The Lady and the Stableman

Is it thanks to M’lady this time too?

Wow, it’s a lot of pressure to take the Crown Prince on an outing.

Cassius, traveling in a shabby carriage, shrugged his shoulders.

Walter, sitting across from him and glancing out the window, chuckled at the increasingly friendly Cassius.

What does Your Highness, the Crown Prince, say?

Ah. I’ve never seen a paternity test crystal rod so clearly blue before.

Cassius vividly remembered the events of a few days ago.

On the day he had revealed his identity to the Emperor, Walter had stopped by the Imperial Library before returning to the Duchy.

The results of the paternity test, conducted in secret at his request, were undeniably clear. Walter’s father was Agnas XIV.

And now the Little Duke is undoubtedly my and Leah’s son.

Cassius knew in advance about the relationship between the two through Edith’s words, but he could not tell whether the Emperor’s tender smile at Walter was a dream or reality.

Since the rational and cold-hearted Emperor had offered to prepare the Crown Prince’s Palace for Walter, does Walter have anything to fear now?

I didn’t know he was such a high-ranking person when he was trapped in Fortrion.

Cassius expressed infinite gratitude to his past self who decided to teach Walter swordsmanship.

Today, Edith was scheduled to visit the Emperor with the doctors and Theos to obtain the necessary blood for research.

Soon, the variable of Walter’s magic outburst could soon be eliminated. And after solving that problem, they could begin to work on the lost memories.

I hope things go well.

Fortunately, progress was made in thwarting Patricia’s movements.

That woman, Rosaline, even though she could have bought herself some time by asking for a break, as soon as she regained a bit of energy, she asked for a higher-ranking person.

I guess she has something to confess since last time she barely muttered a plea for mercy before fainting.

Walter, with his chin resting on his hand, thought for a moment.

Soon, as the carriage came to a stop, he said casually, preparing to get off.

Cassius, if I enter the Imperial Palace, you’re coming in with me.


Others can’t handle my temperament.

Serving the Imperial Family is considered one of the highest honors a knight can enjoy.

Cassius stared blankly at Walter’s back, who did not even show the slightest hint of hesitation in throwing out such a suggestion.

A feeling, not sure whether to call it emotion or loyalty, welled up from deep within his heart.

Let’s go together, Little Duke!

With a more courteous attitude, he went ahead of Walter and opened the door for him.

It was an old house where Rosaline and her child were temporarily detained.


As the hinge made an eerie sound, a baby’s crying burst out.

Don’t cry, don’t. It’s okay. He’s not a scary person.

Rosaline tried to soothe her crying child. However, the more she tried, the louder the baby wailed.

Cassius, could you please take care of the baby for a moment?

Yes, Little Duke.

Rosaline looked at Cassius with mistrust, then in surprise. Thanks to the rigorous training to soothe Adrian, his posture for holding the child was nearly perfect.

I will keep the child safe in that corner while you both talk.

Cassius nodded to Walter and sat down in a chair in the corner of the room.

As Rosaline saw that her child was still within her sight and peacefully nestled, her guard relaxed a little.

Thank you for your time, Little Duke.

She bowed her head politely and noticed that she had gained some weight since their first meeting. Her demeanor also revealed that she was very familiar with etiquette.

I guess it wasn’t a lie that she had been by Patricia’s side all this time…

However, despite giving her some time, Rosaline still found it difficult to speak up.

It wasn’t that she had no intention of confessing; rather, it seemed she hesitated, possibly fearing what Patricia would do to her.

As time passed with no results from her, one of Walter’s subordinates, who had followed him, urged her to speak.

We know you’re one of Patricia’s people, and we’re willing to protect your child and you from harm if you provide us with important information you’re aware of.

Rosaline tightened the grip on her hands resting on her knees. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t hide that her hands and her whole body were shaking with fear.

Walter, who had been leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and waiting for her to open her mouth, pulled himself upright.

You said your name was Rosaline.

… Yes.

Rosaline responded, her voice cracking with fear. Even though she knew that House Lexion was not a noble family to be trifled with, she quickly regretted wasting time by being stubborn.

However, Walter did not raise his voice or use force.

What is the child’s name?

