The Lady and the Stableman

Crumbling magic, collapsing memories.

Just moments before Edith reached Walter’s office, Theos, having meticulously organized the information he had gathered through his research supported by Lexion, was on his way to Walter’s office.

I hope the Little Duke praises me.

At first, Theos hadn’t been able to look past the murderous green eyes beneath his dark brows, but now he knew he was more than a rogue on the outside.

Before Walter headed into the territory, he asked the kitchen to make sure to “keep the mage and his younger sibling well fed,” since they were woefully small, so Theos made up his mind.

He decided to use his talents for the kind Lady who had taught him that not all nobles were heartless and for the sake of the man who was kind at heart.

I will provide you with everything you need, so work with the other mages of Lexion to find a way to stop my magic outburst. It would be even better if you helped me find my lost memories.

There was weight in Walter’s voice as he commanded. Theos knew for whom he was serious when it came to his memories.

If the Little Duke’s magic runs out of control again, the Lady will be the most saddened.

However, as he was about to leave the Lexion Territory, Theos’ heart was weighed down by the news about Walter’s health condition which he had heard from the doctors.

At the time, the doctors were very busy with Edith’s childbirth, so there was no time to ask for more details. But now, with the young master born safely, it seemed like an appropriate time to ask about the Little Duke’s health.


Little Duke. As you instructed, I’ve brought the summarized research results.

Theos squinted slightly. He could sense magic within the office, yet there was no response.

Am I interrupting his good time with M’lady?

But just as he was wondering whether he should turn around, a magical energy swirled dangerously beyond the door.

His instincts as a mage told him something unusual was undoubtedly happening within the office.

Little Duke!

Theos froze for a moment as he summoned what little magic he could muster to break the lock and enter his office.

Walter, who had never batted an eye at most things, was having such a strong headache that he was gritting his teeth, clutching his forehead with his large hands.

… You’re so noisy. For someone so young, you have a loud voice.

A-Are you okay?

Go and quietly call the doctor.

Theos had no time to calm his startled heart and immediately moved his feet.

After confirming that he had left, Walter straightened up the spilled ink bottle. His appearance, reflected in the spilled black ink, was beyond words.

The headaches that came every evening became increasingly unbearable. Today, the pain was excruciating, as if his skull were splitting open, and his soul was being sucked out through the gap.

Therefore, he couldn’t bring himself to inform about the current situation to Edith, who was smiling like the happiest person in the world, having just given birth to an adorable baby who looked like a perfect mix of both parents.

He already had a past that had dragged her once happy life into the abyss.

Because of the damned note he wrote right before he lost his memory, Viscount Fortrion searched for a blonde-haired woman named Edith and dragged her there.

But this time, he couldn’t bring down Edith, who had just become happy.

He thought there must be a way, some method.

There had to be a way to make this work without her finding out.

He endured an excruciating headache and repeated it to himself as if he were brainwashing himself, but eventually, he got up, feeling as if something inside his head snapped.

There was no way he was going to let Edith see him like this.

Little Duke?

When Theos returned, Walter had already left the office. There were traces of something being swept in all directions, as if Lexion’s magic power had been released and scratched the surrounding area.

Lexion’s doctors, Thelma and George, who had rushed to the office after hearing Theos’ words, were astonished when they saw the traces.

Would the outcome have been different if they had insisted that the Little Duke should have rested as if lying dead in bed?

Who would have thought that the Little Duke’s condition would deteriorate so much all at once… What should we do about this matter?

It’s impossible to hide it anymore. With his memories about to collapse, perhaps it’s time to tell the Lady as well.

After all, Walter didn’t do anything wrong. After awakening and sharing it with the baby, he refrained from using unnecessary magic afterward.

According to the calculations of the doctors and the mages, he should be able to live without headaches for the next few years.

But unfortunately, theory didn’t always align with reality. Even though there were several years left until the outburst, the Little Duke’s magic began to slowly eat away the owner’s memories.

