The Lady and the Stableman

The Swordsmanship Tournament (2)

The tournaments were held at the imperial arena. This year, the arena was surrounded by people waiting to see what kind of monstrous-like individuals would appear to take down other fighters.

Most of those who passionately fought for a position in the front row were aspiring knights or interested in martial arts.

It would be nice if I could see the Little Duke of Lexion’s match with my own eyes. I heard that the Duke dominated every tournament in his youth.”

Didn’t they say that Gerturk is also sending an outstanding knight this year?

Ah, but the heir of Lexion is still participating…

The name Lexion was heard everywhere as if it were an invincible hero. Vane looked pleased as he escorted Edith out of the carriage.

If the Little Duke achieves good results, he will become a hero to those young men. It would be an honor for Lexion.

Fortunately, there were roads and exclusive seats prepared for high-ranking nobles like Lexion and the Imperial Family, so they could safely enter the arena.

His Majesty will be watching the matches from the opposite seat, and these seats are reserved for Lexion.

At the place where Franz guided them, there were leather chairs adorned with the Lexion emblem embroidered on them. Like box seats at an opera house, it was a space where only five or six people allowed by the head of the house could stay.

There’s a tent and a fireplace, it’s warmer than the house I lived in before.

Edith felt that she could sleep or eat here without any problems, but the Duke seemed to have a different opinion.

I asked to make it a bit warmer. Don’t they know I invited a noble lady as a guest?

The Duke was very worried that Edith and his unborn great-grandson would be cold.

Anyway, it will only be fun until the semifinals, so I don’t think it would be a bad idea to rest in the tea room until then.

It’s warm enough now. Thank you for your consideration. However, I do have some business to attend to in the tea room you mentioned, so I guess I’ll have to go.

Franz understood that what she vaguely referred to as business was an indication of her intention. Even though he didn’t know exactly what it was, it didn’t seem like she was just going for tea.

Well then, go and take your time. I will assign one attendant to stay close to you and two far away.

Franz also did not forget to assign three female knights who were specially brought for Edith.

Thank you, Your Grace.

Edith thanked the Duke warmly and stood up from her seat. As Franz had guessed, her visit to the tea room was not to avoid the cold.

I need to find out about Countess Gerturk’s half-sister.

Edith diligently analyzed the information and newspaper clippings from the Intelligence Department to carefully grasp the details about the capital city.

The fact that Elizabeth had financed Viscountess Carter’s ridiculous newsletters was something that was deeply ingrained in her mind.

Because of that, she realized something.

If she wanted to keep the Imperial Consort Dowager’s faction from touching her, cutting off Elizabeth’s financial support was one way, but she also needed to find a way to dismantle her connections with Gerturk, which were deeply entwined.

In that sense, there is no one better than Countess Coben.

The centrist Countess Coben, along with her half-sister, Countess Gerturk, had supported the Imperial Consort Dowager, but until about three years ago, she suddenly declared her intention to remain neutral.

If her sudden change of support was because of a conflict with the Gerturks, I should find out as much as I can about what caused it.

According to people’s conversations, Countess Gerturk was said to have a strong affection for her half-sister. Therefore, Countess Coben must know a lot of information. There was no harm in being friendly with her.

Well then, I’ll be back.

Edith moved to the tea room located among the spectator seats. As she opened the door, the first thing that caught her eye was a transparent glass window that provided a clear view. The warmth coming through the glass window was a bonus.

Rumor has it that Countess Coben, who is raising a child suffering from a lot of minor illnesses, seemed likely to visit this place at least once.

This place is close to the aristocratic seats, so there are a lot of familiar faces. Should I go to the middle of the tea room?

As Edith walked a little further inside, she saw a group of people gathered, creating a disturbance.

It seemed like something had happened, but it was rude to interfere in other people’s business, so when she was about to stop, a faint voice rang into her ear.


The sound of a child crying sorrowfully and the ladies comforting the child. It wasn’t a particularly surprising noise, but the problem lay in what came next.

Emily! You have to breathe, breathe!

What should we do? She’s getting paler and paler.

Someone call a doctor! Quickly!

As the child gasped for breath, the voices of the ladies became increasingly urgent. Consequently, the child’s breathing became dangerously short.

These symptoms… couldn’t be…?

Edith, recalling memories from the clinic, hurriedly walked towards the place where the crying came from. There, a small girl was nestled in her mother’s arms, trembling.

