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HHLP Chapter 8

You Make Loneliness Fade

Episode 8. You Make Loneliness Fade


Ar went to the village to sell wild boar meat.

Upon arrival, she noticed an unusual air of excitement. People bustled about, moving goods here and there. Wooden tables had been set up in the village square.

“Jeff! Move that over there.”

“No, no, Hans, you can’t bring that here. It goes over there.”

“Mary, I brought what you needed earlier!”

The square was teeming with activity. Young men worked together to carry heavy loads, while the adults polished tools and organized items.

Everyone in the village seemed to be preparing for something.

As usual, Ar didn’t blend into the lively atmosphere.

She quietly walked to the shop she intended to visit.

After selling the boar meat at a fair price, she went to the grocer to buy spices that Leon had asked for.


Ar blinked, unsure if she’d heard correctly.

“I’m telling you, that’s the price! Pepper’s expensive, don’t you know?”

The shopkeeper spoke irritably, wiping down shelves in a petty attempt to shoo her away.

“You’re looking for something you’ve probably never even tasted. Why complain about the price? What bad luck…”

He muttered, lowering his voice toward the end as though he feared confrontation.

Ar mentally counted her coins. She had brought what she thought was plenty after her last experience with sugar prices, but it wasn’t enough.

The cost of the small jar of pepper was nearly equivalent to the price of the mule she’d lost in the forest.

“So this is the actual price?”

The shopkeeper’s face tensed as she absentmindedly toyed with the dagger at her waist.

The carcass of a squirrel hung nearby, its glassy eyes reflecting the light eerily.

“Y-yes! I wouldn’t dare cheat you! Pepper is rare and expensive. It’s something only nobles usually have.”


Watching his trembling demeanor, Ar noted that he didn’t seem to be lying. She turned to leave, muttering to herself.

“I’ll have to hunt foxes.”

Fox pelts were always in high demand. If she hunted a few, skinned them without damage, and tanned the hides, she could earn enough to buy the pepper.

Hurrying home through the bustling village, someone called out to her.

“Hey, you there!”


“Yes, you. Come here.”

The person was an administrator from the lord’s castle, someone she recognized from previous dealings regarding executions.

“There’s a task for the upcoming village festival.”




The Harvest Festival.

A day to celebrate the end of summer’s hard labor and enjoy the fruits of the harvest before winter.

Special wine provided by the lord’s castle warmed people’s faces, and lively music filled the square, adding to the festive mood.

Young couples and families danced hand in hand, laughter ringing through the air.

Meanwhile, Ar swung her heavy knife with precision.


Each strike resonated with a dull sound, making the onlookers flinch.

She was tasked with slaughtering and butchering livestock brought by the villagers for the festival.

People gathered around to watch, some covering their noses, others hurling taunts.

“Hey! Make it more exciting!”

“Yeah, chop it up differently this time!”

“She’s just swinging that blade the same way over and over. Boring!”

Though they mocked her, they couldn’t hide their curiosity, craning their necks to watch the gruesome spectacle.

Ignoring them, Ar focused on her work.

When the job was done, she received her payment in meat, cheese, butter, and grain.

Thanks to the festive spirit, she even received some leftover food.

Carrying her goods, she made her way to the forest at the edge of the village.

Passing through the lively crowd, Ar observed friends and lovers calling out to each other, their laughter mingling with the cheerful melodies.

Everyone was connected, yet she remained on the outside, a solitary observer.

As she walked, she imagined herself and Leon joining the dance.

In her mind’s eye, they held hands, twirling and laughing among the crowd. Her chest fluttered at the thought, but reality quickly sobered her.

It was an impossible dream.




“Welcome back.”

Leon greeted her as she entered their home, lifting his gaze from the book he was reading.

Suddenly overcome with emotion, Ar dropped everything and threw herself into his arms.

“Ar, what’s wrong—?”

“Why don’t you call my name?”

Leon blinked in surprise. His usually bright, cheerful eyes filled with concern as he looked up at her.

“Something happened, didn’t it? Tell me.”

“…Your voice. Say my name.”

Staring into his deep blue eyes, Ar stubbornly repeated her plea.

“My name.”