The headaches are probably no longer at a level a human can endure…

But there is nothing we can do for the Little Duke. It’s not a physical problem, and he won’t take painkillers or anything.

The two doctors knew that they had no choice but to wait for Walter’s headache to subside.

Fortunately, they knew where Walter was going when the pain started to set in and were about to head there.

You two, what are you talking about?

Edith, who had unintentionally overheard the conversation, asked, looking pale.


Walter. How could you do this to me…

Edith wiped away the welling tears with the back of her hand and walked diligently to the place the doctors had told her to.

After giving birth, she received Lexion’s care for a few weeks and was at peace both physically and mentally, but when she heard the shocking truth, her whole body trembled.

Thelma, George. What are you talking about? Theos, if you know something, tell me everything.

Oh, M’lady. That’s—.”

… Right now, the Little Duke’s magic is extremely unstable. If it continues like this, there’s a possibility of another memory loss due to a magical outburst.

Immediately after giving birth, Edith saw the doctors several times a day. Considering they hadn’t said anything to her so far, it was obvious that Walter had given them explicit instructions to keep quiet.

But if they’re telling me the truth now, it means that Walter’s condition is that bad.

At that moment, something written on Walter’s desk caught her eye.


     Edith Lexion.

          Long blonde hair and blue eyes.

     Adrian Lexion.

          Golden eyes, a face that looks half and half like Edith and me… 


Walter was afraid of forgetting her and Adrian’s existence, so he attempted to leave something in writing but was interrupted by a sudden headache, leading to an accidental spill of ink.

When she considered the emotions he must have experienced as he moved the pen, she felt her heart breaking. Edith clenched her fist and pressed it hard against her chest.

A million thoughts raced through her mind, and she resented Walter for not confiding in her sooner, but for now, she just wanted to be there for him.

The dark clouds that had spread across the sky since the afternoon were scattering raindrops in the vast garden of Lexion. The summer trees and grass exuded their natural scent against the darkening sky.

Edith waded through the damp, thick scent of the forest until she caught sight of Walter’s back.

However, she froze and couldn’t utter a word.

Walter was sitting with his back against a large pine tree, his eyes tightly closed.

Every time he took a deep breath, his body, clad only in a wet shirt, shook precariously, like an animal hit by an arrow.

Her fear intensified even more as she couldn’t tell whether it was the raindrops that wet and matted his black hair or his own cold sweat.

In his normal state, he would have sensed her presence with sharp senses, but now, with his eyes shut and a partially muffled voice, he simply uttered her name.

… Edith.

He said her name as if to say that the five letters of that name were worth any pain.


Edith spoke in a calm voice, reminiscent of the time when he had rushed to find her when she was lost in the woods.

Then his tightly closed eyelids opened, revealing his beautiful green eyes.

Soon, a look of despair appeared on his face, as if he realized that something that shouldn’t have been discovered was discovered.

… Edith?

Edith carefully approached him and sat down next to him.

When Edith first set foot in search of him, she thought to ask as soon as they were face to face.

What on earth were you thinking, keeping your condition a secret from me?

If he tried to slyly avoid answering again, she was determined to force an answer even if it meant hitting his sturdy forearm a few times.

But when she saw him crying out her name like a spell while holding his breath and holding back pain, the first thing she wanted to do was make sure he was alive.

She gently wrapped her hand around his cheek, wet with cold sweat and rain, and pulled him closer. Without any hesitation, he obediently tilted his head first.


His lips were still warm as they meshed so perfectly that her entire body tingled.

Edith continued to respond to the kisses while holding his shoulders. The tears she shed ran down his cheeks as well.

His hand, calloused from holding a sword, cupped her cheek. At that moment, her fear, which had been washing over her like a wave and consuming her, subsided little by little.

She couldn’t let go of Isaac, who stole her heart without even knowing it was her first love, or Walter, whom she had fallen in love with without knowing it.

It may be very difficult, but it seems like there might be a way, M’lady.

Edith recalled what Theos had said to her as she felt herself breaking down.

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