The Lady and the Stableman

Did you think I would calm down if you acted like you did that day?

Your Grace, it would not be a good choice to kill the girl who received your daughter’s care at her birthday celebration.” 

Edith said, barely suppressing her fear.

Then, although it was only for a moment, Franz’s eyes wavered.

She felt like she might understand the cruelty flickering in the Duke’s eyes. She could understand his anger towards Fortrion, who took advantage of the death of her daughter and her possible child. And his love for her deceased daughter.

The Duke hosts this annual celebration because today is Ms. Leah’s birthday.

Edith clearly remembered baking a small cake and celebrating with her mother, Mrs. Leah, and Isaac.

Due to the strong power running through his veins, the Duke had a reputation for being ruthless to his own kin, which was somewhat different from what she expected. However, it seemed that the Duke was clearly making an effort not to forget his daughter.

Do you want to tell me now that you know my daughter’s birthday?” 

The reason for his cold response upon hearing information related to his deceased daughter was also because numerous individuals, including Nicholas Fortrion, had already attempted to use his daughter’s death to harm House Lexion.

Isaac, being intentionally mean to someone to hide how much you like and care for them is a really bad thing to do. Apologize to Edith. 

Mrs. Leah’s sharp advice seemed to apply not only to her son.

I cannot allow the Duke to harm me, not even for Mrs. Leah’s sake.

Her body was already trembling from the overwhelming difference in power, and her face was covered in tears, but Edith barely managed to squeeze out her voice.

Mrs. Leah always drank much cheaper wine on her birthday than on other days.” 


When Edith mentioned the word wine, Franz couldn’t help but recall memories of his daughter.

She once told me that if she could stay with me until my coming-of-age birthday, she would teach me how to drink with that wine.” 

His magical power, which had been exerting pressure in all directions, weakened involuntarily.

Mrs. Leah also said that her father scolded her for her lack of manners but still taught her to drink wine. She said that she was so happy at that moment that she couldn’t forget it even if she died.” 


Franz stared at Edith for a while, unable to speak.

Did Edith Fortrion really know Leah well?

… Leah said she would never forget that day even if she died?

The Duke wanted to believe Edith’s words.

I’m sorry. But I can’t follow Father’s orders.

His daughter, who left the dukedom never to return, recalled the happy times she spent with her father while caring for a girl she met in an unknown location.


The moment Franz completely withdrew his magic, Edith’s legs gave way, and she collapsed to the floor.

The first experience of magic power she experienced for the first time left a deep imprint of fear on her entire body as if she was about to die.

Is the child in my womb all right?

Edith wanted to put her hand on her stomach, but she couldn’t because the Duke was looking directly at her.

There was no guarantee that the Duke would treat her well just because she knew Mrs. Leah.

In fact, since the Duke had discovered someone who seemed to know about his daughter’s death, she might even be confined to the manor.

If the Duke decides to do it, erasing a petty lady from a rural territory from the world is a simple matter.

As she was pondering this, Vane, who had been standing outside the barrier, rushed over to make a report.

Whether he thought it was a matter that needed to be reported to the Duke or not, he approached and said to the Duke

Your Grace, assassins have appeared.” 

You’re making a fuss over nothing. This is unlike you.” 

The Duke expressed that there was no way House Lexion would not be a victim of some assassins.

Vane, who also knew this fact well, added.

Judging by their markings and the weapons they use, it appears they are the secret assassination squad of Count Gerturk.


The Duke seemed somewhat intrigued by the fact that assassins had been sent by his political rival, Gerturk.

Even as she was trying to catch her breath, Edith overheard their conversation and couldn’t help but be puzzled.

Gerturk’s assassins wouldn’t dare to invade Lexion Manor amid a grand event unless they were insane.

Suddenly, Edith remembered that Walter and Cassius had kidnapped several assassins.

No matter how audacious Walter is, he wouldn’t have the boldness to release and use the assassins he had kidnapped right in the middle of Lexion Manor…

However, she couldn’t finish her thoughts because Walter was the most audacious person she had ever seen in her life.

In any case, the fact that Gerturk’s assassins had stormed into his manor also seemed quite intriguing to the Duke.

Edith seized the opportunity and spoke politely to him.

Your Grace, I understand that the previous Viscount Fortrion has committed wrongs that may make it difficult for you to believe my words.” 


But if you give me a chance, I will prove that I had a connection with Mrs. Leah when I was in Fortrion. Of course, I will provide evidence as well.