“First, why don’t you tell me what happened to you…”

“You don’t know it?”


Leon sighed softly, looking at her earnest gaze, then met her eyes seriously.


At the sound of her name, Ar exhaled deeply, her shoulders dropping as if a weight had been lifted.

She leaned into him completely, allowing herself to relax.

Feeling the weight she entrusted to him, Leon gently patted her back and whispered again.


He repeated her name several times as she had wanted, watching her expression gradually soften.

Once she seemed calmer, he asked her what had happened in the village.

Ar’s eyes darted away, hesitant. She had let her feelings overwhelm her, seeking comfort from Leon, but explaining her emotions as they were felt embarrassing.

She wanted to show only her best side to him.

Then, she remembered the jar of pepper in her possession.

“Look at this.”

Ar opened the lid of the jar, revealing the pepper inside.

“I bought this for you. It’s expensive.”

Proudly, she explained that she had traded several fox pelts for it.

Although this time she only hunted foxes, she boasted about her ability to catch deer or even bears if needed, showcasing her skills.

Leon couldn’t help but smile at her. While it was amusing that she bragged over something so small, he also appreciated how precious pepper must be to commoners like her.

Her pride in being able to procure something so rare was endearing.

Praising her efforts, he took the pepper jar to the kitchen, mulling over how best to use it.




Leon thought back to dishes he had eaten before.

Pepper-roasted meats were a luxury, but such a dish would use up the entire jar in one go.

Instead, he opted for a simpler approach, seasoning wild boar meat with pepper and salt before setting it aside to marinate.

As he waited for the meat to rest, Leon decided to prepare a treat to lift Ar’s spirits.

He boiled sugar into caramel, then heated milk with sugar, carefully controlling the heat. After mixing in beaten eggs, he poured the mixture into bowls lined with caramel.

He boiled water, stabilized the bowls with cloth to prevent them from tipping, and watched closely to ensure they didn’t overcook.

Ar, drawn by the sweet aroma wafting through the air, peeked into the kitchen, her curiosity piqued.

Feeling her eager gaze, Leon smiled and overturned a bowl onto a plate, revealing a wobbly caramel pudding.

Ar’s eyes widened in wonder as the pudding jiggled slightly on the plate.

“Eat it with the brown sauce.”

Leon said, placing a spoon in her hand.

Without hesitation, Ar took a large bite, her expression lighting up as the pudding’s creamy texture and sweetness delighted her.


What followed was predictable.

Having discovered the joy of sugary desserts, Ar was utterly captivated.

She scraped the plate clean, savoring every last drop of caramel sauce.

Leon watched her with a fond smile, amused by her childlike enthusiasm.

Feeling full and content after her treat, Ar announced she was ready to rest.

She pulled Leon to a chair, climbed onto his lap, and stretched out like a satisfied cat finding the perfect spot to nap.

Leon gently patted her back, her warmth seeping into him as he quietly asked about her day.

Drowsy and relaxed, Ar murmured answers, recounting the villagers’ preparations for the festival, the tables piled high with bread and meat, and the lively music that inspired people to dance together.

Leon’s chest tightened as she described it all.


“Why do you keep calling me that? It’s weird.”

Ar interrupted, turning to him and pressing her hand to his lips.

Leon leaned away from her fingers and tried again.

“Then, how should I address you?”

“Use my name. Speak casually.”

“Casually… if not ‘you,’ then what—”


Ar didn’t need words. Cutting him off with a kiss, she showed him exactly how he should address her.


Leon flushed at the sudden gesture and hesitated before speaking again.

“This is so sudden—”



Her actions spoke louder than her words.

As her requests continued, Leon gave in, a resigned look crossing his face.

“Ar. I said it properly this time—”


“You’re just making excuses now.”

“I just felt like it.”

She said when he protested.

Her affectionate attacks left Leon with no choice but to wrap his arms around her, holding her firmly against his chest.

He wasn’t immune to the unwavering, pure love she showed him.

‘What am I supposed to do with her?’

He sighed softly, letting himself be swept up in her warmth.

Unable to resist, he pressed a light kiss to the top of her head—so subtle she didn’t even notice.

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