The Lady and the Stableman

Anything I want?

If M’lady gives the order, I’ll take care of that employee for you.” 

Walter said as the carriage left the academy grounds.

However, Edith didn’t really care about the employee who had treated her horribly.

Since it was an academy attended by the children of high-ranking nobles, Edith always expected that there would be people who looked down on her. It was not a decision she made lightly, as she wasn’t going to be swayed by the employee.

It’s fine. Anyway, that person won’t be interested in why I applied for a deferral of admission. If he keeps acting that way, he might get fired.” 

She had stated marriage as the reason for deferring her admission, but in reality, it was the birth of her child that was the main reason.

At this moment, she must conceal the existence of the child and the lineage. It’s better if the employee causes a commotion so that no one suspects that her reason for deferring admission is something else.

However, it was true that she was anxious about not being able to return to the academy, as the employee had said.

To protect her child from dangerous people, she might have to go far away from the capital and live in hiding.

And she couldn’t know how long this escape would last.

But she wasn’t ready to give up on either side just yet.

It’s too early to give up both the child and my future.

Even if Walter couldn’t be with her in that future, Edith believed she could handle it on her own.

Just as her mother had raised her well on her own.

I am protecting our family, Edith. Just trust this mother of yours.

Edith recalled her mother’s words and managed to calm her growing anxiety.

She then smiled at Walter, who had said he would protect her.

Anyway, since we’ve taken care of the paperwork, let’s refresh ourselves and take a look around the streets.

Do you need anything?” 

Walter, who had recently developed a taste for spending money, brightened at the thought of the gold coins he had brought with him.

Come to think of it, Cassius mentioned that part of the money Walter received from Helen was compensation for the seven years of imprisonment he spent in Fortrion Manor.

For some reason, Cassius considered that amount to be large enough to support a family of four, including a small child, in the capital without working for about three generations. Still, Walter, the kind of person who couldn’t stand to sit still, even mentioned that if he had a wife and child, he would work like an ant to dig up gold coins.

Furthermore, since he was so skilled, with his eye-catching appearance he could stand out anywhere he went, even if she established a clinic, he would greatly increase the revenue just by having him standing there instead of a sign.

Thinking of Cassius’s deep love for his disciple, Edith felt a little worried. 

Actually, I received a lot from you, so I wanted to give you a gift as a token of my appreciation. But I suppose you’ve already bought all the things you need?” 

In fact, as Edith said, Walter didn’t really need anything.

He had the skills and techniques, so he didn’t require any rudimentary tools, and he didn’t have any specific hobbies.

However, the act of Edith thinking of him and wanting to give him something as a gift seemed to make him happy.

I think it would be okay to look around and choose something suitable.


Soon, the carriage stopped at the entrance to the shopping street.

The vibrancy felt everywhere was incomparable to Fortrion’s shopping street. It was refreshing to see well-dressed wealthy commoners and nobles mingling in the same shops, eating and drinking together.

Walter naturally led Edith, who was hesitating about which way to go.

He thought it was a good idea to do some research beforehand thanks to a militiaman who had spent a lot of time in the capital.

Edith felt an unknown excitement as she walked side by side with Walter.

Doing this makes me feel like I’m spending time with my lover.

If she could give him a memorable gift for today, she’d be happy. When she told him to choose what he wanted, Walter wickedly squinted his eyes.

Anything I want?

It was only then that Edith noticed a store they had just passed by, catering to lingerie for young lovers.

For some reason, Walter seemed to be staring at a female mannequin in a provocative pose, and a sharp voice came out.

If I buy that, will you wear it, Walter?” 

… Me? 

Yeah. If you want to wear it, I’ll gladly buy it for you.

Although things had taken a slightly different turn from her initial plans, Walter found Edith’s playful demeanor endearing, and he followed her with light steps.

The two who were looking at the shopping street finally came to a large bookstore that sold new and old books.


Seeing that Edith liked it even more than he had vaguely anticipated, Walter’s smile subtly widened.

Edith momentarily forgot her intention to buy him a thank-you gift and started browsing the books.

Among them, there was a bookshelf that caught her eye.

[Prenatal Education and Children]

Underneath the small sign, there were plenty of cute children’s books that a pregnant mother could read to her unborn child.

When Edith saw the words ‘prenatal education,’ her heart somehow became heavy.

Now that I think about it, I’ve been pregnant for a while, and I still haven’t done anything for the baby.

