The Lady and the Stableman

Rob-berry Fair (3)

If you’re trying to confirm my sincerity…

Baron Humphrey, noticing the change in Gilbert’s eyes, asked in a more cautious tone.

Gilbert gestured for those who had accompanied him to examine the mine to step outside for a moment before continuing.

Among the nobles, there are those who think that House Gerturk is of no particular importance and want to take advantage of our sweet water.

T/N: There is an expression, “Drink/ Sucking up sweet water,” used as a criticism when one pretends to be good to someone else but is only seeking personal benefit and then abandons that person.

That’s absurd. No way.

Baron Humphrey responded reflexively, but internally, he felt embarrassed. This was because he had thought that the Gerturks had nothing to boast about other than being relatives of the Imperial Consort.

However, now that Gerturk’s assistance was needed more than ever, the Baron demonstrated his loyalty to Gilbert and the Gerturks, hoping to gain recognition.

The moment it is discovered that an enormous amount of magicites is buried in the territory, it will all be taken away by the Imperial Family or other families. Therefore, forming an exclusive alliance with the Imperial Consort’s family is a better option.

Wouldn’t it be better to collaborate with the Imperial Consort, who will wield great power in the future?

The Baron considered contacting the Duke of Lexion first, but with so many powerful people in the aristocracy faction, he thought his share would be pitifully small.

So, Baron Humphrey politely said to Gilbert.

With the honor of the Humphreys at stake, I will prove my loyalty to Gerturk and Her Highness the Imperial Consort, no matter the test or challenge I have to face.

I’m glad to hear the Baron say that.

Gilbert rose from the sofa with a meaningful smile and went to stand in front of the map of the barony that Baron Humphrey had hung in his office.

Where is the magicite mine?

It extends from here to here. They say there’s no mine in the empire that can match the reserves here.” 

Baron Humphrey said in a voice full of pride as he pointed at the map. However, Gilbert was silently mocking him in his mind.

How foolish. It’s a complete magicite mine all the way to the nearby mountain range. I can’t believe you don’t recognize them.

The magicite mine known to Baron Humphrey was only a tiny fraction of the total reserves.

The Gerturks sent their own mages to investigate, discovering an enormous amount of magicite buried in about half of the mountain range within the territory. It was a blessing from God—an abundance that couldn’t even be envied by a gold mine.

Moreover, the significant quantity of magicite buried implied that magic could be woven into the mountain range itself.

It’s the perfect place to stage an accident and kill.

After making his decision, Gilbert pointed to a part of the map.

No matter what excuse you use, take the Little Duke here. I’ll instruct my mages to make the rocks in this area tumble down.


Baron Humphrey froze for a moment, contemplating inflicting a significant injury on none other than the Little Duke of Lexion. However, he couldn’t convey the difficulty of such an act to Gilbert, who looked at him with cold determination to confirm his loyalty.

Besides, Baron Humphrey had already received much from the Gerturks. Through their efforts, he gained entry into the capital’s social circles despite having no connections.

Well, it’s not poisoning, but staging an accident, so…

Moreover, the Baron did not doubt that Lexion considered him, having joined the Imperial Consort’s faction, a thorn in their side.

Actually, Lexion did not pay much attention to the movements of Baron Humphrey, as the Baron had only recently entered the capital’s social scene and wasn’t quite established yet.

Since there was no other way to disobey Gerturk’s order, the Baron hesitated before reaching a conclusion.

Or I could invite him on a hunt, given the area is full of wild beasts. It would be hard for him to decline when a neighboring territory asks for help.

I cannot express how delighted I am to accompany the Baron.

Gilbert smiled with satisfaction and patted Baron Humphrey on the arm.

In his head, he was imagining the substantial reward the Imperial Consort would give him if he could eliminate the Baron at once and take possession of the magicite mine.


I guess everyone from the neighboring territories attended. There are so many rob-berries.

As the carriage entered the square, Edith’s face lit up. Just seeing the baskets filled with fruits from a distance made her mouth water.

Walter chuckled, watching Edith’s eyes sparkle as she looked at the food.

There was no doubt that the little one in her womb was faithfully increasing Edith’s appetite.

Despite wearing a wig and looking different from usual, she still looked lovely as she swallowed the saliva pooling in her mouth.

I’ll buy you something of proven quality, so don’t eat anything offered to you randomly.

If you’ll buy me something later, I’ll try to hold out.

Edith responded jokingly and chuckled, but Walter was even more upset by the answer.

Her belly was now as full and round as a pregnant woman’s could be.

Even though he knew that the female knights of Lexion, who were dressed as capital nobles who had come to see the festival, and the people she met at the shipping area, would call her by the name Joelle at today’s fair as well, Walter was still very worried.

