The Little Sister in the Devastating Novel Wants to Live

TLSDNWL | Episode 13

Episode 13

“Then, I’ll be going…”

Sighing, I twisted my body to break free from the man’s embrace.

However, instead of letting go, he pulled me closer.

Feeling my feet lift off the ground, I barely suppressed a scream.

“Put me down, please…”

Even though he had caught me from falling before, it was not the case now.

Although I had already made several mistakes by speaking too much, this was inappropriate.

“For attempting suicide and disrespecting the royal family, the lady loses the qualification to walk.”

The words he recited had a hint of mischief.

Momentarily, I was speechless in the face of the clear judgment.

It wasn’t an attempted suicide.

“W-What kind of forced reasoning is this?”

“It would be better to stay quiet. Otherwise, I might have to report what I just witnessed to the duke.”


Unintentionally, my lips sealed shut.

Seeing me silent satisfied the Crown Prince, and his firm grip loosened.

Holding me with one arm, he leaned down.

It was a motion as effortless as holding a toy doll, devoid of any difficulty.

“Your taste is… unique?”

Not understanding what he meant, I glanced up, only to be startled by the sight of my missing shoe.

No way… Why would he…?

Surely, he wouldn’t consider carrying me out onto the terrace like this?

Observing the shoe in his hand with an uneasy look, the Crown Prince hesitated for a moment before casually tossing it below the railing.


In an instant, I anxiously followed the shoe as it disappeared below.

“Oh, the slipper slipped from my hand.”

Surprisingly nonchalant, he spoke, and I looked at him in disbelief.

Beneath the raised eyebrows, the golden eyes seemed to enjoy the view below.

“It seems difficult to find it now. I’ll tell the lady when she comes to the palace next week.”

About to ask why I would come to the palace next week, I understood his intention and closed my mouth.

So, this was an invitation.

A disgustingly rude one.

The long banquet continued without end.

Although some seemed to be gradually leaving, Igon remained in the midst of the crowd, showing no signs of fatigue.

Wearing a smile that suited the party, he greeted people.

Lord Rodrigo was truly gracious.

His stature, unimaginable as a war hero, was beyond noble.

He embodied elegance and nobility, fitting the expression perfectly, born to be an aristocrat.

Engaged in conversation among the people, Igon casually turned his indifferent eyes toward the stairs where no one seemed to be present.

It had been quite some time since I heard that the treatment had finished, but he still hadn’t returned.

The fact that I couldn’t rush to find him due to the inaccessible place and situation touched his nerves.

It wasn’t a cheerful mood, but the smile on my lips remained intact.

It wasn’t to the extent that he couldn’t control it.

Moving towards the men whose straight eyes were chatting lively, Igon switched his attention.

During a brief moment of different thoughts, the topic in the group he belonged to shifted seamlessly, like water flowing into the mouths of children, to discussions about children in national affairs.

In conversations among aristocrats who were older than him and already married, Igon’s eyes, who had not even married yet, seemed to be briefly raised in passing, and he responded with a light smile, revealing his lack of resentment.

More than half of the lively conversation was about bragging, and the remaining half was bragging disguised as modesty.

Igon ignored most of the information except for a few.

“…This time, the winner of the horse race was your cousin, wasn’t it?”

A horse race.

He knew what it was, but to him, it was still an unfamiliar word.

Igon quietly pondered over the word.

How fortunate these words were.

While being on the frontlines, these people seemed to pursue such small joys.

Rather than getting angry, it was amusing and ridiculous.

Yes, life could be like this.

Who said that?

Thinking such thoughts, Igon looked down at a middle-aged man.

He seemed to be smiling awkwardly, but there was no attempt to hide the pride deeply embedded in that smile.

The carefree enjoyment felt somewhat vulgar.

“It’s not a great talent. I’m embarrassed.”

“It’s not unimpressive! It was excellent. We look forward to your future.”

Indeed, there was much to look forward to in the future.

Although the passing remarks were extremely sarcastic, there was no hint of a crack on his face.

“I worry because I like my friends. I only go out, and…”

“Aren’t the years when friends are better?”

“Haha… Yes, you’re right. Even if it’s disappointing, there’s nothing I can do.”

The word that sounded somewhat embarrassing in the overheard conversation scratched at his nerves.

In the midst of the soft smile, it was because of that word that the gentle smile broke.

Friends, friends.

The more I thought about it, the more absurd the word became.

“One moment.”

Seeking not permission but acknowledgment, Igon left the place.

Perhaps noticing the owner’s disheveled mood, his attendant followed him.

His long legs took confident steps up the stairs.

“Despite knowing the fountain, you were supposed to do household chores, but you did something unnecessary.”

Even with a sudden remark, he could immediately understand Igon’s words.

It must be about the conversation regarding the viscount.


Something fell in front of his shoe.

It was a brooch adorned with pearls around a topaz surrounded by only thumbnails.


A high and slender voice resonated in his ears.

