The Lady and the Stableman

Mrs. Leah's true identity

When the Militia Force surrounded Fortrion Manor, Walter was there, leading the territory’s residents.

Although Isabelle had no particular interest in Walter, she remembered him because of his imposing height, which made his face stand out.

Walter wouldn’t like any of the women associated with Nicholas if he was a part of the Militia Force, but he was carefully guarding Edith.

Moreover, Walter’s gaze toward Edith seemed somewhat distinct from that of a knight…


Only then did Isabelle learn who had helped Edith, who was said to be under an imprisonment spell, escape from the manor.

Edith didn’t understand why Isabelle was smiling like a cat that had just discovered something interesting.

Edith, by the way, now that we’ve met, we should discuss the request you made before.

It must be about the high-level mage.

Edith asked Walter to step aside for a moment, then leaned against the wall and inquired of Isabelle.

Did the mage go to Fortrion?

No, he sent a letter not long ago. He said he could move up his schedule a little. He asked if he should come to the estate. However, by that time, you had already left for the capital.” 


Just when she was thinking about all the wasted money she had given up to Karkus Trading Company, Isabelle spoke calmly.

First of all, we changed the meeting location to the capital. Anyway, you helped me, so it makes sense to use the mage, right?

As expected, Isabelle was a very fair person when it came to business deals.

The mage said the capital was his residence anyway, so he told me to tear this up when you wanted to call him.” 

Isabelle had already prepared a small envelope, thinking that Edith might have received an invitation in advance.

Were you originally going to ask the mage to break the imprisonment spell?” 

How did you know?” 

I heard Elizabeth talking about your imprisonment spell. Elizabeth… I guess she was targeting you.” 

Isabelle didn’t know the details, but she vividly remembered the sharpness in Elizabeth’s eyes that day.

After the pregnancy scheme, there was the imprisonment spell. Isabelle didn’t even want to imagine how terrible life must have been for Edith.

If it were me, I might have tried explaining the situation, asked for a loan, or begged for leniency, but you’re truly amazing.” 

Her thinking seemed different from Edith’s, where she continued practicing in a depressing mood, thinking that she was not good at singing because the Viscount did not keep his promise.

Edith didn’t grovel in despair or give up in the face of a dire situation. Her ability to obtain what she wanted with her own hands ultimately left a profound impression on Isabelle.

So Isabelle really wanted to send her the mage she had promised her.

If you don’t have any specific use for magic, ask the mage to set off some cool fireworks at the capital’s night sky. My father’s manor has a beautiful terrace.” 

Isabelle even went so far as to provide her with directions to her manor and invited her to visit when she had the time.

It would be a bit of a waste to ask a high-level mage to set off fireworks, so I’ll save it for something more necessary. Thank you.” 

Edith replied with a smile, expressing her gratitude to Isabelle.

A high-level mage would likely have a wealth of knowledge about magic and magical abilities, making it a great opportunity to ask questions, even if it didn’t require magic.

For now, it would be best to inquire about Walter’s magical abilities first.

If he were an excellent mage, he would be able to accurately determine the magical lineage flowing through his body.

Then Isabelle added silently to her joy.

Oh, and my father’s job offer is always open. If you need it, we can send someone, or you can come in person. I plan to stay in the capital and continue my music studies.” 

Really? That’s great news!

The fact that Isabelle had finally escaped from her cage and was starting to walk her own path, which Isabelle had longed for, gave Edith a quiet sense of satisfaction.

Seeing Edith delighted as if it were her own matter, Isabelle didn’t want to lose her.

Speaking of my father’s job offer, it will be worth it even if you get married later and have children. My parents worked very hard raising me while working at the company, so the welfare for employees raising children is quite good.

Edith couldn’t help but be impressed when Isabelle told her that when she gave birth to her child, she would provide a generous monthly subsidy for tuition and food expenses. With such a good job, wouldn’t it be nice to raise a child on her own?

There are many single mothers at our company, so we’ve hired several nannies to look after the children of our employees. So, if you need it, please contact me…” 

Isabelle couldn’t continue her sentence as a sudden cold sensation overcame her once again.

For some reason, Walter was looking at her with an expression that indicated he was very dissatisfied with the job offer.


Because Edith was pregnant, she could not enjoy the alcohol or food properly, but she did not dislike the impression the banquet gave.

