The Lady and the Stableman

Epilogue: The Crown Prince and Crown Princess went to the Academy.

The young Crown Prince and Crown Princess have ushered in a new era with the union of House Lexion and the Imperial Family… Public opinion is very favorable towards you.

In the Imperial Palace of the Agnas Empire, the Emperor read the headlines of the piled-up newspapers one by one and pushed them towards Walter, who was sitting across from him.

Walter Isaac Lexion de Agnas.

He had suddenly appeared in the capital one day and became the Little Duke of Lexion. Although a week had passed since he was appointed as the Crown Prince, the enthusiasm for the Imperial Couple showed no signs of cooling down.

Especially his tenacity and effort to regain his place despite being abandoned and losing his memory touched the hearts of many people.

There were quite a few who admired the Crown Princess, recognizing her unwavering support for him from when he had nothing, through the entire process.

It was a favor that was surprisingly unfamiliar to Agnas XIV, who sat on the throne despite the bloodshed among the princes.

I don’t think anyone would be disappointed if I announced my abdication immediately.

Walter laughed at the Emperor’s joke.

How can you say that when you’re in good health?

The tone sounded like a caring son worried about his father, but the Emperor could read the underlying meaning.

Well, I suppose for the time being, rather than being buried in work as an emperor, you would want to spend time with your wife and your son.

Walter, feeling a guilty conscience, could not speak.

It wasn’t that he was afraid or annoyed to sit in the highest position on this vast continent.

Boldness was a trait he had inherited from his parents.

But now that he had just cleared away the troublesome matters, all he wanted was to enjoy a peaceful and intimate newlywed life.

Given that we are making good progress in addressing the remnants of the Gerturks, I don’t believe there is any need to hurry.

As soon as ‘Gerturk’ came out of his son’s mouth, the smile disappeared from the Emperor’s face again.

I knew that Patricia had hired numerous mages and manipulated them for her personal use, but I didn’t know that the dagger was aimed at Lexion, not the Imperial Family.

One mage confessed that he had been working for years on a way to effectively subdue Lexion’s magic. The dagger appears to be an alternative solution prepared, as Claude is not of Imperial Blood.”

For Patricia, who was attempting to usher in the era of her regency, House Lexion, led by Franz, posed a significant obstacle.

To eliminate that obstacle, she had to invest all her efforts, but in doing so, she made a critical mistake by leaving traces everywhere.

Most of the mages who participated to a certain level in Gerturk’s plan will be eliminated within this week. Those who didn’t cooperate are being managed by the Imperial Knights.

Walter handed the papers containing the relevant reports to the Emperor.

The reports were written in a concise style, mentioning the execution of mages who had pledged loyalty to Patricia.

If he had killed everyone, he would have been labeled as cold-blooded; if he had been lenient, he would have been labeled as indecisive. Walter’s standards were reasonable enough to be accepted by most.

Those deemed irredeemable were undoubtedly executed, and those who could be rehabilitated were subjugated and exploited as much as possible.

The Emperor particularly appreciated the fact that Walter didn’t make mistakes by being swayed by meager sympathy.

Those who survive will be at the mercy of the knights for the rest of their lives. Instead of earning a few pennies, they’ll lead lives completely devoid of the advantages of being a mage.

Moreover, those executed for their deep involvement in Patricia’s plan were all individuals with outstanding magical skills.

Now that they had disappeared from this world, the only noble family capable of using magic most skillfully was House Lexion.

Since mastery of magical skills inevitably required learning from a superior, it was clear that, in the long run, House Lexion would monopolize individuals capable of using magic.

The Duke of Lexion must be smiling broadly, as his family’s authority has grown significantly due to his grandson’s careful management of affairs.

Having nothing more to add, the Emperor quietly closed the report.

Cassius, who was waiting behind Walter in a tense position, almost suffocated due to the heavy atmosphere.

I guess blood is thicker than water in times like this.

He used to recoil when Walter showed his determination to kill, but now that the two were discussing the death penalty and executions, the tension reached its peak.

He should have been relieved that the Duke of Lexion was not present, but a welcoming sound was heard at the right moment.


That’s right, Adrian. Your father will be here soon.

Walter, who caught Edith’s voice kindly responding to Adrian’s clear whimpering, immediately shifted his gaze. So did the emperor.

