The Lady and the Stableman

It’s true that I’m frustrated and starved for a long time, but...

The news that a mysterious landslide occurred near a mine in Baron Humphrey’s territory started as the headline of that day and was featured in newspapers for the following days.

The interest was not so much in the landslide itself but rather because the Little Duke of Lexion suffered severe injuries due to the landslide.

It was reported that the Little Duke of Lexion, who had come to help hunt the rampaging winter beasts, had his arms and legs broken to the point where he couldn’t even walk.

Due to losing a lot of blood, for the time being, he must take absolute rest.

Baron Humphrey snorted whenever he saw newspapers gushing about how injured the Little Duke was.

It sounds as if he’s seriously injured. The Little Duke doesn’t even have a scratch on him.

Baron Humphrey is still terrified when he thinks of the moment when rocks were rolling down in a cloud of dust.

The Little Duke of Lexion had smiled casually, as if he knew everything, and lightly avoided the trap Gilbert had laid for him, and then manipulated public opinion by pretending that the rocks had caused him grave injury.

If he had deceived people because he needed some quiet time to rest, he would not have been so perplexed.

However, he used the landslide to deceive everyone into thinking that he had no choice but to stay in the manor, and then began to secretly approach Baron Humphrey’s mining area.

He pretended to be too injured to take any action, all the while making moves from behind the scenes.

On the outside, it would look like he sent his subordinates to investigate why the landslide that injured him occurred.

It was clear that his quick thinking was not normal, as he was not only avoiding the trap that Gilbert had set to take his life but was instead exploiting the situation.

As a result, on the very few occasions when Walter made his presence known, Baron Humphrey could only lower his gaze to the floor in submission.

Baron. It never occurred to you to find out what the mages from the capital are doing in the magicite mine at all?

Please believe me, Little Duke.

I guess the Baron must have trusted Gerturk a lot?

It’s not that… We don’t have any mages on our side, so even if we try to figure out their actions, we’ll surely get caught and there’s no doubt that trouble will follow.

Baron Humphrey lowered his gaze once again, speaking from the heart. It was so convenient for him to quickly let go of his meager pride and act subservient.

When faced with Gilbert or Count Gerturk and the Countess, he felt that he, too, was a nobleman and should have at least some semblance of dignity.

But the man in front of him had a different aura from them, and he wondered how a man like him could have spent so many years as a stableman in a manor.

The Little Duke crossed his long legs, leaning back on the sofa as if to display the overwhelming difference in power. The Baron bowed his head slightly as if asking the Little Duke to trust him.

How can this bastard be this stupid when he’s a lord?

As he watched Baron Humphrey prostrate himself, Walter felt a surge of pure curiosity.

Even Viscount Nicholas Fortrion, the second son, the most unhelpful man to the territory, had his head spinning when he tried to make a profit by kidnapping a child of a Ducal House.

Baron Humphrey, having suddenly inherited the title upon the death of the previous baron, was blind to the fact that Gerturk was laying hands on his things.

Of course. That’s what pathetic little bastards who are after young girls would do.

Walter clicked his tongue and rose from his seat. Now that he had the Baron’s weakness, he would have to find out for himself what the Imperial Consort had planned to do with the magicites.


The task of uncovering Gerturk and the Imperial Consort’s plan was carried out secretly while the snow melted away in the spring sun.

It feels like I’ve only been working, and the season has changed already.

Cassius suddenly felt that the weather was not chilly even in his thin spring clothes, and he continued his steps diligently.

When he entered the office attached to Lexion Manor, he saw Walter sitting in a more formal posture than usual.

It was quite an interesting sight to see him, who had always been laid-back since becoming an adult, maintain an upright posture while being nervous.

I’m guessing you’re nervous as the Lady’s due date approaches.

Hearing his laughter-mingled words, Walter tried to pretend he was okay, but it was impossible to hide his nervousness even from Cassius, who had been with him for so long.

Damn it, how come the doctors who supposedly set out from Lexion are nowhere to be seen?

I believe you received a letter saying they were delayed due to ongoing construction in the neighboring territory.

It’s not like there’s only one road.

