The Lady and the Stableman

Nicholas Fortrion's Stud

So, it was about three years ago. 

Geoffrey was the youngest son of a mediocre merchant and was pushed aside by his older brothers, inheriting nothing.

But he knew how to use his quick hands and eyes, and the advantage of not getting drunk even after downing a whole bottle of liquor.

Gambling is my way.

He got people drunk, then pretended to be drunk and skillfully swept their money away.

After the Viscount stepped into the gambling world and kept losing, it was somewhat inevitable for the Viscount to approach someone skilled.

One day, he deliberately lost even in games where he could have won to please the Viscount.

Hey, Geoffrey… I’m running out of money.

The Viscount spoke in a quieter and more cautious voice.

The others who were playing cards with them had passed out on the floor due to alcohol, leaving only the Viscount and Geoffrey at the table.

Can I bet using a scrap of paper other than money?

Geoffrey was about to rip off the Viscount’s fingers for making a fool of him at the sacred gambling table, but he sensed that something was different in his expression.

It was as if the Viscount was waiting for a moment to be alone with him.

It seemed like he had other intentions, so Geoffrey decided to listen to him first.

If it’s a piece of paper that has value… well… Anything’s fine.

The Viscount seemed to like his merchant-like answer, and he burst into hearty laughter before instructing his servant to bring something.

Then he took a sip of alcohol and began a long story.

My great-grandfather enjoyed selling horses.


Yes. My great-grandfather, who enjoyed horse racing, bought his favorite racehorse when it retired. It was a male of good pedigree and had outstanding race records during its active days.

Geoffrey listened quietly as he noticed that Nicholas was speaking nobly about something.

At first, I wondered why my great-grandfather bought such an old horse that couldn’t even participate in horse racing. But he taught me how to make money with just that one horse when I was six years old.


Someone who, when losing at card games, bets paper instead of money, is talking about making money. Geoffrey wanted to laugh, but the Viscount was too serious, so he couldn’t.

Wow, I’m really curious. How did the previous Viscount make money?

He bought ten healthy and strong mares and then used the retired racehorse as a stud. That horse was full of vigor that impregnated ten mares in the blink of an eye.

Geoffrey was able to guess the Viscount’s next words.

Usually, well-bred racehorses, after retirement, become stud horses to widely spread their good bloodline. The better the stud horse’s performance, the more people would want to get a foal with its blood, so it was practically a lucrative business.

But using a racehorse as a stud horse to make money is a common thing.

Geoffrey was curious about why the Viscount brought up the stud topic.

That memory was shocking to me as a child. I learned that if you have a goose that can lay golden eggs, you keep it alive to make greater profits. And…

A wicked smile appeared on the Viscount’s lips.

You know, I found my stud not long ago.


Geoffrey had heard before that the Viscount took a boy who had collapsed on his estate to his manor.

That boy is his stud? Is he from a remarkable bloodline, perhaps?

Well, if that boy was insignificant, the Viscount wouldn’t have picked him up.

Moreover, thinking back, the Viscount had been drinking expensive alcohol for several days after bringing the boy into his manor. It was evidence that he was in a fairly good mood at the time.

While Geoffrey was making various guesses, the servant who had gone somewhere under the Viscount’s orders returned.

I brought you the note as you instructed, M’lord.

The Viscount took it with a sly grin.

The old, crumpled note was placed in a luxurious frame, giving it an unusual feel.

Geoffrey. How much did we talk about?

You mentioned that you had found your own stud.

Yes, my stud. But my stud seems to be a bit picky with females. It would have been better if he had been more active and enthusiastic when in heat.

I see.

He doesn’t seem to respond unless it’s a mare he’s marked, so I’m more than a little worried.


The Viscount put the frame down on the table and pushed it towards Geoffrey.

And this is the only information that will help me find the mare my stud has chosen.

Geoffrey read the note inside the frame.


     Name is Edith.

Wavy, rich golden hair; beautiful aqua-colored eyes with long eyelashes; a lively yet elegant voice; lips like ripe fruit; a blue necklace given by Mother.


The handwriting was terrible, perhaps because it was hastily scribbled without any place to support it.

It made him wonder what kind of situation it would take to leave a record like this.

The ink had not even dried properly, and it seemed to have been smudged quite a bit from being handled.

