The Lady and the Stableman

Elizabeth's Tears

What nonsense are you talking about? My daughter being sold?

Elizabeth asked reflexively. The following revelation was more shocking to her than the fact that Edith knew about her daughter.

Edith hadn’t even given evidence, but Elizabeth’s expression and demeanor had already turned cold.

Elizabeth, with a hobby of collecting messy rumors in high society, had heard stories about Baron Humphrey being like an excited puppy when it came to young children. For some reason, Gerturk maintained a close relationship with that man, who deserved to be castrated.

However, Edith’s revelation that her own daughter was involved in this was incredibly shocking.

Even though Elizabeth tried to tell herself not to be swayed by her words since there was no evidence to support her claim, it had no effect. This was because the incidents where the Count and the Countess, along with Gilbert, had subtly tried to separate Elise from her flashed across her mind.

The Count and Countess sold my Elise… That can’t be true…

That can’t be true… Is it really not possible?

Elizabeth questioned herself for a moment. As soon as Patricia gave birth to the previous Emperor’s child, the Count, and the Countess walked around with their necks held high as if House Gerturk had contributed to the founding of the Empire.

Did they adopt Gilbert’s illegitimate daughter, who was not even married to me, to raise and protect her?

As these thoughts crossed her mind, Elizabeth felt a sinking sensation beneath her feet.

However, believing that Elise would grow up safely in the county and marry into a good family was purely her conviction and hope. She believed so because she had no other choice but to become a spy in Fortrion.

However, as she listened to Edith’s words and gave herself time to think carefully, her once strong faith began to crumble.

Elizabeth clearly believed she had the upper hand just now. She planned to ask Edith what she could offer to keep quiet about her pregnancy from the Imperial Consort and her faction, who trusted her enough to propose that she become her lady-in-waiting.

The decision is yours, Elizabeth. For now, it’s up to you to decide whether or not to go to the arms of your people and tell them that I’m pregnant with Lexion’s heir’s child.

It was clear that Edith knew. That she would not stick with those who had done wrong to her daughter.

The more clearly and confidently she spoke, the more Elizabeth felt as if someone was stabbing her heart with a dagger.

If Elise’s resentful gaze towards me had a reason behind it…


Elizabeth dropped the wine glass she was holding, her face turning pale. Even as the sharp sound echoed, she didn’t react to the approaching palace servants.

I don’t think it’s a lie since she calmly walked away even after hearing that I knew about her pregnancy.

Elizabeth tightly gripped the handrail as if she was going to break it.

Certainly, the Gerturks had promised to cherish her daughter until she finished her work as a spy. It seemed like she needed to see with her own eyes what they were actually doing to her daughter.


What did you talk about?

Cassius asked Edith, who calmly slipped out of the balcony. He was willing to take action if Elizabeth threatened Edith or insulted her in any way.

However, Edith handed the empty wine glass to the servant with a calm expression.

You don’t have to worry, Cassius. Because the cards I had were better than what Elizabeth had prepared.

She had anticipated it, but Elizabeth broke down as soon as she realized something had happened to her daughter. She was usually so strong-willed, but she wondered if she was the same woman who had never been intimidated by the vicious Sophia.

It will be quiet for a while.

When Edith said that, Cassius couldn’t help but be impressed. Just a few weeks ago, they had been so annoyed by the newsletters that Elizabeth had funded.

I guess if she doesn’t like the news source, she’s going to strike at the root.

Even though his pupil received excellent teachings, Edith was organizing her surroundings with what she had learned on her own. Reaffirming this fact once again brought both admiration and relief.

He already knew this, but the woman Walter had chosen to raise his family with was stronger than he thought. So, now there was only one thing to worry about: Walter’s marriage proposal.

I think the matter has been resolved, and the lady seems to be in a good mood.

At that moment, when Cassius was feeling relieved, a commotion could be heard from the direction of the door.

Ladies and gentlemen, announcing the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor!

With the shout of the gatekeeper, the Emperor, adorned with splendid fur, came in at a leisurely pace.

Although his body was covered in flashy and expensive garments, his tired complexion from fighting his illness could not be concealed.

The Emperor seemed aware of this fact and took his time greeting the audience, verifying individually who among them remained loyal to him.

After receiving greetings while exchanging pleasantries, the Emperor had his assistant bring the brooch resting on a cushion.

We can’t keep the winner of the swordsmanship tournament waiting any longer. Little Duke of Lexion, come here for a moment.

With a wry smile, the Emperor spoke, prompting Walter to tidy up his ongoing conversation and step forward.

Exclamations of admiration erupted from all directions as they saw him, who even at first glance was different from ordinary people, from his physique to his demeanor.

I understand now why the Duke of Lexion’s complexion is bright these days.

The Emperor, too, having felt his exceptional presence upon his return to his family, inquired.

Walter Isaac Lexion. As soon as you appeared, you immediately won the tournament, endlessly elevating the honor of Lexion. I was very impressed by your swordsmanship. Did you learn them from your father?

Like everyone else, the Emperor seemed secretly curious about the true identity of his father. Walter answered simply, without adding or subtracting anything.

I inherited magic from my mother and learned the sword from another master.

