The Lady and the Stableman

It’s some kind of trap.

First of all, since you are going as Lady Fortrion, appropriate protocols will be provided. You don’t have to worry about the carriage or security.

Max’s tone was urgent, as he had received a clear order from Helen to ensure that Edith would accompany her by any means necessary.

Edith listened to his words and then asked Walter.

Walter, didn’t you say you already found a carriage and a place to stay?

Edith’s question implied that if possible, she wanted him to cancel the contract, as it seemed like a double expenditure and she wanted to save money if she could.

However, Max, who had seen over the past few months that Walter was a man who would spare no material or resources for Edith, misunderstood her words.

Walter, I think the carriage and accommodation you contracted are better, but should I really accept Helen’s offer?

If Walter agreed and suggested that Edith should reconsider traveling with Helen, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, Max responded to Edith’s question before Walter could.

I don’t know if you’re aware, but there is a manor in the capital owned by Fortrion. It seems one of the previous viscounts managed to acquire it somehow… but there are still some servants staying there, so things should be fine.


We-we are also planning to offer the Viscountess’s room which has an excellent night view of the capital.

It doesn’t matter what’s visible from the window. Safety and security are more important to me.

While Edith’s true intention was that she didn’t really care about the view, Max understood her request as giving up on the view as long as they ensured the best security.

Yes, of course. Safety is our top priority, and I agree with your sentiments. Almost all of the trustworthy men who came from the Militia were knighted this time and will be following along.

If the manor was purchased by Fortrion’s fearful and cowardly descendants, it was likely to have an easily defensible structure to deal with outside intrusions.

Even if that wasn’t the case, with Walter’s money and ample security, there was no reason for Edith to refuse. 

However, since Max seemed to have prepared a lot, she thought it would be polite to listen to the end.

Is there anything else?

Max, who did not know Edith’s true intentions, was increasingly confident that Edith was well aware of her own worth.

Edith had proven herself to be a capable woman who had survived alone in the tumultuous Fortrion Manor where all sorts of events unfolded.

You will need a personal escort, so if you wish, you can bring Walter and Cassius as your escorts. Of course, Helen will cover the expenses for hiring both of them.

Cassius was surprised to hear about the daily wage that Max proposed.

He had dreamt of becoming a full-fledged knight all his life, but he felt like he might give up on his dream if he were paid that much in daily wages.

Walter has impressive abilities in taking care of things, but M’lady is no slouch either.

If the two of them lived together, they probably wouldn’t starve to death, right?

Edith answered without even knowing what Cassius was imagining.

Tell Helen that I will accept the offer.

Understood, M’lady.

And one more thing. Could you please inform the journalists about the arrangement and the security personnel we just agreed on? Send out official notices or something.

It was clear that if the word spread widely that there were no gaps in security, those who were preparing to attack during the movement would also be intimidated.

It will ease the worries of Benjamin and others who were concerned about her.

Max couldn’t understand her intentions, but he nodded, thinking it shouldn’t be a difficult request.


The rumor that Helen, the new Lord of Fortrion, had been summoned by the Emperor quickly spread to the surrounding territories.

I can’t believe His Majesty the Emperor cares about Fortrion’s affairs.”

We don’t know why he’s calling her, but it’s something that didn’t happen in the days of the previous Viscounts, so it’s kind of intriguing…

I heard that the Lord of the neighboring territory has never been able to set foot on the capital grounds, so we shouldn’t think too negatively about it since she received an invitation.

It would be nice if Lady Helen could seize a good opportunity in the capital during this visit.

As people wondered about the potential outcomes of Helen Fortrion’s visit to the capital, they also discussed the most puzzling aspect of the visit.

But I heard she’s taking the Fourth Lady with her, right? Is it because she was once pregnant with the heir?

So, did the Fourth Lady actually have a child or not?

Maybe she was pregnant and then had a miscarriage? I remember they had a party to celebrate her pregnancy a while ago.

Well, even if she was pregnant… we won’t know if it’s truly Fortrion blood until the child is born. Besides, for a young lady who has lost her husband, she is practically free and has nothing to worry about.

The fact that Edith had used the ellickberries and cedar tree branches to thwart Sophia’s pregnancy plot was not well-known among local residents.

Anyway, the residents were more pleased with Helen, who had been part of the Militia Force for a long time, than the reckless and mischievous offspring of the previous lord. So after the succession, hardly anyone showed any interest in Nicholas’ wives.

The conversation eventually shifted to Helen’s trip to the capital and how they hoped she would receive some rewards from the Emperor.

