The Lady and the Stableman

Not an Ordinary Lady

There was nothing special. Everyone knew that Sophia and Whitman had secretly indulged themselves with the money set aside for repairing the river embankment, and the prediction of heavy rain next year was widely known as well.” 

Of course, it was she who asked Benjamin to spread awareness that there was no budget to repair the river embankment and that if this continued, the damage during the summer monsoon season would be beyond imagination.

But Edith decided not to say that much.

Telling Helen Benjamin’s name directly felt like she was selling his name.

I still feel somewhat burdened by the way Helen looks at me.

It was because she didn’t want to attract any more attention than this.

If that’s the reason people are angry, there is also a solution: securing the budget to repair the embankment.

But it costs a lot of money.

Helen responded to her words.

Furthermore, the previous Viscounts spent several years planning the budget for repairs and maintenance of the river embankment.

Edith also nodded lightly, as if she knew that fact.

You’re right. Isabelle knew I was giving up the inheritance, so she will cover some of it with that money, but we still need a considerable amount. Just relying on donations won’t be enough.

But didn’t Isabelle mention that she would partially cover the embankment repair costs with her own inherited property and gather the rest through donations?

That’s not just donations, though. The merchants who contribute are essentially buying honor. It’s like making a wise investment at the same time.” 

Helen thought for a moment and then asked again.

So, it’s both a donation and an investment?” 

Yes, precisely. Perhaps Isabelle will even erect a small monument and engrave the names of those who helped raise funds for the embankment repair.” 

Helen nodded. 

The residents living downstream must be suffering due to the damaged embankment, so if the merchants come forward, they will surely appear as heroic saviors.

However, it didn’t seem likely that merchants would readily part with their gold coins just to have their names mentioned.

I think I understand now what it means to buy honor with money, but what does ‘investment’ mean?” 

I researched some information in the library, and there’s a piece of land in the name of Viscount Fortrion near the embankment. It’s quite substantial.” 

Edith was able to deduce the purpose of that land by examining the brief civil engineering plans in the book.

The land was originally purchased by Nicholas’ older brother to build a splendid manor with a view of the river.

However, heavy rain, which farmers still consider a nightmare, began falling just in time, and because the embankment was not maintained on time, there was a severe flood.

The plan to build a new vacation villa there was canceled due to damage that would not have occurred if the embankment had been well-maintained.

In fact, the land hadn’t suffered any flood damage, but Nicholas’ older brother seemed to be just as scared as his younger brother.

Anyway, having taken a keen interest in the land with its unusual story, Edith was able to make a favorable proposal to Isabelle.

What I said to Isabelle was nothing special. I simply presented one option to her, which is to inform the merchants in Fortrion about it.

An option?

Yes. If the merchants donated a large amount of money, they would be allowed to build a logistics warehouse on that land. If that’s the case, merchants will be scrambling to donate the money.

A logistics warehouse…

Helen had studied the territory ever since she found out that she had Fortrion blood running in her veins, so she was quite knowledgeable about the river embankment infrastructure.

If they can indeed build a logistics warehouse nearby, the merchants might be willing to contribute money upfront.

The quickest way to trade with other territories in Fortrion was by using water routes.

Of course, the downstream area where the river embankment in question was located had weak ground, so there was no infrastructure strong enough to support loading goods onto ships. However, just a little further downstream, there was a large port.

The capabilities of a merchant with a logistics warehouse not far from the port and those without would certainly differ.

Now I understand why Isabelle was so confident that she could cover it with donations.

In particular, she would have been able to determine in advance, through her father and his business acquaintances, how much they were willing to donate once she mentioned the condition of a logistics warehouse.

So Edith must have also talked to Isabelle, not Elizabeth.

Helen made a hand gesture as if counting money to Edith and said as if it were nothing.

You provided such valuable advice, and you didn’t even ask for money? Considering how wealthy Isabelle is.

It’s alright. Isabelle will handle the negotiations with you. I see it as a gift to a friend.

Helen looked at the woman in front of her while sipping her tea.

She had always found it interesting how Walter, who was rapidly advancing in magic, would get on his nerves whenever her name was mentioned.

Seeing her persuade Isabelle and subtly making her owe her a favor, it was clear that her ability to assess the situation and the other party was extraordinary.

Helen could understand why Walter was giving all his attention to Edith.

You are quite generous with your gifts.

Helen smiled meaningfully, thinking that she should maintain a friendship with Edith for as long as possible.


A few days later, news that brought happiness to everyone in Fortrion began to spread.

It seems there was a worthy heir who inherited the blood of Fortrion, right?

My friend’s acquaintance’s neighbor’s son is in the Militia Force, and they say she’s an excellent person.