The head that had been staring directly ahead slowly turned.

The pale yellow hair sparkled as it caught the light from the chandelier.

It hurt his eyes.

Truly annoying.

“I apologize, Your Grace, but my brooch…”

Before Eunice could continue, Igon stepped on the brooch.


An unpleasant sound, as if scratching marble, echoed.


After the sound, as if realizing it belatedly, he lifted his foot.

Under the scuffed shoe, the shattered brooch was visible.

Eunice looked at him with a very puzzled expression.

She was a noble lady, well-educated and capable of holding back her words even in situations that could make her explode.

Observing her ability to restrain herself in situations that could potentially make her lose her temper, Igon calmly opened his mouth with a composed expression.

“I was careless.”

“No, Your Grace, it was my mistake.”

Although it was a gentle statement, the voice was firm.

The dazzling golden gem, now crushed under his foot, had the same color as the lady’s hair and the eyes of the royal family.

Knowing what he had in mind when bringing this dirty desire, Igon burst into laughter.

Igon chuckled softly and bent down to pick up only the topaz.

“What craftsman made this?”

The lady’s head tilted slightly as if wondering why he would ask such a thing.

It was quite a naive response.

Whether she was pretending or if Viscount Durant was genuinely involved in this.

“I will send you something similar.”

“No need…”

At her hesitant words, Igon gently smiled.

Despite the kindness of his words, a smile appeared on his face, his cold pupils softening behind his eyelids.

Igon, smiling amiably, looked dazzlingly beautiful.

“Please do not let this ruin the lady’s gathering.”

Eunice’ eyes widened for a moment.

Her blue eyes twinkled and trembled, and the area around her cheeks turned red as if she had been splashed with flower petals.

Unable to continue speaking, she just stared at him in amazement.

Seeing her looking at him as if bewitched, Igon quietly suppressed his impulses.

With a light bow, he passed Eunice and her attendants.

Eunice, seemingly coming to her senses, hurriedly descended the stairs after hearing her name being called.

Embarrassing, wasn’t it?

It was an answer he hadn’t heard before.

Normally, even a kind child would give the answer ‘good’ to be polite, but to give the answer ‘not much’…

Rather than probing for details, he threw a teasing remark.

His expression, as if taken aback, was adorable.

* * *

Is it terrible?

Once embraced by the Crown Prince on the terrace, it felt that way.

The sensation of reality became distant.

The fact that there were no others passing by was somewhat comforting.


A surprised voice could be heard in the distance.

Even without confirming, he knew who it was.

It must be Liam.

“Loyal guards were assigned. Running away like this…”

“Are you trying to insult me?”

In response to the question, the Crown Prince turned to me with an expression that seemed to say, ‘So what?’

I raised an eyebrow at his rather arrogant gaze.

“Is it unpleasant?”

No, it wouldn’t be.

Insulting Liam would be more than welcome.

“No, quite the opposite. It’s amusing.”

The Crown Prince, who had been silently staring at me with an inexplicable look, let out a careless laugh.

Although I knew that feeling a liking for hearing someone belittle others was a type of bad taste, I felt a peculiar sense of camaraderie as I looked at his laughter.

“Lady… What is this about?”

Liam looked at the Crown Prince as if he were some kind of ruffian.

Oh my.

Liam has no fear, really.

Sometimes I wondered if he walked around without his sense of fear.

To throw such a gaze at the young lion of the empire.

The Crown Prince couldn’t tolerate such impoliteness.

He raised his finger and playfully touched the tip of Liam’s head.

The mocking smile was an added bonus.

Standing nearby, I realized that the Crown Prince was even taller than Liam, the knight.

I thought he was tall, but this was something else.

“I don’t know who let the lady in, but I was the one who played the role. Your lady dropped her shoe under the terrace. Bring a pair for her.”

Liam glanced below and casually touched the tip of my shoe, hidden under the hem of the dress.

I wondered if he ever walked around without his sense of danger.

Throwing such a gaze at the young lion of the empire.

The Crown Prince couldn’t tolerate such impoliteness.

He raised his finger and playfully touched the tip of Liam’s head.

The mocking smile was an added bonus.

Standing nearby, I realized that the Crown Prince was even taller than Liam, the knight.

I thought he was tall, but this was something else.

“I don’t know who let the lady in, but I was the one who played the role. Your lady dropped her shoe under the terrace. Bring a pair for her.”

Liam glanced below and casually touched the tip of my shoe, hidden under the hem of the dress.

I’ve never deliberately thrown my shoe, but to avoid offending the Crown Prince’s mood, I nodded.

“There was no backing, and it accidentally slipped off.”

“…I’ll see if there’s anything else.”

After finishing his words, Liam disappeared down the corridor.

Watching his retreating figure and then raising my hand, I pushed the Crown Prince away.



  1. Anotherdumbbish says:

    OMG I started cackling when Igon stepped on her brooch I just wasn’t expecting it at all 😆

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