If one of the bastards who came from the capital under the Imperial Consort’s orders recognizes Edith, it would be obvious that they would target her while she is pregnant.

Seeing him tapping his knee, Cassius said slyly.

Don’t worry, Little Duke. If anyone looks at M’lady with suspicious eyes, I will stop them, even if it means posing as her lover.

Walter’s face darkened for an instant at Cassius’ joke. Edith, as well as the other guards who accompanied them as nobles, burst into small laughter while witnessing his reaction.

A fresh and sweet scent carried in the wind, announcing that they had arrived at the square where the Rob-berry Fair was being held.

The people filling the square paused as they noticed a large carriage coming to a halt.

Did the Little Duke of Lexion really come to this crop fair?

As if to answer a question someone had asked, Walter stepped out of the carriage. On the other side, three or four women stepped onto the ground, escorted by a blue-haired knight.

It was natural for them to be intrigued by the sight of such a rare visit from nobles to the Barony of Humphrey.

I suppose it is true that the Little Duke takes a personal interest in the affairs of the territory.

Our Duke is busy with important affairs for the kingdom, so it is right for the heir to take care of the territory.

The voices of the Lexion Territory residents were filled with pride. Franz Lexion had always been diligent in managing the territory, but it was a different story when his recognized heir personally inspected the territory.

The people of the barony, who knew that their lord was a useless man who only knew how to spend money and demand luxury goods, felt a strange sense of defeat.

Wa-wasn’t he engaged? Why is he coming alone? Where is his fiancée?

It’s no secret that the Little Duke is pampering his fiancée. He doesn’t take her out much, but he always brings her gifts.

Once again, the residents of Humphrey’s territory felt a sense of defeat for no reason, and they began to check if the rob-berries were still fresh.

Before long, when Baron Humphrey revealed himself to meet the Little Duke of Lexion, the feeling of defeat intensified.

Oh my! Little Duke, it’s an honor to meet you here. I am Baron Humphrey.

Nice to meet you, Baron.

The heir to Lexion, with his massive frame and handsome face, was the most eye-catching even in the middle of the square.

Baron Humphrey, on the other hand, who recently lagged behind in his territory affairs and shamelessly made his mark in the capital, looked ridiculous in his ill-fitting fur.

Is he going into psychological warfare with the Little Duke of Lexion, isn’t he? What the…

Tsk. If only he managed the territory well, I would at least listen to him and might give him some recognition…

The contrast between them became even more striking when the two sat side by side in the square to observe the fair.

However, indifferent to the cold gazes directed towards him by the residents of the territory, Baron Humphrey was not interested in the magnificent rob-berries, the pride of the people of the territory.

Actually, I can’t tell you how relieved I was to hear that you’d be joining us, Little Duke.

Now that you put it that way, I wonder, is there something you’re hiding that is beyond your control?

The Baron’s heart raced frantically as Walter feigned ignorance to find out more about the mysterious mine.

N-no. If he knew about the Magicite Mine, he wouldn’t be so relaxed.

The Baron finally calmed down and recalled the conversation he had with Gilbert.

Recently, wild beasts have been rampant in the northeastern part of the territory, so I thought I should take the young people out and go hunting. If you don’t mind, Little Duke, you could demonstrate your skills.

It sounds like you’re going to allow me to enter your territory armed.”


Walter was very relaxed as if he was playing with something he held in his palm. Just talking to the man in front of him gave him an inexplicable sense of defeat.

The Baron hesitated for a while before finally opening his mouth.

Well, it’s not like that… I’m asking for your help because we don’t have enough knights in our territory. The beasts are getting out of control.

If those who know swordsmanship lend a hand, it will be of great help.

Baron Humphrey spoke as if everything was to protect the residents from wild beasts.

Walter leaned back in his chair, chin resting on his hand, staring piercingly into the Baron’s eyes.


Meanwhile, Edith was in a large coffee house off to the side of the square, chatting with her escorts, who were disguised as nobles.

It’s clear that the coffee house was rented in the Baron’s name to keep his distinguished guests warm…

And just as expected, inside, the Baron’s servants were busily moving around, holding trays and attending to people.

Edith quickly realized who was watching the maids as they ran around the room with kettles and trays.

There she is.

Her gaze caught a middle-aged woman with a discerning look. She was dressed similarly to the maids, but her headpiece looked more expensive.

After confirming that the maid was being called by the name ‘Betty,’ Edith accidentally spilled the tea she was holding onto the hem of her skirt.

Oh… I’m sorry, but could someone please come over?

It was to meet the head maid who had worked at the Barony of Humphrey for several generations and was well-informed about the internal affairs of the estate.

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