The Lady and the Stableman

Did you think I wouldn't come looking for you?

Then she recalled the layout of the secret passage she had discovered in the album.

Given the size of the manor, she couldn’t remember all the details, but she was certain that there was a secret passage entrance in Sophia’s study.

If she could reach that place, she could hide for a while until they diverted their attention.

When I looked at the layout, Sophia’s room was originally intended for the highest-ranking lady of the house.

Edith headed to Sophia’s study.

It was adjacent to the bedroom and effectively served as an office.

As she rummaged through the old bookshelves, just like when she first found the entrance to the secret passage in the library, her fingertips caught on a certain part.


While keeping it pressed, she pushed the bookshelf sideways, and the heavy bookshelf slid aside, revealing the secret passage.

She frowned when she felt the damp, cold air, but now was not the time to dwell on such things.

Edith grabbed the lamp and a box of matches that adorned Sophia’s bookshelf and a thick cloak from Sophia’s closet. She then glanced at her jewelry box.

This is compensation for all the suffering I’ve endured.

She generously took the necklaces and earrings that had gone out of style and were stuck in the corner of her closet.

While Edith had refrained from taking anything from the inheritance because she didn’t want to appear greedy, the compensation seemed fair for all the damage she had endured from Sophia.

After obtaining more emergency funds to prepare for unexpected situations, she entered the secret passage.

Fortunately, the bookshelf could be opened and closed from the inside, and when the bookshelf returned to its original position, the entrance was completely hidden, as if it had never been there.

If I had known this would happen, I should have memorized the layout more carefully.

After looking at the manor’s secret passage layout several times, she placed it inside an old cloak along with Walter’s imprisonment and release spell scroll and sewed it shut.

Edith had taken this measure so that on the day she ran away at night, she could just put on that cloak and flee. She never thought Elizabeth would suddenly come looking for her.

I hope Vivian is okay. If they can’t find me in the garden, they’ll definitely be questioning her about my whereabouts…

Edith prayed that she could leave this place as soon as possible and considered her options.

If Elizabeth and her people don’t know about the imprisonment spell that Sophia cast on me, she may deploy her people outside the manor to find me.

So, if the assassins Elizabeth brought were to disperse, she could leave the secret passage and hide in a secluded part of the garden, or at least seek help from Isabelle.

Edith clasped her hands and prayed that luck would be on her side.


The next morning, Elizabeth had to listen to yet another meaningless report.

We searched the manor thoroughly, but Edith was nowhere to be found. It’s just like with Walter.

When Aizen reported, she couldn’t help but grip her throbbing forehead.

Aizen, isn’t it strange that everyone you’re looking for disappears like ghosts? Have you really searched thoroughly?

I’m at a loss as well. I at least heard from the maids about Edith’s whereabouts.

Which maids?

Their names were Anne, Marie, and Vivian, I believe. They said Edith wanted to take a break alone and went to see some flowers at the eastern end of the mansion, but she didn’t come back.

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, mulling over his words.

I guess she used flower viewing as an excuse to escape. She probably lied to mislead the maids and took her jewelry with her so she wouldn’t have to worry about making a living for the rest of her life.

But everything in the dressing room was left as it is. And the timing is too perfect, isn’t it?

You didn’t watch your mouth, did you?

Elizabeth ended up biting her fingernails, as it was her old habit.

Until she could clearly determine Edith’s relationship with Walter, that woman was undoubtedly a danger to the Imperial Consort Dowager.

Even if we kill or capture Walter, if Edith leaks word in the capital that the Imperial Consort Dowager’s faction killed Lexion’s heir, she will be in trouble.

All the Imperial Consort Dowager can show is the son she had with the previous Emperor.

And since her son was far behind the Duke of Lexion in both political foundation and political experience, it would be a significant blow if ethical issues were brought up.

Given the circumstances, it looks like she escaped, either because she sensed that we were targeting her or because she received contact from Walter. We need to deploy more people throughout the territory and request additional support from Gilbert as well.

Elizabeth sighed and finished the wine in her glass.

At that moment, someone politely knocked on the door.

Lady Elizabeth, I have brought the chief doctor.

Ah, the chief doctor…

Her head began to ache again at the thought of interrogating this man who seemed to know more but was so trembling that he couldn’t even open his mouth.

Elizabeth asked in a terrifying tone, glaring at Eugene.

Eugene, if you don’t know about Walter, at least tell me about Edith. Otherwise, I’ll reclaim your bail money, and you’ll end up back in prison.

A-about Lady Edith…

Anything. Something like what Sophia ordered Edith to do.

Eugene nervously glanced at the calendar and clock on the wall.

By now, Sophia and Whitman were probably taken to a remote convent amid insults and ridicule, so he had no reason to hesitate any longer to ensure his own survival.

