The Lady and the Stableman

Edith's plans

『  It seems there isn’t much of an age difference between us… She’s not one of the patients I helped treat when I was at the clinic.

As she searched through her memory, Vivian spoke first.

When I heard M’lady’s name, I had a feeling and now that I see your face up close, I can be sure that I know you.” 

As soon as she heard these words, Edith was reminded of an old woman whom her mother had watched over all night when she was very little.

Perhaps you are Mrs. Pherril…?” 

Hearing that, a beautiful smile appeared on Vivian’s face.

Yes, my name is Vivian Pherril. A long time ago, my mother was indebted to Doctor Lowell.” 

Oh my…” 

-Doctor Lowell and Mrs. Pherril.-

As soon as she heard those names, her memories cleared up as if the fog had lifted.

When an epidemic swept through the village, reaching a point where they could no longer accept patients at the clinic, her skillful mother brought home a woman who was near death from a sudden seizure and treated her without accepting money.

The image of the woman’s daughter tearfully pleading to save her mother’s life was still vivid in her mind. And…

Thanks to Mrs. Lowell and Miss Edith for treating my mother! I will certainly repay this favor.

Before Mrs. Pherril regained her health and returned home, the image of Vivian wiping tears of gratitude and bowing in thanks had been safely kept in her heart.

It was at that moment that Edith decided that she wanted to become a doctor who could care for even the most marginalized people, just like her mother.

It’s good to see Miss Edith Lowell again.


Edith couldn’t say anything. 

After being kidnapped by the Viscount, she felt distraught at being treated as Sophia’s pawn, but as soon as she heard her own last name, Lowell, she felt an indescribable sense of security.

-Edith Lowell.-

It was the name that her mother and her father affectionately called her.

It’s not the name of a pitiful woman who had to pretend to be pregnant with the heir because she had caught the eye of the Viscount for some reason.

Vivian, oh my…I never expected to find you like this.” 

Please don’t be so formal with me, Miss Edith. It will be more convenient and comfortable if you get used to talking informally.” 

After the introductions, Vivian brought out hot soup, bread, and meat. The aroma of butter stimulated her senses.

Please have some. You need to gather your strength in this kind of situation.” 


Meeting someone she knew eased her tension and her hunger increased to the point where she couldn’t refuse food. Edith began to eat cautiously.

Meanwhile, Vivian talked quietly about things Edit might be interested in.

Thanks to Doctor Lowell, my mother overcame a difficult time that allowed her to continue working at the Fortrion Manor, where she had dedicated her life. Unfortunately, during that time, Lady Sophia wanted to fire the sick servants.

When Vivian spoke Sophia’s name, her eyes turned cold. It was quite nice news to hear that she had hostility towards Sophia.

After that, she continued to work comfortably at Fortrion Manor until she passed away peacefully. So, I want to return the favor to Miss Edith.

Edith knew that her current situation was not relaxed enough to confide in someone she had just reunited with.

Even if Vivian really wants to help me, there may not be enough time.

Therefore, instead of revealing her inner feelings and her pitiful situation, she needed to get the information she wanted.

Vivian, since there may not be much time allowed, let me ask you something that interests me. Do you know a stableman named Walter?” 

Upon asking, Vivian gave an unexpected answer.

There won’t be anyone among the servants who don’t know that man. One day, the Viscount suddenly brought a man who had lost his memory, right?” 

He lost his memory? 

Yes. It was about seven years ago? There was much talk among the servants that the Viscount had personally brought a young man who seemed to be in his late teens. Walter didn’t know anything other than his name back then.


Also, the Viscount said that he would use Walter as a stableman, and even built a separate annex in the mansion’s backyard. I remember that he gave special instructions not only to the other servants but also to his wives not to touch Walter.” 

It seemed unusual to treat him so especially if he was only going to be employed as a stableman.

Edith narrowed her eyes slightly and continued to think.

『  I’m sure Walter was well aware of the imprisonment spell.

In the first place, magic was essentially the exclusive domain of the high nobility, and hiring a mage or buying scrolls made by them was astronomically expensive.

In reality, Edith, who was no different from a commoner, was someone who would never have known the world of magic.

Vivian, did that man ever have any conflict with the Viscount?” 

When she asked, Vivian’s eyes widened in surprise.

How did you know? That was a confidential matter.

So, did he confront the Viscount?” 

Yes… To put it simply, he tried to attack the Viscount with a sword and failed.” 

But still, the Viscount kept Walter in the manor?” 

Vivian nodded.

Based on the information Vivian provided, Edith was able to deduce an important fact.

