The Lady and the Stableman

No more magic.

Wow, I’ve never seen a carriage like this before.

Vivian couldn’t believe she was sitting in the Lexion’s luxurious and comfortable carriage.

Having worked at the Fortrion manor for a long time, she had grown accustomed to seeing luxurious items, which were unusual for commoners. However, Lexion’s grandeur was truly on a different level.

When she felt the velvet’s texture covering the chair discreetly, Vivian felt like she understood why Edith had asked her that question the previous night.

Vivian, you mentioned that you have quite a few married friends, right?

Yes. I still meet them and have meals together a few times a year.

By any chance… do you have friends who married someone from a higher social class than themselves? How’s their relationship with their husbands’ families?

No matter how resilient and adaptable M’lady is, the Lexions are very prominent nobles.

Vivian knew that even though Edith had fallen from grace, she was still the daughter of a baron and had the kind and upright character typical of the Lowells.

But even considering that, she also knew that she wasn’t good enough to stand alongside Lexion.

Not only the Lowells, but also the majority of the nobility of the Agnas Empire are not worthy of standing next to House Lexion.

The explanation that Lexion was a noble family with power comparable to that of the Imperial Family was a recurring topic in Fortrion’s local newspaper, at least once a month.

It was no wonder that Edith was worried about conflicts with her in-laws.

Well, to be honest, my friends’ relationships with their in-laws aren’t the best. They said there was nothing more difficult than dealing with in-laws who treat their sons as the most precious beings in the world.

As expected… right?

However, M’lady, you escaped from Fortrion, and above all, Walter can mediate the conflict, can’t he? Usually, if the husband is firm, conflicts tend to resolve easily.

Vivian had seen the Duke of Lexion’s right-hand man doing everything he could to curry favor with Walter. Furthermore, he became so anxious when Walter seemed relaxed that he even resorted to bribing Cassius under the guise of gifts.

Even if Walter is a direct descendant of Lexion, and the members of the Duke’s family disapprove of M’lady, the situation will resolve itself soon.

Vivian reassured herself that her role as a maid was to be considerate and ensure that Edith did not fall into deep depression.

Soon, the carriage came to a stop.

With determination, Vivian got out of the carriage.

Then, an unbelievable sight unfolded before her eyes.

You’ve traveled a long way; you must be tired. I’ve prepared some warm lemon tea, so how about starting by warming up your body?

The Duke of Lexion, second in line to the throne, said to have no blood or tears, personally came out to greet them even in the cold winter.

The other Fortrion Manor located in the capital city was not far from here, and today’s weather was unusually mild.

He seems a bit different… from what the rumors suggested.

Vivian shifted her confused gaze to the side.

Then, his third daughter Hestia, who was standing next to the Duke, caught her eye.

I think Mrs. Gray said that she was a very proud person, as she was the wife of the owner of the largest merchant company that even Fortrion’s merchants could not compete with.

However, Hestia was smiling warmly, asking Walter how he was, and even personally draping a shawl around Edith, as if she had prepared it for her.

It’s cold outside. Shall we go inside?

She, who was considered the noblest of ladies, seemed to be subtly observing Edith’s reactions.

In addition, the well-mannered servants and the way they carried themselves, not showing any signs of arrogance or pretentiousness, led Vivian to reach one conclusion.

I don’t think we need to worry about anything else. It seems like M’lady doesn’t have to worry about her in-laws causing trouble.


While Cassius and Vivian toured the manor with the head maid, Walter, and Edith went to the drawing room that the Duke used to receive the most distinguished guests.

As Edith observed the meticulously maintained teaspoons and the intricate craftsmanship etched on them, she thought to herself.

Until now, I used to think that I was simply carrying Walter’s child and Mrs. Leah’s grandson.

Without much effort, Edith was treated as if she were the most precious person in the world, making her realize once again that her child was a direct descendant of the Lexion family.

The man in front of her, who was recommending the desserts arranged on a three-tiered tray one by one, was also a Lexion.

While Young Master will be known as the Little Duke of Lexion for the time being, soon he will become the next Duke of Lexion.

Edith now felt like she understood the true meaning of what Vane had said in a voice full of emotion as if he were asking her to understand. It meant that the child growing inside her was of the second-highest lineage in the Empire.