It would have been a disaster if the Duke were to imprison her in this situation.

He might discover the child, and Walter… he might come to rescue me.

Every time Edith was in trouble, Walter miraculously appeared in ways beyond imagination, almost like magic.

Edith was grateful for his help but also worried about him.

She wanted to save herself so that Walter wouldn’t have to rescue her.

Franz looked at Edith for a moment, deep in thought.

The words she spoke were facts known only to someone close to Leah. Moreover, she claimed she would provide convincing evidence, so he felt there was no need to increase the pressure any further.

He was also somewhat curious about the sudden appearance of Gerturk’s assassins.

Send someone within the next week.” 

Franz said so as he released the barrier that surrounded them.


Helen, who couldn’t hear anything due to the barrier but saw Edith being pressured by the Duke, rushed over to check on her well-being.

Helen… thank you.” 

Edith wiped her face as cleanly as possible with a handkerchief and, with Helen’s assistance, struggled to rise from her weakened state.

As soon as they left the Duke’s study, they saw Fortrion’s knights nearby, looking worried.

Among them, it was Walter who was most agitated when he noticed Edith’s swollen eyes. He rushed over as soon as he heard the news that she had been summoned by the Duke. When he saw the tear-stained cheeks with his own eyes, something inside him abruptly snapped.

Whether it was the Duke or his vassal who had guided her here didn’t matter. He needed to find them and confront them immediately to ease his anger.

And his thoughts didn’t end there.

Then, suddenly, Edith felt a pressure as if the air had become heavier and her skin became warm. Startled, she grabbed his arm.


If Walter were to get angry here and use his magic, everything might be exposed, so she had to stop him.

Edith still didn’t know the Duke’s intentions, and if they were discovered at this point, they couldn’t predict how things would turn out.

But it was clear that Walter would soon regain his lost memories.

After the next meeting with the Duke, she would know whether it was safe to reveal the truth to Walter. 

And with a reassuring smile, Edith calmed him down.

Now that she had discovered Mrs. Leah and Isaac’s identities, she wanted to have a private conversation with him.

Please escort me back. I think it will be difficult for me to enjoy the banquet any further. I need to catch my breath.” 

As she spoke, Helen nodded and patted Edith’s shoulder.

Yes, Edith. You can rest for a while in the carriage. We are going to evaluate the situation first and we will leave with you too.” 

Thank you, Helen.” 

After a brief expression of gratitude, Edith gestured to Walter.

Let’s go, Walter. I want to rest.” 


Walter, who had been emitting a terrifying aura as if he could explode at any moment, reluctantly suppressed his temper.

Those who had observed how far his temper could go and how many men he could handle at once fell silent for a while.

Was this man someone who can control his temper?

I thought things were going to get ugly… but it seems he listens well to the lady.

Walter easily ignored the gazes directed at him and headed toward the place where their carriage was parked.

Edith glanced at his profile as he walked, firmly guarding her side.

Walter is Isaac. Could the change in the color of his eyes be because of magic?

Previously, she had vaguely thought that the two of them had some resemblance, or that Walter’s behavior reminded her of Isaac’s.

But now that she looked at it, the difference in eye color didn’t matter as the two people appeared to coincide in some ways.

No, the man who appeared in front of her under the name of Walter was much nicer than the grown-up Isaac she had vaguely imagined.

Even after Edith got into the carriage alone with Walter, she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

I thought Isaac deliberately cut off contact…

But when she thought that Walter had lost his memories unintentionally and was unable to contact her, the occasional pain of the wounds he had inflicted on her seemed to have eased as if washed away.

… Walter.” 

Edith sat down beside him and cautiously called out to him. He was still looking at Lexion Manor with an expression that hadn’t yet calmed down.

Walter, who was feeling angry and self-reproach for not being able to stop the Duke of Lexion from treating her poorly, suddenly felt that Edith’s gaze was unusual.

He had seen this affectionate tone and expression in her eyes before.

It wasn’t the face of someone surprised and scared by the unexpected turn of events, but…

Well then… undress.

Edith had the same expression as the day she had abandoned him. And that same day she approached him, calling him by his name, just like now.

Luscious lips that remained tightly sealed, as if refusing to explain the reason for her behavior. And yet, her eyes said she fervently wanted him.

Walter couldn’t help but be captivated. He used the excuse of tidying up her hair to touch her face gently.

“Edith, did you think I would calm down if you acted like you did that day?”

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