The live music, the laughter of people, and having Walter by her side as her guard, who had to stay close to her at all times.

In particular, when she saw him receiving all the attention from women and not reacting in any way, just looking at her, Edith felt warm and happy.


Even when young ladies who were just starting to come of age tried to steal a glance at him, the heat could be felt. Still, it paled in comparison to the scrutinizing gaze of middle-aged noblewomen who looked at him from head to toe.

When a widowed Countess, who had recently lost her old husband, glanced at Walter with sticky eyes and approached as if she had decided on something, Edith spoke quickly.

Walter, switch with Cassius.


Right now.

Once again, Edith was giving the command as if pleading. Walter didn’t want to leave her side, but Cassius appeared at that moment and spoke to him.

I’ve finished the preparations you asked for.

I’ll take care of the Lady’s escort. You can go.

When Cassius gestured with his eyes, Walter turned away from the Countess who had been staring at him as if she would pounce on him, and left the hall.

Edith was able to smile again only after confirming that Cassius had arrived by her side. 

I would have felt a little more at ease if this place wasn’t Duke of Lexion’s manor.

Even though Edith knew that there was a lot to see since it was a banquet held at the Lexion Manor, she still found it difficult to relax as she thought a threat could strike at any moment.

Fortunately for her, people didn’t pay much attention to her as one of the wives of the late Viscount Fortrion.

Then, Viscountess, we will send our family’s vassal soon.

If you do so, it would be an honor.

Most of those gathered here were those who supported the Duke of Lexion’s succession to the throne instead of the Imperial Consort Dowager.

This meant that they were risking their fortunes betting on which leader with political power would win. Most of them were loyal to Agnas XIV, the most outstanding emperor of all time, at least in terms of ability.

Mrs. Gray said the same. The Duke of Lexion also served as Prime Minister for 10 years under the current Emperor.

However, when the head of a rural noble family called Fortrion received an audience order from the Emperor and an invitation to the Duke of Lexion’s banquet, the quick-witted nobles quickly made connections and speculated that there might be something involving the new rural lord.

Thanks to this, Helen was happy to accumulate some good news to share with the Fortrion’s residents.

Just as Edith was about to share a smile with her, appreciating her genuine concern for the people of Fortrion, she noticed a sudden shift in people’s gaze behind her.

Lady Edith Fortrion.

The man spoke with a respectful yet imposing tone, so Cassius stood closely by Edith’s side.

My name is Vane, and I am a vassal of the Duke of Lexion. The Duke wishes to meet with M’lady briefly.

People murmured in surprise at the words that came out of Vane’s mouth.

The Duke, who had never shown his face at the annual gathering, was making an appearance today.

Today, the three daughters of Franz Lexion were also expected to show up late at the banquet, so the host’s seat might remain vacant for a long time. Given these circumstances, Vane’s words had a significant impact.

Nice to meet you, Sir Vane. Did the Duke personally request it?

Helen, who noticed that the blood had drained from Edith’s face, asked with a gentle smile.

It would be difficult even for the knights, including Cassius, to decline since the person who was the Duke’s right-hand man came to meet them in person.

Of course, they also had to consider that Edith would be in an uncomfortable situation and that could lead Walter to take drastic measures against anyone who caused her distress.

Yes. His Grace Franz Lexion sent me personally. If you feel uncomfortable, Viscountess Fortrion can accompany us.

In reality, both Helen and Edith had no way to refuse, given that it was essentially an order from the Duke.

The only way to get out of this situation is if it is health-related, but if I do that, it might reveal my pregnancy.

With no other option, Edith nodded reluctantly. Helen quickly intervened to avoid sending a pale-faced woman alone.

Well, it’s a rare opportunity. We should express our gratitude to His Grace for inviting us to this splendid banquet.

Then, please, you two, follow me this way.

His words were clear in their intention not to bring in any noisy escorts.

Edith and Helen looked at each other for a moment, their eyes trembling with ominousness, and then followed Vane.

He was leading them to the Duke of Lexion’s study deep inside the manor.

Why would the Duke want to see me… what?!

Edith, who had been walking while absentmindedly looking at the paintings on the walls, suddenly halted.

Mrs. Leah?

The person who was smiling a bright smile in the frame was someone she knew.

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