I think we’re done talking about important matters, so let’s move on.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Cassius sighed in relief internally and opened the door. As he did, Edith, who was embracing Adrian, smiled and bowed her head.

The faint light shimmering behind her, as she became the Crown Princess, was so bright that it was hard to distinguish whether it was sunlight or a halo.

Oh, I see that my grandson has been in a hurry since morning.

While the Emperor naturally picked up Adrian and embraced him, Walter welcomed Edith.

Edith, dressed in her Crown Princess attire for the portrait, looked even more gorgeous than usual.

Even if some unknown man from a distant place looked at her, there was no need to worry now.

Anyone could see that she was a woman from the Imperial Family with a lover, so it was unlikely that anyone would attempt to keep her in their hearts or court her.

If they don’t value their life, they wouldn’t do anything foolish.

Regaining his memories wasn’t all good.

When he was younger, Isaac grew anxious by the second, wondering if Edith had made eye contact with other boys while he was away. After recovering his memories, that anxiety passed to Walter.

It was not pleasant to relive the anxiety and undirected jealousy again, which had barely subsided after she gave birth to Adrian.

But thinking that everyone on this continent would know Edith was his wife once the portrait was published, the corners of his mouth raised.

Now, no one will be able to take Edith away from me.

Since Edith wouldn’t even look elsewhere, he could just continue like this, keeping her by his side.

Nothing is more enjoyable than being the models for a couple’s portrait.

Walter led her while hiding his true intentions.


What an honor to be able to paint this portrait before I die… I will do my best to complete it.

Ruben, Agnes XIV’s personal painter, looked beyond the canvas with tears in his eyes.

It was a miracle that the Emperor, who always suffered from his illness, was dressed in formal attire with a radiant expression on his face.

And next to him were his son, who had the unique look of dominating others, his wife, and the Emperor’s chubby-cheeked grandson.

Ruben was moved by the fact that the Emperor, who had recognized his talent as a poor, unknown artist, was spending peaceful time with his family.

I have been avoiding doing portraits for a while. Please deliver it as soon as it’s finished.

Yes, Your Majesty.

When Ruben bowed politely and was about to leave, Adrian, who was in Walter’s arms, squirmed.

The Emperor did not miss it and signaled to the servants. Then, a large blanket was spread on the floor.

Walter looked curiously at the Emperor, who understood Adrian’s body language much better, and then put the child down on the blanket.

Adrian, please show the painter the special talent you showed me earlier.


After fidgeting on the soft velvet blanket for a while, Adrian firmly grasped the Emperor’s pants.


Adrian soon stood up, putting force on his face. Although his posture was unstable, and he had to hold on to something, he clearly got up on his own.

Mama, Baba!

Adrian looked for Walter and Edith, as if asking them to see that he had gotten up on his own.

His head wobbled, and due to the weight of his head, he tumbled over, but the child did not cry.

The Emperor couldn’t help but smile as he watched.

My grandson is so smart and healthy, just like your parents. Well done, my boy. Let Grandpa hug you.

The Emperor even held the child in his arms and patted him with his own hand.

Who would have imagined that the cold-blooded emperor, who had mercilessly wiped out hundreds of people who tried to step on him, would be disarmed by a small baby?

The painters and those who had been by the Emperor’s side for a long time felt like they were serving a new emperor these days.

Walter whispered to Edith, who was looking at the scene contentedly.

Edith, this week’s official schedule is over with this. Should we spend the weekend leisurely at the Crown Prince’s Villa?

The Crown Prince’s Villa was a place where only those with permission could enter. It was a space for spending intimate moments.

The place was built a long time ago by a Crown Prince, famous for being a romantic, to capture the heart of his Crown Princess. There were many beautiful sculptures that would captivate a woman’s heart.

Shall we, Walter?

Edith squinted her eyes, contemplating whether she liked his suggestion.

Seeing her face filled with the expression of someone in love, it seemed that Edith was also looking forward to their newlywed life.

The slight flush of anticipation on her cheeks put an end to his disillusion that she would neglect him in favor of others.

He struggled to keep his expression under control, trying to hide his dark thoughts.

Since the academy classes start next week, it would be a good idea to spend time with family.


Academy. As Edith pronounced that word, her eyes sparkled more than when she first met him.

Only then did Walter realize that it wasn’t another ‘man’ he had to worry about, but something else entirely.

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