It’s fortunate that she was able to have a peaceful discussion with Lady Isabelle about the embankment.

Helen Fortrion used all the territory information networks, including newspapers and newsletters, to make it known that she had a legitimate Fortrion lineage.

At the same time, she announced that within the next week, she would assume the role of the new Lord of Fortrion, taking full authority from Isabelle, who was now serving as Viscountess.

To give meaning to the fact that the people of the territory had corrected the wrongs committed by Nicholas Fortrion, she planned to hold the Investiture Ceremony in the main square of the territory.

After the Investiture Ceremony, it will be difficult for all of us to gather like this.

It was evening, and the members of the Militia Force gathered around a large table for dinner, discussing about the Investiture Ceremony.

Still, we’ll meet again at least once. After the ceremony, when things settle down a bit, we’ll need the approval of the higher-ups.

Yeah, territories like Fortrion will require approval from neighboring local aristocrats, but oh well.

After that, some of us might become Fortrion knights following Lady Helen, while others might join different knight orders…

Why talk about a good thing as if it’s so depressing? We should be happy to have a proper lord after such a long time.

Well, the fact that there’s no need for the Militia Force to gather means that the territory is peaceful. Let’s have a drink and cheer up, and make sure the Investiture Ceremony goes smoothly.” 

Edith was also eating while listening to the noisy laughter.

The biggest reason she couldn’t request a private meal for herself was that she didn’t want to.

But once she sat at the table, she was most pleased that she could see Walter’s face among the people.

Lately, she had hardly spoken to Walter.

Cassius said that Walter was busy dealing with the assassins brought by Elizabeth, but Edith felt like he was deliberately avoiding her.

If things continue like this, will there be a chance to talk about the child?

Edith took a few days to sort out her feelings about the pregnancy. After the shock had worn off, she didn’t feel a sense of rejection toward the result.

She didn’t celebrate by jumping around, but she also didn’t cry her heart out.

Edith decided to accept the facts as they were. 

Pregnancy. Walter’s child.

She hadn’t decided yet whether to raise the child or give it up.

For the time being, Edith thought she had to keep all these facts hidden. But right now, even though it’s just a tiny bean, she couldn’t help but feel that there’s something remarkable inside her that will become an impressive person in the future. It’s as if she’s doing something extraordinary.

Her stomach still didn’t feel great, but it was better than the day Walter came to pick her up at Fortrion Manor, so she could manage to eat some food.

Walter, where are you going after Helen takes over the title?

I think Reinhardt would be very pleased if you joined the knight order.

Pleased? I’m sure he will retire sooner and offer you the position of commander.

Listening to the conversation, it seemed that Walter’s plans after Helen’s takeover were not just Edith’s concern.

Edith, pretending to be swept up in people’s questions, sneakily glanced at him with curiosity.

Then Walter, who rarely answers trivial questions, blurted out.

I won’t join the knight order. I’m thinking of leaving Fortrion and heading to the capital.

Upon hearing that he was heading to the capital, the reactions among the people were mixed.

Half of them wanted him to remain in Fortrion territory, and half of them expected him to go to the capital and swim in bigger waters.

Merlin, who was eating quietly, hoped more desperately than anyone else that Walter would remain in the Militia Force.

Now that Commander Reinhardt is taking over as the head of the Fortrion knight order, there’s no one else besides Walter who can lead the Militia Force.

Merlin’s official position in the Militia Force was as a clerk. In reality, he was responsible for handling various tasks, but he was very satisfied with his role.

The perception that the Militia Force contributed to the safety and peace of Fortrion territory was strong, allowing them to receive favorable critiques. As a result, his family’s various businesses received significant support from the local population.

He had two bright plans in mind to secure his place in the now even more peaceful territory. Either the Militia Force would remain as powerful as before, or he would lure in a born talent like Walter as a business partner.

However, after listening to Walter’s answer, it seemed like he had decided to leave the territory and head to the capital.

Until recently, he always avoided answering questions about his future plans…

While Merlin pondered why Walter suddenly became resolute in his response, he noticed that Walter’s gaze was fixed on Edith.

Now that he thought about it, Walter’s mood seemed to have changed strangely since that woman started staying here.

That day, he also yielded the lead because of that woman.

As he thought about it, Merlin wondered if Walter’s decision to leave for the capital was indeed related to Edith.

Merlin wondered if he would at least have a chance to convince Walter if Edith left the Militia Force.

Merlin, lost in his dark thoughts, soon noticed something unusual.

Edith, who was oddly reluctant to drink alcohol, brought a piece of well-cooked meat to her mouth but frowned and put it back down.

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