The Little Sister in the Devastating Novel Wants to Live

TLSDNWL | Episode 3

Episode 3

As if waiting for any tiny mistake, they talked about my status as a commoner and laughed at me.

Their words were unpleasant, but I knew it the moment I saw Igon.

Yes, I was born in this world. But I want to live a long life.

It sounds like a beggar, yes, but that’s right.

Igon smiled with a childlike face and looked down at me with extremely cold and authoritative eyes.

“You’re very thin.”

Even if he looked at a still life rather than a person, it would have been a more friendly tone.

Igon smiled but raised his cold eyes in an infinitely insensitive tone.

“Let her eat something. She looks like she will die soon.”

Maybe it was because he was talking to his mother, but his tone was quite charming and clear.

It sounded benevolent at first glance, but it was an order.

And the moment Igon said that, I realized.

That boy is the only one who can help in this shitty, trashy life.

“Follow me.”

Igon nodded at me.

“Go play with your brother.”

Unlike usual, the Duchess let me go.

I turned around and started walking to follow Igon.

After taking a few steps, my legs gave out, and I collapsed to the ground.

Igon stared at me like a rat on the street, then sighed and held out his hand.

“Hold it and stand up.”

It was friendly.

Contrary to his cold face and eyes that seemed like they would stab anyone to death, his behavior was very friendly.

I felt like I was going to cry.

And at the same time, I was so afraid of Igon that I couldn’t bear to hold the outstretched hand and trembled.

It looked like Igon’s sharp eyes could flip me over at any moment and pull out my intestines through my stomach.

My head went white with tension.

Dark, it was so dark the very next moment and I lost consciousness.

Actually, even before I met Igon, I was afraid of him.

Because Igon Rodri was the name of the male protagonist in the novel.

“Eve. Shall we go for a walk?”

On the way out of the dining hall after eating, Igon asked.

I thought for a moment.

I had to decline, but I couldn’t come up with a good reason.


I shook my head at the question.

I missed the timing to say no.

“I’m glad.”

He smiled and held out one arm to me.

It means I should take his arm.

Perhaps Igon wants me to walk through the garden arm in arm.

If he takes it a step forward, he will be able to whisper in my ear without hesitation.

Are there any siblings in the empire that are this friendly?

I don’t know.

I have no way of knowing how the other aristocrats are doing, as I have been delaying my debut in the social world, citing my immaturity as an excuse.

I don’t know if it’s a night without eyes to see, but in broad daylight like this…

It was only for an instant that the hand that had been hesitating in agony was caught.

The big grip that held my hand and swallowed it was hard and rough.


I looked down at the hand and raised my head at the voice calling me.

A face that is so ecstatic that it makes your eyes hurt when you look at it.

I can’t find any blemishes on Igon’s face.

His face is perfect, as if it were made from a combination of nobility.

There’s a mild, gentle, but there is something like stubborn strictness somewhere.

“Let’s go.”


I answered quietly and nodded my head.

Three or four servants followed behind us.

The weather without a single cloud was absolutely perfect.

As I blinked from the stinging sun, someone from behind brought me a wide-brimmed hat.

I thanked the maid lightly and put on my hat.

Igon didn’t seem to like my hat.

I engaged him in a conversation before he could argue.

“The Duke… Oh, is father not well? Can I help with anything…”

“Never mind.”

In response to the feeling of a wall somewhere, I pressed my mouth tightly.

I dared to feel left out.

I looked away awkwardly because I wasn’t mature enough to smile resolutely while ignoring the unstable emotions that pierced me.

The sharp Igon could not miss it.

I felt something wrapped around my waist and my body floating in the air.

I almost screamed in surprise, but I raised my hand and managed to stop it.

Confused, I turned around to see that the servants had bowed their heads and stepped back.

My face felt hot.


“I think my sister may to be offended.”

Igon smiled like that and made eye contact.

The moment our eyes met, I felt like my head was frozen.

I couldn’t avoid it.

“Relieve your anger. I’m hiding it because I’m afraid you’ll worry too much. You are too kind.”

Even though I knew it was an excuse, my heart melted softly at the smiling face.

It’s really crazy.

I nodded quietly.

Satisfied, the corners of his mouth went up, and he looked at her captivated, then she cast her gaze down.

Although the servants were a few feet away and had their heads down, somehow they noticed the sudden change in mood.

I was about to tell him to let me down.


A soft something touched my cheek and I made an involuntary noise.

I clasped my cheeks in surprise, Igon burst into a low smile and brought his lips closer to my ears.