As she naturally thought about the responsibilities and obligations that would follow, Walter whispered to her softly.

I’ll become nouveau riche, won’t I?


Unlike her, who was nervous about becoming a member of a powerful family, Walter was very relaxed. Edith had previously thought that Walter’s boldness and courage were due to his strong character, but she now understood that it was because of the Lexion blood that flowed through his veins.

Edith cautiously held his hand under the table. She had decided to trust and rely on him, and tried to imitate a little of his characteristic courage.

After they finished a simple dessert, Vane dismissed the servants who had been serving and then introduced a couple in white gowns.

These are the doctors of House Lexion. They are all gifted with magic and can diagnose problems caused by magic.

I’m Dr. Thelma. It’s an honor to be able to examine M’lady today.

Vane explained that Thelma was a veteran who had worked at Lexion for 30 years and led her to the next room attached to the drawing room.

Edith obediently moved.

She had long desired to be examined by someone with extensive knowledge of magic.

I’ll check your pulse for a moment.

As Thelma took her pulse, Edith couldn’t help but feel nervous.

While there was nothing unusual about her body, she was concerned about the implications of Lexion’s lineage, where all children were born with magic.

After a thorough examination, Thelma spoke calmly.

There are no issues at the moment, but from around five months, a massive amount of magic will begin to form within the body, which is the result of Lady Leah and Young Master’s lineage.

Then, is everything alright?” 

If left untreated, the body won’t be able to withstand it, and the child may be born terminally ill. However, thanks to the full support of the Duke after Lady Leah’s departure, we found a way. So you don’t have to worry anymore.

Upon hearing reassuring words that the child would be okay, the tension in Edith dissipated.

Edith listened to Thelma with a sense of relief.

Lexion’s magic, once unleashed, adapts to the owner’s body as it’s used more frequently. This process of maturing and developing one’s unique magic is called awakening. When Young Master reaches his awakening and shares it with the child, there shouldn’t be any dangerous outburst of magic within the child’s body.

Thelma confirmed that although the awakening, in a short period, might be challenging but not impossible, and she assured that if childbirth takes place in the manor built with the Duke’s magic stones, there should be no issues for the child.

Ah… That’s a relief. What a relief.

All the worries that Edith had always carried with her disappeared like snow melting in the spring sun. 

Thelma, looking at her reddened eyes and trembling lips, could guess the emotional struggles she had been through.

She knew that having a Lexion child, Edith might not have been able to receive medical treatment from other mages.

Thinking that she wouldn’t have been happy even after discovering she was pregnant, Thelma treated her even more affectionately.

Please don’t worry too much, M’lady. Since it’s Lexion’s lineage, the child will be very strong. Now it’s time to look after your health, so I would like to ask you a few questions. First…

While answering Thelma’s questionnaire, she carefully stroked her stomach.

I’ve seen Walter use magic skillfully many times… but… I wonder if his awakening won’t be a problem.

While she was thinking about Walter’s awakening, another doctor was checking Walter’s condition in the drawing room.

However, unlike Thelma, who was examining Edith, George’s expression was not favorable when he took Walter’s pulse.

I’ll check again.

George was also a skilled doctor who had worked at Lexion for 30 years. He had saved lives in various situations, including during combat and surprise attacks. And when George looked at Walter’s condition with a bewildered expression, all color drained from Franz’s face.

George, what’s the matter?


George checked Walter’s condition one last time and then asked several questions.

When Franz’s attention was drawn to George’s unusual reaction, he spoke with more seriousness.

Young Master shouldn’t use magic anymore.


You said you lost your childhood memories. The scars on your body disappeared, and the color of your eyes changed.

Walter nodded.

These were things that Edith had told him after learning that he was Isaac, and Walter couldn’t understand how these changes were possible.

He had thought that using magic might have a negative effect on his body due to his unusual circumstances, but the diagnosis seemed more extreme than he had anticipated.

While there didn’t seem to be any issues in the process of his awakening, Young Master’s magic has already undergone a severe transformation since his outburst.

If you use more magic power, you will lose all your memories like before. Your body won’t be able to withstand it.

George lowered his head as if it were his fault that Walter had reached this state.

Walter just lightly tapped the couch with his fingertips.

He let out a bitter laugh, perhaps due to a sense of disappointment or some other emotion.

So that’s why that happened back then.

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