The Lady and the Stableman

Baron Humphrey's deceit

Are you alright? I’ll bring something to clean it up right away.

To avoid giving the impression of mistreating guests from Lexion, Betty, the head maid, personally rushed over to Edith.

Edith accepted the warm towel she offered and quickly looked around.

I need to find an opportunity to have a private conversation with her.

In a place with many watchful eyes, Betty might feel uncomfortable disclosing what she knew.

So Edith had asked Cassius in advance to escort her within a certain distance no matter where she went.

Maybe because it’s winter clothing, it gets wet quickly. If it’s okay, can I dry my clothes by the fire for a while?

Betty looked at Edith’s swollen belly. Although she couldn’t tell who Edith was or what kind of influence she held, one thing was certain.

If we don’t properly attend to the guest brought by the Little Duke of Lexion, the Baron will lose his temper.

There were no adult women in the Humphreys family, so there were no clothes prepared for the lady to change into.

In such a situation, both Edith and Betty knew that quickly drying the clothes to maintain body temperature would be an appropriate response.

There’s a room inside. I’ve already lit the fireplace, so please come in and rest for a while.

Thank you. If you don’t mind, could you guide me?

Betty bowed her head briefly in affirmation and then led the way.

The lounge provided for the guests was surprisingly cozy. As soon as the warm air enveloped her, it seemed like all the tension would melt away, but Edith firmly held onto her composure.

Thank you for guiding me. What’s your name?

I’m Betty. If you sit in this comfortable chair here, it should be fine. I apologize for not having prepared a change of clothes in advance.

No, it’s not your fault. It’s my mistake for not being more careful.

Betty thought to herself as she lowered her head toward Edith.

I wish I could serve such a gentle lady like her, rather than the pedo Baron Humphrey.

But her life was already intertwined with the manor like vines, bound to the Baron’s residence.

Worst of all, if she went looking for another job, it was clear that the Baron, who would be in the troublesome situation of having to hire a new person, would not give her a letter of recommendation and would spread curses about her.

Since I was promised something, I guess I have no choice but to endure under the Baron’s authority for the rest of my life.

While Betty inwardly chewed out the seemingly inhuman Baron Humphrey, intending to leave the room, Edith spoke up.

Would it be alright if I move a bit closer to the fireplace? It might help the clothes dry faster.

As soon as the chair made a dragging sound, Betty reflexively grabbed the chair where Edith had been sitting.

What if you burn yourself…!

Contrary to the calm voice she had maintained until now, her voice became harsh and urgent. Edith already knew why she was reacting so strongly.

It is said that her older sister suffered severe burns all over her body.

Seeing Betty’s slightly pale face, it seemed that the story Edith had learned by frequenting the rob-berry’s shipping area was indeed true.

That maid’s family owned a very large farm, and when they tried to burn some weeds and branches, the fire spread to…

Everyone else in the family died, and only her older sister survived, right?

Yes, she’s alive, but I guess she is living a life worse than death. I heard that she has burns all over her body and can’t even get out of the house, and her younger sibling is supporting her.

Thanks to suggesting a way to sell slightly flawed crops throughout the capital and the rest of the empire, the women in the shipping area let their guard down.

As Betty’s family was also farming at the time, Edith was able to hear a fairly detailed family history from the women.

If it’s true, she’s really remarkable. Taking responsibility for her sister must not be easy.

Witnessing the challenging task of taking care of someone who is sick while working at the clinic made Edith realize how difficult it is, and she admired her for it.

Edith felt like she might be able to help Betty if she gave her the information she wanted, so she subtly dropped a hint.

I can’t get burned at this distance, Betty. And even if I do, there’s a recently developed skincare lotion that can make scars practically disappear.

… Skincare lotion? What kind of lotion is it?

As expected, Betty expressed her earnestness at the thought that she might be able to erase her sister’s scar.

It’s something our family is developing. If you need it, why don’t you apply for a job? People who work at the manor can freely use the lotion.

In reality, Edith’s words were only half true. Neither the Lowell family nor Lexion had ever developed a lotion that could treat burn scars.

However, it was true that a lotion that made burn scars almost non-existent was secretly distributed among noble ladies.

Arliss herb is imbued with magical energy, making it highly effective in skin regeneration. It should be able to treat burn scars without any difficulties.