“Don’t be too obvious.”

My shoulders shrank as his breath tickled my ears.

When I looked up at Igon with a disapproving face, Igon stroked my cheek like it was cute.

Now, since he had done this, he would probably let me down, but Igon went around the garden humming a song as if he had no intention of doing so.

Even after holding me in one arm and walking for a long time, he didn’t show any signs of hardship.

It was strangely odd.

Just by looking at his face, he seems like an arrogant young man who grew up finely…

Looking at it like this, it seems to be a lie, the fact that Igon raised his sword at the same time he started walking, The fact that, at the age of only six, he went to the north with His Grace to guard the border, the fact that he reached knightship at age 14.

‘But his body isn’t like that…’

Lost in thought, I lifted my finger and pressed it against Igon’s chest.

I was surprised by the solid muscles that didn’t fit in my palm, and at the same time, I made eye contact with Igon.

I thought he was smiling mischievously, but he grabbed my hand and put it firmly on his chest.

“Why, did you want to touch it? Touch it as much as you like.”

I lowered my head, feeling the heat rising to my ears.

Igon’s laughter echoed.

I felt like hiding, even if it was a rathole it was fine with me.

“Eve, Eve, Eve… how can you be so naive and lovely?”

The voice calling me was as cheerful and pleasant as it could be.

I was grateful to Igon, who was infinitely friendly, but at the same time, I was curious.

Why are you so kind to me?

Igon is gentle like a male protagonist in an impoverished novel, but he was not affectionate for no reason.

He was generally kind and polite to everyone, but it was for his own honor, not out of affection for others.

As an example of that, Igon did not know how to forgive people.

Once, I mean, there were a lot of times…

During tea time with Igon, one of the maids spilled tea water on the back of my hand.

My hands burned and stung, but I didn’t think it was intentional.

That had to be the case because I was not alone, I was with Igon. No maid would dare harm me in front of him.

However, Igon punished and kicked out the maid who begged for forgiveness.

“It was a mistake”

As I wrapped my hand around the maid, Igon made a strange face, like someone hearing the word mistake for the first time, and said this.

“Innocent Eve. People never make mistakes, even more so if you are their master.”

I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but Igon would have thought so.

There is no such thing as a mistake in Igon’s dictionary that she has seen from his side for the past years.

Every word, even a trivial hand gesture, has reasons and calculations hidden in it.

There was nothing to be wasted.

But how did I get into Igon’s heart?

It was an impressive first meeting, but after that, Igon didn’t pay that much attention to me.

The food that he ordered to be sent to me once or twice a day was because he felt pity or empathy, he took care of me like I’m a poor animal.

It was a sudden thing that became frequent.

Why did Igon care about me?

At the duke’s residence, I was a rat wearing a human mask, a doll for the duchess.

That’s how I lived for years.

For quite a long time before Igon came, I felt the ranks of this world, the thick walls between classes that could never be crossed.

I thought that this could not be erased unless I was born again.

But what about Igon?

If I was seen as a dirty rat in the eyes of the people at the Duke’s residence who saw me for the first time, I probably wouldn’t have looked much different in the eyes of Igon who saw me for the first time either.

Igon must have sentiments closer to the servants of the Duke’s residence than I do.

So why did Igon care about me?

Did you give your heart to me from the moment you first saw me?

I thought about it, but there seemed to be no good reason for it.

I thought and thought about questions that seemed meaningless.


For the development of the novel.

A chill passed over the back of my neck as I thought about it.

I thought there was no reason, but above all, there was a strong reason.

The novel required the protagonist to cherish his sister, perhaps that’s why Igon cares so much for me.

Whether it was because of the novel’s work, or because of His Grace, who was getting sicker day by day, in line with the development, that day’s nightmare was more intense than usual.

My dying was vividly described in my dreams.

The sneers of the people killing me surrounded me.

Normally, I would have buried my head in a blanket or a pillow to stop my screams, but today I couldn’t even do that.

The sense of the blade digging into the skin was too realistic.

It’s like reliving something I’ve already been through.

Death hangs dangly from under my chin.

Help me, help me.




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Hello its the last release for the time being Ill upload next chap next month sorry guys but I have mids and have no preparation. Wish me luck. Hope you enjoy ♥️


  1. Airoe says:

    All of her anxiety and fear

  2. shamaasad15 says:

    God her anxiety

  3. nashiralibrae says:

    That’s terrifying. It became her trauma.
    Thank you for the translations!

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not work with dark mode