Eugene hurriedly revealed the things he had been hiding, fearing he might be sent back to the cold prison.

S-Sophia, Lady Sophia, tried to impregnate Edith by assigning Hans to her.

I know, that’s why she messed things up and is being taken away right now.” 

And… out of fear that Edith might escape, she cast an imprisonment spell on her.


Elizabeth and Aizen, who were not particularly impressed, had a glimmer of interest in their eyes.

An imprisonment spell? What’s the range?

Just like Walter’s, we set it so that she cannot leave the manor. I don’t know where the imprisonment and release spell is because Lady Sophia was the one who hid it.

Edith is under an imprisonment spell.

The corners of Elizabeth’s mouth quirked up.

It was quite a surprise that Sophia, whom she had never liked, could be of help someday.

Did you hear? Instead of deploying people throughout the territory, search the entire manor. If that doesn’t work, we should at least set a fire and make her walk out on her own feet.

Aizen nodded in agreement and discreetly left.

Elizabeth continued to interrogate Eugene for several more hours, but no further useful information came out.

Nevertheless, you provided some useful information, so I won’t reclaim your bail money. Keep your mouth shut, understood?

Thank you, Lady Elizabeth.” 

For once, she showed some kindness before leisurely sipping her wine and waiting for Aizen’s report.

I never thought even Edith would be trapped like a rat in a poisoned cage.

Elizabeth imagined Aizen being unable to find Edith and getting so angry that he set the manor on fire.

Wasn’t it necessary to prepare Isabelle and the others so they wouldn’t get hurt anyway?

If the manor burned down, would all the tedious hours she spent monitoring Nicholas and the stableman also disappear?

Elizabeth never had any interest in the pitiful history or fate of Walter, so she even thought it would be nice if he vanished without a trace.

If we can’t find her, we’ll set the manor on fire and just pretend it was an accident.

While contemplating this and about to take a sip of wine, Elizabeth suddenly noticed a light shimmering in her wine glass. It was an unusual sight for the early evening, with the trees obstructing the moonlight.

She got up from her seat, looked out the window to see what was going on, and dropped the wine glass she was holding.


What are all those people doing?

Hundreds of angry local residents with torches and agricultural tools were gathering on the horizon.


What is this sound?

To avoid unnecessarily depleting her energy, Edith squatted on the floor and dozed off, but suddenly, she heard the murmurs of people coming from beyond the wall.

Since there were no windows or clocks in the secret passage, she couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but something significant had definitely happened in the meantime.

Could it be that Elizabeth has called for reinforcements?

According to Benjamin, Patricia was among her superiors.

Even if she received the protection of a noble family, it wouldn’t be impossible for mercenaries from the estate or the private soldiers of nearby nobles to support her.

Edith wished Elizabeth had deployed her people outside the manor.

She tried to pay full attention, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying.

However, judging from the noise, it seemed to be on an enormous scale.

If things continued like this, it was only a matter of time before the secret passage was discovered, and Elizabeth found her.

For now, I should go a bit deeper.

She was contemplating how she should move when something unexpected happened…


The sound of an entrance to the old and worn secret passage, not far away, opening could be heard.

Then, there were footsteps, drawing closer with each thud, causing her body to stiffen.

Someone had discovered the secret passage and was approaching in her direction.

She held her breath, ready to run, but instead, she accidentally kicked the lamp that had been placed on the floor, extinguishing the light.


When the metal part hit the bricks, creating a loud noise, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her.

Terrified, she froze stiff and couldn’t even scream. She thought she might die like this.


Until she heard the familiar voice.

… Walter?” 

Edith turned around to confirm the identity of the stranger and froze in place for a completely different reason than before.

Walter was standing in front of her, exuding a completely different appearance than when she had sent him out of the manor.

With a sword at his waist, Walter displayed a commanding presence that was more masculine and rugged than she remembered.

When Edith met his deep gaze, with a few layers of shadows beneath his straight eyebrows, her head and body reacted strangely, reminiscing about the night she had spent with him. It was as if she couldn’t erase the memory of him calling her name again and again.

Just looking at him made her heart race, and a tingling sensation rose in her chest.

She asked herself why she had sent him away with such feelings.

As she blinked back tears and gazed at him, Walter’s expression crumpled.

Edith, despite being in such an unfavorable situation that she had to hide in this cramped and dark place, responded as if meeting him again was the most unfortunate thing in the world.

Walter, there is someone who can help me more than you, so leave.

It seemed like she really meant it.

Walter had drawn his sword and unleashed his magic moments ago, thinking only of this moment. But then he thought about how absurd he must have seemed when he ran towards her like a lost puppy.

Looks like you’re not happy to see the bastard you abandoned come crawling around on his own, Edith.


Or perhaps you weren’t expecting me to come looking for you.” 

Walter had a twisted smile as he observed her, unable to utter a word.

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