Oh no, Emily?!

Does anyone have something like a paper bag?

As Edith spoke, the attention briefly shifted to her. There was no one who didn’t know that she was the high-profile Lady Fortrion.

It was strange for them to see Edith suddenly appear in a place where centrist noble ladies gathered, but Edith needed to find a paper bag. And very urgently.

Why a paper bag when a child is dying?

Although people were perplexed, they couldn’t resist the urgency of her request and started looking around.

There are paper bags here for groceries.

Give it to me, please.

Edith took it and tried to bring it to her child’s mouth.

What are you doing to my daughter!


The lady who was hugging the child slapped her hand away. Edith could have flinched, but she pressed on stronger.

I may not know why, but did she start crying and then suddenly start panting as if she would stop breathing?

How did you…

It’s a symptom of hyperventilation.

Edith’s voice was clear and firm, so the lady couldn’t stop her any further.

Edith brought the paper bag to the child’s mouth and made the child breathe out and then inhale again.

It’s all right. You’re just a little surprised and not in pain, so you don’t have to worry.

She reassured the child gently. Meanwhile, noisy shouts announced the start of the tournament.

How much time has passed?


Simply by breathing calmly into the paper bag, the child’s breathing, which had been on the verge of a seizure, returned to normal.

When the child stopped panting, Edith put down the paper bag and then gently stroked the tearful child’s hair.

It should be okay now. Still, make sure to have the child examined by a doctor, M’lady.

The lady was speechless as she looked at Edith smiling sweetly as if she had already forgotten what had happened when she shook off her hand.

Ah… Thank you very much. How can I repay you for this kindness?

I just did the right thing.

Edith, feeling proud of working at a clinic for the first time in a long time, just smiled.

Meanwhile, a doctor was rushing to the tea room after receiving an urgent request.

The child was said to be crying and then gasping for breath. She’s most likely hyperventilating.

However, upon arrival, the situation was already sorted out.

It seemed like someone with the same judgment as the doctor had pulled off the perfect first aid, as there was a crumpled paper bag rolling at the child’s feet.

The doctor had no choice but to inquire in a somewhat languid voice.

Countess Coben. I heard you were calling for a doctor because of your daughter… Has another doctor already been here?

When the doctor spoke, Edith was taken aback.

She’s Countess Coben?

She looked at the face of the child’s mother, whom she had overlooked because she was only focused on providing emergency treatment for the child.

Although her hairstyle and makeup were slightly different from the portrait drawn by Lexion’s Intelligence Department, the woman in front of her was clearly Countess Coben.

Moreover, Countess Coben was speaking highly of her as she stroked her surprised chest.

No doctor has come. Lady Fortrion recognized the symptoms and took appropriate measures. I am so grateful…

At her voice of relief, all the surrounding eyes turned to Edith. The doctor who was called in was equally puzzled.

Lady Fortrion. How did you know what to do?

I’ve always been interested in medicine. I have memorized some first aid skills in case it might be helpful in an emergency.

A noble lady who is very interested in medicine and first aid. The doctor felt an inexplicable emotion.

Although Lexion has recently been pouring a significant amount of money into the Academy, especially in the field of medicine, there are still some among the long-standing aristocrats who dismiss fields other than literature and criticize medicine as a mere hobby.

Perhaps the Duke of Lexion is continuing his relationship with the lady who is interested in medicine in order to bring her into the family business.

The doctor was so impressed that he took the child to a room attached to the tea room for another examination.

Do I really need to let go of this situation where Countess Coben has formed a positive impression of me? Edith, who was about to disappear after saying that she was just doing the right thing, changed her mind.

Then, would you mind having a cup of tea with me while the doctor examines your daughter? I was actually planning to take a short break in the tea room because it’s chilly outside.

Yes, if you insist, I would be grateful. I’m still in shock, and my heart is still pounding. If it’s okay, do you want some fruit tea?

That’s a good choice. Black tea will make your heart beat faster.

Countess Coben, with a nod, instructed a maid from her household to prepare two cups of warm lemon tea.

After taking a sip of the tea, the tension seemed to ease, and Countess Coben began to explain why the situation had unfolded the way it did.

This is all because Baron Humphrey suddenly appeared. Because of that man, I’ve grown distant from my younger sister too, and…

Younger sister. She was clearly referring to Countess Gerturk. Edith pretended to savor the tea and then asked vaguely.

What happened, M’lady?

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