The Lady and the Stableman

The Capital's Manor


Vane, a lieutenant general who had been a loyal subordinate of House Lexion and who had followed Franz for a long time, bowed his head deeply.

In fact, it wasn’t just Nicholas Fortrion who wondered if there was a hidden offspring in the dukedom.

Being a family with both power and honor, there were impostors who risked their lives every few years, not knowing the worth of their lives.

But Fortrion…

He knew very well why Franz Lexion was so dissatisfied about an insignificant territory like Fortrion.

He must be even more concerned because the place where Lady Leah’s magic last manifested was near Fortrion.

The reason why Franz Lexion, who would resolutely subdue his opponent even with a sword at his throat, could not ignore Nicholas’s trick was that he was the lord of the land where his beloved daughter left her last traces.

If Nicholas had tried to confront Lexion directly, he would have lost his head a long time ago.

However, Nicholas showed meticulousness in using a drug-addicted actor who often experienced hallucinations and auditory illusions.

Also, responding to Nicholas’s trick meant agreeing to the possibility that he might have a hidden illegitimate descendant, so Franz had no choice but to let him live.

Moving people seems to have caused some damage at Fortrion.

As Vane witnessed Franz’s anger closer than anyone else, he was able to understand the need to cut off any signs of foolishness from the Fortrion party.

The second piece of news I have to report is regarding the year-end social banquet.” 

When the words ‘year-end social banquet’ were mentioned, Franz hesitated slightly.

This year, carry it out the same way as last year.

I will do it that way.

Thanks to his long experience, Vane knew the significance of Lexion’s year-end social banquet and bowed out politely.


Your position in society depends on whether you’re invited to social parties or not.” 

Reinhardt spoke at the welcome banquet held upon arrival at Fortrion Manor in the capital.

Since he was the only one among the group who had lived in the capital’s society, not only Helen but also Edith and Walter listened to him.

Upon hearing her husband’s words, it reminded her of the more than ten years she spent in the capital. In her capacity as a knight’s wife, Reinhardt’s wife also added that she had engaged in quite a bit of social activity.

That’s right. Since we have to meet His Majesty in a few days anyway, I think it would be a priority to find a good etiquette teacher, Viscountess.” 

Etiquette… I can’t stand such a fussy thing.

Oh, we should contact the dressing shop as well.

Please do.

Although she had Fortrion’s blood, Helen lived a life far from the daily affairs of nobles. If it weren’t for Walter delving into the Fortrion lineage, she might not have even known that she had Fortrion blood.

Helen thought there was nothing she couldn’t do, from blacksmithing to port chores, and that there was nothing she couldn’t learn, but etiquette seemed to be giving her a headache.

Walter and Reinhardt said they’d arrange etiquette teachers, although I didn’t refuse, it must be necessary.

Although it was a little late, she worriedly asked Reinhardt and his wife to find a good etiquette teacher.

Is it possible to get invited to parties even when you don’t know anyone?

Usually, people invite their acquaintances, but it’s also common to invite those with whom you’d like to have a conversation at least once.

It would be lucky if people we barely know invited us, but…

Helen was aware that the residents of Fortrion had expectations of her. 

If she could establish connections with respectable families in the capital, it could open up opportunities for the development of the territory, such as trade and resource exchange.

For now, let’s take etiquette lessons together, Edith.” 

Since Helen’s condition was to participate in social activities or official audiences during her stay in the capital, Edith readily nodded.

It would be easier to grasp the atmosphere of the capital if we go out instead of just staying at the manor.

What Edith wanted most now was to give birth safely. To do that, it was necessary to understand the atmosphere of the capital and the current situation of the factions.

Who knows, maybe if she makes herself known, she’ll be able to secure a good position after graduating from the academy.

To do that, I have to first apply for a deferral of admission to the academy.

An etiquette teacher came to the manor the very next day to educate the two and several maids who would accompany them, including Vivian.

My ladies, nice to meet you. You can call me Mrs. Gray. I will teach you everything about etiquette in no time.


Seeing Mrs. Gray’s unwavering stance, Helen felt a sense of darkness lurking in front of her.

Mrs. Gray carefully corrected her somewhat awkward posture and continued speaking.

There are many important events in the capital at year’s end. Since His Majesty’s illness worsened, there have been hardly any royal events, but prominent nobles host social parties to mark the end of the year.

I see.

Among them, Count Gerturk’s events are considered the best within the Imperial Consort Dowager’s faction, while the events hosted by Duke of Lexion are recognized as the best within the aristocratic faction.