Initially, she didn’t even know she was pregnant, and later, she was too preoccupied with concealing the child’s existence and the identity of the father.

While keeping secrets and creating diversions might be for the child’s sake, she also wanted to do something affectionate and loving for her unborn baby.

Shall I buy a book to read to the baby?

As if he had read her mind, Walter spoke up.

I’d like you to buy me a book.

Sure, pick as many as you’d like.

However, Walter stood close to Edith and only looked at the books on prenatal education.

The books were too cute and in his hands seemed too delicate to fit in his well-built hands.

Are you really choosing children’s storybooks?

Walter shamelessly nodded, expressing his fondness for these types of books. He even asked Edith for recommendations.

She smiled as she reminisced about the fairy tales she had read in her parents’ arms during her childhood.

Oh, this one is interesting. The main character is a cat, and it’s about being adopted into a wolf family.

I hope it won’t end up with the cat becoming just a snack.

It’s cute and adorable. Please read it.

Edith selected a few more storybooks that she had enjoyed in her childhood. 

Still, she couldn’t help but feel anxious, fearing that someone who might harm her child could see the books she had chosen and suspect her pregnancy.

Walter, would you like to go and get some books for adults?

When Walter heard the words ‘books for adults,’ he went straight to the bookshelf he had been eyeing.

A few moments later, he returned with several books richly illustrated, explaining how couples could enjoy their evenings together.

It seems like I have a natural talent for this, so I thought I’d sharpen my skills a bit.

She hadn’t intended to bring such books, but she wasn’t surprised. When she made eye contact with his sly gaze, a devious sense of curiosity invaded her mind. 

Walter having knowledge in this area… she thought it probably wouldn’t be a loss for her.

Unintentionally, his sweaty and flushed face came to mind, and she suddenly felt hot.

It’s probably because of the pregnancy.

Edith shirked her responsibility and bought every single book she had chosen for Walter.


After a pleasant shopping trip, the two headed to Fortrion Manor just as the sun was setting, ensuring they wouldn’t be late for dinner.

However, the manor was surprisingly noisy, especially Helen.

Why are they…?

She had been at a loss for words, and then she unexpectedly encountered Walter and Edith as they returned.

Both of you, come and take a look at this. The Lexions sent us an invitation to the banquet that’s happening in a few days.

When Edith saw the coat of arms of House Lexion stamped on the invitation’s seal, she suddenly froze, as if she had been doused with cold water.

Walter checked the contents of the invitation on her behalf.

It was a bit unusual that it listed both Viscountess Helen Fortrion and Edith Fortrion. What concerned them more was the method of delivery of the invitation.

I can’t believe Lexion sent someone directly to invite us. It’s a bit strange since we have no contact with them.

Helen and Edith received a short explanation about the Lexion banquets during Mrs. Gray’s etiquette class.

The three daughters, who are the pride of Lexion, send the invitations. Although they are now the ladies of the manor of prestigious noble houses, they are always in charge of Lexion’s end-of-year celebration. Although the event is held at Lexion Manor, the Duke himself delegates everything to his daughters.

Mrs. Gray couldn’t understand why the Duke kept hosting the year-end banquet every year without even showing his face.

But I heard that the person who came to deliver the invitation was Sir Vane, the Duke’s right-hand man…

The audience with the Emperor had also been postponed, and they had no idea what the invitation was aimed at.

However, it was just curiosity about the invitation’s purpose. Helen, on the other hand, saw the invitation as a golden opportunity that had fallen from the sky.

We must attend and make a good impression. It would be even better if we can establish connections with noble families.

Helen turned her gaze towards Walter and Edith as if inquiring about their intention to attend.

Edith, after seeing her name clearly written on the invitation, resolved herself.

A family like House Lexion sent me an invitation with my name on it, but it would be even more suspicious if I didn’t go.

Furthermore, Lexion’s banquet was not a small gathering with only a few attendees. With a large number of people, the expenses were naturally expected to be significant.

It was evident that it would be much safer to attend the party and mingle with the crowd than to remain alone in Fortrion Manor.

My belly hasn’t grown much yet, and since it’s winter, everyone will be wearing thick clothes, so I don’t think I have to worry about anyone finding out I’m pregnant.

No matter how much she thought about it, responding to the invitation seemed wiser than hiding in the manor, so Edith nodded in agreement.

After confirming her decision, Walter said that he would follow her, a satisfied smile forming on his face.

It seemed that the opportunity to make use of the captured assassins had arrived sooner than expected.

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