Walter made a grumpy voice and pressed his forehead. It seemed like he needed to finish work quickly and spend time with Edith before his thoughts took over.

Cassius realized what he was thinking when his expression softened slightly, and he spoke up.

Our mages have finally cracked the magical cipher that was placed on the mine.

I suppose you also figured out what the Imperial Consort’s mages were using the cipher to hide.

Cassius handed a report to Walter as he spoke.

It appears that they’re researching how to efficiently implement a spell that momentarily amplifies magic using the magicite.

Did they hire mages with money, or did they intend to resort to forceful actions?

Even with just the mages they’ve hired now, we’d be able to suppress a few of them. For now, we’ll investigate more of the mine where the mages have been active. And…

Cassius spoke after confirming once again that there were no signs of eavesdropping around.

When the doctors from Lexion arrive, I would like them to check the state of your magical powers.

Cassius’s eyes showed concern as he spoke.

Before setting off for the territory, Walter asked the Duke to cast a magic spell to prevent Edith from becoming anxious.

He had asked the Duke to cast a spell on him to anesthetize him so that each time he used magic would not be painful.

Because of that magic spell, Cassius couldn’t determine the extent of Walter’s condition.

If he doesn’t show any signs of pain, I won’t be able to tell how much his magic power has deteriorated.

Although Walter hadn’t been using his magic recklessly, Cassius felt the need to check his condition to be relieved.

Well, if you insist that much…

Walter casually replied, pretending to be unconcerned, and got up from his seat.


M’lady, the Little Duke is on his way here. I will prepare some refreshments.

Vivian spoke in an excited tone and quickly disappeared. Perhaps it was the spring, but lately, whenever she saw the master and mistress so close to each other, her heart tingled.

Is Vivian in a relationship?

Edith chuckled softly, not realizing that Vivian’s blushing had something to do with Walter and herself.

Sure, thanks. I’ll wait here.

Now that she was close to giving birth, Edith spent long hours in the annex infused with Lexion’s magical power.

With childbirth imminent, Edith was spending a long time in the annex imbued with Duke Rexion’s magic.

Being in this place filled with Lexion’s magical energy made both the baby in her womb and herself feel relaxed.

I think I can live in a place like this for several years.

Edith was very satisfied with her half-day confinement. The indoor garden was so beautiful, and just watching it change with the seasons made time pass quickly.

As she turned her smiling eyes back to the book she had been reading, a low voice reached her ears.

Same book today?

Oh, you’re here, Walter.

Edith showed him a glimpse of the cover of the book she was reading, <Reproduction and Childbirth>.

Since the baby will be born soon, I thought it would be good to review what I already know.

Walter was at a loss for words as he watched Edith speak so calmly.

Having experienced all kinds of hardships before childbirth, she sometimes appeared to have stronger mental strength than most priests, and this was one of those times.

Walter found Edith admirable for reading the ‘childbirth’ section, which was not only realistic but also delved into grim emergency situations and worst-case scenarios.

Shall we study another part together?

He spoke slyly and flipped through the pages. He did this so that he wouldn’t have to read about how dangerous it was to have a child.

However, when Edith looked at the part he had opened, her eyes slightly twitched.

[The appropriate time for the first sexual intercourse after giving birth…]

Sensing that there was something strange about her gaze as she read the book, Walter checked the contents and hastily added an explanation.

I flipped the pages without thinking, and this content showed up. It’s true that I’m frustrated and starved for a long time, but the baby will be born in a few days, so I’m not trashy enough to pretend it’s a coincidence and show you this.

For some reason, the more he spoke, the more it felt like an excuse, so Walter simply closed the book.

Of all things, that part had to come up. Quite amusing, isn’t it?

Edith just laughed it off and didn’t ask any more questions.

It was only natural.

When Walter casually flipped through the pages, the part about conjugal relations came up. That’s because Edith had read through that section thoroughly before Vivian arrived.

Alright. It’s all good.

If she had been caught, Walter would have likely teased her about it for half a day, but she seemed to have gotten away with it.

Edith lightly tapped the seat next to her as if she didn’t know, because she had something important to finish with him.

❀.°• ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ •°.❀

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