I hope that the Little Duke will utilize his political power to bring order and stability when domestic and international affairs arise.

I will do so.

Walter bowed his head. The expressions on the faces of Count and Countess Gerturk, as well as the Imperial Consort at their side, strangely hardened, as if they did not know that these words were addressed to the aristocratic faction.

T/N: In my opinion, the last part of the sentence, seeing that the Gerturks do not belong to the aristocratic faction, means that the aristocratic faction has permission to act against them in case they make trouble.

As a luxurious brooch made of pure gold and large diamonds adorned his broad chest, the Imperial Consort stood up as if offended.

Edith watched him receive applause and congratulations from the people, regardless of whether the Imperial Consort went out or not.

I’m sure Mrs. Leah would have liked this sight.

Leah always expressed her belief in her son. There was infinite trust in her gaze every time she looked at Isaac.

Now, even members of other noble families were looking at him in the same way. It was a gaze that believed he would lead not only his own family but also the faction.

Walter was at the center of this moment. He was in a high place where no one could touch him, with eyes that seemed as if no one could tame him.

Watching the man who had stolen her heart exhibit a majestic appearance made Edith’s heart beat faster than any other act.

Taking advantage of her experience of secretly observing the stableman among the servants, Edith looked at him intently.

At that moment, his green eyes met hers as he was finishing his conversation with the Emperor.


Her cheeks turned red when she saw the corners of his eyes crinkle into half-moon shapes as if he knew she was watching him.

Cassius, give me just a moment.

Edith was thinking of heading back to the balcony to cool her face once again. However, Walter’s low voice caught her.

If you don’t mind, would you like to take a short walk, M’lady?

Walter seemed to excuse himself briefly from the people who were waiting to speak with him to approach her right away.

I was feeling a bit suffocated. It’s hot inside with all the people around.

Edith, instead of saying it got hot because of him, blamed the crowd and walked ahead. She could hear Walter chuckling lightly.

I saw you looking at me again, and I thought your cheeks turned red because of me.

I wonder how it must have felt to see your first love win a swordsmanship tournament and receive a brooch from His Majesty.

Walter couldn’t help but mention once again that he was her first love. However, he said it out of nervousness.

But her unexpectedly honest answer satisfied him even more.

You’re just like a wild horse.

Walter always stood out, capturing the attention of others, and not bending more than necessary even in front of the Emperor. It seemed that he wouldn’t be tamed in any situation and would move according to his own will.

But why? Walter, who heard her honest impressions, raised the corners of his mouth as if he were very satisfied.

There must be a reason why you chose a horse among the many, many animals.

At that moment, Edith couldn’t help but recall the time when she was a child and embarrassed Mrs. Leah with an innocent question.

Lady Leah. Why does that horse have five legs?

Well, Edith, that’s…

Back then, even if she had seen Walter smirking as he does now, she might not have noticed the confidence hidden within it.

Edith couldn’t tell if Walter had transformed her into a mischievous person or if it was because of her imagination running wild about reuniting with Isaac and starting a romantic relationship.

Why is M’lady smiling all of a sudden?

Just being with you makes me smile.

Edith smiled, playfully raising her eyebrows. Looking back, she realized that it had been the same even in the dreary surroundings of Fortrion Manor. Being with this man, even in that oppressive place, had made her feel liberated.

Her eyes formed a crescent moon shape. Walter, gazing at the reflection of himself trapped within those eyes, knelt before her.

Edith Lowell.

Walter touched her hand, which stiffened slightly at the sudden action. His fingertips moved slowly along her veins.

His heart was beating as loudly as it had when he first took her hand. He hadn’t trembled in the presence of the Emperor, and now he was afraid he was going to spout nonsense like a fool.

Walter delicately pressed his lips against the back of her hand and spoke.

They say that if the winner of the swordsmanship tournament makes a ring out of the brooch received from the emperor and proposes, the couple will be happy.

Now that I’ve received the brooch, I want to know your ring size.

Edith became nervous. The veins that his lips touched seemed to be slowly overflowing. His green eyes, looking at her, clearly revealed that this was a proposal.


If you tell me what size ring will fit your hand, I’ll give you everything I have.

The heartbeat ringing in her ears like a drum, the fading background as he knelt down, and even the throbbing heartbeat in her chest were exactly like the time in her childhood when he proposed with a ring made of wildflowers.

Both cheeks turned red as if the heat of his lips kissing the back of her hand had finally reached her face.

Even though her heart was beating so fast that she felt dizzy, the image of him kneeling in front of her was clearer than ever.

The moment she laid eyes on him, Edith knew that this scene would be forever engraved in her mind, just like when Isaac first kissed her on the lips.

I will, Walter. I’ll only say it to you from now on.

Edith smiled as she accepted the brooch that Walter held out.

Back then, you were the only one who told me what kind of ring suits my finger, Walter.

Even if you were to lose your memory again, I won’t tell anyone else.

She accepted his proposal with a voice that trembled slightly with happiness. But for some reason, Walter’s expression stiffened for a moment at the absurd assumption that he would lose his memory again and then softened.

Just now…

Edith, who couldn’t take her eyes off his face, couldn’t miss that fleeting reaction.

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