However, Betty, who had reacted as if she had discovered a ray of light when told that there was a way to treat burn scars, paused when Edith suggested applying for a job.

Does she like working at the Baron’s manor?

While Edith was trying to figure out the reason for her hesitation, Betty bowed her head politely.

I appreciate you giving me this great opportunity, but I don’t think I can go through an interview. I have a prior commitment with the Baron.

Betty said and immediately added.

I’m sorry for refusing, but I was wondering if you could tell me where I could get the lotion you mentioned?

Even Edith could tell that each word Betty spoke was full of earnestness. When Edith remained silent, Betty added impatiently.

The Baron has been doing a little business with some nobles of the capital for a few years now, and recently there have been mages coming to the territory to help with the development, so I’m sure I’ll get my share of the promised money when it’s done.

Even though Betty didn’t explicitly mention the word ‘magicite,’ Edith couldn’t help but be surprised by the fact that the Baron was hiding a mine containing very valuable resources.

If they need mages to develop the mine… it must be a magicite mine.

Chills ran down Edith’s spine when she realized that it was a magicite mine that the Imperial Consort and her faction were secretly trying to monopolize.

A magicite is a mineral that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction depending on what magic it contains.

What do they want to use it for?

She heard from Theos that Gerturk had hired all the mages who worked like mercenaries, but now it felt like the pieces were finally coming together.

The longer Edith was silent as she continued to think, the more upset Betty became.

Well, M’lady…

If you get Arliss herb seeds and grow them in the shade for four months, and then make a decoction of the roots in clean water. Use it like a lotion; it is effective for burn scars.


It’s not quite as good as using the fruit themselves, but when it comes to treating burn scars, the sooner you start, the better.

After making sure that all the clothes were dry, Edith stood up.

M-m’lady! Can I at least say thank you…

It’s all right. Think of it as a reward in return for your kindness.

Betty stood there in a daze, watching Edith leave after giving her the information she had desperately wanted for years.

Having tried all sorts of medicines available at the local pharmacy, only to waste money without significant results, Betty felt fortunate to obtain valuable information.

I wonder if heaven sent me that noble lady after seeing me taking care of my Unnie?

As she watched Edith gradually move away, Betty thought to herself that one day, if she had the chance, she would definitely repay the kindness.


[At this year’s Rob-berry Fair, a small farm in the Lexion Territory won the victory ribbon.]

Gilbert was waiting in the room given to him by Baron Humphrey and reading newspapers published in the past few days.

‘Is rob-berry really the only thing to boast about in this territory? It’s been almost a week since the fair ended…’

Gilbert, who had entrusted Elizabeth to watch over the stableman imprisoned by Nicholas Fortrion, found it difficult to endure the boredom of the provincial territory.

He thought it was impressive that Elizabeth had survived for so many years in the countryside for his sake, but that was it.

Becoming the viscountess and inheriting the territory was a fortunate event for that child and Elizabeth.

Gilbert had no affection for his daughter. Elizabeth’s pregnancy was completely unexpected, unplanned, and unfortunate.

However, knowing that Elizabeth would work even harder for him if there was a child between them, he secretly arranged a place for her to give birth.

I thought Elizabeth’s maternal love would cool down after being away from her daughter for so many years, but it seems not.

Lately, seeing Elizabeth busy with her duties as a lady-in-waiting, Gilbert found himself often admiring her usefulness and competence.

When he saw her receiving the trust and praise that he himself failed to gain from Patricia, it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

If I finish this job well, Noonim will surely acknowledge me again.

Gilbert decided to shake off his gloomy thoughts and got up, walking toward the window.

Because the Baron’s manor was located on high ground, he could enjoy a clear view of the baron’s territory through the windows. It was also home to a lovely magicite mine.

It’s about time the Little Duke of Lexion and I cross paths there.

Gilbert, with a wicked smile, was waiting for the massive rocks of the mountain range to start rolling down.

The Little Duke of Lexion, unaware of the fact that a large quantity of magicites is buried nearby, will jump in to help with hunting as promised, and then, due to the activated magic, the rocks would come tumbling down…


The thunderous sound made Gilbert jump for joy. The dust from the mountain could be seen from this spot.

I’ll collect your body, Little Duke.

He did not doubt that tomorrow, the Little Duke of Lexion, a thorn in his side, and Baron Humphrey, who was not much help compared to his desires, would be crushed under the rocks.

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