Edith pricked up her ears and focused on what Mrs. Gray was saying.

But I’ve heard that these events are more like gatherings of acquaintances, and they hardly send invitations to those with whom they have no connections.

Mrs. Gray didn’t resort to the typical lie that learning from her guarantees receiving invitations.

Instead, she swiftly adjusted her glasses, stating that her job was to teach them etiquette so that they would not be criticized, no matter which party they were invited to.

Well, let’s start with walking and greetings first.


Viscountess, please speak softly.

Oh, yes…

Edith looked at Helen, who seemed overwhelmed even before the lesson began, and couldn’t help but smile softly.

Taking etiquette lessons brings back memories of my childhood.

She had learned basic etiquette from her mother as a child, but Mrs. Leah’s etiquette, who had stayed with them for several years, had been quite different.

Mrs. Leah was just like a princess!

Really? In my eyes, Edith seems more like a princess.

Much of the etiquette Mrs. Leah taught her still remained in Edith’s demeanor today. 

Mrs. Gray, who was correcting Helen’s stiff gait and greetings, was quiet for a moment as she watched Edith following the demonstration she had shown.

From what I heard from the young ladies, the late Viscount apparently bought a commoner or maybe a slave and placed her as one of his wives.

In contrast to her inexperienced students who struggled, Edith’s demeanor was suited to the capital’s etiquette.

M’lady, didn’t you say that Fortrion was your hometown?

Edith simply agreed without revealing her last name, Lowell.

Mrs. Gray smiled happily as she observed Edith, who stood out among the many students she had taught.

Lady Edith, you’re doing well, so I can pay a bit more attention to Lady Helen.

Helen glanced at Edith with a stunned look on her face.

Mrs. Gray, renowned for mastering complex capital etiquette to perfection, worked her magic on Helen’s initially awkward movements as if she had added oil and grace to Helen’s creaky body.

Thanks to this, by the time they were practicing how to drink tea, even Helen could mimic the mannerisms of a proper lady.

There’s no need to further refine Edith’s etiquette.

Mrs. Gray calmly taught the tea ceremony, feeling once again the reward of teaching etiquette.

Walter was looking at the glass greenhouse where the tea time was taking place not far away.

His gaze followed Edith’s movements as she received the light penetrating the glass, especially when she gently pushed her blonde hair behind her ear.

Her smile seemed to brighten the surroundings, and he thought about confining her in a large cage resembling a glass greenhouse, or only in his room, along with the child she was carrying.

The weather is nice, so it would be good to go for a walk.

The moment Walter heard Edith’s cheerful voice, his brow furrowed slightly.

Cassius, who had been watching and wondering what Walter was staring at so blankly, gave a sympathetic expression.

Is it because the lady is dazzling?


Walter looked at Cassius as if he were a strange person, but he did not deny his words. 

It’s because of a headache.

Ah, the headaches you’ve been having since you awakened your magic? It seems like they’ve been more frequent lately.

After awakening his magical power as taught by Reinhardt, he had been experiencing occasional, unexplained headaches.

He was somewhat fine when he was stationed in the Militia Force, but after meeting Edith again, his headaches gradually increased.

Occasionally, fleeting visions would appear and then vanish.

It was as if her presence played the role of a catalyst in extracting something from within his mind.

Cassius nodded again as if he understood the reason.

It must be painful to think about becoming a father at such a young age.

Cassius had had a deep conversation with Vivian about Edith’s pregnancy.

It was immediately after Edith had called them and told them that she was carrying another man’s child to protect herself.

The two faithful servants nodded, pretending to believe Edith’s words, but behind her back, they were thinking the same thing.

If it’s not Walter… 

It must be an imaginary pregnancy. 

Walter is not a fool either, so there is no way he would believe that Lady Edith is carrying another man’s child to protect herself.

He might pretend it’s complicated, but he might secretly like it. Walter was truly in a state of madness in his late-started first love.

In any case, the fact that Edith had decided to protect the child meant that the fruition of their shared feelings would soon appear. So, there didn’t seem to be a reason to think negatively about it.

Edith had given Walter a bit of a scare, saying that she could raise the child on her own, but judging by their dynamics, it didn’t seem likely.

You rascal. Then, I’ll go pick up the stuff you asked for and go to the shops to meet with the designers.

Cassius patted Walter on the back and then left.

Walter had been contemplating whether to keep watching Edith, who was elegantly smiling in the greenhouse until the etiquette lessons were over.

However, the class ended quickly with the news that a guest had arrived.

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