Yes? Ah… Sylvia.

That’s a nice name. Did the child’s father come up with it?

The child’s father. At those words, Rosaline’s eyes turned slightly red.

Yes. That’s the name he gave to our baby before he lost his life in a mission he had in the Humphrey Territory. He planned to complete the mission, return safely, announce our relationship to everyone, and hold a wedding…

Since it wasn’t a hard question, the answer came easily. As if she had been waiting for someone to ask about her story.

Walter glanced at the baby Cassius was holding for a moment and continued speaking.

My son was born not long ago. Just with his birth, the world seemed different.

It also made me afraid. I’m afraid that my son, who’s still powerless and fragile, might suffer because of my actions.

The moment Rosaline heard him speak as if it was a natural reaction, the fear she had been trying to suppress suddenly revealed itself.

When she got pregnant, she just dreamt of a happy future as Imperial Consort Patricia’s closest aide.

She only took a short leave of absence because her lover, who had left with Gilbert, returned as a cold corpse, making her feel as if cold water had been poured over her head.

But when she went back to her hometown, gave birth, and held her child in her arms, a sudden fear came over her.

I know that Lady Patricia used another man to conceive Claude.

Will my sins truly disappear? What if my child gets punished for my sins?

For the crime of tampering with the Imperial Family’s genealogy… Is it possible to be forgiven?

Her heart clenched as she thought that something she had turned a blind eye to in the past could end her little child’s life.

However, the Little Duke’s attitude was calm, as if he knew that she had betrayed Patricia and tried to approach Lexion for that reason.

If you decided to divulge information to Lexion because you were afraid that your child would pay for your sins, then I would like to tell you not to worry. As long as you tell me everything you know, I will not kill the child under any circumstances.

If the information you provide is useful, I will also create a fake identity for you so you can start a new life abroad with your child.

Cassius got anxious as he made eye contact and looked at him, making a thoughtful proposal.

Until not long ago, he was only capable of subduing others with intimidation and strength. When did he become skilled at persuasion too…?

Cassius easily recalled when Walter’s gaze had softened.

It was when Lady Edith placed Adrian in his arms. Walter must have learned both the happiness that the child gave him and, at the same time, the fear of something going wrong with his child.

People combine those two feelings and call it love.

Is it thanks to M’lady this time too?

Cassius also couldn’t help but smile softly.

Walter’s persuasion not only reassured Cassius’s heart but also put Rosaline’s heart at ease. After she managed to steady her shaky breathing, she revealed a secret she had kept deep in her memory.

Ahh… Claude is not the previous Emperor’s child. I was present when Lady Patricia tried to have another man’s child.


Not only Walter but everyone present could not believe their ears at the unexpected revelation.


Meanwhile, the Emperor’s secretary entered the office with a happy expression.

Your Majesty, Lady Edith Lexion has arrived with the doctor and the mages.

The Emperor, whom he had served so far, never called anyone for personal matters. This was because he was reluctant to let it be known that his condition was serious.

However, after learning that Walter was his son, the Emperor’s complexion improved, and he even invited Walter’s wife under the pretext of recommending herbal medicine today.

Nothing gives people strength like joyous occasions. If his condition continues to improve, I have nothing more to wish for.

The secretary, who was the only one among the palace servants to know the identity of the Little Duke of Lexion, guided Edith with a happy heart.

This way, M’lady.

Thank you. Greetings to the Sun of the Empire. I hope Your Majesty has been well.

The Emperor looked at Edith and her companions. He was reluctant to go to his doctor due to his long illness, but today he felt something different.

Lexion is also very cruel. You came here to draw blood from me and yet you wished well for my well-being.

It seemed like his physical condition had improved since he realized his son’s existence, as he even made unexpected jokes.

Moreover, when he thought that his blood was the key to preventing the Little Duke’s magic from exploding, the Emperor rolled up his sleeves without hesitation.

There’s no need to delay, so come here. We’ll have tea later.


Theos was supposed to be in charge of collecting the Emperor’s blood. This was because he could use magic to obtain blood without causing significant wounds.

I’m drawing blood from His Majesty… What?!

Theos’ hands trembled as he began to invoke magic, but he tilted his head as soon as he noticed something.

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