Stella.”

I quickly grabbed the gown from the entrance and put it on over my light nightwear, ushering Stella inside.

Stella was also dressed comfortably, so neither of us paid much attention to each other’s attire.

“Would you like some tea?”

The maid, blinking sleepily, asked, and I shook my head.

The teapot left by the fireplace at dinner was still warm.

I poured Stella a cup and one for myself.

The tea was a bit lukewarm but drinkable.

“Lady Stella, what brings you here?”

I hadn’t expected anyone to visit me so late, let alone her.

Stella, not drinking the tea but fidgeting with the cup, finally spoke with difficulty.

“I wanted to say thank you.”


“The Duke of Rodore expressed his intention to support my business.”

“What? When?”

This was news to me.

I felt a bit embarrassed receiving thanks for something I had no knowledge of. I smiled awkwardly and shook my head.

“Didn’t you mention it to him?”

I had only learned today about Stella’s business and her family’s financial difficulties.

Igon had been busy with the hunting competition, and apart from a brief conversation of encouragement this morning, we hadn’t spoken.

“No… I usually don’t talk about such things.”

“Oh, I see. I thought for sure it was the lady who helped.”

“No, Stella.”

For some reason, Stella seemed to be trembling.

Even though she didn’t show it, Stella was a person with a strong sense of pride as a noble.

I could only imagine how much she had deliberated before coming to thank me at this late hour.

At the same time, I admired her for working so hard for her business.

“Your business must have been worth investing in. Congratulations.”

“No, I’m just grateful that everyone is being so considerate.”

Her modesty and humility were just right.

I remembered that it was thanks to Stella that I had found Rosalind’s whereabouts.

In that sense, I also owed her a great deal.

“You introduced me to the shop ‘Soul of the Flower’ last time. I received a perfume but didn’t know where it came from, so I was searching for it. Thanks to you, I found it. Remembering the shop just from the scent is quite impressive.”

“It’s nothing. I’m glad it helped. I was looking for various perfume shops while planning the business, so I remembered it. It was good timing.”

Seeing Stella’s bright smile made me want to help her in any way I could.

I remembered that Stella had been the most welcoming to me when I first joined the social circle.

“By the way, it might be an unreasonable request, but would you accompany me to visit His Grace tomorrow?”

“We don’t know exactly where he is in the hunting grounds, do we?”

“The participants shoot fireworks into the sky before they sleep. Luckily, His Grace is nearby. I couldn’t go tonight because it’s too late, but other nobles went to discuss their businesses with him.”

So Igon couldn’t even rest during the competition.

It was touching that people sought him out even at this late hour because he was relatively easier to meet.

“I need to explain additional aspects of the business, but he’s quite a difficult person to approach alone. I asked someone visiting him tonight to let him know I’ll visit tomorrow.”

Stella spoke cautiously.

I understood how others saw Igon.

He was indeed a difficult person to approach one-on-one, so I nodded and accepted her request.

It wasn’t a difficult favor to grant.

“Thank you, my lady!”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“No, thank you so much.”

I noticed that Stella’s hand, holding the teacup, was trembling slightly.

I couldn’t understand why she was so nervous and grateful.

Stella stayed and talked about many things she hadn’t mentioned during the gathering, including her family’s situation, failed investments, her father’s collapse, and her constant worry about her already ill mother.

Hearing about her difficulties made me feel bad.

I sincerely wanted to help Stella.

The next morning, I headed to the meeting place with my guard and maid.

Stella had prepared a small two-seater carriage for us.

“I prepared it just in case, as there’s some distance to cover. But the carriage is small, so your guard and maid might not be able to join us. What should we do?”

It seemed that Stella’s guard couldn’t ride with us either, only the coachman.

I hesitated to answer, worried about not having my guard with me.

Since the location was inside the hunting grounds, I thought it best to be cautious.

“My guard is getting a horse. How about your guard rides the horse and follows us?”

Given the small carriage, it seemed like a fair compromise.

Since I didn’t know how to ride a horse, this was the best solution.

After a while, Stella’s guard returned with a horse.

“Why is there only one horse?”

“The Emperor and Empress took many horses for their return to the palace, so there are few left nearby.”

Oh, dear.

Eventually, it was decided that Stella’s guard would stay behind, and my guard would accompany us on horseback.

He mounted the horse, and we got into the carriage.

The ride in the small carriage wasn’t very comfortable.

It shook heavily as we set off.

Bothered by the condition of the carriage, my guard knocked on the window and asked,

“Are you alright, my lady?”

I wasn’t alright, but I couldn’t dismiss Stella’s efforts in preparing the carriage for us.

I smiled and nodded.

My guard seemed unconvinced but stepped back.

The road wasn’t paved, so the carriage continued to jolt.

It was hard to stay seated without holding onto something, but Stella, somehow, didn’t fall or stumble, despite being shaken.

Meanwhile, I kept tumbling and falling noisily.

* * *

Upon reaching the hunting grounds, we found Igon busy as expected.

Stella and I waited until he had a moment to spare.

When he finally approached, I saw the exhaustion on his face.

Despite his weariness, he greeted us with his usual politeness.

“Your Grace, thank you for meeting with us.”

“Of course. What brings you here?”

“Stella has some business matters to discuss with you.”

Igon turned to Stella, who seemed nervous but determined.

“Your Grace, thank you for considering my business proposal. I wanted to explain some additional details…”

She continued, explaining her plans and the potential benefits of her venture.

Igon listened intently, occasionally nodding.

After a thorough discussion, he finally said,

“Your proposal is impressive. I believe it’s worth investing in.”

Stella’s face lit up with relief and gratitude.

“Thank you so much, Your Grace.”

“It’s my pleasure. I look forward to seeing your success.”

As we left, Stella couldn’t stop thanking me for my support.

“No, thank you, Stella. You’re doing something amazing.”

“Thanks to you, I have a chance.”

We both smiled, knowing that this was just the beginning of her journey.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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