The Lady and the Stableman

If you’re already reacting like this, I wonder what you'll do later tonight.

We have to enter soon, so let’s get ready.

Edith was afraid that someone might see the blatant look in his eyes, so she spoke.

Walter obediently straightened Edith’s veil and looked straight ahead. It was hard to resist the urge if he didn’t look away.

In fact, he was tempted to throw Edith’s veil on the floor and hold her reddened cheeks with his own hands.

He wanted to taste and torment those lips that hid so much desire, to tease her, to hear every word of what she wanted and how long she’d been wanting it.

This morning, he noticed her peeking at his exposed upper body with a different gaze than usual.

He thought he was doing a good job of controlling his hunger, but when he looked into those lustful, intrigued blue eyes, his patience melted away like a levee breaking.

Partly because he’d read the recommended rest periods in <Reproduction and Childbirth> while preparing for the wedding, and partly because he knew it was time to give in to his wife’s desires. In fact, Edith provided the cause.

By the way, if we have the ceremony now, does that make tonight our first night?


That’s what tradition is all about. If our first night isn’t held, our marriage can be annulled.

They already had a cute son together, so he spoke about the first night as if it were something new. Edith was surprised by his slyness.

Perhaps it was because of his beautiful face or his unique shamelessness that made him cute, but he didn’t feel embarrassed showing his desires.

But before she could say anything more, Walter added with a gentlemanly attitude.

I don’t want to rush you, Edith. I won’t force you, so tell me when you’re ready.

He smiled as he turned towards the open door, which creaked in time.

In the meantime, I’ll take my time getting M’lady’s body ready.

Walter, what does that mean―.”

You may enter now, both of you.

Walter held Edith’s hand and walked with a refreshing expression on his face as if he had never made a dirty joke.

It was fun but also painful to see Edith lusting after him while wearing a wedding dress that symbolized purity.

Struggling to contain the surging heat, he put on a smile that he only wore when dealing with other people.

The two were so beautiful that even the children scattering flowers from the basket looked at them in fascination for a moment.

Especially Edith, with her hair braided to one side and wearing a white veil, made everything Lexion did to win her over seem reasonable.

It seems like the Little Duke has fallen in love very hard. Considering that he even went to the trouble of using a lawyer to annul her marriage to the old Viscount Fortrion.

I heard rumors that Lexion sent a protest letter to journalists who still address Edith as Lady Fortrion. It might be true.

Well, considering she was the one who freed the Little Duke from a life as a stableman in the distant Fortrion Territory, it wasn’t unreasonable.

And reporting about the noble family named ‘Lowell,’ whose name has disappeared over several generations, is also a way of repaying the deserved respect.

Moreover, there was one more surprise at this wedding.


Yes, yes. Everyone seems to like you, huh?

Melissa had Adrian all to herself throughout the wedding, by pointing out that she was the eldest daughter and had done a great job raising her children.

Thanks to that, she could grasp how people viewed the child and what thoughts they had.

Everyone present knew that the child would be recognized as a member of the Lexion once the marriage vow was pronounced, and what that surname meant.

Already dozens of couples with sparkling eyes are considering this baby, not even two months old, as a future son-in-law.

Seeing that this baby already has distinct facial features, I’m sure he’ll be involved in quite a few scandals later on.

If this is the case, Adrian Lexion’s social debut could be considered successful.

Melissa prayed that Leah’s two loved ones would live happily ever after and that she would be able to watch the child grow up to the end.

Before long, amid the cheers of the people, Walter and Edith stood in front of the priest, holding hands.

The priest blessed them and spoke in a solemn voice.

Ladies and gentlemen, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce, Walter Isaac Lexion and Edith Lowell, husband and wife. You may seal your…

Before he could give permission, Walter removed the veil Edith was wearing and held her cheek in his hands.

Edith closed her eyes as he leaned down and gently touched his lips against hers without any hesitation. Her heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to stop.

The cheers of the crowd, the falling petals, and his passionate kiss—all of it.

Her wedding to Isaac, which she had imagined every day until she realized the cruelty of the world after her mother’s death, became a reality.

If you’re already reacting like this, I wonder what you’ll do later tonight, Edith.

Edith never thought that the innocent Isaac would grow up to be such a sly and sensual man.


The reception continued for a long time. The Duke of Lexion and his three daughters attempted to entertain several middle-aged men under the pretense of engaging in social conversation, but all was in vain.

Leah Unnie, really! You’re leaving behind a problem that’s difficult to solve.

Everyone on the list that Lilliette made just had a crush on Leah, but that was it.

This is a secret from my wife, but if Princess Leah had looked at me for more than three seconds, I would have kneeled down and confessed my love right away.

Now that you mention it, seeing the grown Little Duke reminds me of Princess Leah. She was so dashing… My brother and I dreamt of dancing with her at least once.

No matter who asked at the wedding, they got a similar answer. The only one who gave a useful answer was the drunken Count Hartzel.

Princess Leah… hic! She always rejected my date request, and only went to observe the imperial training hall.

Count Hartzel. It seems you were quite interested in my daughter.

Lord Franz, I’m sorry…

Tsk, go home.

Franz had Vane force Count Hartzel to leave and then sighed.

There weren’t one or two men who used the imperial training hall. With more than seven princes alone, not to mention the knights, we wouldn’t be able to identify those who came in and out of the training hall.

At this rate, it seemed impossible to ever find out who Walter’s father was. However, Franz decided to pass on what he had heard to Walter and Edith.

As the sun set and people began to leave the reception hall, Edith called for Vivian.

Vivian, how is Adrian?

He must be tired from greeting so many people today. The nanny said he was sleeping more deeply than usual.

Edith smiled as she remembered Adrian, who had been so calm while being held in Walter’s arms.

Adrian, resembling his father, didn’t startle or cry even when a stranger leaned in close.

I’ve never seen a baby so unafraid of strangers. It’s fascinating that I gave birth to such a child.

It seemed like the ladies were fond of him, right? Our young master received plenty of gifts. Oh, the gifts for M’lady and the Little Duke are placed separately in the bedroom.

Edith also knew that writing thank-you letters for the gifts she received and expressing gratitude for attending the wedding was also a part of the wedding.

She and Walter quickly walked towards the couple’s bedroom to check on the gifts. Then a thought flashed through her mind.

I wonder if the person who sent Walter the sword during the swordsmanship tournament sent him a gift this time as well.

After hearing the news of Walter participating in the tournament and anonymously sending a sword, it was exactly the kind of thing a father would do.

If his father wanted to let Walter know of his existence, he would have sent a gift to the wedding as well.

Upon entering the marital bedroom, a robust, masculine figure caught her eye. It was Walter, who had arrived a little before her and was inspecting the gifts.

As he held a card in his hand and examined it carefully, Walter’s expression seemed unusual. Edith asked him.

Is there a gift that stands out, Walter?

The enclosed card only had a short, formal message congratulating the wedding, but thanks to the imperial emblem in gold ink on the background, it made it clear who the gift was from.

Is this a gift from His Majesty?

What was in the box was a pair of marble sculptures of lovebirds that looked like a perfect gift from an emperor to give to his loyal subjects. They were bejeweled and ornate, but nothing particularly noteworthy. Except that they were beautiful.

While Edith admiringly gazed at the marble lovebirds, Walter retrieved a small card from the drawer and extended it to her.

Edith. This is a card sent by His Majesty to congratulate the wedding, and this is the card that was attached to the sword delivered during the tournament. Is it just me, or does the handwriting on the two cards look similar?


Edith opened her eyes out of surprise and alternately looked at the two cards.

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