In the end, the only ones who were angry about the fact that Edith, the Fourth Lady of Fortrion, was going to the capital with the new Lord were Elizabeth and Aizen.

At this rate, we won’t be able to ambush them on the way now. All the irritation I’ve been harboring in this annoying territory was for nothing.

Elizabeth sighed and tossed the newspaper she had been reading onto the table.

Due to a lack of people, they were unable to attack the Militia building or their operations, despite discreetly targeting the members.

The newspaper detailed how many knights the new Lord of Fortrion was mobilizing to go to the capital.

Even before, when Walter had hired a substantial number of soldiers, I didn’t think there was any chance of a successful ambush.

Now that Walter was going to the capital with the new Lord who had received orders from the Emperor, there was no way there would be any gaps in security.

With the Emperor ordering the new lord of the territory to come to the capital, the entire empire would be paying attention to the procession. So attacking them would be too risky.

We have no choice but to go to the capital as well.

Elizabeth was a person with common sense, so she didn’t want to do something foolish like hitting a rock with an egg.

She thought it seemed wiser to return to the capital, gather support, and wait for the right moment rather than picking a fight with heavily armed opponents they couldn’t defeat.

However, Aizen was very displeased with her words.

It feels like a bit of a waste to just send them peacefully to the capital without attacking them.

What led Aizen to this relatively bold conclusion was the humiliation he experienced at the square during Helen’s speech.

On that day, he had intended to fatally wound Walter, who was serving as Helen’s guard, and then kidnap him.

However, Walter easily defeated Gerturk’s assassins who attacked him from all directions.

The moment Aizen came face to face with his piercing green eyes, he became breathless.

It was definitely magic. He must have learned how to use his natural magic from someone in the Militia.

The assassins were also highly trained, but none of them could withstand his magic-filled sword.

Even with his still unstable magical abilities, Walter displayed such a commanding presence. If he were to further refine his combat skills using magic upon reaching the capital…

We can’t afford to delay any longer.

Once magic was awakened, anyone could gradually get used to it even without formal training.

However, considering that Walter was likely undergoing rigorous training, capturing him alive or even killing him would become increasingly difficult with time.

Aizen, if you successfully complete this mission, I will ask my Noonim to grant you an appropriate title and a small fiefdom. Your comrades who have been subjected by the Duke of Lexion will also be pleased to see it.

Amid his impatience, Elizabeth’s persuasion didn’t resonate as strongly with Aizen as the promise Gilbert had made to him before they set out on this journey.


A few days later, the best carriage owned by Fortrion arrived in front of the Militia building.

After seeing that the line of carriages visible through the window was quite long, Edith finished writing her letter and got up from her seat.

I’m really going to the capital.

A strange mixture of excitement and fear of the unknown events that lay ahead filled her.

Send this to Isabelle.

Last night, she had asked a member of the Militia to send a letter to calm her mind.

Isabelle was one of the people who gave her the strength to endure in Fortrion.

Anyway, since Isabelle also had plans to go to the capital, there might be a chance to meet there. But she wanted to express her gratitude for the help she received before leaving the territory.

She put on her cloak and was about to go downstairs when Vivian suddenly came to persuade her.

M’lady, how about wearing this?

Vivian was holding a white fur coat that looked very expensive.

She was about to ask where she got it, but Vivian spoke as if it were self-evident.

Walter ordered this, and we received it today. It’s good to keep your body warm.

Vivian was one of the few people who knew about Edith’s pregnancy. She was someone Edith could trust.

After expressing her gratitude to Vivian, Edith put on the thick coat.

It was so warm and soft that it felt unfamiliar to Edith, who always had to wear several layers of thin coats because she didn’t have a proper winter coat. She felt like she would fall asleep just by wearing it.

Come to think of it, I felt this way when I was first held in Walter’s arms.

Edith instantly liked the sensation of this heavy, warm, and cozy coat.

By the time she was coming down the stairs, Walter was talking to Reinhardt, who had just been appointed as the overall head of security duties.

Haha, have both of you been promoted to knights?

Reinhardt looked at Walter and Cassius, who had come along as knights rather than a stableman and a gardener, according to the conditions Helen had presented to Edith.

Although they had good looks, they looked even more impressive with swords at their sides and the high-quality clothes that knights wore.

While Cassius was happily admiring his image as a knight reflected in the window, Walter turned to Reinhardt and asked.

Anyway, what happened to what I asked for?

Well, I did fulfill your request… but what on earth are you planning to do with that?

Reinhardt asked, glancing at the wagon.

Then Walter smiled meaningfully.

It’s some kind of trap.

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