The Viscount tapped the edge of the frame with his hand and made eye contact with Geoffrey.

If you win this round, put this in your bank vault. Instead, I wish I could read it whenever I want.

Geoffrey instinctively knew.

Seeing how the Viscount was emphasizing the weight of this note and asking him to keep it in his vault, it was clear that this note would become highly valuable in the future.

There’s no doubt, M’lord. It would be greater if I could find your mare.

The Viscount burst out laughing at Geoffrey’s joke and took a big sip of his drink.

Then he mumbled under the influence of alcohol.

If I find the mare, I’ll have to confine her to my manor. Yeah, like a marriage.


And then I’ll tease my mare to my heart’s content. I won’t be able to touch her all the way to the end, as she’ll be reserved for the stud…

The Viscount continued to talk about explicit matters while playing cards.

The result was Geoffrey’s victory, and the next day he went to the bank with the still slightly hungover Viscount and stored the frame in the safe.

Geoffrey became convinced once again as the memory became clearer the more he thought about it.

The Viscount’s fourth wife, Edith, is not pregnant with the Viscount’s child, but the stableman’s child.

There’s a high chance that the Viscount won’t wake up.

But it just so happened that the woman was pregnant, so if he stole the woman away, he would be able to check whether the stud’s bloodline was really that exceptional.

Who knows, maybe the stud has a special magical power that only appears in the most prestigious families of the empire.

Well, if that’s the case, that’s a jackpot.

Then, he won’t envy his brothers for inheriting the family’s business.

Geoffrey decided to make Nicholas Fortrion’s stud business his own, which Nicholas had explained to him with great enthusiasm.


Ever since the Viscount’s attack, the manor has been like a funeral parlor, but thanks to M’lady, it’s become more lively again. 

Vivian was brushing Edith’s hair and shared her thoughts on the interior decorations Sophia had purchased.

Edith did not reveal details about the ellickberry and the pregnancy, fearing Vivian might get upset.

Vivian, too, had noticed that Edith wasn’t particularly thrilled about the pregnancy unless she was in front of Sophia. So, she only talked about the interior decorations.

Today, you should wear this white dress. I’ll add some pretty feather ornaments to your hair. It will suit you very well, M’lady. 

Edith wasn’t particularly interested in celebrating the pregnancy party, but she didn’t mind going along with it.

When would someone like her, who was no different from a commoner, ever have the chance to wear such an intricately bejeweled white dress or try on such high-end accessories?

『  Moreover, the more extravagant the party, the more backlash Sophia will face.

Edith decided to focus on the positive side.

After a while, Anne and Marie, who came in to help her put on the dress, let out a gasp with their mouths wide open.

It’s like a wedding dress, M’lady! You’ll definitely be the center of attention today.

It seems that even the baby knows that Mommy couldn’t hold the wedding due to the carriage’s accident.

Edith felt a little uncomfortable emphasizing the fact that she was pregnant, but she gifted them each a small jeweled button, as she had done before, in exchange for their gossip and information.

Anne and Marie were excited and eagerly shared stories that they thought might interest Edith.

There are quite a few ladies who appear to be from noble families, but they may not know much about etiquette since they’re all from nearby.

As long as M’lady doesn’t behave too rudely, you can enjoy the party comfortably. It’s better for the baby too.

Thank you. Vivian will take care of the rest, so you two can leave.

After sending the two away, Edith forced a smile as she looked at herself in the mirror, dressed up splendidly.

Thanks to Vivian’s efforts in makeup, everyone who saw her would probably think of her as a bride on her wedding day.

Despite her humble upbringing, she finds it terrifying to even imagine marrying Nicholas.

The party is in the garden. Since your shoes might be uncomfortable, I’ll take you on a shorter route.

Edith followed Vivian.

The manor was rather plain, with no events to be held, but the surroundings seemed lively, perhaps because Sophia had spent money with intention.

She walked slowly, running her fingers over the flowers decorating the venue.

I guess these flowers bloom in autumn. They’re beautiful.

When she smiled widely, there was a rustling sound of fallen leaves nearby.

Edith carefully turned her head to ensure that her excessively elaborate hair ornament didn’t fall off.

It wasn’t a quick move, but her lush hair cascaded down, partially exposing her shoulder as she turned.



For some reason, Walter was standing there, looking at her, frozen like a broken person.

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