『  Since he did such a thing to the Viscount and was not killed or expelled, it means that the Viscount needs him.

For now, it’s impossible to know why the Viscount was obsessed with Walter, but Edith found her own ray of hope.

Perhaps Walter is also in a situation similar to mine, trapped in the manor.

It seemed that in order to escape Fortrion Manor, she would have to form an alliance with him.

Vivian. I have a favor to ask…” 

Edith knew what was needed to form an alliance.


The next day, Sophia called Edith right after lunch.

Her reason for her was to have tea together, so she wouldn’t feel lonely since she didn’t know anyone in Fortrion Manor yet.

However, in reality, it was to check Edith’s intentions.

Does the tea suit your taste, Edith?” 

…Yes. It smells delightful.” 

Sophia raised her teacup again, watching Edith’s darkened face. She was trying to cover the corners of her mouth that were creeping up. 

She recalled Vivian’s report. 

Lady Sophia. As you ordered, I check on that woman’s condition. She had bruises all over her body and her eyes were swollen as if she had been crying.

As she said that, Vivian handed her a tattered underwear. It was an accessory that Edith and Vivian had made together to make it look plausible, but Sophia had no way of knowing.

Good job. Continue to keep a close eye on her. Although Jane has been with us for quite some time, she might cause a commotion with that commoner mistress.

After trying to escape and getting caught in such a terrible state, no matter how foolish I was, I should have realized the harsh reality.

Edith seemed a bit disheartened compared to when they first met.

It seemed that being confined to Fortrion Manor made her realize that she had no choice but to follow Sophia’s instructions.

Well, Lady Sophia.” 

Call me Sophia. We are both Nicholas’ wives.” 

Yes, Sophia. Can… Can you tell me how much money I will receive if I complete the job well?” 

As expected, it came to this. For a brief moment, joy flashed in Sophia’s eyes. The commoners she had seen so far were always like this. 

When they found themselves in a desperate situation, they would throw away their pride and become anxious to protect their own safety and greed. 

Edith, who used to hold her head high with pride, now felt outraged. Sophia expressed her joy, thinking that the dignity of commoners is useless in the face of money.

Sophia felt as if she had already taken possession of everything in the Viscounty of Fortrion, only to see Edith change her mind and willingly cooperate, using the foolish young lady in front of her and her unborn child.

You thought well, Edith.” 


Sophia had no idea what Edith, who smiled sheepishly, was thinking deep down.

I will reward you generously for helping the Fortrion Family in our time of crisis.” 

Sophia spoke in a warm voice as she held Edith’s hand. Then she explained the wealth that Edith would gain from her pregnancy.

『  As soon as the husband falls into critical condition, there are people who would even fake an heir to divide the property.

Edith knew this from experience. Humans, especially those who freely use others to satisfy their greed, do not change easily.

However, there was no one so easy to fool as someone who revealed their wishes.

…Are you really giving me all of that?” 

Edith asked in a shaky voice. It was only natural that Sophia’s complexion would become brighter than ever.

Of course. I’m the type of person who always repays the help received.” 

Sophia stood up and took some gold coins out of her drawer and handed them to her.

Edith’s eyes widened. 

『 A gold coin is my half year’s salary.

As Edith hesitated, clutching the gold coin tightly, Sophia swallowed her laughter.

『 When we first met, she acted like she was going to rebel all her life, but now she changes her attitude just because of a few gold coins.

Sophia thought that Edith was more superficial than she thought. All commoners are according to her opinion.

This is just an initial payment. For now, you can wear the clothes I bought and in a few days, I’ll call the dressing shop staff.” 

Really? Can I take the clothes with me?” 

Of course. Since there is a Thanksgiving Dinner next week to which only members of the upper ranks are invited, even though making custom-made dresses might be challenging, it would be better to purchase ready-made attire suitable for all the wives.” 

Sophia examined Edith from head to toe.

Edith’s good looks made it understandable that Nicholas, who avoids interacting with women, was acting on his whims. It was enough to fool the others.

I’ll cover the cost, so choose the dresses and jewelry you want.” 

As long as she wears elegant dresses and accessories, people will consider this vulgar woman as another wife of Nicholas.

To Sophia, it was more important than anything that Edith acted like a proper lady. 

That way, when she becomes pregnant, the child inside her womb will be treated as the heir to the Viscountcy of Fortrion, and she can use the child to drive out the other wives and buy time to monopolize the Viscount’s inheritance.

Yes. Thank you, Sophia.” 

With the intention of using the gold coins and jewelry Sophia gave her effectively, Edith also smiled brightly.

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